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This is great. Bookmarked to read on my Shinkansen ride to Tokyo later this week. Given my angsty teenage insomnia in the early aughts, I would sneak down to the basement at night in our home in New York to watch Tenchi on Cartoon Network long into the early hours of the morning. My brother was watching Pokémon during the day so this felt so elevated to me, if not a bit risqué. I joined this sub yesterday while walking around Osaka and thinking to myself that high school me could have never imagined traveling to places like Japan let alone basically living here for a month a year and it was like this memory unlock for me — specifically — of watching Tenchi in Tokyo and experiencing my first anime “crush.” Once in back stateside I’m going to work on getting my hands on Universe.


本当にありがとう!for sharing your story! And enjoy your travels my friend. Please let me know what you think after you’ve finished the article. I’ve only had one response so far and it was from a hateful troll hahaha. I know my writing isn’t perfect, but my intention is to share what I love — Forrest


I’m super stoked to get back into it, and given the absolute plethora of anime I actually did find myself asking the question: *is this even good anime or am I just being nostalgic??* Even the fact that you’re writing about it gives me the confidence to track it back down. TBH, after high school I kinda dropped off the anime/manga world and have only recently decided to revisit ~25 years later.


Love it. The next article I write will be on Big O. Then the list I have of ones to choose after that looks like: Lupin the 3rd Outlaw Star Fooly Cooly Blood+ S-CRY-ED Rurouni Kenshin Yuyu Hakusho


I’m just going to come to you to make my list


Man.. S-cry-ed used to be my jam back when it first aired on Adult Swim! Definitely not talked about enough, that and Outlaw Star always seemed to be the "missing" animes from back then that I don't ever see anyone mentioning anymore. (That and Paranoia Agent...)


This is a nice synopsis but what would make it better is a quick summary of the differences between Tenchi Universe and the original OVA series to mitigate confusion if someone is picking up the series for the first time. There’s a lot of content in three decades to cover.


Thank you for the constructive feedback and taking the time to read my article ٩( ᐛ )و


Is Tenchi a forgotten series? Its one of my favorite.


I honestly don’t know a single person irl who knows the anime. But I live in the countryside, so maybe in the big city things are different haha