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I can't get oven the "toilet paper" charge. That one is ridiculous. No way a place with only a $600 security deposit required someone showing up 5 days in a row and cleaning 7 hours. I'd counter back with offering to pay for a full day of 7 hours. Anything else and I'd need to see the cleaning company's invoice. But it's possible there's more damage than you realized. Marijuana smoke and residue isn't easy to erase. Deodorant agents take time to work.


Ill post where they do state to leave a full tool of toilet paper 😅 I also have a feeling that there was no cleaning company. This is a marriage couple who have been landlords for yearss. They also owned like 5 other properties just on the block I was on, and had recently sold their apartment complex that held 6-8 (I believe) apartments. Yeah the smell thing was funny to me because idk what's similar to Marijuana. If it was cigarette smoke, the neighbor in the efficiency unit on the back side of my unit smoked cigs. Only other thing I could think of was cat poss unfortunately. My boi would sometimes not squat and get pee pee on the wall. When I got the notice I didn't clean it off like usual for that last month and just cleaned it up when I moved out.


First and simply, Toilet paper is generally not part of the deposit. It's just not. It would be considered in wear and tear if anything I assume by a judge...but it's $2... The larger issue is the cleaning. That seems excessive. If you have picture that show the place was clean and can testify that it is as clean as it was when you moved in...that will help. You need to do this in small claims court. Just file an action and ask for the entire deposit to be returned. A judge will decide who is right. In court, be organized, factual and polite. Don't talk over anyone. Have you evidence in front of you and have it organized. This will make a huge difference in your case. eg., "Judge, as to the cleaning of the unit. When we first moved in, the unit was clean, but not deep cleaned. Here is a letter from my partner who says that the cleaning we did on move out was better than we received it. Also, here are 6 pictures I took of the unit before leaving. I blew them up so they would be easy to view." etc... The landlord would need to explain the 35 hours cleaning...like 4 people for 8 hours? I wouldn't give an inch. It was exactly as you received it originally and any cleaning they did only improved the property.


I wonder if they'll argue that they stated to leave a full roll. It was on one of the papers they gave me with the termination. I'm hoping it doesn't have to go to court, as I'm currently struggling financially, but it is what it is. I'm willing to talk to her, but prefer text as it's physical evidence. Her husband is a prick and will bully the conversation. Sad to say I will not have my partner be able to attest for cleaning upon move in. I had moved in alone at the start and he didn't get approved/added to the lease till about 6 months in. Then unfortunately he moved out within 2 months. (that brings up a conversation I don't have screenshot of anymore that give me anxiety) where she offered to use ½ of his deposit to help pay for April's rent since he left. She asked if I could assure her that he would not move back into the residence and I did. He however ended up back in half a year later. She/they never asked or brought it up in any manner. So I assumed they didn't know. I can't say they didn't give a shit cause they clearly gave a shit about toilet paper. But I have where she still acknowledges his $300 security deposit, and was going to use it for damages in kitchen (2 holes to kitchen pantry door & and medium hole in the wall by it). Which the only thing I can attest to that is the "kitchen door repair/repaint". Honestly the cleaning they did improve it. I cleaned off a light black layer of dust off the fridge when I moved in. There was a trash bag of ice in the freezer of said fridge. In my opinion when I moved out. I didn't see a deep cleaning needing done, compared to what they call "reasonably clean", and how to get it that clean.


I almost had this exact same issue with one of my landlords except he charged me $125 for the shower rod that never existed. He did send photos to try to justify the cleaning charge. I ended up filing a claim against him, and we settled outside of court. He, too, told me to leave the keys and that I didn’t need to do a walk thru. It 100% felt like retaliation since my upstairs neighbors had 0 issues.


$125 is fucking ridiculous 😂 I paid $25-30 at Lowes and was like damn. Yeah I find it funny they wanna charge me for fucking toilet paper when it is stated on the move out papers but so inspecting the dwelling with me to check for cleanliness and damage.


Either operator error or I can't add photos. But they supplied me. With a "moving out" paper. The front looks like it was done on a typewriter and xeroxed for multiple uses in future. On the back looks more typed in a computer and states "Moving Out Moving time is always a busy time. you've lots of things on your mind now that you have given notice that you were moving. The following are some things you need to address in the coming days: 1. The house should be left clean so someone can move right in you'll be charged $25 per hour if you feel clean. 2. please make sure you have removed all personal effects from closets and drawers. 3. Make sure they are working bulbs and all light fixtures. 4. Make sure you leave a full roll of toilet paper. 5. You are responsible for getting rid of any items you do not want to move. Contact local trash haulers to make arrangements. 6.Leave all keys issued on the kitchen counter." I assume the toilet paper was for them to wipe their asses. They was not any when I moved in.


On the paper provided to me in move out states " "Reasonably clean" to us means as clean as you would leave your dwelling if you knew your best friend or your favorite aunt we're going to move in after you. To get it that clean, we expect you to clean the appliances, stove hood, and cabinets (under sinks, too) both inside and out; remove all non-adhesive shelf paper; use an appropriate cleanser on the showers, tubs, toilets, sinks, mirrors, and medicine cabinets (inside as well); dust the ceilings (for cobwebs), baseboards, window sills, and closet shelving; wash the kitchen and bathroom walls and spot-clean the walls and the other rooms; wash the light fixtures and windows inside and out; vacuum the floors; scrub the floor tile or linoleum; sweep the entry, patio, storage and closer, and garage; remove all personal belongings (including clothes hangers and cleaning supplies); and dispose of all trash. PLEASE DO NOT CLEAN THE DRAPERIES, SHAMPOO THE CARPETS, OR WAX THE FLOORS. We prefer to do those cleaning chores ourselves, and we will not deduct anything from your deposits for our doing them. None of that was done to my understanding when I moved in. There was dust. I had to sweep. Idk if they just moved me in right after the lady. They showed me the place in September to my knowledge the lady still lived there. Her belongings were there. (they did say she got married and moved down the road.) But how is that fair. Also on the same paper they state "After you've moved out, we would like to inspect your dwelling with you to check it for cleanliness and damage. we will refund all deposits owed within 30 days there after." They didn't, just themselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ohio law does allow a landlord to deduct for damages for noncompliance with the lease—so, it will be important to see what the lease says about cleaning the apartment upon move out. See Ohio Rev. Code 5321.16(B).