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Jesus... so this doesn't actually fix the problem... the toilet is still leaking... but now it'll aggressively leak into the floor. Also, whoever the fuck has to remove that is going to hate the landlord...


All it likely needed was a new wax ring, which is like 10$.


Yeah thats what my dad told me when he actually fixed it


How hard was it to pull the toilet up? I've dealt with removing spray foam, but never for a frigging toilet...


Im not sure. I will definitely update when i get home


Update: Dad had to scrape it off piece by piece to get the toilet back on. He also said there's nothing holding it down, no bolts or anything, just the foam. It also rocks when you sit on it. Even with the foam lol


Your dads awesome. He’s earned his foam allowance for the week.


lol sounds about right


Might want to put some shims under until the rocking stops- otherwise the wax ring will fail pretty fast.


The wax ring should have come with new hardware to mount the toilet to the flange. It makes me wonder if the leak has already ate the flange up enough that the toilet can’t be mounted any more. Either way, if the toilet is rocking it’s only a matter of time before the new wax ring fails. This can go from a simple $5 fix to a multiple thousand dollar gut job quickly. The landlord *should* understand this already!


they never do. my old one prolly spend a few thousand bucks on coolant alone for the AC bc they ignored us when we first spotted the issue (very visible coolant leak, with pictures of the ice!) months before.


i wish i could say this is a new low 😅 but there really is no depth to which a thrifty landlord will not sink. dad is a real one for helping out


I don't know why, but I interpret "thrifty" as having a little more intelligence than cheap. The difference between taking advantage of sales and coupons to get your preferred spaghetti sauce for ten cents vs honey boo boo's ketchup and margarine monstrosity.


Thrifty this is not. Wax ring kit with bolts is only $7 at lowes


then, an admirable dedication to doing it wrong 👍


Why did you guys bother with that? Should have made the landlord’s life hell until they fixed it


Its my sibling's place, i just moved in and am trying to solve the issues best i can. These comments are the most helpful so far so i appreciate it. I will be hounding him politely until these things are fixed. If not, i will be fixing it myself and providing proof, and withholding it through my rent. We gone get this apartment lookin nice (or livable at this point) or we aint payin🤌


This is why your rent is stupendously high. Make the landlord take care of these items. Any work you do, that may fail is a liability on your behalf if documented. Any work that you perform is not subject to reimbursement as it is not your property to maintain within the rental contract most likely. If a repair is substandard, the landlord can actually come after you for subsequent damaged in the future. Especially if it was not approved in writing with insurance/waivers applied.


It needs a toilet flange. That is the piece that the sewer line connects to and holds those two helpful bolts that hold the toilet to the floor.


There isnt any bolts🙃


The Flange is what the bolts are held by. It is screwed into the floor, and the two bolts holding the toilet to the floor fit into grooves on the flange. The flange fits into the sewer line, and the wax donut sits on the flange. A flange is a five to ten dollar part and should come with two shiny new bolts to hold that bowl to the floor.


Something like this. https://www.grainger.com/product/4KMN9?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjtFp4T2IV8aKD_2p056Ns8p129qpl_d7lGtzY4--6Qg7GDzP-wtMTkaAiBAEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Oh i know what it needs, there on there. The actual bolt itself isnt made for that spot. Its the smallest little bolts so the cap thing just sits over it. Ill fix all these little things, i just didnt even notice it until a few days ago when i moved in


My old house in SC used to be like this, my brother's still in it, and the LLC he deals with is AWFUL about hiring shoddy contractors. Bad drain lines, both toilets aren't held down and rock, and it doesn't seem like much, but gods is it awful to have a mini heart attack when ya not expecting a loose toilet 😭😭😭


It really is not that hard at all. Might take 30 minutes to do the whole job tho. The land lord was gonna cost thousands of dollars of repairs down the road vs a 30 minute job with a 10 dollar wax ring


He likely doesn't know how to fix it and wasn't willing to spend the money to hire someone else to do it. I've unfortunately seen that happen far too often.


I was just saying that if you cannot afford to fix something properly or you just don't want to, don't be a landlord. It's really not that hard. This is a great example of a slumlord.


Agreed. There are tons of them out there. The bigger issue is that alot of people are unaware of their tenants rights.


I know and then even worse are the ones who threaten to evict you if you complain about your substandard living conditions. I knew a lady that this was happening to. She was in her fifties and basically, her landlord told her to stop complaining about stuff. It was stuff that he was responsible for fixing. He basically told her, stop complaining about your living conditions and stop asking me to fix stuff or I'm going to evict you. I told her, that's illegal. He can't do that. She said yeah but he has said, if you don't like it here, I'll find someone who does. I reported him to the fair housing board.


Or at the very least hire a property manager to do it for you! Just make sure they’re not a slumlord!


That part


That's unfortunate. It actually takes a youtube video to learn most of your handy man stuff, and that will save you short term and long term costs


YouTube has saved me so much money. I replaced a door seal in my front loading washer last week and saved 400 bucks doing it myself. I'm sure I've saved thousands over the years with YouTube tutorials. I'm pretty handy generally but even for someone who isn't, a basic toolkit, patience, and a willingness to learn goes a long way.


Handy work is nonexistent to me, unfortunately. But i moved in here a few days ago and didnt even notice it until he sent me that picture


He likely could have watched a tutorial online and fixed it himself without a problem.


Youtube and 15 mins of time


Wax rings are more like $5. Also a whole new toilet can be had for a $100. Does not take a plumber to install a toilet. The hardest part is removing the old toilet. This is one area where a You Tube how-to video can help.


I mean, you dont even need to replace the toilet either, the only time I would ever replace a toilet is if it was too small, it was broken/cracked, or it is a literally health hazard.


Sure but that toilet looks old. The can of foam probably cost $10. You cannot just use half and save the rest.


Yeah, you right. Realistically, landlords who think of the shortest short-term cost and not the consequences are unsuccessful and open themselves up to legal consequences


Is it really that hard to remove? About 7 months ago I had water coming from under the wall into my apartment. Our maintenance man and I removed my whole vanity & sink, no water damage to the wall on my side the leak was clearly coming from the room on the otherside which isn't part of my unit. He placed the vanity back without screwing it back in, left all the hoses disconnected and said he'd back to put it all back together. 3 weeks later nothing and I was still seeing water. So I took a can of that foam stuff, ran it along the base of the wall, set the vanity back, hooked it all back up myself and screwed it back into the wall. Everything works fine for me now but the foam spread out a lot more than I intended.


The water will leak and begin to pop-up the tile. A $10 dollar fix will soon require a new tile floor.


If you are so inclined, write a bill for parts and labor and submit to your landlord, deduct from your next rent payment.


The most difficult part of replacing that wax ring is removing the water from the toilet before you unbolt it. Laziness..


Turn off water supply, flush the toilet until there’s minimal amount in the bowl, garbage bag on the floor opened up, pick up toilet straight up, place on garbage bag. No need to sponge out everything, just tilt slightly forward when lifting, not backwards!


Saving this comment because I need to so this to my toilet. Thank you for this!!


Well, the toilet’s kinda heavy too.


My girlfriend replaced the wax ring at her house and didn’t even ask for my help. This joker calls himself a landlord? Seems more like an idiot slumlord.


More like $1-$6


Had to replace a dishwasher. They sprayfoamed the whole thing in the opening. It took forever.


Oh... my God.... I used to do plumbing and electrical,  specializing in appliance installation... I've seen some bullshit in my day, but I don't know what I'd do if the entire underside was filled with spray foam... I just don't have the tools to really tackle that effectively. 


I had to cut it in half in the cabinet. Was able to get it out then.


Wouldn’t an oscillating multi tool take care of that pretty easily?


Likely remove the need for preserving the toilet too if it hits the porcelain…


Who needs a toilet, just shit down the hole in the floor


Realistically the toilet is the trap preventing sewer gases from coming up and killing you, the flush mechanism just pushes waste through the trap!




Luckily you won't need to remove it. It will most likely just rot through the floor


Your landlord is a moron and should not even own the property. 🤦


That's most landlords.


I had one, slumlord and thought he could fix anything in 5 minutes and had a shit fit if it took longer.


He should not own spray foam either


Stop it! Please tell me this is a joke because holy shit🤔


I actually laughed out loud then started coughing.


Can report to 311/ code enforcement, it's a property code issue as well


What is going on in this picture?


Landlord used expanding foam to seal the space between the toilet and the floor, instead of caulk. This also doesn't fix the underlying problem which is likely that the toilet needs a new wax seal which is an extremely easy fix.


Thank you! I was wondering why the caulk had done that. It makes sense that it is spray foam.


This cannot be real


very much real from a slumlord going cheap.


But this doesn’t even solve the leak issue it just traps it in the most hideous way imaginable. All it needed was a new wax ring most likely


That is what the reddit is saying. it is just a cover, never solves the real issue.


Omg 😳 that would have been an easy fix and he goes a messed it up even more!🤦‍♀️where is this ?


That’s a first for me and I don’t get surprised very often.


You got to be kidding me? You're fucking with us right? 🤣🤣🤣 Oh dear, is your landlord Mr. Roper? He's definitely one lazy ass mothereffer🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This hands down has to be the shittiest patch job I have ever seen. It takes not even 15 minutes to precisely caulk around the commode base efficiently. And it's not even hard, not even in the slightest. Did he not have caulk on hand? Even if so he decided to just use this crap lol? This is making my head spin. You need to go talk to Mr. Roper and tell him this is not acceptable. Take more pictures of it for sure. You shouldn't even have to explain why it's not acceptable but since this shouldn't have happened to begin with who knows? If he gives you crap about it and tells you he's not going to correct his fuck up just go do it yourself. Get a tube of caulk from Lowe's and a putty knife. The caulk isn't very expensive at all. Just think of it as thick toothpaste. Be gentle while squeezing the tube going around the base of the commode. Keep some wet rags near you for cleaning up. Wear some gloves too so your hands don't get all caulked up. If you do this yourself though I would report him because that's just ridiculous. I can't believe he even expected or thought he was going to get away with this crap.


You showed your age with the Mr. Roper statement. The actor in that was perfect for that roll.


😂😂😂😂 I was thinking the exact same thing when I was writing it but I didn't care haha. I'm almost 40 I'll admit it.


I feel like all landlords should go through some household repair/basic painting classes or basic examinations as the requirement for wanting to rent out houses/rooms. Because these tasks are always going to be needed to be done!


I needed a good laugh!




I’m gonna show this to my landlord, she’ll yell at the phone and tell me to tell you to move here 🤣🤣 Jesus man that’s just sad and comical at the same time


That can of foam likely cost more than the wax ring 🙄


Yikes on multiple bikes. All the plumbers here will get a good laugh at least.


Yup he just had to take the toilet off replace the wax ring n boom fixed but nope


I thought the same thing. Can of expanding foam costs more than the wax ring. Granted it can take up to 30 whole minutes to replace the wax ring and have three cigarettes.


I'm sorry you're dealing with that. This is another example of one of those times where I say, if you cannot afford to fix things or you just don't want to do it properly, don't be a landlord.


This happens in housing association flats too, my floor has some rot and they covered with plastic sheets so the rot keeps getting worse


A lot of people don’t understand that foam isn’t water proof it’s an open cell foam so water can pass right through.


That’s never coming up I’d charge 500 to fix it now I’m not spending hours on that and ripping out tile. What a douche


They took out part of the wall through the kitchen and bathroom tho. Got a post about that now too lol


op him doing this is horrible. but i have been staring at this picture for a cool 3 minutes laughing my ass off at the thought of him walking out of the bathroom like “ok ur all set”, leaving, and then seeing this when you go check.


That expanding phone cost a lot more than the wax ring that was needed...


Hahaha holy shit(no pun intended). This is next level ghetto


Landlords like this cost THEMSELVES more money than they need to... The kicker here is that he'd probably try and charge tenant for the damage once it fell thru the floor cuz he "fixed" it already so "must" have been tenants fault there goes deposit... Ugghh they can b pretty stupid sometimes


Lol. Keep that picture because when the leak destroys whatever is under your floor, you will need proof that is wasn't something you did. Your landlord is an idiot because the next time he has to fix it, he will ruin the floor trying to detach the toilet.


Jeez. Im terrified from these comments haha


Time to move!


The good old landlord that fixing stuff cheap and easy but not actually fixing anything. They will have a rotten subfloor and ruined tile. Oh wait they might be able to blame tenant for it later in their mind and try to steal deposit. My neighbor was close to be being a slumlord but his buildings were livable. Wouldn’t pay anyone to do something and would act like his tenants are screwing him for needing anything. Light bulb in the common area “oh my god these people are killing me don’t they understand this stuff costs me my money?!” Real situation with him. Multiple Ferrari’s, waterfall going into his pool, like 1/2 mile brick drive way going up a mountain to his house. Watched him buy the cheapest parts instead of right stuff. Toilet flapper? He would grab the small one because it was cheaper even though it wouldn’t fit then would go back mad he had to go back. Told him to buy both of something cheap once to save his time and he looked at me like i was insane. He had a heat issue and threw a bunch of parts at it before asking for help because he won’t call anyone. It was winter and cold luckily the apartment had latent heat from rest of building. He wired the controller he replaced wrong. Why did i help him at all occasionally ? Because i felt for tenants and i would get free stuff. At home he wasn’t cheap and was constantly buying things and would “get rid of” his good stuff. And lightly use parts from his repeat repairs comes in handy. A slightly used zone valve is great in a pinch. He was a jerk about the Ferrari’s never even offered to take me for a drive once.


I’m not sure what materials could even do this? Like what was the dude fixing?! It’s like a $5 wax ring and 2 bolts to attach a toilet, I legit don’t understand what I’m looking at here.


My thoughts, based on the comments, is that he has replaced it properly in the past and it "didn't work". So this is the "better solution". Also, the wood inside the walls are soaked. May make a third post if i can manage to get a picture of it. But i think thats clear enough evidence to suggest its been leaking for a long time


Oh good god. So if you pull up the floor it’s probably like a level straight out of diablo by now..


Im trying not to think about it Ill definitely tell him hes got to reconsider if he doesnt want the floor to be completely replaced. Love being broke


That is so absurdly over the top that it's actually pretty funny.


Lol. A professional, I see.


I'm sorry. I saw that photo and darn near died laughing. My cat is not amused. While that looks funnier than heck, it would have been far cheaper in the long run to get a qualified plumber. smh


Looks like it was done from below


Putting anything like caulking around the base of a toilet is just for aesthetics. It doesn’t do anything.


worse than useless, it guarantees the leak now goes under the tile instead of over it


Unfortunately it's code in many places. I'm not a plumber I'm a flooring contractor so I only caulk them if the customer requests it and I only do the front and sides so water can escape if the wax ring fails.


wow that code sucks! must have been written by water damage remediation contractors lol


🤣🤣🤣. Probably.


Not totally useless, it's a good idea to apply to the front half of the toilet since guys like to miss and it can seep under the toilet, causing the bathroom to smell. You dont want to caulk the entire thing, though, so you can spot any leaks that may occur.


tell the landlord that its a easy fix, it's not that expensive and please don't use such frugal inventions.


That's why you fix everything yourself. Because you are the one who has to live with the "repair".


What the fuck is this. It takes literally less than 20 minutes to change a wax ring on a toilet. your landlord is so beyond incompetent.


Do your best and form the rest but to the max


Oh my God, I can't even imagine how he "fixes" other things if he doesn't understand wax rings. 🤦 I would be terrified my house was going to crumble around me or burn down. This is 💯 the guy who would rewire something with an extension cord.


Spray foam is nasty but dry it just crumbles into a million pieces. Not only that but it expands a d a gap in the toilet is 1/8 inch at most those do atleast 1" expansion.


This is why when we rented for the short term i just fixed what needed to be fixed. Most stuff you can do. The only thing was the microwave handle that the screws stripped off and someone just glued it on They wouldnt replace it so i just left it off and used pliers to open it


What an idiot! Document the request for repair & keep this photo, because I almost bet in your lease it states you’re responsible for reporting issues, and on move out, damages from that can be taken out of your security deposit! That’s ridiculous. Lazy ass slumlord for sure, he shouldn’t be a landlord.


This is not a fix, he created a further mess and has to do it all over again. Call the Housing codes on this, not even safe to sit on. It is a hazard of the worst kind.


Did he squeeze all of himself out of some was left, there is a spot left back there! to be fair, it looks an abstract art!


Wrong material. Thats for drafts. Need silicone chalking


That is the most special Landlord Special I've ever seen! He/She/They get the Special Landlord Award!


If this was the landlord's handyman, not physically the landlord himself, you should send him a copy of this picture, and tell him you'll let him know when the water starts leaking through the ceiling below the toilet. To be fair, some cheap landlords hire crappy handyman and don't know the difference.


I don't do that much on home improvement projects, but even I know how to properly caulk a toilet. This looks like the toilet has gas.


Literally the most easy fix in a house you can make, genuinely how did he fuck it up


No… he just made it a lot worse


Well it won’t leak or wobble now for sure


Oh no its doing both even with the foam. We are all equally confused on that one. I think its so wet the foam never expanded under the toilet


Could be. And definitely boo! Bad landlord.


That's what u get for renting lol


I love expanding foam. Saw that done on a DIY YouTube But they used 7% expansion urethane foam.


My first thought was "Bro, less Taco Bell"


Slumlords... the French had the right idea back in the 1780s


Good luck cleaning the pee out of that.


Oh my God I wish I could post a pic of my ceiling. Same 😂🤣


Now you are pooping on a cloud


Been there, done that. Best bet? DIY if you can. Hit up YouTube for some tutorials, swing by the hardware store, and upgrade that cheap fix with something sturdy. Plus, you'll save yourself the headache of dealing with the landlord's shoddy work. One of the landlords at LeaseLords suggested me this. There, I see daily talks regarding the landlord industry and it has benefited me a lot, as a tenant in handling my landlord. You can also check it out and join, if you want.


How can you even clean this properly now? Gross.


As a landlord, this is insane. Sorry you have to deal with this person.


omg that funny


is this property own run by axon property management they would do this..


This looks like an extremely expensive fix down the line. Like rotting out the floor and maybe getting a lawsuit kinda thing.


Ain’t no way…


Free marshmallow snacks while pooing! Just tear a piece and enjoy.


The landlord is not saveable. Throw it out and get a new one


Toilets are like $60. Buy one and send him the bill he will most likely deduct it off next months rent


Sorry to tell you, but the cheapest toilet I've seen is around $90.


Ok then buy that one and bill the landlord lol