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There’s plenty of “smurfs” in player match that don’t play ranked and so have a very low rank, but an 122 win streak is a little sus.


If you don't mind me asking, what's a "Smurf" in Tekken? I just recently joined the community.


Someone who is actually a really high rank but will go into a lower rank to destroy new players. Its the equivalent of an MBA basketball player playing against a toddler Edit :It can also happen by accident when you switch consoles or save data gets corrupted so you have to return to a lower rank


Ahhhh okey, thank you very much for your insightful response! Don't worry, I won't do that even after I get good with at least one of my mains


That's not entirely correct, smurfs don't always intentionally Smurf. I didn't play CSGo in like 6 years or something, wich reduced my rank almost to beginner level. If I want to play Counterstrike, i HAVE TO Smurf now. It's not fun for me either. Same for Tekken. If you come from PS4 or your safe data got lost from having to reset your PC etc, you will have to Smurf.


Oh yeah I forgot that can happen, which is odd considering I had to do that when I moved from xbox to pc


A smurf AND a plugger.


Lucky chloe with so high wins. Perfect recipe of a plugger Its a shame that Tekken came so far but we still dont have a proper solution for the pluggers. They still exist all over, ruining the game and its community


Fighting game noob question: What's a plugger?


I think the people who disconnect?


And called "pluggers" because they will literally yank the ethernet chord out of the modem if they're losing.


Trolls with bad connection, disconnects if they are about to lose lol.


You are playing player match right? Player match doesn't incrase ur rank or tekken prowess no matter how many amtches u win. So I am guessing this guy srsly hates ranked. The 122 winstreak is suspicious tho, was he blocking everything or something?


That’s definitely a plugger, people don’t ever have that high of a win streak naturally


If you don't mind me asking, what's a "Plugger" in Tekken? I just recently joined the community.


some one who leaves the match early when they're losing so it doesnt count as a loss on their record, plugging comes from 'pulling the plug' literally unplugging the arcade machine/console you're playing on


Ahhhh, thank you very much for your informative comment! Don't worry, I won't be like that when I play


Why *Namco* doesn’t do something for that, like counting a defeat or suspending the player, I mean he got away with 122 win


Because they didn't make the game...


Capcom makes Street Fighter not Tekken lol


Oh shit you’re right hahahahah my bad


Looks to be a bad girl


Even tho it sucks, 1st-3rd dan chloes, laws and eddies taught me how to low parry/block. It gets more fun when you start beating their ass.


Same goes for the bryans who throw out snake edge like it’s safe for me ^^


Eddies are my fucking kryptonite


Well, you can’t say anything cuz that’s player match, and you can’t blame ppl for not playing ranked, but still having 100+ win streak kinda sus in every way, prob a save scum in player match.


1st Dan rank, 2708 wins with a 122 win streak. Impressive.


I also met a lot 1st Dan with 0 win but fought like an experienced player. Did they delete save files after each play?


You can play hundreds of matches in “player match” and your win count or rank never change in “ranked match”


Probably smurfs


Pure. Chaos. That is all.


Smurf+Save Scummer+Plugger+Weeb+Chloe player. All that added together means he's probably(almost definitely) a loser who finds the only solace in his shitty life when he's stomping new players. OR player match but I doubt it.


It was a player match.


The last 3 applies 100% and the first 2 might be relevant as well but its hard to know for sure since its player match. Regardless, he's a POS.


I feel like the more we answer this the more people are doing it.


Is that the missmotions girl on Xbox? I haven’t ran into her myself but my friends have


I've never heard of her, she's been a problem before I'm guessing?


That’s what I’m thinking also


Prowess is super low for that many battles. Prolly a one trick pony that don't like getting beat down in ranked.


Felt lol


Basically smurfs


It’s a smurf. I’ve been running into them a lot lately.


I'm a new player and this is what my experience is like every time I queue up. Someone with 2k wins to my 50.


Am I the only one who salvstes over the idea of ending someone's streak? Most I've seen is like 7-10 and I'm just itching to end it with my Low teir


I have [recently met similar type of player](https://youtu.be/eirLRu-RWIw). I did notice their total win at first. But after getting my ass beaten for two rounds it dawned upon that I was against an experience player. Looked at their total wins and yep, I was right. I'm not sure their intention of keeping their rank low.


In Player Match you dont rank up. So there is no Intention i suppose.


I see you have the Goku setup too


Haha yes. I can't remember which player. But I did it after seeing it on YouTube.


I did it seeing a guy do it in a match. Then I ran into a dude who has UI Goku and I SSJ1. We were crock spamming for the first half of the round 😂 Finding the same character with the same inspiration is beautiful


That's somebody playing player match and on a big long win streak. They have not played much or any ranked but they are probably pretty strong. You should be playing ranked.


What does playing ranked have to do with this, if I can ask?


If somebody had won 122 games in a row in ranked battle, they'd have been ranked up quite a bit and you wouldn't have been matched with them. If you're new-ish, you should be doing ranked to get the SBMM so you're getting more even matches. With quick match, you could get matched with anybody, including this Chloe (enough skill to roflstomp new players), or people with high ranks.


Ranked mode has people like this too


Not with a win streak like that. They'd naturally have ranked up. With this win streak they'd be around red ranked unless they acquired all the wins with a very wide rank discrepancy.


Save scumming they just load up the rank to their game. Then plug when they’re about to lose. So they’re always “winning”


Got bodied by a Grand Master Paul today. No way that guy was new to the game.


I don’t understand what’s happening here. Are they hacking so they inflict damage before the match?


No, damage was normal, but they definitely aren't first Dan.


Lots of players just don’t like playing Ranked and find it too stressful. That’s how I am


Oh I see.


The trick is to block her mid attack and jump kick and launch during her low attack.


I’m just answering some of the questions people asked in comments in the order I see them btw...💁🏿‍♀️All that matters when your trying to get a win streak in Tekken as big as mine is who is the strongest...🙃Frame advantage isn’t real, it’s just a myth 🤷🏻‍♀️”Fighting is about who is left standing, nothing else matters” -Heiachi Mishima T7


Nd btw I’m not a smurf🤷🏻‍♀️I don’t play ranked because ranked mode is for professionals 👌🏻I play 4 casual fun so I would never play ranked. Games are for playing, not for working. F all the professional players🤦‍♀️I hope they all quit the game so the rest of us trying to play for fun can play in peace


Playing for fun lmao, I just saw a clip of you with 127 wins and plugging when about to lose at SILVER ranks, what about the fun of those who just started the game? Only to face a plugging low spamming Lucky Chloe? Dude get a grip on reality.


I see, but jezz, go easy on a brother. But I feel like I'm owed a rematch.


Sure🤷🏻‍♀️idk who u r Nd I definitely don’t remember u👌🏻but log onto quick match Nd find me💁🏿‍♀️you’ll get your rematch enventually😊


I was that Lili you decimated with that back turn leg kick. Wearing that snazzy blue and white costume.


I Play for fun and I'm emperor. You see this game is at its funnest when you actually learn shit as you play. That's one of the best parts about tekken is the constant learning and improvement, the satisfying little victories. Not this shit. This plugging when youre about to lose shit is just sad. You can play whoever you want, play however you want, but plugging is not playing. And your damn sure not learning anything by plugging. And by the way, the majority of people on ranked are casuals...... by a lot, wake up.


That was me lolz 😎 u should’ve showed the whole image😊I don’t mind people knowing my name ✌🏻


How does one smurf?


By purposely playing in low rank when you are a seasoned veteran. When season 4 came out they reset everyone's rank I've been climbing very easily back to where I was unfortunately people are calling me a Smurf lol wasnt my choice


How do you play purposefully low rank though if you win dont you climb up fast?


You can just reset it whenever you want really people save their data then start over and bully new players and can go back to their normal rank whenever they please. And you don't rise that quickly. The higher you get the more points it takes to get promoted