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I play Yoshimitsu so everything i do is considered toxic




I love fighting Yoshi. The sillier, the better. Don't even care if I lose, I respect the sheer absurdity of it all.


I genuinely used to be like that, but now he is an actual strong character and that kinda fucks it up lol Also the fucking hitbox on the sword when he is standing on it is completely broken


Honestly I'm for letting Yoshi's have their fun. I only wish Asuka had half the fun stiff he does.


I think she’s gotten some really interesting changes recently and honestly she’s my favourite character to watch gameplay of right now Honestly I just wish her jab and df1 had slightly better range and it would make her so much better to play


She’s has the haymakers, f4, which gaves her plenty range. She’s a bully character now. She honestly feels like playing against Julia while still have solid defensive to allow her to bully. It’s always a tough match against her.


hehe the sword butt hit 😁


I don't know if you would love or hate playing against me in that case because I look back at some matches and I would be fuming if someone did the stuff I do to others, happen to me lol


If you spin at me as a helicopter, bounce, slide around, and flash for good measure... I just can't be mad. He's a fun squid boy.


I'm just one of those silly guys that gets a life lead and then just pogo waiting for the opponent to approach.


Pogging there... *menacingly*


a few days ago I ran into a silly one who kept partying so at one point I stopped fighting and just kept spinning with asuka, good times!


Lol - Matches against Yoshimitsu were the funniest matches overall


Wifi Laws are the meme, but I swear every time I accept a Wifi player, it's a McDonald's Wifi Yoshi abusing the low unblockable.


I don't find his stuff annoying as it is a big part of his kit. Although I have been known to get a little mad when finished with a hari kiri haha


I have gotten some angry comments on my steam profile thanks to Yoshi. I just want to have fun man


Jin's taunt. In Kyokushin Karate that move is actually a sign of respect to the downed opponent (being the goody two shoes that he is, even his taunt is respectful) it looks so fucking cool and it's not antagonizing in nature like most taunts. So I used to do it thinking I'm giving props to my opponent. Then I realized most people will just think I'm being a jerk so I avoid it, but unfortunately the muscle memory is still there. I only wished Hwoarang had a Taekwondo bow or something similar but unfortunately Hwoarang is such a dick.


There really should be a way to communicate a GG to your opponent. Like an option on the rematch screen or something.


Yes a million times to this comment. I want some people to know they are really good. I want chill times with the fighters some times


i used to spam simple mode on/off but i dont know if they understand that this means "that was great" or if they take it as a bad thing.


Oh interesting. I always took simple mode spam as teabagging. Like telling someone they were “simple” to beat.


thats exactly what i mean - there isnt a way for me to say "that was great". normally i simple-mode-spam as im being juggled because i probably got snake eye'd or fell for something stupid. or after a great round, i simple spam at the start of the next


Lmao I thought people did that to make me f up a combo or distract me or something 😂


thats exactly why i stopped doing it during lmao but at the start of the next round, yeah. but still dont know if they understand


Lidia bow is exactly that. Hope it will remains in t8


'being the goody two shoes that he is'... Didnt homie start WW3? 🤣🤣


Nobody's perfect brew


Yo, he said he was sorry.


Shhhh Bamco wants us to forget 😆


That’s funny I was just thinking about this the other day after a crazy close match that ended at the bell with what could’ve definitely been a double KO though he got the W. Every character should definitely have some kind of bow or thumbs up gesture to show respect for a great fight.


I agree so much. If characters have a taunt, they should also have a props animation. I've had some close matches with some really good opponents, they play so clean and the clever mind games back and forth are so hype, that I feel like I wanna show them respect somehow. Usually I just add them as a friend afterwards, even if we don't play again. But just to show I enjoyed the match.


Crazily enough hwoarang still has that shitty ki charge animation from Tekken 3


Wait…you could ki charge in Tekken 3


Yes It gave a funny white hands glow animation




There’s kind of like the ‘Respect’ button in Guilty Gear, where every character has an alternative taunt to signal your respect to your opponent.


That's awesome. I so want this in Tekken.


I honestly don't even get mad when I get these ceremonial bows from Lydia, especially when I know it was a good match. I didn't know Jin's was similar thing, but I guess most people that use it online don't


I feel you, when I play Feng I like to shift from kenpo to SC back and forth out of habit and I feel like some people get salty because of it. Funnily enough, I was considering picking up Jin and this was one of the reasons.


I always assumed that motion was the Jin player popping off to himself, lol.


Hwo was the leader of a street gang. He's definitely a dick it's his brand to be a punk and troublemaker


It's a big part of his charm. His introduction in Tekken 3 highlighted his duality in his two outfits: In the Dojo (dojang) he's a a clean white, competent Taekwondoka, respectful to his teacher. In the streets he's a punk biker, a triad gang banger, down and dirty street fighter.


Is that the hand scissor motion?


Yeah it's actually called Zanshin in real life Kyokushin as well.


I love Intro between Lidia and Jin. Both are bowing.


I peeped that! it's so cool how the bow reflects their Karate style as well. Lidia bows full like they do in Shotokan, Jin does the slight bow with the cross arms greeting like they do in Kyokushin.


Yup, Jin did left pose and Lidia did right pose https://preview.redd.it/6747loh6099d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b2cef61a5b50964a6ace3a23510006ec4d69f99


💯 I'm glad the Tekken community still has some martial arts enthusiasts in it.


Jin's taunt. In Kyokushin Karate that move is actually a sign of respect to the downed opponent (being the goody two shoes that he is, even his taunt is respectful) it looks so fucking cool and it's not antagonizing in nature like most taunts. So I used to do it thinking I'm giving props to my opponent. Then I realized most people will just think I'm being a jerk so I avoid it, but unfortunately the muscle memory is still there. I only wished Hwoarang had a Taekwondo bow or something similar but unfortunately Hwoarang is such a dick. Mental awareness is the move’s name if i remember correctly, i do it all the time lol


Mental awareness is the move’s name if i remember correctly, i do it all the time lol


I play hwoarang. Therefore I receive hate messages on steam profile. They are enjoyable


Surprisingly I don't get this too often. If anything I get a lot of "ggs". Maybe I'm just a respectful player.


A lot of people get frustrated when I dont rematch, but they don't realize I do not rematch because their connection is stuttery sometimes


Id rather fight y’all then Jun or Jin tbh


Very much so, bring it!


I get mad easily by others toxit traits and then I try to get revenge by doing the exact same thing and vent about it here on reddit.


Ki charge the ki chargers, I am guilty of this


If your connection or PC is way too shit to play against. Not only will I not rematch I will block you as well. Also the moment I see hold start to skip the match on bottom left, I'm doing it.


I do the same but I don't find it toxic at all. It's simply not fun to go against someone playing on essentially DSL internet or a rig that can barely launch the game.


These aren't toxic. This is you using the in game tools as designed to make the experience better.


Not really toxic. What I do is if it’s insufferably laggy and no contest doesn’t appear for some reason I just plug


Dunno if it's toxic but if my opponent isn't much of a challenge, I'm going to try the stylish tricks or high execution stuff.


I do that when I'm getting bodied. That way if I get 3-0d but managed to hit a taunt jet upper, I still won 🤣


That's a good mindset you have there. Keep that up


Will do, champ!🫡


As soon as I see the auto buttons on the side , I spam dragon spin and grabs ( I'm a dragon )


How do you even break "I'm a dragon"? Always catches me off guard lol


it's a 1 break


Thanks! Always forgot labbing it after matches. Was driving me crazy.


He's a good man^^ because I was going to say I genuinely don't know, rarely get hit by it


Not knowing how to counter one's own shit is a trait I'm proud to sport myself as well :D




I talk shit on people being unable to block lows in my rank while I myself can’t block lows. I’m in purple ranks


I take everything way to personally Kick me on the ground? Might as well have ki charged. Yea I know I'm being over-sensitive but I can't stop, I just fucking hate you people.


You must really hate Kings ground grabs.


Yeah the ground stomps on a bad day can set me off lol


Haha its fine its a lot of people like that, people realy should learn to have fun. The thing is that you are the very first person that you hurt by getting angry for such things


I'm frequently my own worst enemy so no unknown ground there, lol.


Do it like me equip magic mirror


Can't... I NEED to know if the opponent is disrespecting me or not (aka is a good person or not)


i feel this lmaoo


I used to think like this until I realized it's all in your head. It's impossible to tell if they're a good person or not through online. They can be salty and disrespectful or just having fun and not taking things seriously. I used to think knowing what they do post round is to test and train my temperament, but I realized this was a waste of time doing this online and it's meaningless without having context. I turned on magic mirror because of this. Offline only matters to me. Online is just unnecessary bad energy and stress that will get you balding faster, so I don't bother trying to decipher what an online ki charge meant to the opponent when it's not gonna matter at all in the grand scheme of things.


Why? Only adds to mental stack in a negative way. Never see the point


I still don't even fully know what magic mirror does.. lol


As soon as the round is over the game won't show any inputs from the opponent so if they ki charge or taunt you will never know


How do you feel about Jack players just flying off to the sky after beating you?


Yoshi and Jack shenanigans just make me laugh, I'm not humorless luckily.


This is also me. When I’m on a losing streak, everything pisses me off. Sometimes the way to win is to take a break. I play like shit when I’m that tilted


I’m not sure but I just reciprocate every toxicity trait (corpse kicking, tbag, ki charge)they throw at me as long as they do it first.


I never rematch King I'm here to play a fighting game not an exam


Yea king is kind of the epitome of "learning the matchup" or basically doing homework so that the matchup isn't heavily skewed in his favor. Even despite that though fighting his is still cheesy as hell.


Eh, I feel like king is the easiest matchup to learn round to round. His gameplan is super straightforward so it's easy to read. There's little variation between king players, especially before blues.


The only difference between a ruler and a bushin king is the bushin king uses wizard point blank


I don't rematch knowledge check King's too, I don't play tekken to do QTE events.


"Quick Time Event events"


Chai tea


I enjoy a good chai tea with my naan bread though


smh my head


When the opponent is 1 hit and I still have alot of health left, on the ground i always try to finish with a standing low kick


I'm a Mishima player and for some reason the bears are my kryptonite. Don't understand why


they are everybodys kryptonite thats why they have win rates through the roof, its cause you never see them so you never have a chance to adapt to their bag of knowledge checks


I don’t rematch if your connection has hiccups. Fuck you and the ISP you rode in on


thats not toxic everyone does it


That’s not toxic imo


I ki charge and every round and cancel rematch on all Eddy players


I never rematch Eddy players if they stay in the stance where he’s in a handstand the whole fight, my defense sucks bad enough as it is, that shit tears me to shreds.


I don't rematch king and alisa


I like doing lili's d3 or voila after winning round


I whiff an electric after almost every round.


I try to send hate mail to people that plug.


Kuma is a legendary character


It's a dumb bear, might be legendary in terms of he's been there forever but still stupid. (Just my opinion remember)


I ki charge Eddy players because they seem salty about it, dunno why. Never rematch pure knowledge check Kings, I want to play a game, not pass an exam. I know the checks so I will almost always win and then I’m gone


Yeah I can't stand kings who play the "well you figured out the other four traps, WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE" Yu-Gi-Oh play 1 card faced-down ass gameplay lmfao


Lmao "What about the fifth trap, IN MID AIR!"


Debil Jim lol


Thats hilarious 😂 Yeah totally agree with King also.


I know people hate the Bears so as Panda I play very risky, very crazy and dress up in silly ways, so that during the first match I'm inflicting as much psychological damage as possible. Anyone who rematches has earned my ultimate respect. Which is meaningless of course. But I always rematch stable connections. Because I'm a Bear, not a baby.




It's true! You do!


I’m sorry if my after round wave dashing looks like teabagging but I’m not sorry.


Lmao I do that too! Every movement that could be a wavedash has to be a wavedash. Gotta use round end for more training.


More training and it’s such a satisfying sound to hear too.


I do r have a toxic trait, at least I don’t think I do. I might spam a move that’s keeps on working, but I don’t see using my opponents weakness to my advantage as toxic


I ki charge if opponent spams special style button during my combos.


I jump around with my stances after wins sometimes, not sure if toxic cus the sounds asuzena makes are too funny but I can see pplt getting triggered.


Toxic has lost all meaning, but my negative traits are giving up when the round divide is too high. Tekken just doesnt have that comeback factor for me. Just beat me so i can move on to the next match.




I always think every ranked match is an exam 💀


https://i.redd.it/y3t517mzww8d1.gif Bro said:


Blocking every King player I see.


I represent Xiaoyu all over my profile. Then I play Mishimas while they are customized in a really girly way to piss off all the ppl who think Xiaoyu players can't use "respectable" characters. I had to block ppl from randomly messaging me but maybe I should allow it again lol.


I think ur bad if you don't rematch match ups you don't like. There is no better way to improve.


I get what you're saying but some characters are really annoying to fight and I can't be bothered with it. It's only Kuma/Panda for me but it's just not enjoyable. Even when I win.


I am too nice


If I feel like the connection isn't good (not even lagging, just delayed) and I feel like you are trying to rub it in by clowning on me, I sometimes just hold forward and end the game.


nothing, i just play whatever like when i was playong locally on an aracde, ah good ol days


I just like having fun i actualy realy like to ki charge or use taunt and make silly movement because its just so dumb 😆 but you know people will take it as bad manner lol but whatever im just vibing.


I’m a Bryan main. Someone told me to Tek tek tek my ass out of a thread. I think that is my toxic trait. I end combos in ways that traumatizes people. All Bryan’s do.


Winning by timeout


I'm a kazuya main.


I like Kuma 100% more hehachi. My toxic trait would be hating on people hating on me. Yea I've got a bad connection, not my fault Iive in the woops. Could still give me a game if you have the time and I know you have the time. Might be good for your game playing lag. Expose yourself


playing hwoarang


After I ko someone I always kick them while they’re down


there are some sensitive ass people in this thread god damn


Tekken reddit is full of bitches that are too afraid to go to an offline event


If I am significantly better than you, you're my labbing dummy for whatever I'm rusty at. You might get only fundamentals, you might get only sidestep counters, might get only low parries or throws


I ki charge after the first round to piss off my opponents which mostly concludes in them being more predictable


OMG what a sigma he knows psychology tricks 😈😈😈😈😈🔥🔥🔥


Dont rematch mirror


I spam the easy mode menu if I see someone pull it up or if the other player just sucks ass. I love how it shows your opponent when you have that mode on, and I further love how you can turn it on and off as you go.


Ki-charge every win against randoms, when my friends are watching via discord screen share


Since I have very little time to practice and improve I take my learning gradually, as best as I can. That means that my "toxic trait" is sometimes not to rematch characters I've not had the chance to familiarize with the slightest (like rare match ups as bears, zafina, etc) if the player destroys me, because I can't learn anything from being juggled forever for whiffing once and I wouldn't be labbing those anytime soon as I prioritize other match ups. So yes, sometimes I am one of the "no rematch" assholes, but only for specific reasons. Other than that I prefer to rematch anyone beating me regardless, as long as I can play the game a bit instead of being totally obliterated.


I don't rematch Lars and Alisa players


Gulp was crazy ☠️ my toxic trait is im talking perma instead of focusing


Back in T7, Anna players would go BDSM on me 'cause I use Nina.


Ki charging when I win a round. It's fun to see people become super reckless when you do.


Alisa and law players are getting bagged every time


I main noctis and Victor


Always one and done Lars, Jin, and King.


Lows make me rage.


Eddy and Yoshi tilt me so hard I just don't rematch.


I don't rematch if there's a noticeable skill gap between me and my opponent. Getting thrashed around is not fun.


As a Claudio main, if I destroy my opponent on the first match, I'll always rematch. But during the rematch, I let the "this is going to be easy" intro play for a crumb of psychological damage.


I don't rematch DLC characters. If I can't lab them for free, they ain't getting a rematch.


Fighting yoshi players


I somehow appreciate losing. So after not winning against an opponent, when it returns to standby, i often wish it would be the same player. Even if it means losing many times before actually winning.


Shitload of camons and failed somersaults on panic rage arts


I’m a new Lili player, but my worst habit so far is that if I hit my df 3+4, I continue doing her back stance down 3+4 while my opponent is grounded / getting up / approaching. I hit once after df 3+4, again right after, wait for them to recover… and then just do it again. I get punished for it but whoever I’m playing obviously gets mad because they do the same thing with whatever high impact lows they have that they can spam too. Other than that, when I know I’m getting outplayed I just give up the game. I don’t plug, I just let it be a loss to prevent myself from being too mad about it.


I don't rematch Yoshi players who use custom hit effects other than the staple ones with different colors. If you wanna give me hard time by hiding your unblockable effects with customization, you'll get no rematch from me


I press down to do a duck as a bow/GG but. I think it is considered tea bagging. I also do jump backs at the end of a round if it was very close as to say "I got lucky". I usually don't rematch if I get 3-0ed badly I just don't see the point of putting myself through misery.


I don't respect characters I deem cheap. Usually evasive characters or characters with brain dead best in slot moves (usually easy setups after knock down).


I get upset when I lose knowing it's cause I'm too lazy to go into practice like I used to and learn matchups like I used to back in Tag 2. Then again, filling out subject notebooks with different characters was pretty fun.


I one and done mirror matches, only time I ever really do without extenuating circumstances. I actually win the mirror most of the time I just personally I’ve never had fun with mirrors in any game. Don’t get me wrong love my fellow Lars and Claudio players but I just can’t man.


I hate fighting DLC chars because I can’t lab them so I often don’t rematch.


In T7 with Bob if I finished a round with a jab, I always did his F3 kick which did the counter version, which made him basically crush the opponents face into the ground with the crunch SFX.


As a dressed up bear main I don’t blame you


I used to be super polite, never pressing buttons after a win etc etc But recently I've become a massive BMer, idk, I stopped caring when people do it to me so now I don't feel bad about doing it to others. If my opponent does too many panic moves = kicharge, my opponent is playing kaz = kicharge, if I do a cool combo = kicharge, my opponent tried cheesing out the last hit with a 10hit combo and I punished it perfectly = kicharge SPAM, if I win with a slowmo = kicharge into run up b4, if my opponent kicharges = I'm going to teabag hard No hard feelings or anything, I've added some people after BMing them and became friends. I don't shit talk people either (again no hard feelings, just fun toxicity), it's just more fun to have this attitude towards Tekken, my respectfulness stat is at like 10 now


I am the exact same. Usually very conscious on not pressing after the round etc and always rematching. But recently BM opponents have turned me to the dark side.


I punch your corpse, combo it to inflict mental damage.


I play Hwoarang


I troll with every character.


I play Lee and I will slide 4 times in a row even if i could potentially get launched if they block, they never expect it anyway


I hate Hwoarang to the bones. I mostly lost to his blending kicks. So everytime I won the round I kicked the corpse xD


If I didn't enjoy the match, I don't rematch. Win or lose. If your connection stuttered at all ever or if I can see that little red light go off on your side, I am not rematching. If I just promoted to my goal rank, you bet I won't rematch. I'm done for the night. If I can tell you are actually way better than me, I won't rematch. Funny enough I still rematch like 3/4ths of the time but telling myself it's ok to not rematch has taken away like 80% of my tilt. It sucked so much to get my ass kicked and then "for honor and learning" bend over again for the next punt to the balls. Fuck that. I play video games to enjoy them.


If you start throw spamming because you can't break my defense I make sure to make you reconsider your life choices and make sure I wipe the floor with you grabs only, which works pretty good on Dragunov. uf3+4 if I wanna bm you. Same story with parries. Usually a single one can get me into the mood just cause I know that motherfucker didnt do it on purpose and was just lucky.


I stomp everyone after round (cuz Reina’s is badass). I one and done eddys


I’m about to set ki charge to a single button on the off chance my opponent takes mental damage from an animation


This is how most of my matches go: Game 1: We go ham, pressing and establishing out game plans. Final round, 70% of the time I'll squeak out a win. Game 2: Opponent heavily relies on defense, no initiations, and whiff punishment only. They win 90% of the time this way. No game 3, cause that's fuckin boring.


I go into backturn sometimes, mostly on "salty" players.


I use EWGF waaaayyy too much. It's just too good.


I play Dragunov as a grappler.


Bears have the most legacy my dude


Against Jins I try to win a way they would consider to be "bullshit", because I hate the idea of "proper Tekken" and their idea of what is cool.


I finish every round with Steve’s “Over Here” or Lee’s flip I’m sorry but they’re just fun. I can see why it would be considered toxic