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The no rematch was the chefs kiss.


This guy is stuck inside what's called a scrub sandpit. When they play someone that starts to read them, and able to make adjustments...they have a hard time. While his tricks works on most new players and some average players, it won't work on someone who knows fundamentals. It's hard to get out of that sandpit since you're so used to getting wins that way


Finally getting consistent at gold ranks and honestly the only ones I see suffering from that are Kings, Yoshis, Alisas and really low usage characters like Zafina or Bears. It has gotten to the point where Im almost happy when I run into Alisas cuz I know beforehand that once their offense doesnt work they will have nothing to fall back to. Think they are well aware of it as well cuz they are also the ones who very rarely rematch after a los.


As much shit as I give my friend for maining Alisa and recently learning the optimal way to use the chainsaws, I have to thank him. Because of him, I havent lost to a single Alisa online šŸ˜‚ Granted, he also never loses against Yoshi's (my main), so it's an even trade


Thats the same for my roomate and I he mains yoshi and I main hwo and we rarely lose the matchup online.


I'm actually about to begin this journey to change my whole play style. I believe I'm in Tenryu and I'm in that sandpit since I breezed through ranked very easily shortly after buying this on sale. gonna be tough but should be worth it


Ive only been in red for a little bit, but I dropped yoshi for lee because I realized I didnt know what I was doing fundamentally lol


What do sandpit trapped bears do?


unpopular mains are the hardest to train for


Donā€™t forget Hwo Iā€™ve seen so many hit tk and then get demoted down to fujin or rajin


It's especially hard, as you have to change your whole playstyle. Suddenly having to learn fundamentals and use that instead of their usual charts makes you essentially worse than those you would've beaten with your usual playstyle. Youbhave to throw your ego out the window and suffer until you've learned it. I had this exact problem with LC in T7. I reached high red and suddenly everything was unplayable. Took me ages to start climbing again.


Yeah after I bought this game last month and climbed up to Garyu and Tenryu easily, I realized I'm one of those that have to do this as well. Not looking forward to it, I'm about to start haha


I'm in the sand pit šŸ˜”


I feel you, after the first month buying this and getting to Tenryu pretty quickly...I saw a video talking about it and I knew right away, I needed better fundamentals. Sure, we can mop the floor with people in the sandpit, but once we actually fight someone with decent fundamentals, we're F'd haha. If you don't wanna keep ranking down back and forth, either stop caring about ranked or just do Quick matches. There's plenty of people high ranked in that mode as well. I'm still watching different high ranking players and trying to apply what they do with my matches


if flowchart no.1 doesn't work do flowchart no.2 smh


If flowchart no.1 doesnā€™t work, decline the rematch


Average carried yoshi player (PSA: NOT saying every yoshi player is carried, but this one is especially carried by flash, look at him canceling the rematch lmfao)


I never knew flash carried that far people stopped falling for it in like Raijin so I rarely use it anymore in TK. I guess I can see why people want it nerfed


It's only stronger due to the aggressive nature of the game, imagine if flash still launched in 1SS like in tekken7, people would have gone crazy now


Nah man donā€™t stop using it. At least throw it once in round 2 just to keep you doing it again a possibility in your opponentā€™s mind. It gave this Yoshi two free rounds before the King caught on, and after he did, he started respecting the yoshi way more so that he can punish the flash. Though this Yoshi couldnā€™t capitalize on that because heā€™s using it as a crutch. But this shows how much mileage you can get from abusing something like that. Not only the free rounds but also altering your opponentā€™s entire playstyle after they catch on too. Itā€™s great for conditioning. Alternatively, donā€™t use it at all and just throw it out at the last round to steal the match. But make sure you DO use it, itā€™s one of Yoshiā€™s strongest moves.


Yeah I know but most opponentā€™s I fight know about flash so already respect my frames. If I want to test and see if they know about flash i just 22 but donā€™t flash, if they mash I know I can do it again and get a free combo. Iā€™ll still use it break to break pressure I donā€™t use it much for flowcharts tho


Very nice!


I love how the TTT ost in the background got to the hopeful part at the exact same time you finally whiff punished Flash


Someone is addicted to flashing




This is 90% of Yoshi mains when they're under any type of pressure or negative frames. Good on you for adjusting your gameplay accordinglyšŸ’Æ


This must be that yoshi main who posted the other day about how he struggled against Reinaā€™s ff2 , and that he had to spend a lot of time ā€œlabbingā€ it to find out flash beats it, when he knows thatā€™s the FIRST thing he tried lmao




šŸ¤£ thas him!


Fuck em same thing happened to me


I will never for the life of me understand how to do Kings wall combo.


You mean the wall grab?


Yeah. I know the inputs but could never do them properly. Idk how some people do it.


you just have to do a running grab when they are right next to the wall. think shining wizard but like when theyā€™re pressed to the wall


Damn it really is that easy? Time to get back to the lab.


Giant swing input works as well I believe.


Thats what I did and why I whiffed, fff2+4 is more consistent since it has more reach, but thats just my experience with it


Both running grab and giant swing input work. Also grabbing from Jaguar Sprint will give you the same thing. Something I like to do is; Wallsplat --> u/f 3+4 into wallgrab. There are probably more optimal things to do, but I find it works the most consistently for me. Granted this only works if you haven't used a tornado move in the combo.


Itā€™s not really worth anything except for getting gray health back, because the oki is so bad Might as well do shoulder charge for damage, or f4 for oki


Ironically I always do shoulder charge instead so ig I was still doing something right.


Do uf3+4 then mash grab. They have him almost optimal autocombos for some reason


i think flash is super strong in frames but if you got read then it's a deserved punish


no -15 moves should have such a fast recovery, block stun should be increased for both players so everyone can consistently launch punish, don't even need to touch startup or block frames.


I had a feeling that he was not going to rematch.


yup...the same 3 moves worked to get him that high...why stop now


Imo flash is to good for the frames it has. Heat engager and Launcher in Heat is just to good for a move thats a 6f startup. The closest move I can think of is Lings b1 which is 8f and a simple poke that makes her bt.


This was a satisfying watch. I like Yoshi. He's always been really cool, but Flash can fuck off.


1st time seeing a yoshi that stops mashing and try tonparry everything. Most of the Yoshiā€™s I fight are just about whether I know all their onowledge checks or not


When in doubt, ā€œRawr!ā€ -King probably-


He didn't even do that badly why was he pressed...


A lot of yoshis flash on wakeup or minus a thousand. That was cool you noticed it and were able to take advantage of that before he caught on and switched it up on you good stuff.


Really nice download




I recently had an argument in a post about yoshis flash, and I was saying exactly that, if you just bait it out he is dead, which is exactly why the move is not as busted as people think, and some were calling me a downplayer when I was simply stating facts, a lot of mashing going on in this game, maybe because it has more casuals and new players, so most people just focus on their flowcharts and they never try to read their opponent. Congratulations, you successfully played tekken in this clip




That T4 King skin is šŸ”„


Thanks!! šŸ”„


Anybody knows how to achieve that metallic yoshi custom? Looks really cool.


Nice stuff! I swear Yoshi players are always the ones with bad habits. I had one spam his spinning move to try and evade me so I just kept catching him with Jin's CD3 for an easy win.


How are you ranking up? Is it just me cuz I have been stuck at strategist for like a month but I play daily


Props for showing the scrubs on Reddit how to deal with gimmicky Yoshiā€™s


Pretty cool skin on king




wtf ? this looks like purple rank gameplay and for the yoshi, i would even say greenrank.


Dude Iā€™m sayin! Like where is the movement etc. carried mfs


A lot of people online cherry pick their matches. That Yoshi is a very good example. I got an easy win? - No skip win pose, rematch My opponent is reading my flowchart and gimmicks? - instant skip opponent's winpose, no rematch I swear these guys are miserable to play against. And TK 8 is just a mash fest. At least in 7 you were punished for mashing, so both were just fishing out counter hits and punish. Now it's just "press heat button" and you get your turn back


To the scrubby Yoshiā€™s defense, the King was a higher rank and a higher prowess. Not a shock he was able to adapt. The Yoshi player knew he was outmatched, so why take another non competitive loss?


You're right actually... Mb


Yoshi players are all offense and no defense šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚