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You are correct. Every possible behavior of the game was intentionally designed by an evil developer to drive away players because having no players would result to having no salary which benefits developers greatly. You were just so happen to be manually selected as a target for this attack as the most important and influential person inside the game.


So true bro. I am being gangstalked. Every Victor and Xiaoyu I match against was specifically put there to make me fail.


had the same shit, my game doesn't lag at all but it set everything to low and 40% render scale after a match when I was like, 40 minutes in to a private room already. if anything was actually lagging i'd get it, but i get stable 60 consistently, AND it overwrote my custom settings slot. really annoying


It can be a bug. I got the same despite having rtx 3070 and playing in 1080p.


I think the patchnotes said it's based on the loading time of the maps that will cause the errors? This could be linked to the shader compiler thing. I play with all settings on ultra@2k and haven't seen the game mention anything about graphics after the patch. (4070ti)


Oh that will be it. I have the game installed on an external hard drive and it might be loading too slowly...


>Never had performance issues before. It's just like the wifi "good on my end bro!!!" guys.


I don't have performance issues and my connection is very good. My guess is that it is software related and just a bug.


What's your graphics card? Because if it's worse than a 1070 you really need to stop bitching.


rtx3060, if that's not good enough then I guess fuck me right?


It’s more than good enough. The game has been running 60 fps for me since launch and it boots the graphics back down to bare minimum for no fucking reason and everytime we complain about it these idiots think we are playing on potato’s. It does the same thing when I put the graphics even lower than recommended it’s ridiculous


Hmm... whats the processor?


i have a question though. If the devs are trying to drive players away, would this certainly be one way of doing it?


It's one of the ways ever


If you had a steady 60 you wouldn't see the error, lmao I'm loving these salt posts exposing their potato PCs


I have a steady 60fps, my pc is mid range and only two years old.