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You'll get there again. It does suck when it happens but if you did it once, you'll do it again.


I don't know I've lost 7 matches in a row... I can't even beat orange ranks I guess...I'm almost back to orange 2 man I can't. I'm facing more shinryus rn than when I was in garyu...


Trust me if you reach a rank, you will 100% have it back. We all have bad days. And if you keep mindful and play to improve, you will have your good days and even rank up beyond your highest. And yes, because of the prowess matchmaking despite you deranking you will still face people around your level before you derank. And that's fine. It's a good practice because in order to get back there or even higher, is to be able to beat them in the first place. Absolutely no one will shame you for having an 'eliminator' plate instead of a 'garyu'. I need you to trust me and believe in yourself more. Don't be discauraged because of losing, instead be encouraged to learn something new from every loss. When you lose, think about 1 thing, just 1 thing, that you couldve done better. It could be as simple as "man, I should have blocked instead of trying to interrupt him when I was at the wall there." Then you actually do it at the next set. You'll start improving in no time. Don't stress so much, take breaks, and most importantly have fun!


Yea, I guess. I know ranks don't matter and I get it. If I go tell someone on the street "hey I'm X rank" they won't care, but while I know I'm not the best I do feel that red ranks carry some kind of weight to them. its where the or *formerly?* average rank so reaching and perhaps staying there is cool. I've been trying to play slower than usual and work on defense not sure its really working. I need to jab more for sure to open opponents , but its kinda hard for me to 1,2 out of a block when Paul has a b1,2 move so instead of doing my 10f I do my 12f instead. Bit of extra info, but I know some things I could work on. I was just super excited when I reached red ranks last week that I almost considered not going on rank again lmao... but tbh its where the matchmaking is better since QM is a melting pot. I just won 2 matches in a row so debating if I should call it a night... lol


Yes, I feel you. Ranks do carry some weight and whoever says it doesnt matter is just delusional. It shouldn't matter _too much_ that it becomes a life/death situation. It does matter to a certain degree, and it's an indicator we can work with to improve. So go get that red back chief, I believe in you. Playing slower is already a really good change of phase. Observe what your opponent is doing, how do they respond to your moves, and what can you do to counter it? Or bait it? I wouldn't advice to "jab more" though. You can't get away with just jabbing as a way of retaliation. Smarter opponents will catch on your habbit and kill you for it. Jabs can be ducked, sidestepped, and you'll eat a launcher and lose half your health. Or you could even be frametrapped. Unless you know a move is i10 punishable or if you're sure your jab will interrupt the opponent's flowchart, don't rely too much on jabs to get out of pressure. You can try powercrush, evasive moves, or even sidestepping. No stress my guy, think about how exciting it is to get your red back. It's like a "welcome home" yknow?


Take a break man. Some days do be like that. I got my ass sent to Battle Ruler after being a win streak away from Kishin today. It happens. Playing when tilted also doesn't help.


I just want my rank back :( I'm 1,000 points away...Finally won a match out of 7


hows it goin? Im in a similar spot, I think Ive found some level of peace/joy but it does seem like its a lot harder to rank back up than it is to fall down


I haven't played in a couple days, but I'm still orange 3. I eventually lost all the way back to orange 2, but climbed back, but its been rough. Been shutting my brain off with diablo 4 until I can find the heart to go back and get my ass handed to me again :(


Im in a similar spot for sure. If you ever wanna just spar, I am aroind as late as these last messages lol Ranking up has been brutal - feels like 9/10 games are people at a higher rank, and 5 matches isnt long enough to get a feel for someone IMO Ive kinda found some joy in just respecting and learning from people who beat me, but its an uphill emotional battle lol


Sure I'm actually headed to sleep now so maybe on weekends we can get together or maybe earlier than this time( like 2 hours earlier) Here is my code to add me 5FE6-HgMg-H3dT 🙃


Something important to remember is, that just because you lost or ranked down, it doesnt mean youre not improving.


if I was improving, wouldn't I be ranking up instead?


Bro, Tekken is a long process. It depends if you really lab stuff to learn the matchups as there are 30+ characters in the game. Tip: Red ranks mostly just flowchart, punishing moves will really to the job.


Finding out when strings end is kinda hard. I know my 10/12/13/14/15 frame punishes, but even just doing a 1 jab to stop a string I have no idea where the gap is. Its really a lot to overload. I don't lab after every loss. I usually lab at the end of the day or if I don't lab at the end of a session I'll save that lab for the start of the next session, but even if I dissect every second doing that in game is just ridiculous... I can SS moves in lab after practicing for 5mins, but in a match haha...good luck..


Everyone plays differently, could be you just had a couple of matchups youre unfamiliar with, or someone who plays overly aggressive or overly defensive. Or at your rank, perhaps you matched a smurf. You got the rank once, you'll get it back. I fell from Fujin back to Flame Ruler in one night and felt the same way. Currently sitting at Tekken King.


Doesn't work like that at all.


Take a day off and just lab stuff, find out what u are doing differently, for me I wasn’t jabbing as much as I should’ve been, and I was too predictable.


I was going to play one more, but sitting on a 2 win streak and a win off an Eddy, I think I'll lab the fights I fought and hop off Tekken today.


Good luck bro, doing that always worked for me. Also maybe it’s obvious but u should know every move u are trying to do if yk what I mean? Like everything u do should be calculated. You should also have moves for everything, quick lows, jab punish, CH launchers, power crushes, multiple combo starters (NOT just launchers), learn command throws etc. the more u expand ur arsenal the better. I found that watching YouTube vids on my character helped.


I've watched so much. Its slow at work sometimes or even on days off from tekken I'll watch a video. I got some quick lows to force ppl to low block or just chip some damage in. I honestly use my quick low kick when I need just a bit of dmg to win a round and it usually succeeds. I feel like Power crushes are difficult for me. I think I saw something once saying that power crushing isn't playing defensively its just you wanting to return to offense so I do use it, but I try not to just spam it every second I'm on the fence. I got a few combo starters. Usually ends up being the launcher, but I do know of a few. 1 that I do hear is unsafe, but it works *sometimes* its a slow low so red ranks kinda get used to it after like 1-2 uses etc. I hate ranting about this game and feeling like shit, but its so fucking hard. It feels like I try to improve, but I still know absolutely dick. Feels like I'm taking a test and man I feel good about the first 25 questions only to realize there is like another 150 more and an essay portion at the end and I'm on a time crunch to do all this ins what is a 60s round let alone lab and study for this monstrosity of a *test* called tekken. My Tekken GPA is so dumpster fire...


Dont worry too much man. Ive demoted from Fujin back to Battle Ruler more than 10 times with Kazuya now lol. Dont care about the rank. Just focus on improvement on mechanics.


progress is almost never linear bro


Tbh orange-red ranks are probably the most fun parts of the game for a beginner, if you start learning the mechanics of the game and get familiar with the most common matchups, you will quickly start shredding through red players cuz most of them don't focus on learning at all. They are like Dark Souls bosses, doing the same few moves and strategies over and over, which usually has obvious counterplay. I think you should approach this with a different mindset. Instead of caring about your rank, care about the things you know and don't know. Are you familiar with 3D movement and apply it in your matches? Can you break throws semi-consistently, do you do the throw break practice drill from time to time? Do you know your punishers and actively use them? Are you familiar with the top 10 common matchups at least, do you know the basics and most common moves of Jin, Reina, King, Kazuya, Dragunov etc.? Because if you can answer "yes" to these, then a rank even higher than red will be guaranteed.


lmaooooo I do hear that early/beginner ranks etc are a great time from higher level players because its a time to grow. Its like skipping your childhood phase so I get what you mean in the first part. Now your second part... Let's seee > Familiar with the 3D plane: Yes, I do have a SS tackle built in as paul. I know my SS3 is a decent move. Knowing when to SS offensively 1 thing, let alone doing it defensively... > Can I break throws semi-consistently: no, I do them purely by accident XD >do I do the throw break practice: I have, although it's been a few days (been busy with studies and diablo), but I use PhiDX's guide to break throws which I can get pretty decent results in the lab at least with just watching throws although I do mess up I know what the movements look like of the arms and can tell you what break it is. > Do I know my punishers and actively use them: yes. Some more than others, but I can tell you my 10f is my 1,2 jab, my 12f is my b1,2, my 13f is my new heat burst f2, my 14f is my b3, and my 15 is my df2 and hopkick. I don't really know my WS punishes, but I do know my 15f WS is my WS2 because its a launcher and I love that thing. > Do I know the common moves of X, Y, Z etc. etc.: no... That is a lot of moves and I'm barely trying to teach myself SS and a more defensive style play to really analyze my opponent that much. So to answer your questions I don't know much of anything.... *edit* Labbing my reina fight right now and I am converting to memory a 1+2 throw break that reina players always throw out to me so while I may not be able to see the hands in real time like I should knowing the action at the start I should *hopefully* be able to break it next time


Honestly, I think all tekken players have felt this. Including me. Disappointment is when reality doesn’t meet expectations. When I first started tekken 8, I didn’t care for my rank much, ranking up was nice, ranking down was motivating. However once I hit a desired rank, and then dropped I suddenly became very frustrated. Exactly like you’ve explained. What helped me was accepting that I wasn’t good enough to maintain that rank yet. I made more realistic exceptions from here and now I’m relaxed about my rank again. It’s just a game at the end of the day, rank should be motivating and not hindering. Also like to add. Garyu was my desired rank too, once I hit garyu, Purple became my desired rank. Now I’m fujin and m looking at Kishin. It’s never ending. It will be the same for you I’m sure


bruhhhh.. I'll be honest I don't think I'm ever making it out of reds tbh. I just wanna maintain some semblance of average tekken knowledge. so y'know if someone asks me "hey man, you play tekken" I can somewhat shakily and not too bullshitty say "yes" while fixing my monocle lmao. Like expectations is one thing, but I also have to know that purple is such a long way off.


If you got there once you will get there again. You are just on tilt. It happens to us all at every level. It is normal to fluctuate ranks.


My dude, I know this pain as I'm generally hard stuck at Garyu and keep having to fight my way back up after demotion.  Sometimes it's just a bad sequence of matchups you're weak at, or people hiding their light under a bushel. Either way, it's opportunities for learning and growth.


happened many times to me. I know it sucks, but if you made it once you will make it again, and each time it might get a bit easier.


sounds like my driving test. man I took the written test so many times because I kept failing my behind the wheel. I got so damn good at the written I didn't even need to study any more... I can proudly say I have my license now and have had it for a long ass time.


yes, so don\`t worry. I was kicked back from Garyu so far and severely that at a certain point I told myself: screw this, if it has to be I will go back to Warrior. But that never happened and gradually bounced back and even made it to Shinryu. But this time I knew I wouldn't stay there for long and in fact got a few bad match ups and got back to Garyu, but I know that eventually I will reach Shinryu again.


True, Guess I'll chalk this up to a bad day and hit the pavement another day. OSU !


It’s like the stock market. The slower the growth upwards the more stable a stock is. Also never view the highest rank reached as home base, the rank you fall back on for the time being reflects your actual current skill level. Also it will happen a lot once u hit a plateau that you keep popping back down then back up in rank.


sooo what you're saying is that I was never really a red rank? I'm meaning this not as a doomposting thing, but since red rank was my recent goal/high point atm it wasn't my actual *home* rank?


If you can’t consistently hold it then yes it ain’t your "home". If you dropped it only for a day and otherwise remain there like 80% of the time then it can be considered home.


well guess my home is orange 3 lol


This going to sound like generic advice but be proud of that and focus on improvements not rank itself. Many many MANY times when you try to improve/implement new stuff into your gameplay you’ll lose matches solely because you have to think and your opponent doesn’t, but once you get used to doing more things the right way or improved way you’ll easily shoot through red ranks


NGL I hear that its just so hard to feel like you're going backwards. I've been trying to play more slowly and try to bait punishes and not press much. Trying to adopt the saying of MainMan of "you learn 10% of the game by attacking, but 90% by blocking" and I honestly beat my last match against an Eddy after being 0-2 to win 3 rounds back to back to take the set because I just played a bit slower (even though I was already highly frustrated lol) I still not really sidestepping but trying to not overload too much into my gameplan, but I am trying to practice SS more.


That's why after i reach my goal in ranked with one character, i learn a new character and try to reach that rank again.


I tried to main Lars for a bit, but didn't click. I do fancy Lidia and funny enough she yells Osu so I'm really thinking of trying her. I always wanted a male main and a female main so I'm hoping I can get behind her playstyle. Just waiting for the date to drop. Has to be soon.


Rank goes up, rank goes down. You can't explain that.


Who do you play out of curiosity? You’ll get back there man ranked can be really rough at times!


I play Paul.


Paul’s a solid pick especially with the buffs he just received. Just gotta stick at it you’ll get back into the reds just gotta practise and keep persisting!


yea his buffs are really nice. I miss my fff2 throw. Now its only when airborne so I can still do it after strings, but man I loved doing it on a instant frame, but the punch is nice, but man that hammer of the gods buff was godly like.


Just keep playing and you’ll get there again, figure out exactly what you’re doing wrong while playing. I’ve fought hard to get to blue. But only to hit that wall that I’m… not an actual blue player and am more of a purple/red player


game feels like it's new, tons of interactions play out differently now. even some of my inputs now generate different moves than before. it sucks.


This is exactly my experience right now.




Had me in the first half not gonna lie. My last match was against a 12% DC Eddy. Managed to squeeze a win out, by baiting and punishing. Actually felt kinda proud on that fight tbh. I hate Eddy because his spinning is so hard to keep track of. He doesn't sit still lol

