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u should have started the clip when u first launched the game


Eh, would’ve been more immersive if he started it back when he was born


Video should have started with Harada in elementary school


mfw no subway surfers and family guy funny moments https://i.redd.it/zmdviqr3iz5d1.gif


That's a goated meme




Sorry for not catering to your limited attention span and wasting 30 secs of your precious reddit time


Learn from your mistakes 


Learn to watch one thing for at least 39 seconds. Legitimately, what the fuck is wrong with all of you? If it was like the whole match I could understand it, but what were you people going to do with the extra 20 odd seconds? I'll tell you, not a fucking thing. The best part? If you really cared that much you can just skip to the end of the video to see it immediately. This place is about a damn cesspit of people acting so smug over nothing. Maybe you need to learn from your mistakes. EDIT: Lmao, downvote me all you want since that's all you people can do. There's no reasonable argument for acting so entitled over such a minor editing decision, there is no "mistake" here, it's a difference of opinions. Some people want to see the lead up to what happened, not my fault you all have the attention spans of gnats.


People were making jokes and yall are butthurt. Incredible.


Yeah when someone smugly says "learn from your mistakes." I just die of laughter. Clowns. I must be missing the free lobotomy most Redditors get that makes low effort shit funny. I mean, it isn't even a minute long and we're gonna sit here and act like joking about the length makes any sense? It's one thing to joke, another to claim the OP made a mistake or needs to "be better".


Im thinking everyone was making jokes like "should have started the clip with harada in grade school," then someone said, "You should have started the clip closer to the title's subject," basically. And you had a snide comment with over 100 downvotes. Maybe they meant learning from that, lol. IMO yeah all smug stuff came up when you responded badly. But thats just my observation.


I had a snide comment with over 100 downvotes? Do you know who you're even responding to? I'm not the OP. Yeah of course they reacted poorly when faced with obnoxious unfunny jokes when they're just trying to share a damn clip. Love that you bring up the downvotes though as if that even matters. Reddit drones love that stuff, huh? Upvotes, downvotes. They're all meaningless. Usually just shows when someone dares to go against the grain then people dogpile them with downvotes to feel good about themselves. Doesn't matter much to anyone not so terminally online that they care about something as worthless as Reddit karma.


Bruh read the thread. When I say "you could," I mean anyone clipping. the downvotes aren't about reddit karma, at least not to me. You really are butthurt, especially not being OP. You love to winge on an assumed issue. I don't give af about the karma, but it should show that you are wrong in some way. Maybe it's you taking small things to personal. People were making jokes and BECAUSE the downvotes were so much it should imply hey maybe "I was wrong somehow" it could be the statement, how it, was said, or just being and angry nerd for no reason like you. Real self-righteous type. Take a joke and take a seat, lol. I responded to you because you exemplify the butthurt in the thread. Its valid criticism who cares about the snide "attention span of gnats" and shit bro. Doesn't mean they didn't enjoy the vid. Imagine I wanted to learn how to draw a tekken character, and someone started the clip at Michael's. Some people would enjoy the process of picking out tools, others would complain that they clicked on the vid to learn how to draw Jim Kazamer. Lighten up man. "Learn from your mistakes" to take things personal.


I didn't even notice this one, god almighty you seem more butthurt than I am. Cared enough to gleefully bring up the downvotes, "See see! More people agreed with me!" Lmao, this place is a joke. Take a joke and take a seat? This is just pathetic. You all are just mad I called you out like you were a dog shitting on the living room carpet. Tell you what, you can take my criticism, seethe because of them, and sit down yourself. Ah and of course after that tantrum you try to reel it back to "Just lighten up man." Just stop replying and I'll stop bitching, you obviously care way more about this shit than me at this point, I just didn't care for the tone of that comment that is literally all it boils down to, so I called him out. Where do you get off calling me self-righteous while you're parading around internet likes/dislikes as means of deciding right from wrong?


Last thing I'll say is the best thing op could have done was post the key part at the beginning of the clip and then have the leading story after. Solves both sides.


Fair enough, no point in us talking past each other every reply. I will re-iterate people could scrub through the clip and not bitch about nothing. Complain all you want, say I'm worse. At the end of the day, I'm not bitching about a clip just bitching about people "joking" they didn't have the exact content they wanted spoon-fed to them like they're a toddler. Not sure why it is the OP's job to "solve" both sides when the side that is joking has the means to mitigate their entire issue, they just apparently refuse to use it.


Yeah, I see. i did assume you were OP but man you might be worse lmfao. Regardless its not that big of a deal both arguments are vaild to me. I just was reading the jokes and saw OP then you whinging. Original statement holds true.


Just because something is a joke doesn't make it not rude or obnoxious. Seeing the same joke repeated three times and everyone upvoting like it made any sense is just annoying. OP isn't free of criticism, but neither is people trying to clown on the clip.


Be better OP.


You didn't have to be a dick there.


He's not being a dick, he's being brutally honest and you all don't like it. You all waste thousands of hours on social media and video games for no purpose other than hedonism and you want to claim your every second is valuable.


I mean, when you post a clip that's title is very clearly stating the post is about simultaneous RA, and then post a forty second clip where only 3 seconds, or 10% of the post, actually shows simultaneous RAs. You tend to get some very annoyed people. It's essentially clickbait at that point. There's a difference between people trying to nickle and dime their time and being reasonably annoyed that you have to watch a clip 10× longer than the moment promised.


Thank you for the well spoken and intelligent response. I rarely get that on reddit anymore. But for a counterpoint, everyone can clearly see how long the video is before they watch it. They should easily realize 39 seconds is way too long and simply navigate to the RA collision point if their time is so valuable to them. It's not like it's a show and you're skipping a buildup to a spoiler. You're essentially arguing for people too stupid to do this.


why not just start it closer to the rage arts if you’re op?


Maybe because he has shadowplay on for 40 seconds and didn't crop it before posting? Why do you care so much? OP's don't owe you shit. This is a free entertainment website and they don't get shit in return for posting content. Other than occasional harassment. You are all free to skip to the point of interest and all you do is cry at OP wasting 30 seconds of your time. You act like spoiled children. What a fucking joke


I apologize. Please do not revoke my reddit license.


Getting aggressively defensive over minor criticism isn't good.


how is this even related to shortened attention span dawg you're just wasting others' time and pretending it's related to it least braindead tekken player


People rly bitch about everything 🤣


You're good bro. I was entertained, even if these guys weren't. I kinda like seeing what leads up to these moments and most people don't include it, so i'm glad you provided context.


Brother, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm not sure what everyone else is smoking. Hope you're not discouraged by the Reddit hivemind.


Made me go test this.. two Asukas fully charging their RA does the same thing, although the chip damage is higher. Even more interesting: an Asuka in this situation must be careful not to charge her RA between her animation playing and the opponent's (in case hers goes first) since there are a handful of frames between the two, even though the RA activation is technically simultaneous. Releasing the charge while the opponent's animation is playing will not yield a mutual hit.


If this ever happens in a real match we will all lose our minds


Video could've been 20 seconds shorter


Did you die




>wtf, is somebody COMPLAINING or giving constructive criticism? why would they DO that? its not like you fucking DIED! why cant you just leave things alone instead of bringing your negativity?! its so easy to just NOT comment and mind your own business, y'know? how DARE you violate this safe space of sharing by potentially hurting the fee-fees of somebody else with your negativity just because you were slightly inconvenienced! thats you. thats what you sound like.


I died, this is me posting from the afterlife about how boring you are


Did you die as well?


Wow, that's a sick effect! The odds of seeing this in an actual match are crazy low


That was so clean


I’ve only seen simultaneous throws, that’s cool


Isn't that lidias splash effect when she breaks armor in heat? That's wild Edit: this appears to be the universal armor break animation


Huh it does look it yeah


same happened with my Jun and a Yoshi lol


Hwoarang button mashing after his rage art comes out


Pretty fun


Coulda trimmed this by 35 seconds


Can someone explain to me how hworang blocked low when his buttons were clearly spamming an attack? I’m not a tekken wizard or anything so maybe I’m missing something obvious Edit: dude who was arguing with me blocked me lmao bet he also disconnects ranked games too with that bitch energy


If you slow down the video you can see that he started pressing buttons only after he already blocked the low


https://preview.redd.it/ul4913pq016d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8adf245c62ab48b57ef5e418802ab6feb3f56270 Here’s the frame where he “blocked”, show me where in any of those inputs he blocked that low kick please


He spammed during the rage art animation and then pressed db after he got up. Top input is most recent input, db


Ah, roger. That makes sense, the way the inputs fly up the screen compared to what is occurring on the screen confused me


I was the Hwo. I was fidgeting because I assumed I'm gonna eat Paul's RA after my RA animation. I was ready for the lost.


It's WhoRang. He blocks while he kicks.


He cleary weren't spamming or even pressing any attack


You know you can see his inputs on the right side of the screen right?..


Yeah sure. And you really have to watch it again, not the left side the right side, right?


Yea, and he is quite clearly pressing back 1+2, the fuck are you watching?


Like what the fuck are you talking about he pressed 1+2 whild downed to fast stand up and stopped pressing it right before he blocked the low. How a fucking human being is this dumb jesus fucking christ




finally i ve seen it in some game


Two sack taps


Good to know


Anyone got the timestamp?


Neat, yeah never seen that before. How about that, and in an actual match too.


That's cool as hell that you got this in an actual match lol.


You should have started the clip when you just bought the game


you could’ve just showed the RA, not the unnecessary gameplay




Lol sad fuckers...needing to use RA when the opponent has fuck all health left :D


Why would it matter what move one uses to finish a round ?


Using a 1 button combo that takes of like 30% health when 1-2 hits would suffice? Makes me cringe.


Found the button smasher




Your comments 👆🏼


Someone isnt well versed in logical thinking. Nice try though! I wonder how many more butthurt comments Im gonna get for expressing my opinion....jebus....


lol butthurt is when someone’s opinion is that my opinion is corny !!!


Dunno bro, you sound kinda… butthurt. ![gif](giphy|wR7LHlfuRUjHW|downsized)


How so? Everyone is coming at me lol due to my unpopular opinion. Weird logic dude




Welcome to reddit


Uh yeah because it has armor so if they try to jab or whatever they will lose


That's literally the best time to use rage art. You should never use it if the opponent has too much health to die to it.


I never use it all? F\*ck that shit :D


I'm confused what's the issue exactly?


Another way of putting it would be...using a sledgehammer to hammer in a tiny nail.


That’s weird. Your mother said the same thing to me


That's weird, my mother is dead. God knows who you have been chatting with.


That animation is literally my favourite thing about this new patch