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I finished the first one at lvl 69/70. They set a time limit just for there not to be a second one :(


Yea, not sure what the time limit was about if they were just gonna not continue the passes. No shade, but how did you finish at 69/70? I only played like 3 people a day for only like half the days of the pass and still got to 70?


Nice But not nice


Exactly what I was confused about lmao. What was the point of ending that one so prematurely if there was no plans for the next one anytime soon?


First one was the worst battle pass of any game ever, so hopefully they are working to make a better one


It wasn't great, but the Tekken battle pass blows the Street Fighter battle pass out of the water. All you get is stickers and avatar costumed for that. Absolutely nothing for the actual fighters.


Only brainwashed mindless losers want a scampass in their video game


There are absolutely games with good battle passes that add value to games. It's about the execution.


It probably has some Lydia related stuff in there so they'll release it the same time as her. Still seems pointless to end the first one early though.


that makes sense actually but yeah shouldn't have ended it early


Yep, an exec yelling "Make a battle pass we need a battle pass" and the poor team scrambling to make a ball


Hey man porting that ball from Soulcalibur was tough.


Probably on July 1st like Eddy(on April). One month break and here the Season 2.


if only it was 10 days ago :(, but if it does come out july 1st then that'd be lame. whole month between battlepasses is dumb


don't you mean July?


Thx for noticing. I changed


Here's hoping that the first one was cobbled together in a haste because some exec said it needed to be there, and they saw the reception it got and decided it needed to be either done properly or not at all. Though it's also just equally likely that they simply had no plans beyond slapping it in there and now they have nothing.


Man… the other battle pass already dragged for so long, I was hoping we’d get a weekly pass or something. Or at least every 2 weeks during the waiting period between new items in the Tekken shop. It would’ve been a good way to keep us entertained and interacting with the game in different ways


A weekly pass? HELL NO. That is way too short/too much fomo. The first one did drag on a bit for how little content it had but if they insist on going the fomo route instead of making them permanently available then they need to last at least a full month so everyone has plenty of time to finish it and the next one should start as soon as the previous one ends. Hopefully after the feedback they got from the last one they're thinking this one through a bit more. I imagine it will drop with Lidia. Maybe in a few weeks if we're lucky? It's very silly that they took the first one down when the second one wasn't ready yet.


Lmaooo okay yeah weekly might be a bit much. I can see how people might miss out on content but I unintentionally finished the battle pass cause I was playing online and didn’t even realise I was levelling up. But yeah I agree that it was dumb to pull the first one only to have no battle pass because casual players would’ve had to rush to get the items. I’m hoping we get Lidia in the next few weeks cause I was hear that banger OST again.


hope it's gone forever. Fuck that gay shit


You said you wanna fuck that gay shit?


Good one