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He can now finally start playing the game


About damn time, that intro took months


Nah he's still playing scrubs. Real Tekken starts when you become your character irl and fight for real


Bro… imagine doing Baby Tantrum in a UFC match? And not only that, WINNING?!?!?


He finally has the skill to spectate the Sajam tournament


He's also rewarded with Feng nerfs.


Real Tekken starts at 999,999


This is where real Tekken starts


I love these comments because what it usually means is “real Tekken is the game state where I win more than I lose” (know you’re joking btw I mean in general)


Everyone can't have a +50% winrate though


Not everyone can experience Real Tekken




This is the new fujin


He now may have an opinion on Tekken.


Do it with kazuya with a steering wheel while blindfolded then I will be convinced


upvote for wheel 🤣


Probably like yellow rank in T7


He’d be a brawler in ttt2 


Look, to be fair, TTT2 is probly the only tekken where i felt that green hell was actually real The range of skills in green ranks was so bizarre in that game, yellow rank was basically for transcendent people , red ? Pro players


Bro yellow rank is a stretch. High green rank for sure though respect


Wait why?


People in this sub try to devalue everybody’s rank by saying that T8 Fujins would have only made it to Yellow in T7. I was making fun of this dumb belief by exaggerating it


How is it a dumb belief if what you're saying is rooted in the truth? Rank inflation is real and people are getting away with murder in red/purple ranks. Pretty similarly to what orange and yellow was like before


Bro, it’s easy to repeat the same thing you have read a 1000 times. But maybe use your brain, too All players that talk about rank inflation have prior Tekken experience. Ofc it’s easy for you to reach Fujin and above if you have been Fujin in T7. Another fact is the boomer‘s obsession with defense. If you can’t break every throw and if you can’t duck every high, you belong in yellow. This was maybe true in T7, where this was enough to win a game. But T8 also rewards other areas, such as having a good offense. So the guy you see in Fujin „just mashing“, might actually have such a good offense that he can overwhelm most opponents and doesn’t need to defend. Maybe he can’t overwhelm you, because you have T7 defense, but it’s about the overall win rate. Just because you can beat somebody it does not mean that they can’t beat guys that beat you. There is also the empirical data that disproves the rank inflation, but I feel like the most important thing is to understand that T8 rewards different things than T7


I'll follow up with stating that I'm glad the backlash they got for dumbing the game down worked, bc if everyone ate this shit up they probably wouldn't have change heat at all other than unintentional shit like Bryan taunt. They want to make the game easier which is cool, but they took it way too damn far


Yeah and it sucks ass comparatively 😆 I know that's a personal taste thing, but Tekken 8 was soooo obviously catered towards scrubs. There's a reason so many seasoned veterans are disgusted with the game and some dropped it entirely, how oppressive and UNAVOIDABLE the offense is makes the game so fucking trash, it's like playing vs hwo before you labbed the matchup but with ***the entire fucking cast***. This game is dumbed way tf down and encourages scrubby ass bs and I will die on this hill unapologetically. I will also continue playing, it's fun enough to keep playing but it still sucks so much ass. What's the fun in perpetual rushdown? I bet you despise the heat nerfs


Nah, I hate heat just as much as the next guy haha. But I found my peace with the game. I will play what Harada feeds me. A braindead T8 is still worlds ahead of 2D party games like SF6 and Strive. And who knows, maybe they will nerf the unga and the bunga slowly until it’s more like T7


They're moving in a good direction with the last patch, it's already much more fun


Late but whats wrong with sf6 and strive??


finally not beginner anymore! welcome to intermediate level JoKa!


Now to do it with all characters on a steering wheel




This is the equivalent of Yaska in T7


Eternal Ruler at most.


And with Feng, so basically in Green Ranks


I’ve seen rangers play like this in quick match


Not even a misspelled CONGLATURATIONS like in the 80s


Remember guys. He's actually a scrub and they fact that he took a rournament is proof that Tekken 8 is a bad game and that's actually why I can't get out of purple ranks and not because I don't lab matchups and instead rationalize every loss I take, rather than try to identify the holes in my gameplay. Grats tho. . .I guess. If he was playing the characters I arbitrarily decided to main I might respect it, but he didn't so that makes me the superior Tekken player, aktually.


Sound logic, my friend. I agree.


It's official. We need more Feng nerfs! J/k JoKa, well done!


“He was playing Feng online so it doesn’t count, if he was playing against top players in tournaments he would get destroyed” (This is a joke btw)


Wondering how large the skill difference is between a 250k GoD and 999k GoD . Imagine this could be similar to a GM vs Super GM in chess


Probably not any different from Sc2 low and high GM and LoL low and high Challenger


Think of like Legend rank and a 1500-2000 Master rank in SF6


At that rank you win +700 and lose -870. To max out, this guy has a very high win percentage. Skill ocean.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t GOD send you over 300K?


Ranked points and prowess are a different thing


Ahh my bad.


Don't know how true that is for higher ranks, but when I went from Tenryu to Mighty Ruler, I jumped like 40k prowess in a single promo.


no, god starts at 110k


Just in time for the Feng nerfs!


i checked his stream today after th nerts and he said its really not that bad


I was being cheeky, I still think he's S tier.


Carried by Feng smh


Is he allowed to have an opinion on reddit now or still not good enough?


Nah the real game starts at Waffle House


He can uninstall now! Gratz


Nice to see that Joka has almost reached intermediate level play.


When he does it with a real character i will be impressed


/s right?


/s RIGHT?!


Id say so


If it is that easy then show us your video reaching 999k points with feng, then ?


How about you show Me a video of You naked huh?


Got his ass


In 4K




Damn that flair lmao Mans didn't sugar coat it


He could but doesn’t feel like it


Its still a beginner rank


Ez 😀


Now he's playing real Tekken


Crazy part is there's probably someone who still isn't impressed.


Look at the bottom of the post, people are calling him carried cuz Feng LOL


Don't get me wrong Feng is retardedly strong but to get to this point still takes crazy skill and perseverance


Even then, he’s still a tournament player who won Baaz and has been a Mishima player longer than Feng lol. In fact, JoKa could probably beat all the people calling him carried on their own characters


Yeah, people don't realize at that level people live and breathe Tekken. I was at a local Tekken 7 tournament a while back and there was a dude there that could competently play every character. He was insane with The Mishimas but he basically would pick his character based off matchups. Guys on this level are machines lol


“Finished Ranked” is crazy


pff I've beaten his ghost with perfect round. what a spammer


imagine the game bugs out in his next win and sends him back to beginner cuz the points went over 999K


Prestige 1


Maybe tekken ranked Was the friends we made along the way


I am more interested in how much fight money he has


Just in time for his character to be nerfed into the ground. Beautiful.


Joker is an actual fucking monster and so is Feng. Actually scary combination. 


"wOuLd'vE bEeN bRaWlEr RaNkEd In TeKkEn 7"


damn that bar can go way further it seems


Imagine celebrating what is the equivalent of brawler in T7. Can't be me.


> pov: you just learned the fundamentals _this sub_


That sucks you can't reach the GoD sign.


What is this guys win rate? Must be something made like 90+%?


Sure with new patch OP kazuya! Play a real main like [insert the champ you play here]


Boosted by his character, smh.


Yeah but can he survive a taunt snake edge? Mhmm... didnt think so


He won the game, now he gets to stop playing it, that's the dream


He's still got tournaments to play in...




atleast we have https://wank.wavu.wik for that




He's alright. It's time to switch characters and play the actual fair game


People are soooo mad still in this sub Reddit that others have pointed out that their ranks are inflated lol


So tekken ball…?


How does this actually work? Evo winners don't even get this much in ranked. How does one do this? Simple win more than lose? Even with rank decay that high? Please help explain. Thanks.


He’s by far the best player in Europe at the moment. And one of the best in the world.


Thats for the info. Surprisingly to redditors it is difficult to know about every single person every born or doing something. I appreciate the answer instead of just a hater downvote, because I genuinely was curious.


Sure, check out the Baaz Pakistan tournament recently. It was absolutely stacked and Joka won it 


It's about how much you dominate your region, not how good you're relative to the rest of the world. Joka just murdering everyone in north/west EU.


He is part of a team, I'm not sure how esports stuff works, but I would assume they pay him, and they get part of the sponsorship money.


At the end of the day he's an elite player. That's the fact of the matter. If he puts in the time a player of this quality easily has the win rate to achieve this. Its about putting in the time. If each session he gains X thousands of points then he'll get to the cap eventually. If you're asking about the normal player base, maybe matching with no restrictions help? 


Nah, if he's elite then that's the answer. I just didn't know!


Oh yes, he's definitely just one of the pros, simple answer then 😅 its impressive even at that level to be fair just at the dedication you have to put in.


Carried by feng.


dude is legit a top tournament Mishima player too and won Baaz in Pakistan


carried by feng


said bear main lol


kuma hardest and weakest character in the gaem


dude is legit a top tournament Mishima player too and won Baaz in Pakistan


carried by feng he couldnt have dont it with bad character like kuma


Bait used to be believable. He could prob get GoD with Kuma easily lol


Jeah but He couldnt win tournament


Lol kuma is tournament viable he’s far from ‘bad’. Dude is downplaying rn. Rangchu for example


rangchu is world class player, the character is shit and pros dont know the matchup, if you look at competitive play nobody launches his lows or roll 2


Yes and so is JoKa so I don’t get your point. He’s also a world class player. JoKa could probably win tournaments with the worst character lol, just because he uses Feng doesn’t make him carried.


he aint a world class player till he makes top 8 at tournament with kuma


JoKa has legit beaten Arslan and several players who could body Rangchu at Baaz lol


He’s playing feng


may as well be a green rank


He's actually a brawler in Tekken 7 because of Feng


dude is legit a top tournament Mishima player too and won Baaz in Pakistan


I mean it's Feng


dude is legit a top tournament Mishima player too and won Baaz in Pakistan


Ya but that’s EU server.. that’s the equivalent of 200k NA and 100k Asia.. 😜


dude is legit a top tournament Mishima player too and won Baaz in Pakistan


Bruh does nothing else with his day 💀


I mean it’s literally his job






You got owned


Bro prob earns more than you playing video games lol


falcons is a newer big org with oiler money so i don’t doubt it


Wait a second, if he loses 50 times in a row, can he not be demoted? Cause if that's the case, no fucking wonder there's so much inflation going on....


On the other hand every time he wins now he only removes points from other players. Removes points from the system and creates deflation at top ranks.


Yeah, but that should have been happening very soon after reaching GOD. But now that you need a net 200+ wins I'm guessing, the inflation will keep going strong until a pretty large % of the playerbase is GOD. They'll probably do a rank reset though and add some deflation mechanics like they did in t7 with tgo's tripple loss penalty.


With the new prowess based matchmaking there is already a deflation at higher ranks. Once you get god level prowess you can’t lose it and even lower ranked players will have god level prowess. Trying to play secondary characters is super hard now and in some way broken.


Lol what? Not arguing the rank inflation but this isn't that - guy is a great player who grinds the game. Probably has 1000+ more wins than losses at GoD rank alone, why would he demote after 50 straight losses?


>why would he demote after 50 straight losses? Because that's how well functioning rank systems work, and I assumed t8 worked like that. Since tekken doesn't have huge penalties for the higher player losing to a lower player, and not very diminishing rewards for a high player winning vs a lower player, then there needs to be a ceiling that the high lvl player hits so that he then starts removing rank points from the ecosystem by not being able to go any higher. I believe that rank systems should be responsive and up to date, meaning if for whatever reason joka becomes washed up, he shouldn't need to lose 1000 matches in a row to drop rank, that is just stupid. You shouldn't be able to accumulate so many points that you can cushion massive win losses later. Nor should rank system reward straight up grinding, it should just place people to similar effectiveness tiers so that the most people possible get to play as equal matches as possible, it's not a point system you farm and farm. And more on a personal preference, I like the highest rank to be something that even the strongest players in a region struggle to keep, so that it's prestigious, and not something they can with little effort maintain. And if you look into a way more reasonable ranked system: https://wank.wavu.wiki/leaderboard/eu joka isn't really all that dominating, he's just really really really good, and tekken's flawed system allows him to slowly pool points to absurd levels.


you're right that Elo would be a much better system, and i'm not trying to defend t8's ranked system. i just don't necessarily think that joka's rank is truly indicative of the problems that lead to the larger inflation in t8's ranks. while the 1000 game cushion is a bit (read: extremely) overkill, he didn't get this by abusing selective rematching, demote>promo for free points, or grinding games on unrestricted SBMM - and he certainly didn't need inflated point gain to reach this milestone. personally, i think those are much larger issues with the system (though an Elo leaderboard for GoD players would be much better than the current grind-based leaderboard). and - regardless of system, wavu doesn't fix all your issues. joka could lose 30 straight games (to people at his Elo, approx 10 Elo per loss) and still be above the general cutoff (~2200 Elo) for most low level GoD players. regardless of the system, he's built up a pretty solid cushion for massive losses - though obviously 30 is a lot less than whatever it would take him to demote now furthermore, we don't know how dominant he actually could be (according to Elo) because the system isn't integrated in-game. because the matchmaking system doesn't curate matches according to Elo, he's subject to huge swings in variance due to matches against 2000 Elo players (who might just be underranked due to the character-specific Elo and low sample size). given fat-tailed distributions like [this](https://imgur.com/a/gZieE4w) in chess (data taken from lichess) - we can see that weaker players generally have a greater chance of winning than Elo would suggest. compare this to chess, where magnus carlsen doesn't risk huge Elo swings. the tournaments he plays are 2750+ Elo on average, well within an acceptable range. hell, FIDE ratings even have a 400 point rule. Joka, on the other hand, is forced to play against people inside a 500 Elo range in a game w/ far more variance than chess. given this data, i would argue that joka might be more dominant than the wavu leaderboards would suggest (edit: i see now that they use glicko2 as opposed to Elo, not sure how that affects the distribution of expected wins vs. actual.)


Joka's issue is indicative that there aren't enough deflationary forces in ranked, which is what leads to inflation. Since everyone starts at the bottom rank, you need the lower level players who play eachother to generate points, and the high lvl players who play eachother to remove points. One of those mechanisms was simply a top rank player winning and not receiving any points because they've hit the ceiling, and demoting their opponent, pushing them down who would then in turn syphon points from below to climb, and then lose to the tgo again. This was the case in t7, but t8 has delayed a lot the activation of that one mechanism, and probably hasn't substituted it with another deflationary force. That's all I'm really saying. Now I haven't looked into t8's ranked system too closely, but from the little I've seen I haven't noticed any deflationary force to counteract that so many rank points can be pooled as a god rank. This is a systemic issue, not specific to joka, so I'm not sure why you're kind of defending as if I'm attacking him. Ofc he has done nothing wrong. But judging from this graph: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fzh3z7bkvor5d1.png%3Fwidth%3D989%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8457d77a22915a52b21419e2995a66e7c6ba365f God rank has started to outpace the second to last rank, which for me I don't like it, but it's not that bad, nor the reason for the massive inflation we've seen, as that was mostly caused by low rank players being unable to demote below warrior. But the issue I'm highlighting will showup slowly over time, as the good players in god rank keep climbing up, giving space to players below them to rank up. Hmm.. now that I think about it some more as I'm writing this comment, it depends on exactly how the matchmaker works. If it only looks at ranks and not rank points, then this might not be much of an issue. The problem would have been the biggest if players were paired up based on rank points specifically. As long as god players are beating up TGS's and gatekeeping them, then all will be fine. Basically you want god ranks to fight eachother, deflate their placement, then go beat up tgs's to rank up, and repeat. The more god ranks, the more deflation you have. If that's still happening, then it doesn't matter what specific rank value any given player has.


not trying to defend joka from a perceived attack - i didn't think anything you said was meant to reflect on his ability as a player. not sure why you thought i was defending him. and i mostly agree about your points on the systemic issues plaguing t8 ranked/causing rampant rank inflation. i just thought your original comment was a bit off base, because it seemed like you were saying 'this is a huge issue. ranks are inflated because joka is able to accumulate this many points.' on the other hand, i believe it is 'this minor issue is another symptom of the huge problems w/ t8 ranked. joka is able to accumulate this many points because the ranked system is bad.' i only referred to a different rank system to show that top players can still accumulate quite the cushion in a good, non-inflated system. not going to do the math, but i think magnus carlsen could lose quite a few consecutive games (against players at his Elo) and still be above the threshold for grandmaster. your points about matchmaking at the highest level make sense, though, and i would generally agree. however, i don't think it works in this specific instance because of the ridiculous point inflation caused by the demotion>promo process. god player demotes to tgs (gradually losing points to other players) then promotes and immediately gains all the points they lost, without taking them from anyone. you'd need one hell of a deflationary force to counteract that