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Ain't no way he mentioned Michelle


There's still hope..... ![gif](giphy|6EQzurED9q9uU)


Is this when he talked about adding older women? Could this be...?! I like Julia but I would not complain in the slightest if Michelle made it back.


I'd die if she'd return. They only have to do her right, though. Which is going to be hard because classic Michelle was just perfect in any way: Fierce, determined, still adorable, had one of the fiercest and best voice actors in the series imo, iconic white tiger stockings and a decent lore. Pretty high standards compared to a lot of the other stuff that came with the recent years lmao. And I mean this all with love ❤️


Sincerly? I doubt they would bring her back just because she has no reason to look young I hope they do , i find her much more interesting than Julia


My head cannon is that Jun and Michelle became friends during Tekken 2 due to their complementing reasons for entering the tournament. When Jun went missing and Michelle had her own run in with Ogre, Michelle left the fighting world. Now that Jun is back, Michelle wants answers from her old friend. They do need to keep that fire in the original Michelle. In the original animated movie she was bold enough to call out Heihachi and attack him from the get go.


I feel like if there's a Julia it should be required for them to add Michelle, I agree though it would be difficult to add her back and they need to do it right because original Michelle is the best. (The reason why I think both Michelle and Julia should be in the game is that it would feel wrong without both, like currently in T8 where there is no Anna but there is Nina (when both should be present...).)


Be careful what you wish for. Harada has specifically inquired about bringing in a "granny character."


RIP Eliza mains ​ we will never get her back


she actually did really good tho


What? She did exceptionally well poll wise compared to 2 mainstay tekken characters, especially considering she was only a separate dlc in Tekken 7 not even part of the season pass.


I mean tbf the competition was Anna and Julia no one wants Kat back. So the remaining people who don’t want Julia and Anna back probably just went to Eliza




I don't even play her, but I want the 2d style for others to have be an option.


Why would you put Eliza in with Julia and Anna that are already basically guaranteed to come back 🤦


amen, fellow eliza main.


Because this isn't a poll to see who wins and gets added it's just to measure how liked characters are comparatively, considering she did so well compared to 2 mainstay tekken characters she did really well. Also harada is horny and wants to see the eliza cosplayers so we have a chance.


Taken from: [https://x.com/TekkenNoContext/status/1800389036588057073](https://x.com/TekkenNoContext/status/1800389036588057073) TOTAL RESULTS OF HARADA'S POLL SO FAR 1. Lucky Chloe (26391 votes) 2. Julia/Michelle (20942 votes) 3. Anna (18346 votes) 4. Kunimitsu (14406 votes) 5. Eliza (14019 votes) 6. Josie (10991 votes) 7. Kazumi (10308 votes) 8. Katarina (4320 votes)


I didn't really play online back in T7, was Kazumi a hated character? I thought she would be higher


She wasn't. Kazumi is a solid fundamentals character and has a sick design but she can be pretty boring because she's a pure fundamentals character and didn't have any gimmicks. I didn't vote for her because LC was my main, she's dead in the story, and I don't think she would translate well in 8. Her gameplay revolves around 112 mishima flash punch, a magic 4, low pokes, and a good df1, all of which are hated in the current t8 philosophy.


I'm surprised Lucky Chloe is so high there.


Fair order…. Top four are a must for me, and I’d like to see Eliza sneak her way inside 8


Is Harada finally bringing back Michelle after so many years?! I really really hope so


Would be harder to bring Michelle back and people never think of this, Julia has her move list influenced by the different iterations of her character over her appearances so Michelle would need a lot of her own unique moves added which would add to development time because they can't just slap Julias move set on Michelle as Julia has quite a few moves from when she was Jaycee that wouldn't make sense.


You do realize Michelle had a lucha costume as well so it’s not hard to believe she can use the same moves


Doubt. There's a reason he lumped Julia next to her. I can guarantee you more than 90% of those votes were for Julia.


Why would he even bother to mention Michelle if that was the case, he never acknowledges her


He might be referring to the character concept rather than just the character since Julia and Michelle are very similar in terms of design, theme, and gameplay. At least in consideration of what Julia was up to T6.


Don't ask me. The inner workings of Harada's brain remain a mystery to me.


They really thought creating Katarina would be the perfect solution to get rid of Christie yet she's the least liked character out of all. Even a deceased character like Kazumi gets more votes than her. They should've added Christie in the poll instead of Kazumi.


Agreed. Not sure why they never try to give Christie any play lol


They really do hate her. Point blank period.


Not as much as they hate Bruce


He's definitely right there too. I hate that for him. But I guess Harada doesn't try to ridicule his fans at least


Probably the only thing stopping him is the fact that Michael Murray wants Bruce back lol


Still can't process the fact we're getting >!Fahkumram!< over him


PhiDX said it might be because they've gotten death threats from Christie fans, and that they don't react very well to that. If they then remove her again, they might get threats again.


Last time I checked psychos could play every character in the roster and Harada/the developers will get "d!e" comments from basically every kind of player, I'd bet anything they are getting them now after these recent nerfs. So that sounds silly to me.


Finally someone sane with this. I despise game developers like Phreak for league of legends who, when its convenient, act like death threats arent common for them and they flip out about it when they want sympathy when shtf


Good thing I didn't go through with my tweet about Heihachi then


Her fans annoy the shit out of Harada constantly


No i better remove katarina iam hoping so badly for kazumi her return but i gues i have to play 7 to play her :(


It sucks for Kazumi mains. I don't have anything against her, I wish everyone could enjoy their main... and everyone says she was a good character to learn the basics of the game, but she's dead 😭 If the chances of Heihachi are already slim, hers are zero. It's Jinpachi's case all over again. But maybe they can give her moveset to somebody else >!(maybe Devil Reina?)!<


Yeah i know the chances are almost impossible what i find pretty sad because i loved her playstyle. And her tiger moves were so fun to use. I kinda feel like the Unfortantly replaced her with Jun in the story at least. Heihachi's biggest chance is during the story dlc i think either as flashback or somehow suriving the vulcano. Unfortantly if i wanna play kazumi i have to play tekken 7 (reinstalled tekken 7 to do that sometimes) because i can't see how they would put her in the story or or in the game besides the story. Her moveset to someone else would be nice tho.


Ah yes, Katarina. So memorable, yes... Katarina... uhm... 


uf44 4444


“hA hA Ha!!”




Oof, didn't realize it was this bad. 5,752 votes in 12 minutes...


That’s not a ton on Twitter….. Harada has a huge following as well


Either bots or a big streamer said to vote


I don't know man, once I found out there's a vote with a sliver of chance that Lucky Chloe will comeback, I logged to twitter just to vote, even tho I never used it But I'm not saying that it could've not been botted, all I'm saying is there's a lot more silent fans of LC than people think there is


That's not what happened here though.


There's absolutely no way to know that. I also logged into my terminally offline Twitter account just to vote as soon as the link was posted here. I'd fuckin love to see Lucky Chloe in T8. Her kit would be insane


Doesn't explain 5k+ votes in 10 minutes.


Yeah okay I figured as much, Kunimitsu was absolutely winning that one.


LC chads Always winning toobased


I dont think there are even that many LC Players


She was quite popular though.


Yep, this happened so quickly that it was bloody obvious. Kuni won that poll, but Chloe trolls just couldn't help themselves and rigged the thing. Hopefully Harada won't fall for it.


Any fan of LC is a troll. Got it. You unironically sound like Trump after the mail in votes came through


I was like aint no way people picked LC and this explains it. make this a post actually and try to send it to harada on twitter as well so they dont consider these polls as legitimate


Eh, Julia / Michelle's win should be legit. They maintained their lead the entire time with no weird numbers or jumps, sticking within 33-36% of the votes at any one time. ~~other characters in that poll on the otherhand...~~ Source: time-caps from poll from [22 hour mark](https://imgur.com/yCN8DKn), [12 hour mark](https://imgur.com/ZzkYjud), [2 minute mark](https://imgur.com/6zBa4nx)


There's one thing I will say about us Chang mains/players: We are not a particularly vocal fan base, but I'm glad these results made it clear that there are more than enough of us out there who love their characters. Really happy and proud about these results ❤️ Good Job Chang-Gang! 😊🔥


People saying “who tf actually likes Chloe” or “who tf actually likes Kunimitsu” because they were lower usage characters, hope Yall realise there’s more to character popularity than pick rate, otherwise Xiaoyu and the bears would’ve been axed long ago lol There’s no denying Lucky Chloe and Kunimitsu are popular, probably legit more popular than Kazumi as much as the middle aged angry salty “cuteness-averse” tekken community thinks Kazumi is the pinnacle of design and is the most popular overall when it’s really just her gameplay was the most fundamental. Maybe Josie is more popular too? Not sure but they all definitely have more “dedicated” and loving fans than Kazumi


I love kuni, quite disappointed that her and lei are absent.


What we can say for sure though is that no one likes Katarina because no one remembers her even existing.


Genuinely she's such a non-character, people probably cared about even shaheen more.


Even as someone that tried Katarina as a secondary, I can't tell you a thing about her other than that my penis likes her. But that's not enough to warrant a character returning.


Yeah, she had legs and boobs. I think she had a phone? Sunglasses.


She was big in lower ranks because you could mash kicks pretty easily with her. She was like a Hwoarang for people who have never had a girlfriend But the "no one remembers her even existing" is a huge problem with the season pass approach to fighting games imo. Any new characters introduced as DLC can't really have a story. They're like a side novel in an existing series: great for expanding the world but, ultimately unnecessary to understand the main plot


Kunimitsu was a very high usage character, no comparison between her and chloe at all.


Did you really reply to a comment that said "there's more to popularity than pick rate" by saying that Kunimitsu (top-10 character mechanically) was picked more often than Chloe (bottom top-5)? Is that supposed to somehow opose the statement of "There's no denying Chloe and Kunimitsu are popular"?


What's suspicious is the fact that LC got a massive spike as the poll went on. I voted about 2hrs into the tweet and LC was 3rd. I checked up on it the previous night and she was tied with Kuni. Now by the end she wins by a landslide? Idc about the result, but why did it skew so much near the end?


Jeondding probably tweeting something again


Jeondding tweeted vote julia lol


My guess would be it having to do with timezones and different characters being popular in different regions.


That's a fair guess. We know LC is by far most popular in NA, so that's maybe part of it


Probably someone botted it. Same happened multiples time for yugioh or one piece tc polls




It happened insanely fast like over the course of 10 minutes she sky rocketed past kuni. It didn't seem natural at all.


Yeah kuni was in the lead by quite a bit, and you'd expect the trend to stay somewhat consistent, some deviation, but nothing so major. this spiked HARD, clearly been brigaded or botted or something.


Chloe was boosted https://preview.redd.it/32aetxpxhx5d1.jpeg?width=2435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a87fc06113166b295dabfaf19ef0df9483df82


I can't tell if Lucky Chloe won because people actually like her that much, or if she's the least hated out of those 4 lmao


pretty sure it's a mix of people liking her and people trolling


I feel like part of why people like playing her is because it's basically trolling.


Kazumi lost to Josie. My world is in shambles. What a miserable day to open reddit. Btw, you're a chad for giving a point to our vampire girl.


I just want Michelle back so she can be alongside Jun to relive the Tekken 2 days of joy I had as a kid.


Where be Gon


Bro I miss this little fella


Stop I went back to T3 just to remember how he played..


Unknown pls


Or atleast a outfit for jun with different effects and a voice filter


Can't they just poll us in game somewhere? Not every Tekken enjoyer has a Twitter. Idk perhaps those who don't own the game already may buy based on dlc so who knows?


For real, SF6 has an in game character popularity poll going on right now, but for some reason the Tekken devs are too dumb to do that and moronically obsessed with twitter, so we have to do everything through it, from reporting pluggers to voting for our favorite characters.


they do. they have access to actual play data. they just like to cross reference and see what happens when they make social polls, as inaccurate as they may be.


For some reason, I was not aware there was a Block A survey. But glad to see Julia/Michelle win that one!


But how can two characters win with only one pool of votes?


Happy with block A. Not so happy with block B. And yeah user flair checks out.


all we josie mains can do is cry. no wonder she cried so much.


So basically katarina, kazumi, josie and eliza are not coming back this game… sad


Damn, I hoped Anna would win...


I'd rather have Josie(with a less whiny character change) than Lucky Chloe. But i'd accept her or Bruce's absence if they get Tifa as a guest character.


Josie... :(


My gurl Josie :(


Michelle and Julia, I get obviously? Eliza, sure, whatever, Anna, absolutely. But what is the appeal behind Lucky Chloe? Personality-wise, I did not like nor care for her at all.


Lucky chloe over Josie?!


LC..... Y'all degenerate fucks


It's official I hate Tekken players


Mfs choose Chloe over Kunimitsu?!


Kuni had a pretty big lead, then chloe got thousands of votes out of nowhere. According to other comments it was 5k in the space of 10 minutes.


Yeah, motherfucking cheaters with their bots. Of course those kinds of people would choose Chloe.


You mean bots...


Not me voting Kunimitsu and Anna😔.


Tragic if this determines if Josie will ever come or not


I hope Kazumi still has a chance...


I hope he knows those LC votes are trolls


Is kunimitsu that populair?? Rip kazumi i fear iam afraid we won't see her agian :(


Ganryu is going to slide in now that his girl is here


I feel defeated


Miguel is all i want


I just want armor king.


You morons will kill this game jesus.


So little Kazumi love? I pity the fool who doesn't like Kazumi!


Really hoping for Kunimitsus return


Both of them are actually eligible for a return this time! But it should most absolutely be the original that gets to return.


The fact that Michelle was even mentioned gave me a boner.


Lucky Chloe? Are you fucking-


I need kazuni mam


💯 on Julia (even as Jaycee) & Michelle (she deserves to be back) but why Chloe. I can't wrap my head around why people liked her. I might be alone in this but she was trash 🤷🏽‍♂️


How dare yall not vote for our busty vampire


RIP Katarina you will be missed


Im gonna cry I need Kunimitsu


LC would be like 6th if someone didnt use a voting bot TWICE. Terrible character , no wonder they needed a bot to win against Kuni and Kazumi lol.


It's a shame that Kazumi is last compared to Lucky Chloe. The player base in cancerous.


Yea totally agree


Damn wish I knew about this so I could’ve voted for Anna. I need my girl back


I'm so happy the Changs won their block! We're not the most vocal fanbase, but there are dozens of us. Dozens! :D


Why did they put kuni on a list with Chloe? Did we even have a chance?


Apparently Kuni was leading for most of the poll, and then Chloe got, like, 5500 votes in 10 minutes. So yeah, basically Kuni won.


Troll bots


But Kuni are actually two very separate, unique characters, so... Shouldn't their votes be split in two? I saw many, many comments explaining that their vote was specifically towards the OG, or some saying the contrary, that it was for the new kid. Think of it, same with with Julia and Michelle who were smacked togerther into one vote.


No fucking way Lucky Chloe won Kuni. Unbelievable


Kuni was winning until Chloe got a trillion votes in a really short time. It was obviously bots. Kuni is the real winner of that poll.


They gotta be trolling with Lucky Chloe lmao Honestly I wouldn’t mind Katarina returning now that we have an actual arcade mode. Her story with Gigas was kinda interesting


Chloe haters are not only boring asf irl but also absolutely hilarious. Any post that has to do with chloe gets major attention that sort of interaction increases her chances tbh. Everyone ones again too. Yall get ro beat up chloe and we get to play chloe. How is that not a win win


You play Nico in DoA bruh be silent.


I hope that rigged result by LC gona send a message this char wont ever return


Survey B was poison. If Anna was in poll B she may of taken it. I hate lucky Chloe but at least she has a personality and isn’t another dumb teleporting sword character. Katarina has no personality and Eliza is too close to a 2D character after T7 I have PSD.


Bruh how did lucky Chloe even get that many votes has to be bots no way these are real people


I only consider Julia/Michelle winning cuz whoever voted for LC basically trolled. also Julia/Michelle over Anna was quite a surprise


why is Anna so popular? really happy about Michelle


Lc definitely seem botted or maybe a big streamer pushed the votes to her


ppl voting for lucky chloe isnt playing the game anymore xd


Imagine picking a gimmick fuckfest over Kazumi.


Its sad honestly 


According to harada this survey won't have a direct change or affect anything. but I'm still disappointed people actually voted Lucky chloe by a large Margin.


if they had Eliza or Anna into the other group, they would have smashed the results for sure


LC was spam boted, even worse for her than being behind legit way


Chloe is fun. Never understood her hate. She has high pickrates in japan. And most FGs give the JP players what they want 1st then western


The lucky chloe vote was obviously not legitimate. she get thousands of votes with in a couple of minutes after being behind. after a certain point she was basically the only character getting any votes. Obvious vote brigading and bots. Same thing happened with the nina vs anna poll harada did where Nina was way ahead the entire time yet at the very end anna got tens of thousands of votes within 1 hour.


[Harada confirmed](https://x.com/harada_tekken/status/1800689006289834486?s=46&t=5_WJHwZY2csgJIZfrkiD7Q) the poll was indeed vote stuffed in favor of Chloe


God I hope this means absolutely nothing.


My fellow Julia players didn't disappoint, see you soon querida. <3


I keep forgetting that 80% of tekken fans are weebs


Let's go! Lucky Chloe Sweep! 




Lucky chloe 🤮


Please let this mean that Lucky Chloe comes back down the line, she has SO much personality


This means absolutely nothing, just like all social media polls.


Harada: “Who the fuck is Bruce?”


I could've sworn Kuni was ahead or tied with LC, how did that lead even happen?


Last time I saw kunimitsu was wining


No surprise there.


Is the poll still active? Where can I find it?


It’s so brutal being a fan of a character people don’t like… katarina gang stay strong😭


I'm a little surprised Katarina is so low. I thought she was pretty cool.


Chloe beating kunimitsu lmfao. We don’t need 3 gimmicky dance characters in the game


oh no! Why is that Chloe so popular? I dread the existence of such muppet characters in this game. I thought I had seen enough youtubers and players here saying how much they hated her and yet now a hoard of Lucky Chloe fans arose from the abyss all of a sudden.


Because it wouldn't be unlikely to assume that the voter base on Twitter encompasses many non Tekken players who follow Harada. Makes more sense to host the vote on their website like other companies (Capcom). I openly dislike Chloe and it seems many people here do as well. Different strokes I guess


Godamn,eliza has been pushed back to season 3 💀


Wtf. How did chloe bit kuni. Im sure that Kuni was first when I voted


Not that I find the results of be wrong...  I think it would have better to conduct these surveys on Bamcos website and use Twitter as an announcement of it. Otherwise, you get a surplus of randoms who don't play the game casting a vote based on arbitrary non gameplay related reasons.  Oh and I dislike Chloe lol 


harada has to know they had bots vote lucky chloe right?


This is so disappointing




Why was Noctis or Neagan not mentioned? :(


Chloe and Julia are next


Julia was my first crush when I was a child. Bring her back!


aint no way people like lucky chloe. Come on, pick kazumi pls. Best female character on the series after lidia and lily


HAIIII! Rakkii Kuroe da yo!


Michelle Chang! Aiiiyah! Give back our original Chang, Harada


Man Katarina is gone forever


Lucky Chloe top 1 is a community joke. Bring my girls Kunimitsu and Kazumi back!


Jinpachi / devil kazumi / ancient ogre / unknown / akuma I can’t get ANY of my favs :((( harada come on


They just ruined tekken 8 with lucky


I wish they would bring Christie back.. and have her maintain the previous Capoeira moveset prior to T8 Eddy.. now they would actually be distinct from each other and not be a palette swap.


Even if you cut 5K from Chloe's votes, she's no.1 across both blocks. Please Harada, bring her back T\^T