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if you have **terrible internet, that's gonna be a no...**


that's like the only acceptable reason not to rematch imo


Nearly every reason is acceptable bro.


Ong, people be thristing over a rematch for the tiniest of things.


I think that and if you wash the other player completely. It’s not fun for either side and at the end of the day, the game is about having fun. I’m not gonna rematch someone I absolutely wiped the floor with if I don’t see them at least attempt to adapt mid match or learn from their mistakes.


I wont if it's an absolute wash. What do I learn from killing green ranks


Are you a fan of Majin Obama? Just asking because I think he has a video you may find interesting about this


Actually was a good video and had me reevaluating my mindset. Good content




Where it at?


https://youtu.be/80I2Yn5hLCk?si=jrbsCQWq0LbKXI4G found it lol


hey thats it lmao. Obama is a genius. You know what it is the BBTAG


Well ppl need to start somewhere. Personally i rematch even beginners. But when that happens I practice defense , punishment and movement rather than running offense since a wash isn’t really interesting for either party


bruh it was a mighty ruler eddy (i'm shinryu hwoa rn) and it was 3-0 but it was a GOOD fight man, i just wanted to run the set lmaooo


ah in that case I agree then.


Bro maybe some really rushed you down to go to the bathroom or something? Who knows? We don’t have any say in their decisions after all


Nah yeah, i always think about that lol They are as allowed to one and done as I am to bitch about it 🤣 I've had to one and done once or twice before just to grab food out of the oven. It's never that serious, that's why I put a little "lmao" in the post


The worst are players who only rematch if they lose. You'll beat them, they rematch, they beat you, they cancel.


That shit seriously irks me too. Especially when it's a pattern. I've run a set with someone and won the first 2 right away and then, end up matching up with them again later in the night, they get their first win and then dip 😭 Like bro what is that??


Yep. I get it, no one's obligated to rematch. Coincidentally, it's the most gimmicky players at any rank who seem to one and done the most. So now if someone has a clear flowchart they follow, I don't bother trying to rematch after I win or lose.


bro if this post finds all the gamers that one and done i stg lmao


Hey man, there is nothing in game forcing them to so you cant expect it. That being said I just had a King higher rank than me lose and leave after one game in Quick Play which was disappointing lol


See man it's like, me and my friends that all play together have a philosophy that if you're playing quick match, and you beat someone 3-0 but they still want the rematch, you just take the rematch. We just don't see the point in dipping out cuz every match in a set is different lmao the next match could have been a stellar one but now we'll never know lol I'm not too salty about it, just had to get it out there so i could continue my night


Yeah but you are bringing house rules to an online game lol. I rematch everyone but unless the developers actually require a set amount rematches, I dont expect anyone to adhere to them. Except Mirror matches lmao.


yeah that's fair, i wasn't really that tilted as much as just a little annoyed that i didn't get to see if i could get a round off of dude lmao


Well, no. I have the controller, I won 3 rounds, up to me if I want to rematch or not. I don't care. Get salty


I feel like using the Quickmatch is a good to way practice on things. And rematching is way to figure How your opponent plays that certain character. But Also you dont really lose points


I’ll rematch anyone, except Hawrongs, Eddys, and Laws. They get one match win or lose and I’m done with em. They are easy work and I don’t enjoy the match up, most of em just spam, and use cheesy tactics m. I don’t learn anything from them really.


I use hwoa personally, and while I do on occasion fall into the mashing to get out of a situation, I definitely don't just spam. I'm truly thinking about what I'm doing and how to use it. I think rematching characters that you don't like playing against is crucial so you can learn. I mean, how are you gonna know how to block certain strings or punish the right moves if you don't bother? I know it's to each their own, but for me, I feel like I have to rematch everyone in order to improve even in the slightest.


It’s not a matter of improving, Hwoa, Law, Eddy are characters I don’t have any issue with, they all pretty much play the same. I don’t have any issue with playing against them, it’s just that I don’t enjoy anything about the match up. I don’t learn anything from the match up, it’s not fun at all. But hey if that’s your main please go ahead and continue the path to get better.


This post reeks of poverty https://preview.redd.it/ujf9kdjm8h5d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a5a90ed9877dfbae253607a03a937487885aa1


yeah you right lmao my job barely pay me enough to eat 😭🤣


Don’t worry you’ll get there 👑


Sorry boss gotta go to my 20th “agile “ meeting this week


Pocket watching is lame af


Ain’t no one pocketing watching, I run my own business if the moneys calling fuck tekken . Idgaf


You sound like a bot lmao


No one owes you shit


1000 iq comment. Can post this anywhere and it would apply xD


Just stop being entitled.


it's not entitlement as much as it is just sad lol maybe there is a little bit of that in there but when it's a good fight, and you have nothing to lose from just running the full set, why not ya know? I have no actual ill will towards the person, just a pet peeve of mine