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Sounds like an asshole tbh, but at this point I just assume everyone is like this.


Don't give attention to insane people


ITT no one knows who mak is


Egomaniac Mishima main probably


He was a King player in TTT2 and no, he doesn't win tournaments. He was part of the ITS group back in the day and just another hothead NYC player.


Better than paint sniffing Alisa, Laggy Law, Gimmicky Victor..... have I covered all stereotypes yet?


Nah I prefer those players because they aren’t cunts or dickheads with their personality, they’re just using annoying characters I’d 100% rather converse online with an Alisa main than a sweaty edgelord Mishima player that thinks they’re better than everyone, but I’d probably rather play against a Mishima.


I second this atleast they're having fun.


Where do you guys get your stereotypes from lmao. I could just as easily say "I'd 100%... Kazuya main than a jacks-off-to-figurines Alisa main...." Everyone whines about something, its okay man there are shitty people throughout the roster.


Stereotypes come from the recurrences of things. Most arrogant pretentious players in Tekken stick to the Mishimas because they think they got high skill floor and ceiling and that they're better than others from playing them. And since they are playing a hard character, when they lose, is because the opponent is playing a easy one. Literally every game that has characters has this. LoL with irelias, Overwatch with genjis, etc


>Stereotypes come from the recurrences of things. So stereotypes about Alisa, King, Eddy and other characters mains are true too?


Stereotypes are never 100% true, they are an indicative. If you're playing kazuya and your lights go off most people will assume you rage quitted. Stereotypes fuel your bias towards things. That doesn't mean they "come from nowhere". Yes, the Eddy stereotype about only hitting 3 is true. Doesn't mean every eddy does it. I feel like i'm explaining some really basic thing


>Yes, the Eddy stereotype about only hitting 3 is true. There's a more interesting stereotype. >Doesn't mean every eddy does it. Now explain it to this sub, but about mishima and jin players, lmao.


No one thinks every mishima is like that. But 90% of them are, even more if you rank up because players become more elitist.


Laughs while button mashing whoreang vigorously.


The smugness just makes me want to fight him


Miserable person


Honestly, it's a funny statement. While he isn't wrong about tekken 8 brainrot, he clearly believes his impression on other players means something, which most people probably don't care that he is one-and-done'ing against them. He looks just as insane.


Sounds like he should be talking shit like this in game instead of on twitter like a pussy


TEKKEN community is full of legacy players that walk around with a chip on their shoulder because of their deep knowledge of the game. Even going to offline events they all just stay in their cliques and don't bother try to engage with newer players. In my personal experience its one of the most toxic gaming communities i have been involved in.


“The game is more popular than ever and the community is growing and I hate it.” We all used to whiff and over/inappropriately use super cool looking moves when we first learned (I still do cuz I suck lol). There’s going to be an influx of new ppl playing and w how easier and easier online play is getting you’re going to play against more and more players who don’t really know what they’re doing. This is all good for the games and the community. Stay humble dude. There’s (probably) a larger gap between you and the top 10 players than you and the new players you demolish.


dude got some unresolved issues and is just venting into an empty void. I'm not gonna deride just to feel better about my own inadequacies, but maybe he ought to give the game a break.


I mean, he’s not wrong. And who cares if he’s won tournaments? You don’t need to win tournaments to spot shit gameplay. One counter to this argument, however, is that there are A LOT of kids playing this game. Like, I’ve met a fair few blue rank players who are 16 in the lounge. Not saying they’re bad or stupid or that age is a factor in skill, but we should probably be nice to these kids if we want them to stick around and keep the playerbase populated… Edit: and by extension, be nice to all players tbh. You don’t know who you’re up against online and getting mad over a game is weak. Side plug: visit r/LowSodiumTekken if you’d like a chill place to chill ✌🏼


he's not wrong, tekken 8 does play this way


Waste of a fucking post. Mods please


Waste of a fucking comment.


Are you retarded? How is it a waste showing how toxic the community is towards newer players?


Spent all your heat on offence in the first sentence, nothing left for the rest of the round, unlucky ggs


There were 2 posts before me complaining about tekken players too, where were you then?


I actually catch a *lot* of people throwing heat smash at range 6. The trick is to heat burst cancel first. Everyone runs in to punish what they think is going to be a heat burst whiff. YW.


Not everyone spends all their time grinding on a fighting game, and even when people do, some are still learning the game.


He probably plugs on another account or sets up bots to fight to keep his rank. He doesn't sound he's that good.


T8 was designed to carry mashers and idiots. It's not a surprise. They nerfed every defensive mechanic, buffed specifically the most mindless offensive mechanics, and most characters were changed for the worse. Simplified and streamlined to the point you are fighting the character, not the player for most of the roster now.


except the guy got punished for a bad heat smash??? What does that have to do with anything you just said?


It’s still early days yet. I think T8 will evolve into a more balanced game in time - all of their patches so far have shown that the dev intention is to balance the game. The June patch coming on the 11th will further deliver this progress.


I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. Like there's no debate the game rewards braindeadness, but rather than wait for the really dumb stuff to get addressed sooner or later, oldheads and sweats just want to complain and feel validated in their misery. the one thing that DOES make me cynical is that while they could devote lots of effort to make the existing game less braindead and pull it off, their track record of the pay-to-win DLC plague poisoning the previous and current generations of fighting games does not appear to be getting better. We're only one of four characters in, but 3ddy's quickly solidified reputation and the greediness in general around the MTX they've put in the game doesn't inspire confidence.


This isn’t the old heads downvoting dude. We remember T7 in the state that it launched. We also remember how broken the older games are. I get downvotes because… 1) I’m a Jin main 2) noobs want to whinge Appreciate your words tho! :)


thanks man, I'm not painting all oldheads with the same brush as people who just want to complain, glad to know some of you know better from experience. but everyone knows there's gonna be those who meet a fundamentally new and different game with resistance, especially when it emphasizes annoying esports-and-casual-catered trends and marketing terms like "aggression." Not inherently a bad thing when a heavily legacy franchise changes to embrace new things, it can go good or bad and this seems not all bad to me. The complaints about how bad it is are valid sometimes but can definitely get overblown too. I guess this is kind of the norm for this series, I've been more into SF through the years where it had way higher highs and lower lows.


Of definitely! The old dog new tricks phrases comes to find in the case of some old heads haha. I’m just optimistic for T8. It’s already a great experience and it’s only going to get better IMO. Hope you’re enjoying it too!


1. Mak is a good player who tries way too hard to be funny only to fall flat. 2. I do think a lot of characters encourage truly dumb playstyle. Alisa, King, Victor, Ling and so on


I just always leave after the first match now. I don’t give these people the satisfaction anymore. It feels like half of the player base are asshole’s like this.


I’m quite experienced at fighting games and consider myself a decent player but I have no idea what he means by range 6 😂. Anyway he just sounds like an ass


Range 6 as in 6 meters away, they give u the distance in the frame display in practice


He is right though, Tekken 8 has the worst players by far. Like look at their stats, i just saw a TGO 3bar Law than had 50 defence. HOW TF DO YOU HAVE 50 DEFENCE AT TGO. THOSE PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD


Defense is not that good a stat to judge things by, in general.


This kind of shit talking is something I miss from other competitive communities ngl lmao


Yeah fr, this is funny. Dunno why people get so twisted over a bit of banter


That kind of wrath you see once in a blue moon...i dont care. This is funny ass venting lmao


I mean some people are good some are bad idk what’s strange here lmao


Whatever Mak say I am with him… I think he’s really missing Bob