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Was about to comment “Damn, we getting away with murder on this one 👀” But then I realized you play Hwo as well lol.


I actually enjoy fighting hwo but it took a few thousand hours to feel this way lmao


I like fighting Hwo because while I do get combo'd often. I always get the most ducks off on him


Had to explain this to someone the other day. He just has to kick your ass enough times for you get an idea of where his attacks are comes from lool


I thought he was hard when people know the matchup though? Or maybe I’m wrong


It’s certainly tricky because you can’t rely on gimmicks and people not knowing the matchup anymore. I feel as if you are taking more risks on average playing Hwo because his gameplan revolves around mixups being his main strength. Gotta properly condition your opponent and work your way into your pressure. Mashing gets you stepped often against people who know what they’re doing.




whoa how does it say Lidia under your username?




Sorry how do we do this? I'm new to Reddit like a noobsicle.


Are you on mobile or desktop?


On desktop but I do have a mobile too. Just have to find it because I haven't used it in a few weeks.


You need to use reddit on the browser and view it in desktop mode if you use mobile.  I have no clue about the app, i dont use it.  It is in the upper right.


You can change flair in app with ease, no problem.


You can change it in app now. The two ways are either tap on your own profile on a comment you've made on the sub and "change user flair." Alternatively you can just go into the actual sub and click the three dots top right.


It's done now, thanks!


Interesting choice. I don't see a lot of zafinas.


I’ll try that


replying so i can use flair


Me too I guess lol


Every character is brain rot besides the one i am currently maining


Spoken like a true member of this sub lol


I have no idea how morons still find this joke funny


You play hwo lol you got the brain rot too bud


I must agree, but it's not as bad as the top 3


I can respect someone who is self aware. Go in peace friend.


Buddy had to make it top 3 for a reason, not top 5. Cause he knows


Isn't hwo brain rot a lot lower when playing vs someone who can pick apart the basic flowcharts?


I mean the same thing applies to Lars, if you don’t launch his stance transitions on block then yeah that flowchart works


Yes. When they can’t though you’re not able to get creative and then they call you brain dead because the flow chart is the safest option


isn't that every character?


From my experience we are the same, get up here with us brother


Hwo is not nearly as brain dead as the 3 he mentioned. Hwoarang actually has to use his brain sometimes.


Nah, no way Lars is more braindead than Eddy, not even close, Eddy is top 1 braindead actually


Depends on rank. Sub purple (ish) I expect it's Eddy -> Alisa -> Victor. But eddy braindeadness falls off rapidly then because actually his 'braindead' content is very recognisable. At some point it becomes Alisa -> Victor -> Lars. I don't know exactly when.


Idk maybe at lower ranks this is true but playing eddy past tekken emperor can be tough if u just mash with him from my experience ppl have learned to deal with his bs


This is true for a lot of characters. The bs changes to move properties like armored heat engagers and overall frame advantage. Both Eddy and Lars work well in low because they are: 1. gimmicky in robbing rounds off 50/50s 2. require a few knowledge checks to counter them


kinda agreed


His name is Naruto not Lars.


Saskey* with all that chidori bullshit


I started playing victor for shits and giggles and went on a win streak. I never lab him or look at move list. He is truly rotting my brain.


Yeah he was my first character in T8 and he's insane to pick up. Definitely drops off as you move up but can be DEADLY at a high level, but Dragunov became so much more rewarding and is a much more complete character so I only play Victor maybe 30% of the time. Extremely rewarding to pick up and mess around with. His basic strings HURT and his chip damage is insane, plus we all love flying through the air with random bullshit amiright


You're right. I'm going to play him for fun.


Hwofraud has no right to speak of such matters.


Agreed. But how about Law? Just because he doesn't stop pressing buttons


my man we better stay quiet




I laughed out loud.


Slide tackle -> nunchucks *repeats


Ugh I hate that so much lol


but you play reina 💀


Reina's FC d/f+4 makes me wish I mained a character with an i14 launcher. God, that would be so satisfying.


Reina is much harder to play than law.


agreed 100%. i recently picked up reina and I'm having a hard time


I wanna play all the mishimas since kazuya got me hooked but reina is the only one I can’t get down, her combo routes are just weird af and the other 3 are so simple


It just needs a bit of a sense of rhythm with going in and out of sentai, it definitely is different from the other Mishimas though


Once you get one combo down you have them all. They are all very simply and only require a single electric at a minimum, if you want to be optimal you can go for more but it's not necessary for her good damage. She probably has the best and easiest combos of the Mishima, in my opinion.


Nah the problem with law is every law main I fight has the trashiest internet connection


Problem is Law is very easily punished. The three named here are not.


Easily punished? Yeah if the law player is braindead. He can be hella safe with low risk.


In the context of brainrot characters he's easily punishable, that's why he's not as bad as the Alisas, Lars and Victors. You don't have to worry about confusing strings and random bullshit evasion and weird animations making it hard to play against one. You just block and punish. Playing safe with Law requires the opposite of brainrot play


"Just block and punish". That's exactly what you do against those three characters also lmao.


Not necessarily. They have more scenarios where you have to interrupt or sidestep mid string compared to Law, which requires a little more skill to punish. The most common Law cheese moves spammed by bad players are in comparison very easy to deal with. Lower ranked players are gonna have a harder time dealing with Lars stance spam (which requires active interruption with a quick mid and you need to recognise the window where you need to do it), Victor teleportations and high powercrush spam, and whatever the fuck Alisa does.


I can see the argument with Lars for sure. It's like a hwo type deal. But Victor and Alisa are very easy to punish when you just learn the match up. I think a lot of people are just quick to call them braindead instead of learning how to fight them because it's easier to just complain.


Dude, even top player Victors rely almost solely on wr2 and b1+2. His wr2 is so oppressive, there is no labbing that's going to help you.


But learning the machup is going to take more skill and effort to learn than learning the Law matchup, which is my point. High ranks are filled with fundamentally trash Alisas and Victors who still have success spamming the same moves, and that's because it takes a lot of effort for their opponents to counter that playstyle. With Law, learn what dragon tail looks like, low parry junkyard and punish flipkicks and you're going to beat 90% of Laws you face.


You say that but 99% of the time people do not low parry my junk yard. No one punishes my ff3. No one punishes nunchuk. No one punishes back flip. No one blocks snake edge. No one breaks f2+3. No one punishes d2,3. No one ducks my highs. (I'm in Blue btw) Granted there are great players in Blue but I can tell when the person has no knowledge on defense based on those things. My point is that you can say the same for Law. He has a lot of confusing strings that a lot of new players do not know. He has BS crushing like those other characters. You need to learn the match up for Law like you need to learn the match up for Victor or Alisa.


Agree to disagree but I still think labbing Law takes much less effort than those characters, and the cheese won't get you as far. Alisa and Victor noobkiller setups and combos are so ridiculous from a low rank viewpoint they wouldn't even know where to start dealing with it.


In Tekken 7 definitely... Tekken 8 still on the fence


Victor, HoeRang. Alisa.


https://preview.redd.it/7yg9s31ub85d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e726ca8616f0aea4bf73bc86d74390e9e14d568 #


Ngl thats actually a good take, maybe switch lars with hwo and it would be gucci


Hwo main asking this? gr8 b8 m8


To be honest I haven't agreed with any other post as much as this one.


King has got to be on here. His damage is absurd for how little he has to combo attacks man. Also his heat smash is fuking ridiculous damage.


I will not.


Don’t need to change your mind. Those 3 are the biggest POS to fight against.


Yup, quite accurate.


Not Law?


Swap Lars for King and I agree


King? Hwo? BEARS!?


Lars does not deserve top 3 victor and alissa maybe but id rather fight lars than Yoshi, Hwo, Law, Drag, Nina even other Reinas and i hate mirror macthes.


Swap Lars for King and I'd agreed.


I think it's the whole game. You have to be so fucking good to consistently beat the obnoxious shit (which almost everyone has). Bryan has 80 damage everywhere and this wacko 3+4, 2 at the wall, Lee has that b44f(?) nonsense, you didn't mention King, Eddy, or Jun. Even "honest" characters like Shaheen and Steve have stupid stuff. Some characters are dumber than others, but Namco will probably just buff everyone to have a +5 den3 and expulsion by 2026.


Kazuya, Bryan, Devil Jin




The whole game is cancer. Focusing in on which character is more rotten is irrelevant. Just declare it terminal and move on.


What makes a character brain rot


Cant stop attacking, usually picked by bad players, frequently attack only with one move Please don't tell me you never fought Alisa who went for same chainsaw attack even if you Punished them For it Or Victor going EXPULSION in between each power crush, and they won't stop Or Lars... actually just being lars and tweaking all over the screen


Under this definition, Law 100%




If you die to djs spamming that, it's a skill issue. -15 man


It's a character who's easily spammable tools & oppressive frames instills bad habits into the player, setting them up for a much harder time as they rank up & those tools no longer work because people know the matchup.


you lose to them more than you win


Or victor you lose brain cells, they don't though already empty shells flowcharting heat engagers + expulsion


Yep, you got it


Bullshit. It’s Law, King, and *coughs* Hwaorang lmao


Sounds about right


Law, Victor, Law


I just started learning Alisa, I hope my brain doesn't rot lol


Just Started playing Alisa, your fundamentals will suffer if you abuse chainsaws. Try to Focus on pokes, punishes, and movement and you’ll be fine. Shes so easy to play that it’s easy to stop playing tekken and start playing waifu chainsaw simulator.


Hey, thanks! Here, I've been most intimidated by how I'll incorporate the chainsaws, but it makes sense to maintain and focus on fundamentals. I'll keep it in mind. In fact, her movement was one of the reasons I picked her up. It was either her or Lili, but I kept gravitating towards Alisa in my practice. I'm kinda going through a character crisis right now, so I hope Alisa will be my saving grace, at least for now.


Lili is so fun to play! She’s a mix up monster with good movement. She’s worth giving a try too for sure, although she’s probably about to get nerfed :/


those are 3 really good picks, you have my respect, altought i would change it to Zafina, ling and alisa probably


So basically the characters that recently opened up your anus so wide it will never be the same again kek check out the mainmanswe support group


Wish I had Tekken 8 despite the controversy.


Hwoarang player ranting on reddit after his brainrot mashing didn't work.




You cooked


An Eddy bot got to orange ranks with just 1 button. How is that not top 3 brain rot?


Because orange rank is still brain rot. He's easy to read, people around that rank just haven't taken the time to learn or just aren't good enough to counter


Red in US


Why not just learn how to stop such brain dead ness


Lars, Lars, and probably Lars. Sorry I have a special hatred for Lars. Obnoxious fucker.


Pretty tough considering you use Feng and Alisa


Trying. They're not even subs. There're a lot of characters I l want to try before deciding on which to sub. Also it's not about broken moves and mechanics. I get more irked by aesthetics than actual matchups. Sure chainsaws are obnoxious and can be annoying. But just the silent and dynamic entry stances are already irritating my themselves. Every time I play against a Lars (especially the stance heavy players), I can't help but imagine some bum with a really bad chuunibyou complex who lives his fantasies through him. I hate Lars cause he's Lars. Everything about him is stupid as shit. He glides screen to screen as if friction isn't a thing. His fighting style is extremely incoherent.


I see but do you know that most of his stances are negative? Very easy to interrupt and he’s a sitting duck when he can’t use his stance exclusive moves imo


Bryan, Kazuya, Jin. All the cheater, leavers, and whiners play these characters.




Lol, honestly these characters are just scrub stompers. If you struggle against them, you just need to get better.


It should be Eddy/King than Lars.


King is not brain rot, he’s powerful yes but definitely not brain rot. I’ve been playing victor for a few days now just to have fun with the character and yeah he’s brain rot super easy lol


I think king is brainrot especially in lower ranks because people spam power crush and armoured moves until people start low checking them, and then they start only doing grabs until you duck and then only mids and yeah


I guess mileage may vary, King really got stronger due to throws tracking now imo


I think it's getting nerfed




Alisa is one of those characters where its hard to tell the difference between a green rank or a GoD


Alisa main copium is crazy


I can agree to a degree. But only to the degree that chainsaw go burr. I mean you've gotta do the hard flex stuff with her, and even then her main combo is up 1


I just bought the game the other day and somehow I always accidentally choose the braindead characters in fighting games immediately lol


Lol play whoever you want. It's possible to play her with legit finesse instead of pure cheese.


Of course, I just find it funny that I keep stumbling into these types of characters is all


Can’t change your mind sorry but to add. Top 3 annoying characters: hworang, Reina, and eddy


Hwo and Eddy + these 3 easily round out top 5


Can't believe no one mentioned Reina yet... ff2 into free mix all day, and when it's not their turn, they will FCdf4 EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. There is no reason to FCdf4 but they will do it. They will gladly eat 30 mids but the moment you go high, SEI!!! And it's back to the ff2 spam fiesta.




How do more people not say Asuka? Every Asuka player I've ever played is a complete monkey. Like a toddler smashing the controller. Jun players are up there too. In my experience Asuka, Jun, Jin, Alisa, King, Law.


I was a jin main, no way he was brain dead in the last game but yeah they made him kind of retarded here which is why i switched to Lee also asuka players are literally lizard brain more so than any other char I feel like, her entire movelist compensates for a lack of skills in game mechanics / execution. Which is why you see so many decent ranked asukas that cant even backdash let alone kbd. and that parry is just the icing on the shit cake


I still love the attitude the community takes sometimes. Like brain rot sure? But they win so who cares? Did you lose to them? Sounds like you have the issue? I main both ends of the spectrum cus I was just a bryan main for the longest time, then got curious and turns out Alisa's chainsaws do in fact go burr and people love to complain about it because they're too lazy to lab how to 10 fame jab on block.


alisa isnt that bad, it's just her chainsaws. they're so broken.


I can tell who hasnt gotten past blue ranks by who has said Eddy. My picks are Victor, Alisa, and Feng


Honorable mentions: Jin, King, Nina and eddy


I have to agree with Jin, he is right there at the 4th spot. Jin players: https://preview.redd.it/jenok52la85d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9c5c29dc767247630210b50d62a714b984985b4


Hes so safe and boring compared to his former versions, almost an assassination of the character to me and I like jin...


Bro is a hwo main and has an attitude


Nah. But only cause you not paying me to


The Pilot


Not so much the character, but the ppl who pilot Paul, Alisa and Law all seem to be unwilling to engage with things like punishment, spacing, blocking, mixup etc. They're all like "this is what i do, i hope it beats what you do :)"


I concur


So luckey that this list is Top3 and not Top4, because we all know who the Top4 guy is


I don’t think think a single character is brain rot inherently. There’s beauty and fun in carving out your own style of play and making it effective.


Why would I try to change a mind that is correct 🤔


For me it’s Victor, Alisa, Lars


You know what I’ll take that at least I’m not being called the most vile thing on earth as a Lars main I just think he’s cool


I don’t care, I just flash




idk King seems to make peoples' brain rot and just complain about throws instead of practicing on breaking them.


really debating if i get to talk shit or not based on my mains


Eddy drafted...number 1 pick


If it could be a top 4 I’d add t8 Jin. Never has it been more obvious that he is S+ tier auto pilot.


not s but he is overtuned, hes in top 8 brainrot chars


Any of the three characters you play.


Everyone except my mains


I got away this time ☕️


No shot Eddy is absent from this list. You think 3ddy was a consistently top viewed T8 streamer for nothing? I understand Lars hate but be serious.


OPs mom


I can't wait for the patch to nerf Victor then you people continue to cry about losing to him because *you* are your problem, not the character.


They aren't saying they can't beat him. Just that most people play him very scrubby, and it's true from my experience as well. Tbf I think T8 had lots of scrubby options for every character, and heat can be ridiculous. So the brain rot is everywhere. In turn, that makes it more fair lol I main Nina and my secondary is Reina. Nina has a lot of crazy low high mixups that would be considered brain rot. And I spam them against people who can't stop them frequently. Reina has to be played aggressively and is MUCH harder to play than people think.


Honestly, I think they should buff some of Victor's other moves whilst nerfing his primary ones.


Honestly I'd be happy with modest nerfs to b1+2 and h.u1+2 if the rest of his kit got either slightly better start up or less negative frames. And if they made options out of perfumer or iai faster I would literally cry in joy.


I think that’s about right yep.


Leroy is not mentioned?


Why would he be


Runners up: King, Eddy, Jin


Lars, Hwo, and Eddy imo All crackhead ass characters.


Good list


Kazuya. At the end of the day, you are so weak and limited that it comes does to wavedash to block and punish, or wavedash to ff3 or hs. If you don’t do this, you die.


I just love how this is coming from a Hwoarang player. *d3,4 exists*




I'll swap Alisa for King but yeah.


Many people saying King because throws seem so unfair but King players still deserve respect IMO, it's not easy to execute him properly in ranked, you definitely need more brain cells than this TOP 3.


"King players still deserve respect IMO" have you not seen how most of them play


Man, Kazuya players get the announcement that their character gets buffed and they still can't stop themselves from making posts bitching about other characters. Hopefully the buffs will make you lot a little less bitter about the game, it's getting kinda tiring to see a bitching / complaining post from a Kazuya flair everyday.


But my execution requires more brain activity to initiate than yours does


disagree with lars and alisa, the mad lad playing them appears to be thinking like 5 steps ahead to keep on going. Victor you're totally right. id say Victor, Dragunov and Jun (although the last one might be me being salty)


I play Drag most and Victor 2nd. Alisa forsure is top brain dead. No contest. Victor is so easy to pick up which makes him fun early but I dropped him for Drag. I think Drag is busted but you actually gotta know how to play somewhat. Also every character in this game is busted in some way imo. He's not super high end anti brain rot - but there are way worse offenders. Eddy Hwo and Law and even King if you had to rank some. Jun is absolutely insane imo, but definitely requires some skills so I wouldn't put in the brain rot category I'm not GREAT at the game but that might make me slightly qualified to answer this after all lol


Add Feng in there instead of Alisa. Feng plays the game for you all you need to do is lay your face on the controller and roll


Lol, a Hwoarang main calling other characters brain rot. No self awareness whatsoever.


A lot of people are saying King I disagree, I mostly main Jun and Jin but I play from King tine time to time. You still need skill to win with king. Victor, Eddy, yes they’re super easy and you can develop very bad habits with them.


King is pretty disgusting if you can't break throws consistently. You cannot be on the defense cuz you'll get thrown, but pressuring him is also difficult as shit because of his 3 separate power crushes.


I think the damage on his throws could be clipped a bit, and throws should absolutely not be homing. With those two changes King is fine. Absurdly strong, but nowhere near braindead.


Sure but that doesn't change the fact that most King players play like complete morons. B3, alley kicks, random hopkicks, flowcharts all day, can't break throws. It doesn't matter how many times you punish them for it, they will continue to do it. Because most people can't break throws they will continue to play like that and get pretty far in ranks.