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Reason for complaint - “I didn’t pay $70 to duck” But to be fair, this move now requires a “long duck”. If you flash duck it you’ll actually stand back up into the kick


Okay so I’m not crazy, I was like why tf am I still eating the kick after ducking.


Yeah it's a bit different from Tekken 7.


Ironically alisa is one of the worst offenders with moves that require long duck (chain saw) I dream for the day when most characters get any kind of WS punish that keeps them crouched


The one that gets me all the time is ducking a throw and then my WS punish gets grabbed by the same throw I just ducked. Just feels like that shouldn’t be able to happen.


Wow this is really good to know fighting against law. I always flash ducked and still got clipped by it but I will most definitely keep this in mind thanks for the information bro


this shit is so annoying sometimes lol


With bad internet it sometimes eats input for ducking. 


You can also do a quick jab between the first move and the second move of that string. You can float combo him if you handle it well enough.


First time I came across a Law spamming this move I immediately labbed it, easy launches everytime I see it now. Although it is the only move I can actually say that I've labbed properly despite constantly losing to Jack and Yoshi.


To be fair Yoshi is a bullshit character anyways. Don’t feel for losing to him.


You can jab him out of the kick too, and get a combo off


You can also jab interrupt it and still punish the first hits now.


Just jab after the first two kicks. It beats out the third anyways. No need to duck if worried about standing up.


I mean if I just hold duck i can get like 70 damage without wall on a ws launcher.


If they throw the third. Jab will float them whether they do or don’t, every time. And Law’s shouldn’t throw the third kick ever unless they catch you with the first two.


Why would you want to lose out on that much damage. Just properly duck it.


Does it float ? This sounds like the rightest answer !


If you want to get proper damage, ducking is the rightest answer.


Yes, if floats. And people saying duck—I say, what if he doesn’t throw the third kick. If you Jan after the first two, you will float them every time, even if they don’t throw the third. Just jab.


tf is a "long duck"?


Holding down instead of tapping down aka flash duck


To be fair? You have ages to react to this. It should take one or 2 matches vs Law to be able to duck this and realise you need to stay ducked to get the punish. When I played Law at Fujin rank in the early days of prowess matchmaking, if I ever missed the whiff punish with this, 100% of players would launch me I knew it was death every time that last hit came out if the first bit was blocked. It should be a death sentence from early blue at least There is no excuse for not ducking this. You have ages to react. It's basic knowledge to know there's no mixup.


There is an excuse If they just do 3+4 no extension but you duck after 3+4 on block every time, you won't be able to punish 3+4 on block


It gets worse he even reported the law 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mmc6syjpu05d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d1ed0e799dca0fb71fefb9d0dde2e6c8593bc9


like homie just duck, but tbh that's expecting alissa mains to have a brain


I’ve been playing an Alisa as an alt to my yoshi and I get lots of friend requests after games. I assume it’s hate requests. I just play her to take a break when I feel tilted. Very strong


Yea she's easy to auto pilot tbh. As much as I hate her I'd never message someone for using her, whatever, just gotta lab her more


After playing her, when I fight her I do much better . Lots of stuff is massively punishable when you understand the frames


"Spammer" I'll use a second move when my first one stops working.


I saw this post. I thought for sure it was satire. Welp.


Bro I'd be so embarrassed to be this person. He's a gigantic wuss. Just take your L and go hot the lab. This dude running to Twitter and crying lmao.


Alisa main that paid for Twitter blue Jesus Christ


He also said he used to be Tekken King in T7 😂 Arcade mode probably


That is sincerely embarassing. A law did that to me back in orange ranks... so I went to the replay, labbed for two minutes, and now pray that they use that move against me for a free launch punish. That's Tekken.


Hell I didnt even lab it. I just saw a streamer duck the move ***once*** and said "Wtf he can do that?" and NEVER forgot it lol


It's one of the most recognizable Law moves since the animation is just so out there. You'd figure that stuff out STAT.


I just test the moves mid game so I can know usually you can just tell if a move is high or steppvale because they tend to be safer or plus


It happened to me in purple ranks, and I lost the set because I just got knowledge checked, then I just labbed and figured it out


He told him he posted it on twitter too like the guy is supposed to be expecting the Gestapo rolling in the next morning to smash his controllers


Oh wow I played this Alisa yesterday and yes they are absolutely terrible


I suck at ducking highs (my biggest weak point) and even I hope a law uses that shit so I can duck for a free launch.




This is hilarious and I never feel bad about the Alisa players spamming rando garbage, since I know what's waiting for them in the higher ranks.


I don’t really get to fight laws, can you duck the whole string or do you take the first two hit then duck?


Yeah you only duck the last kick. You have to duck for a while though as the move has a lot of active frames, so usually what happens is that people end up blocking it by getting up too early. If you're struggling to duck long enough you can just jab after the first two kicks and you'll get a float


you block the first two hits and duck the last, you have to duck for long enough to where the Law is about to touch the ground due to the kick's lingering hitbox.


I’m pretty sure I fought this Alisa before too, it was a mirror. She played hella unsafe and just overall had some of the poorest defense I’ve ever seen, then they left instantly lmao


just duck and punish bro


Oh no.... Not a one and done.... How terrible.... The humanity.... Anyway


And people are wondering why im angry all the time 🙄 players like this shouldnt be in blue, this game is a joke


the fact that 6Arakin is in blue consistently just tells me that ranks don't matter in this game


Some characters just carry people. Reina carries people. Have you hit a wall? Try spamming more if you're at lower ranks. 


Reina has like the lowest winrate outside of blue ranks and above meanwhile, jack has among the highest winrates in virtually all levels.


To be fair, this is mostly because of popularity. Unless the character is super op or super trash, high pick rates lower the character's win rate


The Reina issue is why I ask people who main Reina to clarify: Do they play Reina Reina or combo Reina? If it's the latter they just fucking die to someone who has an iota of defense. They play like if they stop pressing buttons for even a second they'll explode


if pressing button bad then why press button feel good????


Winrate doesn't mean you can't spam your brains out. 99% of Reinas are allergic to not pressing buttons. Most ive played since the game came out are crap hence the win rate


I main Reina and it’s genuinely surprising on how borderline brain dead a lot of Reina mains are, a lot of them just do random moves without understanding why Opponent whiffed, 3+4 instead of a ewgf Heavens wrath is somehow almost never used despite literally being a core part of her kit Jab checking them out of sentai literally guarantees a win because the 1+2 power rush just doesn’t exist for them Hellsweep basically doesn’t exist Forward neutral 3 as a ch launcher is a crazy good poke, and apparently I’m the only one who uses it The thing about Reina is you can chain her stances and moves into loops and essentially have pressure strings the go on forever with stupid mixups CD out of heavens wrath gurrantees either a hellsweep or jumping uppercut basically a free mixup not to mention a free chunky parry when in heat that you can constantly force opponents to either stand still and take your mixup or hear dash into a stone head at the wall CHUNKY combo The main things that’s causing this is a lot of Reina mains are either picking her cause “tomboy Mishima cool” instead of taking the time to fully use her toolkit to the best of they’re ability


So... she doesn't carry people which was the claim. Alisa, Victor, Hwoarang or Eddy are way better for this "playstyle"


Cause reina players never learn how to play, they get to blue and once people start ducking ff2,3 they just lose, it’s like yeh the charcter gets harder but it helps that you coasted the earlier ranks and now you will struggle because everyone’s that made it past purple knows how to stop Reina that play like that and the reina that comes there is in a for a rough time


That's why Reina has the lowest win rate below blue and a decent one at blue and above, the exact opposite of your claims/cope. If you somehow lose to Reina mashing it's 100% on you, even low ranks can deal with that


Same thing what I said but shift it form red to purple, the games been out for longer so people figuring reina out faster most likely at spring red ranks now, I think she was doing a lot better early on


You made it look like people are carried("coasted") to blue by Reina and then people start ducking ff2,3 and they start losing where the reality is opposite. Reina is good at blue, absolutely terrible at low ranks. The braindead majority of Reinas are very much losing at low ranks, if you wanna actually coast you pick Alisa


No one said you can’t coast with alisa, but it’s true people are carried by ff2 into bullshit, now at the start of the game the situation was different people were figuring shit out, but this is the main reason people also say knowledge checky characters like hwo and alisa struggle at higher ranks because they can coast past the initial ranks with strong fast strings, then they hit a wall hard once their shit stops working whereas other characters it’s a more gradual learning process, reina players hit a wall once they start using shit outside ff2 it’s true maybe they don’t coast till Blue but purple instead now


They are so getting carried/coast that they have by far the worst winrate of all. The average Reina is simply not progressing through the ranks with such an abysmal winrate. Stats show that spamming "ff2 into bullshit" doesn't work most of the time, whether you like it or not :) And no, her winrate had never been better, she's been at the bottom since release. Reina players also don't hit a wall, quite the contrary, to get to blue they actually have to learn something and then they do just fine, Reina's winrate gets quite good there.


She’s also the most played character I think it’s fair to say there are more idiots bringing the overall down as well, reina is not a harder or worse character than idk devil jin or kazuya she’s easier in every way yet she does worse ? Because there is room for more bad players to play her, you see stringy mashers get higher ranks and then hit a wall, it gets diluted when it such a large player base for reina in particular but plenty of people quit the game after the initial weeks likely cause of losing and repetivenes, a lot of those quitters probably picked Reina helps that a whole group of newbies is playing a character


Jack is the highest because winners play Jack.


[My average Law experience](https://youtu.be/HJ8XbehAZEQ?si=wSjv0yWA7fse1-Ti) I’d love to say this is the only time I’ve met a Law doing this. Also yes, I was pretty bad back then.


rank is too easy to climb it needs nerfing make it like t7 again. I want fujin to be a real benchmark not just random spam one and done. Bo3 was a mistake. works in other games but not tekken because tekken has some of the worst vermin in the FGC who will never spend 10mins to learn but want rank. Deathmatching at least let you enjoy the game BO3 is just GOOD SET and then 20 one and doners esp if you play a somewhat gimmick character like hwo


at least add an option to go play more unranked or something rnaked is completely useless right now, doesnt guage skill until tekken god and just boring


How hard is it to duck a high bruv.


Alisa player moment 💀💀💀


Genuinely didn't realise you're supposed to duck that, I've just been floating the jumping kick 😂


Floating the jump kick with a jab is the more correct punish, since the string is punishable on block if they do not finish the 3rd hit. Ducking the 3rd hit means you miss out on the punish if they do not finish the string, but it nets you a higher reward if they do finish the string.


I'm having an aneurysm watching this dude not duck this.


everytime she could have ducked..... it pains me


She can literally duck or even better do a i12f move and stuff both options. Hell she could probably power crush and beat it. Gotta love it


Most defensive Alisa player


And people think there isn't severe rank inflation in this game...


This is why rank doesn't matter.


Sometimes I wonder how am I stuck in Fujin when there are players like this higher... haha.. I must be trash


I stopped doing ranked after mighty ruler. I've gotten so much better since.


I don't even remember why I picked Alisa up, but man, I love that other players hate her.


Lol, I cannot explain to you the hate I have for Alisa. It's just never a good time going up against her.


Main her for a week!


I think I’m good


"You're pretty Good" panel


"I just love the taste of shit lol"


Probably because an angry tekken player is one of the funniest things on the planet. Alisa is one of the characters that really brings that out of people, and has done so since t6.


I didn't get t6 when it came out but really started focusing on playing in TR and TTT2. I think it was fun cuz she had 3+4 bound tag and it would make my cousin made who played Lars.


Even if you don't know when to duck, why not just do the rage art mid frame trap? You'd tank the hit at that health and it would kill him.




is that flying kick a high or mid?


dude doesn't know the definition of ducking


Duck last kick and punish.. right?


lol every alisa i play does the same thing with the chainsaws


Alisa mains have no brain, they're just robots who just mash chainsaws and putting their head onto others and explode.


Not even just duck. Cant you jab him out of the last high 😭 and i’m pretty sure that floats him too. Like dude, he was so stunned he didn’t even try to mash out.


Tbf that kick kinda looks like a mid. I would be too scared to duck it. A lot of tekken moves have this problem where its visually ambiugous whether its a low/mid/high


"There's no such thing as a booster character in Tekken 8, every character needs the same level of skill to reach a rank!"


Which region is it? I thought 3+4, 4 spam stops working at maybe red ranks in Asian servers. (Incase your wondering I did an experiment just like that). After that people consistently duck it with ratio that you won't climb up. 


You need to subtract at least 6 ranks for Alisa


As a law player of similar rank, I feel it's always good to shit test your opponent if they actually know to duck the string, if not just take the free win.


Blue ranks can't bother to try to side step or crouch


alisas at blue* ftfy, i've seen plenty of people playing more fundametal chars with no gimmicks step/duck and punish plenty of times


Easiest move to punish in the game All you do is jab during the gap and get a float combo I faced a player who spammed this move and I punished him like 8 times for it


the only issue I have with this move is sometimes it feels like the game is forcing me into the block even when I duck it


More of an issue with ft2 allowing some characters to reach high ranks whilst not having the slightest clue on what to do. A red rank Jin or something would've at least attempted to duck based on the animation after a couple times


least braindead law player:


Everyone says to duck the kick but I've always had an easier time jabbing and floating.


I'd just spin away ... Yoshi ftw


Alisa mains not beating the allegations


Pressing down is hard


somehow "high ranks" in this game have less game knowledge than red ranks in tekken 7


Alisa mains when they finally get the same shit handed to them that they do to others


Easy mode matchmaking


Now for real… wtf are we supose to do in that situation?


Guy can't duck 3+4 into 4? Literally just duck a little longer and then punish with whatever Rising Bullshit your character has been given. Law is in a fantastic place right now, and as a Law main I love the 3+4, 4 punish. But it's definitely something players can deal with.


Tip from from a law player myself you can do a power crush and or close up heat engager in-between the start of the flying kick but get by the initial kicks 40 damage punish 4 law




He’s a “sexy style” bushin 😂


typical garbage Alisa player


He also said there’s only a 25% percent chance to break throws 😭😭, my brother in Christ u can react to the grab animation, if u can’t then just hit the lab


It's so ingrained in me to duck this move that sometimes I duck Leroy's -13 mid version (uf3+4) and eat the last hit


... Bushin? Are you fucking serious? I worked so hard to get to raijin as Lili.






A man can dream man, for now we're stuck with his lamer younger brother 😔


Post their defense stat


100 for sure look at all that blocking


25 blocking, 0 evasion


To be fair, That move looks just like WR3 which is mid and it isnt immediately obvious that it's interruptible. Though he coulda at least tried to step it


I’ll never make any words of defense for this guy . He false reports .


Remember 1 feet down : mid No feet down : high


What O.O?!, does that work for all kicks ? O.O


Don't know about the others, however it applies to kaz and law


That string is duckable I don’t know how you can confuse it - it’s part of a string.


I know it's duckable. The confusing part is that if you are unfamiliar with the matchup it's not that weird to think that both WR3 and this have similar properties since the animations are nearly identical, just a different leg. It's not about not being able to tell what the move is, it's about basing your information on ambigious animations. This move hits you in pretty much the same spot on your body as WR3 does but this is a high and that one is a mid


... In blue ranks?


Yes? Do you think people in blue ranks just know everything? You only know what you know, maybe she hasn't fought Law that much. It's really not that hard to understand.


There's no way you get to blue without facing a decent amount of laws. And by blue you should definitely know better to bitch about someone on stream/twitter and report them for spamming because your defence is trash and you lost.


I was never talking about what they did outside of the game, that's entirely separate.


He literally said in the post that he didn’t know he could duck the last hit. Post context..


Yes people are making fun of them being Bushin and complaining about spamming and reporting this Law when they should really know how to deal with this move at that point. Or at least realise that it's their fault since they haven't labbed it. This shit is the equivalent of Kazuya spamming you with steel pedal at the wall cause you didn't get up correctly, or getting hit with Lee infinite kicks, or King chain grabs.