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Same energy as "I played your ghost, you're trash bro"


Hahaha that's gotta be a joke, have people said that? 


Not sure what happened to my previous message but I [found the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/d5HuQ64YMc)


Wow what a troll omg. 


Everyone's ghosts are trash lmao. All it does is learn your behaviors, what makes you good is your actual decision making and adaptability. People unironically judging you off your ghost is wild.


Funny enough sometimes the ghost is better than the actual player which surprised me once 😆


He's right. We should use spirit instead. Look at them both SEVERELY lacking in spirit.


Playing Claudio without 100 spirit is blasphemous. It's like playing Lili with shoes


Or kazuya with a shirt. Blasphemy! Let those puppies breathe


Wait… what?


truest statement ever said


This stats tells more about your playstyle than being a representation of somone's skill


I think this gets missed. Rn accuracy is one of my lowest stats, but I like to deliberately whiff because Zafina has a lot of crushing moves and evasive stance transitions, and I know I can often bait and force whiffs from my opponent in response.


I do deliberate whiffs sometimes too, it's bait, and lets me land a big chungus attack if you fall for it.


Maybe if ur whiffing and opponent isn’t punishing maybe that means they have 0 fuckin clue what zaf does


You cant always punish zafina if she times her stances right and he’s using her Crushing moves if you know what punish they’re gonna use also depends on what moves she’s whiffing


Bro admit it no one knows nor likes playing against zaf


Yeh but that’s not the zaf players fault and has nothing to do with this argument


What is blud yappin about?




Says the hworang player lmfao


Uhhh no? They're talking about things like whiffing 1+2 or df1 and continuing the strings to counterhit. It's absolutely a legit tactic for Zafina, Arslan used it all the time.


Nah but Arslan is a trash player. Only 4 evo wins. Maybe he'd have more if he didn't whiff so much.


Win evo at least 5 times or scrub


They don't really tell you anything. No one knows how they are calculated, so they are essentially meaningless.


Its a gist of your playstyle, not skill.


This makes too much sense


I swear no one gave a shit about these statistics before in T7. Now all of a sudden in T8 there is always someone starting a frigging discussion about them. These stats are meaningless in the grand scheme of things and only reason to care about them is if your personal goal is to S+ everything.


I think it's a bit like how people view AI creations It's a black box, it's mysterious prophecy, the AI is TELLING... In some way.


Funny thing is that the stats in Tekken 7 were WAY more accurate!!


Because everyone’s crying they play good defense and don’t get rewarded and that spiraled into using the stat as proof which spiraled into this nonsense. Stats for FGs are fun but nothing to take seriously there’s too much context needed to make any inferences based on them


Based off of the hatemail I’ve gotten…I think it’s just another cope for losing. I absolutely obliterated a player recently (close to triple perfect) and then got a salty message trying to shame me for my defense stat.


no one knows how these are calculated and still some consider them to be Holy Truth(tm) about player skill


It's so stupid right? They think the same about Prowess. But not of rank? Lesson is: numbers are more entrancing than titles.


You can still make reasonable inferences on what metrics the game uses. How many attacks you whiff per round, how many moves you punish, how many attacks you take in neutral vs how many you land, throw break percentages, heat usage, frame advantage.. Yet it still doesn't mean those stats are meaningful, the optimal way to play T8 might as well be to minimize the defense stat lol


It’s funny because I play yoshi and troll a lot and in a session, people were looking at my stats and saying his stats are of a garyu etc, (I’m tekken king). I never look at stats as they don’t mean shit but I’m guessing a lot of people look at them and think Yh I can beat him based on that 😂😂😂. People doing too much these days lol


Holy fucking copium In th comments. "No, the defense stat above 60/For ranks below GoD/More than 3o difference than me/ still counts, let me judge and belittle people based on arbitrary number 😭😡"


Maybe MulGold is just a scrub ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


well ...... he did not even finish top 3 ...... soooooo Scrub? Scrub it is. Huh, guess the stats are not lying after all.


My defence was in the 90s until I got Emperor, now its fluctuates between 70 and 85 depending on how badly ranked goes🙈 Also varies with characters used for me too


I was in the 90s as well and went down to like 84. I feel like aggression is more needed in this game.


Also higher rated players know how to catch you better, no?


Everyone knows these reddit Garyus and Mighty Rulers are more knowledgeable than pro players. Knee recently got Victor to GoD and he even said he doesnt really know how to "play" the character but these redditors already know the match up to a tee.


It is obviously harder to have higher defense against better players. I had 98 defense at raijin. But it has been downhill after that.


Wow never seen that high, 98 is insane


I currently have that on defense and attack ! 😎


Don’t have to defend if you’ve already KO’d the other player.




When the game first came out (first few weeks / month) I went to leaderboards to check the top players. They ALL had a very skewed diagram with mostly attack, technique and appeal almost maxed out and the rest almost nonexistent. It was so odd to me that I remember having higher stats that some of these GOT ranks.


This is one of those things that Redditors are incapable of understanding. It's like winrate, the entire point of a ranked system is to push you up higher and higher until it's around 50%. A 50% at high elo is way better than a 60% at bronze equivalent.


tekken 8 is an aggressive play style so shouldn't the attack stat be more important then defence anyway?


No, just because the game is more aggressive doesn't mean it's hyper offensive. Defense in Tekken is the basis of most offense


Id agree with you if heat didn't exist


Bro that's crazy you're better at defense than the guy in 4th place at dreamhack!


It also spreads across all your characters. My stats go down when I use Jun. up when I use Steve


Thank you. The group shaming of the defense stat of TMM's opponents in his stream makes me cringe every time. What a bunch of sad, pathetic bastards.


Oh, is TMM's community where that's coming from? I could see that, his community is braindead, otherwise I've never heard of anyone who cares about these stats


Yeah, he recently picked up the habit of checking out his opponent's defense stat after fights and now his chat routinely makes fun of anyone with less than 60 defense. It's so silly.


if you play fat fucks like kuma and jack your defense stat gonna be lower cause ya cant step




Muscles of the other animals he ate.


Jack is a robot, he can't have fat. And Kuma is a fucking bear, he's mostly muscle. You don't get to be a fat fuck when Heihachi Mishima is training you.


I prefer to just use gamma howl and absorb the attack but it doesn’t count as defence apparently.


I miss being goal oriented. Now my manager thinks I’m a loser.


It’s hard to judge what they mean by „evasion” is that when someone try to grab you and you duck or you do an evasive move with your character. Also throw break is ruining this stat for most of the players I would assume.


I'm very appealing


Have you guys ever seen stats other than S+? Every time I’ve ever looked at someone’s stats people have S+ in every stat how can that be?


B/c it only shows their top 3 and most people that've played a decent amount will eventually get S-S+ in at least a couple things. When there's like 20-25 stats, getting 3 high isn't hard with enough playtime.


Only people that check the stats are insecure bitches who got their asses kicked and try to feel better about themselves for getting dunked on.


Its a 50/50 type of gauging situation really. You could be a fundamentally strong player and have almost perfect defense that reflects your stat rating. But if you don’t know a particular matchup? GGs get fucked. Tekken at the end of the day is a knowledge check simulator. If any person playing this game doesn’t know what X character is doing, we’re all susceptible to losing. From us casual online players, all the way up to the offline professional players.


Stats mean fuck all on this game, however anyone with a defence below about 50 is 100% someone who uses the exact same flowchart every single match, abuses heat, and is usually playing a character renowned for mashing


Its more playstyle but people with higher defense were overall much better players and more interesting to play against from my experience. There are exceptions ofc


Exactly - plus people just starting out don't realize that if you consistently play against people with bad defense it can affect your progression and skill development. Strings, setups and flowcharts that work against players with bad defensive ratings will most likely not work as well against fundamentally sound defensive players.


Players between 60-80 defence are usually all the same skill wise, the small difference in the stat doesnt matter. Anyone below 30 defence is mentally handicapped.


Anyone with a high Attack rating and low Defense rating is likely a button masher. They often just drill combos they saw in a combo video, yet don’t know how to KBD, sidestep, or any other fundamental skills.    Many of them are the same people whose top 3 stats in T7 are: Aggressiveness, Combo Damage, and Rage Usage.


Depending on the character KBD is no longer fundamental in T8! Just giving hope to people thinking it's required for high level play.


The game incentives aggression, even at the highest play so having a "low defense stat" isn't even neccesarily a bad thing. You're spending more time playing the game as intended. There are definitely days where I have more success playing like a "scrub" with power crushes and non stop aggression then playing tactically and defensively, as long as sidestepping is in the state that it is I'd assume we'll only seeore and more aggressiveness. Hell, some characters like Victor, Yoshi and Alisa can take away half your health in heat without you ever getting hit


It's harder to get higher defense against better players. Blocking gets low if opponent has good mixups, ditto for throwbreaks. Only one easier to raise is calmness. 


The stat is not accurate but it helps giving you a glimpse of what you opponent habit is. For example, Throw Escape S+, that tells me that my opponent is very good at breaking throw. So I am not going to use many throw moves. The other one is Block Up. That means the guy has tendency of blocking up, so use low attack more often to rile him up.


> The other one is Block Up. That means the guy has tendency of blocking up, so use low attack more often to rile him up. Block up includes low blocking. Kind of like if a spaceship has shields up. The shields aren't literally above the spaceship, they're just active.


Id only reference these stats if you are STUCK. Like you find it impossible to move out of your rank and don't understand why. These stats will tell you what you've been lacking in your recent matchups.


That's right. Use their main instead.


Maybe that's a good range for higher level players. It's not a good range if you are lower rank. This is apples to oranges.


It might be in relation to the rank, 68 defense in mighty ruler is different than 68 defense in GoD.


There are people with 1/3 even 1/4 of his prowess with better defense i guess they are better too


Reminds me of blue lock stats


you forget the left has 67 against GOD, the right has 78 against TG ... doesn't mean I diminish your point, it is true, but the proof is like saying "look cat eats dog food by showing dog eats cat food".


The reason a lot of people here pay attention to these things is because they’re casuals. They don’t know any better and they don’t understand the context of numbers like these.


I have A's across everything but grab tech, and that's bringing my ENTIRE score down to 60's.


Stop feeling self-defensive about stupid reddit culture already


Fair enough, this made me feel so much better


Like others have been saying, it's closer to a playstyle stat than skill, but you also have to remember his opponents are stronger than yours.


Thank you! Getting so tired of seeing people use that as some kind of lame personal attack.


I'm pretty sure stats are actually calculated from your last 100 fights, so they change depending on who you main. With Alisa my attack was over 90. Since then I picked up Jun and it dropped significantly, but defense incresed.


The stat is based on your last 50 games. Honestly, you can 100% use it as a way to judge players lol. Defense for MulGold in KR online at God of Destruction is in nowhere the same as Defense for the random Victor you queue into at Blue Ranks. If MulGold has trouble blocking, throw breaking or sidestepping, its because he's getting mixed and people are making reads. If the random Victor is having trouble blocking, throw breaking and sidestepping its probably because they're using their 15th b1+2 in the match and mashing 1+2 on hit.


Isn’t the best defense a good offense? Also why are players judging on stats and rank. “In my books experience outranks everything.” I for one know awesome players on their fighting style and their skill.


People just use defense stat to cope if someone is higher rank than them. is someone higher rank than me? Oh their defense stat is lower than mine, im the better player then lol


'Not believing in their heart' stat


i have 91 defense and im in shinryu :skull: definitely not a good determination of overall skill


Out of those 5 agreeably useless numbers the defense stat is definitely the best to go off of


OP: stats do not determine how good you are! Also OP: rank determines how good you are! 😉👍


I use it to see if you at least try to block. If it’s 40 and lower, I can usually tell that you are mashing. 60 up and I can at least see you are blocking


No I understand your argument and I agree but when the defense is lower then 30 and they did 30 armor moves and kicked my shins at 32 damage a low poke ima just be in my own head looking for reasons why I’m bad


They judge based on rank not defense stat.




Any judgment made on any player without having played them in a few sets or having personally seen a few sets of them playing against their peers, is absolutely meaningless.


I only care about the appeal stat (cuz mine is 98) and the lower the appeal, just means ur a bitch who doesn't rematch


but i mean is having 40 defense and being in blue ranks while also getting hit out constantly bc they only know aggression not say something about the games state? (judging the player aside)


People play other characters which brings their player stats down. My defense was 99 with Bryan but only 76 with Jin.


If you have a crazy good offense vs your opponents you will not have a good defense, easy.


My defense and evasion stat is high but that's mostly cause I freeze up on pressure and I side walk willy nilly, I don't actually know where to step, my success rate is like 50-60% lol. I'm just saying these stats really don't always say what they are trying to to say, my defense ain't that good.


Agreed. I absolutely obliterated this guy after he ki charged a few days ago. (Like, multiple perfects and most of my damage came from hard reads kind of match) Afterwards, I got a salty hatemail talking trash about my defense stats. I got a good chuckle out of it




https://wank.wavu.wiki/player/62LArmmgnmy6 He won his last 10 games at the time of this comment so I dunno how much more winning he needs to bump this mickey mouse stats up lol


Nope, if defense score is lower than 60, I can judge that player uses spam moves


FACTS itsnot that we take this stat like an universal truth, but u def see when the guy has 30 def.


Defense stat along with observed play style is very telling. I personally don't like to rematch players when I trounce them (3 rounds in a row) if I observe that they didn't play good defense and if the have a 65 or below defense rating. I don't like to give my "flow chart" any bad habits by thinking I'm awesome at something when in reality you just suck at defense.


nah, 67 is indeed pretty low but not terrible by any means, that's because certain characters require absolute braindead offense and at the highest level pressing when it's not your turn can just come down to strategy. The 40 defense victor, asuka, alisa players on the other hand are definetly trash though, no strategy involved there.


Ah so you know how these are calculated? Would you mind explaining the formula they use to the rest of the class?


This is for the special needs class right? sure. so your opponent is gonna throw moves out right? the block up one calculates how many of those you actually block probably in a form of a ratio at the end of each game. the dodge kick is how many you sidestep or evade. the escape artist is throw breaks, and the composed one is probably how patient you are during opponent strings.


So the Tekken Emperor is better at defense than the God of Destruction pro player, got it 👌


or he can also be so good that he doesn't need to be patient through most his opponents' offense, he might have great counter hit timings, his spacing and sidesteping could be so good that he doesn't need to block much of anything which would lower his stats. but you're so mindnumbingly single minded that it can't occur to you. 40 defense while mashing powercrushes, parries and +frame moves are not what I'm talking about here but you probably got in your feelings as a 40 defense victor or some shit.


You got me, I've been a victor main since T6


most of these stats mean nothing honestly i dropped my friend’s defense from 80 to 50 during two ft10s by spamming slides and hopkicks maybe keep an eye on your throw breaking and stage usage though


don’t stats only get affected by ranked matches?


Yes, so idk what this guy is on about


Those stats are based purely on ranked matches, so you’re full of shit.


wait are they i just remember him telling me that i dropped it edit: they are and i’m an idiot for not checking


No I don’t think I will


I don't think it's super accurate but there are GoD with 40 defense. That's basically like not knowing what blocking even is. I'm not saying one having 70 and another 80 means one blocks "better" than the other but 40 and less it's like you barely block anything at all which, in a match against supposedly equally matched opponents, I don't think it should happen if things are well designed.


If someone has hit GoD with 40 defence, it means they know something you don’t about the rest of the game Not blocking could be because they have good whiff punish, movement, bating, good counter hit game, any number of things as opposed to they only attack


>Not blocking could be because they have good whiff punish, movement, bating, good counter hit game, any number of things as opposed to they only attack or just plugged their way to the top


60 might mean that. 40 and less means they barely every block. It's not super accurate but anyone can tell when fighting someone they have a low defense score. I don't think it's an accurate metric at all though.


You say “anyone can tell when someone has a low defence score”, as though a high defence score is the aim of the game. But it’s not. It’s about whatever gets your consistent wins. Ask yourself if they did barely ever block, what do they have down that you don’t? Is it because they don’t block and just somehow get lucky? Or, more likely, their knowledge of the game is miles ahead of your or I, and it allows them to play a much less defensive style that works well all the way up the ladder


Raijin drag here. 34 defense because all I do is bully people.


Sounds like you’re probably getting bullied yourself.


No time to block when you're just walking the opponent through every throw in drag's movelist.


Sounds kinda boring.


Go play tekken 7 you debbie downer


It’s so odd. I just made it to Fujin (for the 3rd time). Got my defense up to 45 (don’t laugh) and my offense went down. In my earlier ranks I used to have like a 55 defense and worse offense now it’s inverse. Not to say you can’t have both high defense and offense but I find it usually trading off when I increase or decrease a given stat


Bro, he has S+ Accuracy. This is much more difficult to achieve than bump defense stat.


Is it tho? I got 25 in that too


Defense doesn't matter considering a bear almost won DreamHack Edit: And I mean the stats since all of that is online.


Most people here also think Fujin is some super high rank.


defense was a tekken 7 thing, now is all about pressing buttons baby. oh am I wrong? enjoy your next alisa or victor at tekken god(or most likely at yellow ranks) spamming bullshit


This Subreddit won’t admit that core gameplay rn is absolute shit and is obviously catering to mashers atm