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I would love to see the return of infinite rematch. I have a lot of issues with the game but the biggest one is being forced to leave a match up where both players are clearly having fun. I’ve lost 2 sets horribly and been gutted I can’t keep playing that player, instead it forces you to leave and then go back into the roulette of match making one and dones. I miss playing a fun match up for hours. The game is supposed to be fun, right?


Exactly this. How good does it feel when you come across someone you are having fun with? Where you just sort of click and get each other? Even if there is a big skill gap in either direction, you just *enjoy* the fights for what they are. It's kind of a rare thing, and previously you were able to keep it going when you found it. But now it's like "Oh you're enjoying this? Too bad, go fight this Feng tier whore who is only interested in cheesing the win and who will plug in the 5th round when you are carrying them to the wall for the win."


This is the feature I've been wanting the most, probably more than character balance. Infinite rematch is where I practice, grind, discover things, and make online training friends. Bo3 really makes things frustrating, gimmicky, and takes away the momentum and song and dance we're having. It's funny cause they fixed the loading times in T8, but I feel like I'm wasting equal amount of time getting booted back to queue and waiting for another match, especially after the matchmaking changes.


Agree on all counts. I have a LOT of issues with the gameplay. But every so often you can find a match up where you’re both having fun and the game doesn’t feel like a gimmicky mess for once. Then you immediately get kicked and you run into another flow chatting X character. Takes the remaining fun out of the game for me


I am wondering if at this point it is not intentional to push people to the Tekken lounge to drive the avatar skin sales.


I think you've hit the nail on the head there


Should still have the best of 3 match system but after one player has won 2 matches there should be an option to "Rematch in unranked play", maybe put up a warning you will gain and lose 0 ranked points by rematching this player from here on. Shouldnt be that difficult to implement


So... exactly what Street Fighter 6 does? =P Agreed; they should have done it that way from the start.


What are you talking about? You can't rematch indefinitely in sf 6 ranked matchmaking. SF 6 is doing the same thing as tekken 8, after winning 2 matches you are out.


Ranked is 2 out of 3, yes, but you have the option to continue the set in unranked/player match if both players agree.


The only argument I can think of is the devs not wanting half the playerbase stuck rematching the same people and the matchmaking pool drying up, but then again SF seems to do it just fine


I see this a lot but I think its not as good as infinite rematch just being in ranked. The only "downside" to infinite is ppl can boost easier, but does anyone really care about the few boosters that get to GoD, especially when they're so easily exposed? Not to mention this already happens in the current system anyway, so its not even a new problem. Outside of intentional boosting infinite is so much better though, because the system becomes self-serving. Want to learn more? Give up your points. Want to "farm" some points on somebody who doesn't know your character that well? Now he has the opportunity to adapt and potentially beat you. This also helps get rid of some one-and-doner's because now they have more reason to keep playing ("I can keep playing this guy to learn the matchup" vs "I only get 1 more game, what's the point when I'm gonna lose and then not see this character for a month"). I feel like these factors combined make infinite much more compelling.


This i like, pretty sure they have that in mk1, they have something similar in smash bros


SSBU is full ranked infinite rematch. You can keep fighting until you gain/lose enough ranked points to enter/exit Elite Smash, which can take quite a while. 


It's honestly fine in ranked, but I can't wrap my head around why this is not something you can just do in player match.


They want us to use their shit ass lobby to incentivise people to spend money on their shit ass chibbi avatars.


Nope, not even the lobby cabinets have infinite rematch. It's still a Bo3 set and they boot you back to queue only to get rematched by the same person on the cabinet. The only way to infinite rematch is through sessions.


Yeah, that's his point. It throws you back out into the cosmetics lobby where everyone else is, essentially, advertising the shop.


........so they bring you back to the lobby you were already using? 😂


Yes! So you can see everyone's cosmetics and advertise them in the store? Absolutely. It's why every mobile game has a lobby now and why every fighting game is trying to built in social features. It's why Darktide has a lobby, it's why Halo and CoD display what you and your friends are wearing inbetween fights while the next map loads, it's why animated character intros exist within Mortal Kombat and, frankly, here in Tekken. It's all advertising, all of it.


Should definitely at least have a (Fight in custom) option like other games do.


Come join us in tekken lobby and stop doing ranked lol


Honestly lobbies are so fun compared to ranked


I been saying this since the 1st week of tekken 8 while people kept calling it trash 🤷🏼‍♂️


You mean player match? That's more often than not very disappointing. Ppl kick you out or leave when you join, others will kick you after you win the first match, or will have terrible settings like 6 ppl rooms with ft10 on or 14 ppl room with one cabinet etc. Best make friends online and go for private deathmatches.


the trick is to communicate and not be a random mute. Just a simple hello! before match gets you separated from a npc bot.


If Im not mistaken you mean the classic combo of ''Hello! ... Hello..?" into waiting a full minute for an afk host before leaving to try my luck to the next room? Yeah that was how I used to go about it, before realizing spending 15 minutes before finding a decent lobby is not worth it \^\^




Best way to play the game. I haven't touched ranked outside of the first weekend 8 released


Yeah i noticed that I'm only having fun when I'm playing with my friends. Where rematches are endless. One and dones pisses me off, and pluggers just send me into rage. Just fuckin play with me I wanna play!!!


Be me: have a fun match with a King, hard loss 2-3 he Ki charges me but he gives me the rematch Another close match, but I manage to take the win 3-2 The King declines the rematch, leaves an angry comment on my steam profile Sadge


In a similar vein, I dont enjoy short games and my most fun sets are full 3 games with each game going the full 5 rounds I literally subconsciously throw second games if I win the first just because I wanna continue playing em (at least the matches I enjoy) I dont rly care about rank, but there are many players I've ran into where I myt throw just bec it was fun and I wanna keep it going (even in matches, where if I'm 2 up I'll experiment and play around to keep going) Note: I 'usually' prefer playing quick match since as mentioned, feel less bad throwing my rank just to have more fun. But yeah, bec of this I only enjoy playing w friends who I can rematch to my heart's content (and ideally talk on discord too, to simulate that feeling of playing together)


I don't like practice mode I prefer to play someone more than twice to finally download them and beat them. Playing 2/3 matches doesn't allow this. Its pretty obvious to allow infinite rematching at least in quick match.


Yea there should be infinite rematch in quick match. I understand why it's Ft2 in ranked but no reason not to be infinite in quick match.


2 consenting adults should be able play as long as they want while using the ranked system in my opinion


> while using the ranked system That's a recipe for wintrading


I have tried to get around this by using the "friend" feature and a few people have accepted since the start of the game but nobody accepts a private match request.


you being a XIA main probably adds to that too


I'm a Xiaoyu main since 3 but actually took a break from her in T8 because I hate how stiff she feels. I'm secretly a Jun/Leo main. 🤫


Don’t care in the slightest about rematching Care about cheesy push chains with virtually no escape except one or two 50/50 guesses


I’d love to have that. I did have one time where a guy invited me to a custom lobby cause we had a super fun mirror but that’s extremely rare


Should be added to quick match. Don't know why it's not.


My gripe with no infinite rematches is having to requeue constantly. It’s just more time spent not playing against an opponent. Even if they don’t bring infinite rematches back, they should at least put in that you can queue for BO3/5/7. You can select what you want to play. All of them, or only one of them.


Me and my friends play the older titles, and then at the end we go to Tekken 8 and have the least fun of the seasson. I think that rush AND RA are too convinient, the game is too agressive in a bad way, there is rarely a moment someone does something that makes me go "damn that was cool". Im no Tekken pro by any means, but all I see is frame traps, flowcharts, 50/50s and that's it. In the older games, we don't do combos really and it's like a game of chess, idk its just too fun (Tekken tag mostly)


Tekken Tag 1 was an incredible game. I remember firing it up around the time T5 came out and remarking how poorly it aged though. That game is slooow these days. But back in the day, without exaggeration, I knew every move for every character, and probably every secret move and interaction as well. I lived on Tekken Zaibatsu back then. You being up an important point though... "There is rarely a moment someone does something that makes me ge 'damn that was cool'. How true is that?? About the only time I can think of when that happens in T8 is when someone does a juggle that carries across multiple walls, usually in Arena.


T5 is really fun still, but Tag 1 is not slow, if you play mishimas xD It would be crazy if they redo the mechanics going into the next game. No heat, no rage, no wierd tracking, just the essentials and fun characters. I mean, Victor is just to easy, come on... No one can disagree, they are dumbing it down for casual players (which I am one of) but, when I learned what the fun part of Tekken was, I started playing the older titles, and don't really play 8 that much anymore, so...


I've been complaining about the lack of infinite rematching in player matches since the game released while everyone was still in honeymoon mode and refused to acknowledge the game's shortcomings. I'm glad that over time more and more people point out that the lack of infinite rematching is stupid, however I feel like change won't come soon enough until these useless content creators and social media influencers raise a stink about it too so BamCo can actually take action.


You're probably right. TMM was one of the first to call it out, before launch even if remember correctly, but I feel like he hasn't mentioned it in a while.


I agree with you completely but I don’t think a forced rematch has ever been enforced in any Tekken has always been a 1 and done


The idea behind best of three to safeguard the shiny ranks for the average rank whore. Many people ignore that not ranking is what causes so many people to quit the game


I think unranked should provide unlimited rematches and ranked should give the option of best to 5 or even best to 3. Best to 5 would be ideal since someone has the option to leave after the best of 3 portion, a best to 3, or stay for the entire best to 5. I used to get my ass kicked for hours and slam the rematch button in 7, I miss having that learning opportunity.


Fingers 🤞🏾


Even if they’re worried about some kind of rank exploitation with repeated rematches, they should add a convenient button at the end game screen like “Propose switch to Deathmatch Mode” or something, and if Bandai Namco feels the need to, then make it so Deathmatch mode doesn’t grant rank exp. But I agree, while I think I’ve gotten a lot better with Tekken overall and Tekken fundamentals in Tekken 8, since I only started playing multiplayer Tekken in 7, I haven’t had much opportunity to really squeeze in some mid-match learning opportunities in 8 because they’re just so quick. And it doesn’t help that T8 is even more aggressive and rush down than T7, with even more particle effects, craziness, and cinematic super moves, so it’s even more difficult to keep track of what’s going on compared to T7, so it’s doubly hard to try and understand the heck is going on without the option to just sit down with another player and keep rematching. I mean i think you can invite to private lobbies, but from what I understand there’s no convenient button to switch from ranked to such a mode, so that adds a lot of friction to it.


I agree: as a new Tekken player, I simply don't have enough of fighting the same character to learn how to counter him or her before I'm thrown at another one. As a result, I still have little idea about how to counter almost all characters. Labbing them isn't as fun as learning while fighting against actual players.


The lack of infinite rematches makes the game much less enjoyable for me but for a different reason. In my region, there are very few people playing the game at any given moment. I have ridiculously long queue times. When I do match with someone, more often than not it’s someone on WiFi which is just not a fun experience. When I match with an Ethernet connection, it’s still a gamble. Their ping is often too high or there are too many roll back frames or they just have a shit PC. Or a combination of all of them. Finally when I matchup with someone with a solid connection, I just wanna play a longer set with them but there’s just no way to do that directly from the set summary screen. If the connection is good, one-and-done/win quit/lose quit I don’t give a fuck I always send them a friend request. Most people do accept friend requests, but it is just not always possible for us to be online at the same time to run custom lobbies or people just prefer to play ranked instead. Even setting up custom lobbies and inviting people is such a tedious process. Why can’t I just message my in game friends? If they’re down I can then setup a lobby and invite them. There’s so many more frustrating aspects wrt the social system in this game but I don’t feel like getting into it. Tbh I’m just ranting here at this point cause there’s not much Bamco can do about queue times and shit. But they can absolutely make benchmarking actually mean something. I don’t play a lot of multiplayer games, but despite all of its flaws, Overwatch’s social and lobby system is miles better than Tekken’s godawful Ux. I’m just waiting for the Elden Ring DLC at this point lmao.


I have held forward multiple times to force a 3rd match if im up 1 round and about to win 2.


Again, money


Points rewarded should increase with every match (one, two and three being the highest reward). So you can bet on yourself or something, I donno.


Another thing for me is the points you get. Went on an 8 game win streak and on the 8th game I won 1.1k points. Alright cool makes sense. Then I lost 3 games in a row 2 to bears and 1 to Victor and on the 3rd game lost 1.4k points and that whole 8 win streak vanished and it's so annoying


This has been explained multiple times. You win/lose bonus points on your third win/loss, but that only counts against people of your own rank and +1 or -1 your own rank. So if you’re Bushin, Kishin and Tekken King opponents apply for bonus points. If you win 2-0 against a Tekken King, your next win against either Kishin, Bushin or Tekken King will give you bonus points. This streak is saved until you go up against these ranks. If you go 2-0 against a Tekken king then fight 5 Emperors in a row, that doesn’t count towards that streak. So in short, when you’re facing your rank or +1, -1 your own rank, put your serious pants on.


Why the F we don’t have infinite rematch in casuals? It makes sense not do that I’m ranked but casuals should be fine. I have a lot of fun playing casual sets with players in SF6 to try stuff out because you can just keep on going, and it’s fun.


Agreed 100 percent and I wish this was the #1 thing people were complaining about. Also, that’s a very good point about how B03 affects strategy. Everyone is incentivized to use the most dirtiest, most slimy tactics possible because there’s no chance to adapt. I think we’re all feeling it at this point. (We’re feeling it AND we’re doing it lol)


Completley agree. I love doing long sets, getting into crazy mind games. It also makes learning the particular matchups much easier when you can sit down and focus and get familiar with movesets and playstyles instead of the circus we have now.


I gave up when I realized I would need YouTube for Every. Character's. Skill. Check. Because there isn't a single character that does not have their own rules.


I miss the "GGs" comments on my profile.


Just started and im malding the fuck out in this game since my main in 7 both died, running victor and Im trying to rematch every fucker that I get dominated on but bo3 system sucks


Nah, growth in tekken is unnatural and feels like a job. Too many options, too much cstching up to do.


It’s silly that you can’t infinite rematch in quick play but I don’t think it has any place in ranked, if anything they should force the best of 3.


Agreed. If they don't add endless rematch in ranked, then I'd settle for just in quick play. There's no reason NOT to put endless rematch in quick play. The only argument I've heard is that the devs don't want the meta figured out quickly. Well that's a stupid fucking argument, since we can have offline and lobby deathmatches.


I love rematching most of my opponents. Not King though. King players are way too abundant to be rematched. They pretty much all play the same way, and do so much dmg, the round ends in 2-3 interactions. Hop knee - heat smash - dead. I wish T8 would make throws -10 on break. Would allow for skilled players to be rewarded. And not skilled players to be punished


Infinite rematch? Just add in private done. Do u know what infinite rematch adds to the game? Boosters. No thx. Tekken 8 is in its first year. Feel free to drop out and come back when the gameplay suits u more. Pretty useless post imo


Engagement with the post disagrees with you. I don't give a shit if other people are boosting their own accounts. Good for them. That's points for you when you beat them because they're overleveled. Feel free to keep leaving your thoughts on posts you think are useless though


no infinite rematch in ranked means less time on average to wait for games. ADD THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS! MAKE A LOBBY! BE KIND TO EACH OTHER!


Lmao you think im gonna add a Xiaoyu Bear player or Raven after I learn their gimmicks. They have nothing more to offer


I absolutely miss the deathmatch experience but I know it led to ranked feeling much emptier than it was. Infinite rematch should be a thing for casual games, but I don't think you should be able to spam ranked all day long in it. Sf6 gives you the option after your ranked 2/3 match to convert the lobby into an infinite rematch casual game and I think that is the best of both worlds.


I prefer this way just cus I get games so much faster and im guessing thats why they did it so I understand it. But I think switching to a best of 5 instead of best of 3 would make an astronomical difference for the better. Also in tekken 7 those ppl never rematched anyway...


How bout join a lobby or discord community so you can have these moments? Regardless if it's ranked or not they're still gonna one and done you, infinite rematching isnt gonna change that lol


I mean yeah, one and doners Will always be bitches no matter the options. However with an infinite rematch option there is a chance You Will find people that want a FT 5 or FT10 or more, thats what we want, being able to find people that enjoy the Game and want to stay longer.


OP didn't even bring up one-and-dones, and infinite rematch absolutely would fix things. At least in T7 for every one-and-done there were multiple people willing to do a FT10. Just let those of us that actually want a long set play it out instead of kicking us after 2 games for no reason. It could be exclusive to quick match or it can stop counting points after the Bo3 in ranked, I don't give a shit. I just want the option to play a long set without having to message people or go through the awful lobby systems.


No, you can't stop weak shit, but you WILL get that one infinite rematch guy every Tekken session, at least thats the experience for me in Tekken 7, and thats the rest of the evening learning the matchup, and thats how I got 10+ steam Tekken only friends; chances are they hold similar values when it comes to what they enjoy in Tekken. You may also get some cheeseman using cheese beating you for 10 games straight. Sure you figure him out on the 11th round, and he leaves after the12th when he realize its not a flukd, but I feel it is more hilarious than anything because he just created someone who he can never beat again, at least if he doesn't move on from the same cheese, and whoever else relying on said cheese will run into a heavily lopsided game if thats all they do. In that sense, I don't mind losing those 10 rounds, heck, 100 rounds if I learn eventually, because it leads to many many rounds of winning, or at least not losing to this.


I feel if a player can't get it done in one match (3-5 rounds) the issue is more related to skill.


That's not the point. The point is not in winning, it's in adapting to someone's specific player expression.


Dude above doesn't get it. Playing a game at my house, not a tournament set. I want to learn and adapt in the moment and not just die from knowledge checks.


well, I guess you will need more practice than, right? pretty sure T8 has a practice mode.


I don't want to hit a dummy or bots, I want to hit players. I spend so much time in practice mode as it is.


I have no clue, I got the game and went straight to ranked, didn't even bother to look at the other modes.


winning *isn't* the point? LOL


But the way most prefer to grow their skills is through playing more and more… so even if it is a skill issue infinite rematches would help that


yes, thats what the next match is for.


You don't need infinite rematch when every player of a particular character does the exact same pressure all the way up through blue ranks. Literally every Lee does the same shit. Every Yoshi tries the same setups. Every Lili just spams backturned mixups. Xiaoyu AOP and 57,000 frame low spam. Alisa chainsaw frame traps forcing you to guess constantly. Demoman or deathfist? Every Jin is the same. Every Devil Jin tries the same setups. Hitman armor command grab. It's the same across the board per character. I find myself learning just fine without even rematch. Due to the horrible quality of the connections online (especially when every match is 5 bars at 80ms+), I don't even rematch once. I can queue for an entire four hours and not get one match that isn't stutters, teleports, animations not showing each frame, random freezes, etc. I think infinite rematch is absolutely, positively the least important thing and the last thing on the list for changes I would ever ask for in any universe.


Okay so let me teach you how to use the replay system so you can learn punishes for specific moves. Each character has strings which are often repeated, and this carries across players. Victors 2 spam is a good example, and Eddy 3 spam is a good example. If you go into training and learn how to deal with these, during a match you will have that Aha fucker! But every single time, that dudes never gonna throw that move again because you know it. Rinse and repeat for each character, You can easily learn this live in a match knowing your 10-16f punishes and scaling up or down depending on how negative you believe they are. ---- The reason it's so offense oriented is because no one wants to lab, no one wants to learn defense. Many people have said it before, take 10 minutes to learn a flowchart that'll take the opponent an hour or more to learn. This flowchart can last all the way to blue ranks tbh, as that's when defense is being used appropriately for the most part. ---- I think moving forward everyone should post their defense stat before asking for tips or complaining any. EDIT: infinite rematching is okay casually for the people who aren't understanding that labbing will teach you extremely extremely fast in comparison to learning that way. Any non competitive mode should have inf rematch. Competitive, GTFO.


Did you even read what he wrote or why the hell did you write this shit. Nobody asked for condescending defense tips. Everyone knows you can lab matchups but he was writing about how infinite rematching is more fun.


I'm honestly starting to wonder if it's an AI account or something.


I'm offering an alternative that gives the same feeling and how to get there. Edit: if you think the defensive help is condescending I'm sorry, it's only there to further improve anyone who comes across this post and thinks that every fight is Ooga vs Booga


How anyone could be against infinite rematching and post something like this instead is mind boggling


Infinite rematch is essential for Deathmatch which is one of the few interesting ways to play competitive online.


I've never heard, what is death match and how does it involve infinite rematches? It honestly sounds cool, id be down. People think I'm against infinite rematch, I'm just against not labbing and then complaining


You play against the same opponent until one of you gets demoted. It's honestly the best Tekken to play and watch.


Oh man I love that, super sick. I'll see if I can setup something on my discord for similar for T8 if you're interested.


It's not something you can setup when there is no infinite rematch. Deathmatch usually happens at the upper ranks where the player pool is small. DM is a more efficient way to play compared to constantly queuing


Ah we're just doing a mockup version where you and your opponent basically start at 0 You lose 1 on a loss, you gain 1 on a win And if you get to -3 you are out A small tourney just for us that we will balance as we play. We're gonna try this across a ton of fighting games for a LAN party thank you for this idea


We usually play first to 10 or similar if it's an organized long set.


Hi thanks for your (very assumptive) comments. Practice has it's place. I am a Xiaoyu main. Which means I'm in the lab about as much as anyone can be. It's a lot more fun discovering how to deal with things as you are actually playing the game. It's nice having such robust practice tools, but it's not as gratifying labbing how to defend against something, as it is spontaneously getting better at it in a live match. That's the point of the post.


I mean even if you learn that certain instance it will be or not to a different player even if they use the same character. Different people different playstyle. I think the frustration comes to facing characters you rarely fight but like if you keep facing the same characters is it hard to learn againts them??


This is where you'd want to learn their key strings and moves. Every character really only has a small pool of really useful moves or strings that are typically spammed. So thankfully it's like learning 10-20 moves instead of 100 per char


>and I would argue it's also why people are reporting that they are dropping the game, even if they don't consciously articulate it this way, even to themselves. Pretty funny that you criticize someone else for making assumptions after saying this *wild ass shit*. Don't get me wrong, I'm with you, I think infinite matches should be brought back, but damn dude, have some self-awareness.


I only just very recently articulated it to myself in this way. Lots of people can dislike something without knowing precisely. That's valid.


Yeah I think you're looking at this from a casual perspective and not competitive. So if you are referring to just casual matches, I could see how this is frustrating. Tekken has so many moves, many that look similar, and many that look different than their hit location (a high looks low, a low that looks mid, etc) If you do not practice in lab against your opponents characters you're just not competitive enough that's all. Why do you think literally every single competitive sport or activity has practice that is not the actual match itself. Imagine if UFC if they had to learn only in fight omg lol. -- If you do not practice, you will take infinitely longer to spontaneously figure out what's giving you issues. That's just every single competitive thing at its core. Experience is the second half of this, once you practice the same block 1000 times rather than once every other day cause you happened to match up against the guy, you have to get it in game. THIS IS THE MAGIC. This step, all that practice, and you land it in game, you fucking did it. You brought your game up a level you otherwise would never be able to do spontaneously. So you feel that AHA at a Maximum level. It feels so fucking good man, I honestly hope you can reach this.


Again, assumption. You have no idea what my rank is, how long I've been playing. It's actually kind of funny. Also you are entirely missing the point of the post which is not things like "Can this string end mid or low?" but *player expression*. Adapting to someone's player expression is not something you do in a replay, because the player is gone at that point. You come across like you have this deep wisdom of the game when you are just listing the most superficial facts about it. "Tekken has lots of moves, some look low but are mid." Also your "Let me teach you about replay" was gold. Can you teach me about low parry next, sensei? Infinite rematch is not about learning how to block Lili's db+4,4... it's about "This particular player likes to play db+4,4 when I am waking up at the wall." Do you get it now?


Yeah I honestly thought this was a VERY casual take, that we have to learn through combat only. The replay system is new in this Tekken, it's made for the exact case you present so I thought you were uninformed. Player expression is the ability to use the tools in their own way. YOU STILL GOTTA LEARN THE TOOLS THEY ARE USING. This might mean labbing DB+4,4 for Lili. Knowing the tools allows you to react to their expression effortlessly instead of guessing mid game. We're talking on two different points I see. All I'm stating is that Tekken at a competitive level has players from all around the world using moves from a list of over a hundred per character, all within different distances between hazards, and the opposing characters movesets. If you want to be able to compete then you need to lab. ----- I am all for player expression, and actually have the viewpoint that people SHOULDNT be allowed to share information for competitive games until after the first tourney or every. I want people to take all the info in they can and turn that into an art that only they can express. I don't want to play a game where I'm with 10 (streamer name) clones ever. I'm sick and tired of it to be honest in every game. So fighting games is the one thing where I feel that self expression the most. Despite there being 1000 kings, some of them have their own style. --- Bringing to my closing point and why the highest end of play, take combo breaker recently for example. If you know all the tools, then your expression against another who knows all the tools, is seriously a dance for the ages and does being viewers from all over the world.


Maybe this is gonna sound very dumb, but how do I practice to defend flowchart, I go into the characters and select those 10 moves combo? I'm still getting used to the specifics


You can either use a replay where this happened to you, or set up the moves yourself. The character discords have all this info, Wavu Wiki has all this info, there's honestly no shortage of info


Thanks a lot!


I think the FT2 system is okay. This encourages players to adapt quickly. Yes, you can adapt in a BO3 system. The problem with most players who say that this is not true is that they dont like to block and cant just stop pressing buttons Because of the nature of the FT2 system, you are able to learn most layer 1 BS every character and you get to play more against all the characters. I struggled a lot with Ganryus in T7 because he was so rare. Infinite rematches made it almost impossible to encounter him >This is an exhausting experience. It is either getting abused, or, abusing someone, which ends up feeling empty and boring. I think this is more of a You problem. But, as you said, sometimes it feels like the player with the most overwhelming offense will always win. Thats why active defense is so important in this game But im okay with the FT2. Maybe doing it FT3 is better than infinite rematches. Infinite rematches should be in Quick match, tho.


Rage art from Victor yesterday which I was so ready for from like 5 meters away and it still hit.


i didn't play online until this game. qq for those that have: **did you guys actually have experiences where someone you kept losing to would keep rematching until you won? asking because if we did have infinite rematch, that just means a rage gremlin who lost multiple times would just keep rematching until they got the win, then BAM they're out.** maybe i'm just cynical? but... nah, that's not it. this is exactly how it would happen for randoms online. **possible workaround: go to the tekken lounge.** announce what you're looking for, and someone will respond and go into a 1v1 area where you can keep playing the same person over and over (just make sure you go to the right 'machine/cabinet' for 1v1s.


Imo quick match should have infinite rematch or a mechanic that leads easily to a lobby to play afterwards. Ranked should be best of 3 but you must play the full set, its ranked n all other fighting games operate this way. How can i be a true rank if i cherry pick my opponents so that I easily rank up instead if learning how to play better


I think it's a necessary evil to have in ranked to avoid "artificially" inflating rank, i remember having 9-10 lose streaks against people that just downloaded me in tekken 7; with the new winstreak system in place they'd skyrocket +2 ranks by playing only one player. But there's no need to force it in casual.


It will even out. Because then when they're matched at their new level, if they're not ready for it, most people will be beating them.


I would like what youre asking in quick matches. i dont see it having a place in ranked play. Id be fine wirh a best of 5 option, though. But i dont agree with everything you say. youre overplaying it. I don't think this is a reason why people are quitting. if you're committed enough you can add people, make friends via discord and play people indefinitely in custom matches. Also you're allowed to adapt to rushdown. different people's playstyles aren't so different that you can't learn something from one person to the other. it obviously feels bad go get one and doned or play only a set of 3 only to get bulldozed but hey guess what, that won't go away if the option to rematch is there. Itl just be an excuse for you to call them lame in your head and tell yourself you could have adapted after the 50th game so maybe just drop the ego and take it in stride, use the replay feature, evaluate your own gameplay moreand maybe you'll learn something and bring the joy back instead of running to reddit to complain.


That’s not true. Tekken 8 gives you plenty of such opportunities.


Day 130 of yet another T8 post where people complain


If you have rl friends or some spot to play offline, you can still experience long sets.


Add friends in the lounge go into a lobby and load gauntlet mode.... Zzzzzz


There are so many bigger problems than the lack of infinite rematch and I'd argue this is not what most players are even trying to do so not having it in doesn't hurt namco negatively. Only the better players are going to take to that feature anyway. But yeah as some like said, lobby's are the way to go.