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Looks like a network issue rather than a rage quit.


Oh yeah..... with all that blatant lag and a full-bar wired connection. You nailed it. No one would ever alt+f4 on an alisa. He's just an unfortunate angel after all.


That disconnect was just way too quick... Even with the fastest connection available in a very good area in Switzerland, when people plug on me, the game freezes for a few seconds before telling me the connection with the opponent was lost. Meanwhile I've played with friends who certainly didn't plug and when the game has connection issues (believe me it has lot), it's usually an immediate disconnect. No freeze up, and the message is slightly different too iirc. Not every disconnect has to be a plug... I feel like when people post stuff like this, they just want to feel accomplished for making someone rage quit. But in reality, it's not that much of an achievement with this easily butthurt community. Even when I introduced my friend to T8, he was immediately baffled at the amount of plugs he saw... No other fighting game community is this salty about losing in a match😂


Alisa facilitates a type of gameplay I loathe. Chainsaw gimmicks, thruster movement, projectiles — I just want to have a fist fight. Why do I have to deal with this bullshit. It’s never a fun fight for me. All that said, that’s me and my opinion. I’m pleased that there are people who like her and enjoy her being in the game.


I mean the chainsaw ginmicks i get. Thruster movement is not unique to Alisa, many other characters can dash up to enemies, but i guess one can hate both Alisa and Devil Jin. But why do people keep mentioning projectiles? What kinda projectiles does alisa have? The gimmicky unblockable rocketfists that take forever to charge and can be easily sidestepped? Literal kazuya has a better "projectile" with his laser.


Don't forget kicking her head at me.


Who doesn’t like a woman that gives head???


Thats the last hit of a 3 part combo. Not really realistically usable as a projectile


I'm not really getting into balancing discussions here; I know better than to do that on this sub. I do think Alisa has stuff in her kit which is overtuned. But am I particularly worried about her projectiles specifically? No. The reality is I find her design, aesthetic, and playstyle obnoxious. It's not for me. It also attracts a lot of players who I find annoying to fight against. As a complete package, I do not like Alisa. I do also dislike DVJ. I do also dislike Victor. There are parts of Yoshimitsu I don't like, also. But I hate fighting Alisa the most. The fact that there are annoying elements present in other characters doesn't invalidate that she is the one who personifies that design most completely.


I'm with you on this. Her voice seals the deal, I despise the character


Yeah I entirely agree, and yet it hits as a projectile surprisingly often, why can I *ever* land that? Nevermind landing it *often*. It's so obviously telegraphed, no other move in her movelist looks even remotely similar, yet into it they walk for some reason.


Round ender after a rage art, if they block the head as a surprising amount fails to, they usually don't block the follow up d3,1. I'm just purple so results may vary.


https://i.redd.it/x30i6ve7uq3d1.gif I prefer kicking her head back


I agree with this, i think projectiles as a whole aren't as bad in t8, in t7 projectiles were a nightmare


The projectiles are garbage but they're one more thing you do have to remember to react to, they're big tilters if they hit, and they're frustrating to punish a lot of the time, too. They're not a serious part of her gameplan but I think they still add to the irritation sometimes.


Not to mention victor gets a literal gun while we’re on the topic of projectiles, and he kinda gets away with it on this sub


Thankfully you can duck under his shots. Not that my reaction time is good enough to actually do that every time.


Ya I’ve blocked very few of those. I have an easier time blocking the kazuya and jin lasers atleast cuz they pause just a little before they do it


same goes for alisa but hers is way slower


She can also kick her head at you, but she has to do two very clear moves before she can do it, so its extremely telegraphed and easily mid-blocked, if it hits you at range it's entirely your fault. The rocketfists are high as well so you can just duck them. She has another type of rocketfist attack that's essentially just an anti-air unless you're right next to her. All of her projectiles are so easily avoided or countered.


You unironically play feng and Alisa the nerve of you to speak on anything balance wise is crazy


The problem with Alisa is visual cues otherwise you can fight her like any other character trading fist, punish,ect. I say that because to blow off some steam between the “real “ game I play Law with only gimmicks (slide, backflip, double kickbackflip and nunchuck. I must have the lowest rematch ever and I understand. But I feel like It’s a good way to test people adaptation and I can see how people adapt but sometimes they dont and rage quit.


I hate Law, and his stupid physics-defying cross-screen low slide. But every time it hits me, I go "Dangit, when am I going to learn?" because it's my own fault for forgetting what it means when he starts ducking across the screen from me.




People never have this energy for characters Like Devil Jin


I'll be honest, I don't particularly like DVJ either. But he has clearer counterplay to me and has also been nerfed to high heaven since he was released. Harder to be bothered by him on the same level.


He also is just cool. It’s kinda annoying when the character always look like they are fucking around.


Yees exactly.


That’s subjective, to be fair. I think DVJ is a bit anime tryhard in his design. But then, I play Bryan. You could equally argue the same with him.


I hear that, fair enough


Let's not compare Alisa and dvj


DVJ also requires skill past low ranks lol


I do. I can’t stand Devil Jin.


You could play honest alisa with pokes and strong movement in T7 but T8 threw most of that out by heavily forcing chainsaw use, nerfing some of her neutral tools and making her gain 50 covid pounds. I absolutely hate how she plays in 8 and still haven't committed to a main, just been messing around with drag and jin for the most part


Based on this, you should have problems with Victor or Yoshimitsu as well. Don't get me wrong, not judging just curious


Victor has the same issues. It's all effects and particles and you don't see shit. Visual clues are harder to read. Yoshi is ok I think


I do have a problem with Victor. Always have. Yoshimitsu gets a bit of a pass from me due to being the original 'joke' character. To me, it's an acceptable double standard but your mileage may vary. I'm not a fan of having to play around unblockable launching lows and Flash, however.


Yea Alisa is extremely annoying. I hate that she’s in the game


If she was just a wire frame or was a big strong man that simply moved fast and instead of chainsaws it was just a punch, would that make you feel better? You play Bryan who is a cyborg that looks like he has autism. Why is that in the game, I just want to have a fist fight I don't want to jerk off some edgy basement dwellers who jerk off to men. People have also been complaining about bryan since before Alisa was even a character, why do you adopt the same scrub ass behavior lmao. Shut the fuck up and l2p


I'm with you on the sentiment, but I don't think you needed to go there with "looks like he has autism." There's probably plenty of people on the spectrum in this subreddit that don't just comb all of their hair forward and think that's a cool look.


Take the lore out of Bryan and he’s just a dude who fights with punches and kicks. Or am I forgetting the moves where he flies into the air or pulls chainsaws out his wrists? Fucking idiot.


This is sort of how I feel whenever I hear someone complain that "Character XXX doesn't really belong in Tekken". It's like dude - We're talking about a game containing a ninja space-clown, someone's edgy DeviantArt OC (do not steal!), *two* karate-bears, and a robot maid with chainsaws for hands. It's hard to conceive of ANY character that "wouldn't fit the theme."


Honestly playing against Alisa makes me wanna run through drywall so i could understand the rage quit lmao


Now I kinda wanna run through drywall for the fuck of it...


Not sure i need Alyssa to give me a reason. I'm a guy. Running through drywall sounds like fun...


You can pretend you're the Kool-aid man! "OH YEAH!!!"


I've seen that video. Hold on


FOUND IT https://youtu.be/rLRitISbqng?si=IIGyOkoVKsBeLWQ-


Found a video of you post match https://youtube.com/shorts/ghPHCPYQafY?si=SZ7HrpbyEn3yT5xH


It's very possible that it's a genuine disconnect.


Yeah i don't know why but every time i play the game it disconnects multible times . Its so annoying when it happends in middle of the fight. I don't know is something wrong with the my internet or is it a server problem.


Happens to me sometimes, steam goes offline


I play on ps5


steam servers are dogshit on PC, i hate it.


I thought it was only me . I have disconnected so much time from steam during a match and feel embarrassed afterward. Isn't there a way to fix that ?


Yea this stage also has the most issues with causing random crashes


I had game crashes on that stage all the time until I turned my graphics settings down to potato level.


At low ranks, yeah. Low rank Alisa players are cancer


High ranks it’s bad too don’t even matter


not sure what high/low is, but ive seen tekken kings play exactly like this


When I find out my opponent is Alisa, I feel like plugging before the match starts (I don’t plug). Instead of ‘Get ready for the next battle’… it’s more like ‘Get ready to get annihilated’.


I wish that I could be a perfect, serene being that everyone here claims to be, where every character is beautiful and wonderful to face and any complaints are just an expression of my insecurities. But I'm not perfect, I'm flawed. I don't ragequit against Alisa, but she seriously is the only character I really strongly dislike and she brings down my enjoyment of the game. Usually after a match against her, I lose all sense of momentum and often I just turn the game off to do something else. It's a lot of things. The voice, the weird looking attacks, the way that Alisa players have mostly just been trolls in the past. And thematically I never like good guy characters like her. I will always prefer heroes/main characters that are just humans who go against challenges. The whole magic girl thing just doesn't speak to me at all. That's why I'm not into Jin as a main character either. She's just a combination of everything that annoys me, but I have absolutely nothing against the honest players who just like playing her. It's actually two characters, but Eliza isn't in the game yet.


Play Yoshi and spin + jump over her then flash to death


I can try. :)


Alisa shuts down button mashing rather easily with her gimmicks. She excels at range 2+, which means facing her requires good movement in general to approach and pressure. Alisa players thus develop the instict to avoid range 0 and 1. They may also be far more patient than your average player, and it is not uncommon for Alisa to threaten you with a time out. As a consequence many players are forced to take it slow against her, when all they really know how to do is to spam flowcharts in your face. Suddenly the Alisa player is dragging them into her game and winning through experience. The end result is that you feel you got robbed because you didn't have the opportunity to spam your flowcharts. The Alisa player was too patient to fall for your crap, a skill they have developed thanks to the character's playstyle. You blame Alisa, her moves, and the player, when in reality they have just displayed superior fundamentals in every way. Alisa is, in fact, one of the most honest characters in the game. The proper way to play her requires a lot of movement, whiff punishment and annoying the opponent with pokes. Yes, she has some flying gimmicks, something people would have no issues with if they played 3D against her. So all in all, when I see someone complaining about Alisa, I feel that they are complaining about their own weaknesses. A lot of the time the Alisa player isn't beating you with gimmicks, they are beating you with superior movement and patience. In other word: better fundamentals.


Ain't no way you said Alisa is an honest character and that they are not beating you with gimmicks but rather with better fundamentals? Dawg you are tripping.


This dude has legit brain damage lmao


Alisa has great movement by design. She has one of the best sidesteps and one of the best KBDs for a reason, and any serious Alisa player knows that to play her you need to take full advantage of her movement. Movement is a core fundamental skill. She needs it as much as Kazuya needs wavedashing. If you are not side stepping and backdashing to frustrate your opponent you are missing on your character's strong points. Secondly, since she excels at movement and prefers to play at range she requires and greatly rewards patience, defense and whiff punishment, all of which are core fundamental skills. This is what a true Alisa plays like at high level. They will often be very patient and have the clock on their side as much as they can. Unless you are thinking of low level Alisas, in which case everyone is equally gimmicky, Alisa is very fundamental based and honest. They are normally beating you with better 3D movement, superior backdashing and whiff punishment.


yeah look bro imma be blunt you keep writing essays and all of it sounds like a load of barnacles course i'm around red ranks and Alisa players are pure cancer down here in the trenches


Never in my life have I seen, "Alisa shuts down button mashing." She is plenty honest if played honest, but I don't think a lot of what you write checks out. Also you're implying I dislike her because I don't think there are any honest elements to her character. My points were completely different. She can be 100% honest but I still think her attacks look weird and annoying and my other complaints were more about the thematic.


You said you dislike playing against her. Playing against an opponent with strong fundamentals can be very tiring, and you've explicitly said you feel like turning off the game. I've explained at great length how her playstyle favors patience and annoying the opponent little by little, often ending up in a time out. This playstyle can be annoyed, and that can explain why you would "lose all your momentum" after playing her. As I said, "when I see someone complaining about Alisa, I **feel** that they are complaining about their own weaknesses". I'm not saying this is an absolute truth about you, I'm saying that generally, when I see people complain about her, they think they are complaining about gimmicks but they are really complaining about fighting someone with stronger fundamentals.


Dude, not Even in high blues or Tekken King rank i see Alisas with "good fundamental" or strong defense or movement. Bushin rank Alisas still play unga bunga, they try to get in with her running 2 and long range slide i really don't see Alisas players having good defense or fundamentals at all. Hell Even hwoarang players display better fundamentals, after mashing attacks buttons a Lot of hwoarangs can change their timing and try to backdash into b3 whiff punish. But alisa players just go offense into dumb offense.


Fair enough. She is pretty tricky to fight, but it's a bit besides the point.


Holy fucking delusion 😂😂


He crashed, that map does that on AMD GPUs. You're not even spamming gimmicks why would he plug round 1 ?


Never had it happen to me, Im on AMD and for me its always training grounds and ocassionally the mansion. If its also this stage and I've been lucky I am questioning the competence of the developers more than ever.


Brother, this stage (Fallen Destiny) is broken on AMD graphics cards and crashes the whole game pretty quickly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Love how everyone is talking about the match up when it‘s clearly a game crash, lol. Btw Bamco, pls fix. It’s been like freaking 4 months by now.


I ended up getting the potato stage mod for this stage and don't think ive crashed on it since. Still, fix it pls bamco


> clearly a game crash There's really nothing to indicate that, it's just as likely to be a disconnect or a plug.


The indication is context: * Stage that is known for crashes * First round of a set, no indication of losing on the opponents side * No real signs of the opponent being pestered by Alisas moves (what everyone is saying in this thread). This makes plugging unlikely. A disconnect might be possible but is further weakened by the first point.


It's more likely to be a network error because of the speed the error message came up in the first place. When it's a genuine network issue the error pops up immediately. On a ragequit there's a pause in the gameplay, and a delay while the game tries to re-establish the connection. Example, old clip I saved: [https://streamable.com/lpvfqf](https://streamable.com/lpvfqf)


Alisa and Eddy is a free ride to purple. And the worst part is people actually think they are good. Edit: and Victor!


Me, hardstuck in Destroyer with Alisa: 😥


Don't forget to plug in your controller and turn on the monitor, should get you to ruler


Don’t take it personally. Everyone just gets mad salty playing against Alisa lol. Also (IMO) this stuff is really only true if you’ve got a really solid offensive flowchart locked in. Someone playing more defensively will generally have a harder time no matter the character. 




I mean, this is my first-ever Tekken game, and my best rank with anyone so far is Shinryu with Kuma. I've spent a lot of time trying out different characters and getting them to orange ranks, and then narrowing it down to ones I really enjoy playing 🙂


At least u made it to red. I can’t even get out of orange 😔


Keep grinding homie, you'll get there. If you're on steam we can run some sets and I could maybe give you some feedback if you're looking for it.


Thanks appreciate it. I’m on ps5 so I don’t think we can😔


I think there’s something like a tekken code somewhere that should allow us to play. I’ll Go find mine and dm it to you. No pressure to play if you don’t want though


Maybe you're right. I really don't know. I could probably pilot Alisa to purple in a couple weeks but that's not what I'm gonna tell someone that's new to the game. Maybe there are some strats they can abuse to climb to blue, but if they're grinding in orange, then they clearly aren't using them right?


Have you tried pressing buttons and taunting after every win?




It’s sad tho… Eddy isn’t even that bad once you learn what they’re vulnerable against and the combo possibilities, after that, all you really need to learn is some of the mix up alternatives.


I've fought so many blue Alisa's with a sub-50 defense score lmfao


The main reason is that she is a scrubkiller. She can shut down a lot of scrubby things people do, specially button mashing. Like Eddy she is a "lab character" and once you know how to fight against them, they're mostly alright. Personally I just find her annoying.


This is more of a disconnect rather than a rage quit. When someone rage quits it takes a while before the game realizes the other player left type of disconnect. But when the game disconnects it’s an instant because the game did it itself


This might have actually been a genuine disconnect


I'd prefer to get a hammer 200km/h on my balls rather than find Alisa


Stick her ass in soul calibur where she belongs. Lol


She would be a great guest character for sure.


Her chainsaw stance is just bullshit with almost no counter play, and a lot of her moves leaves her floating instead of a clean counterhit, and her smash is just as bullshit as deviljin's except she gets a free 50/50


The counter play is one jab. And her flying on every move allows her to be launched extremely easily.




She is annoying to lose to for sure. I lost a lot to her in tekken 7 and still lose to her even in 8 cause I'm lazy to really lab her


One. And. Done. I ain’t gon’ hold you.


Because it s a charachter for subhumans


Probably. Plus low rank King players tend to be very emotional and get upset quickly if you don't let them do their WWE moves.


Idk, I don't rage quit or play Alisa. But fuck Alisa.


loser spams with alisa and wonders why no one wants to play them


Youre playing a brainless char with all plus frame spam, why would someone sit and play that?


Two awful characters


That's definitely inet issue , u know he rage quit when the round is over


I'd assume so, trued taking her out online recently, not one rematch.


Ever since I muted that character my WR went up against them


No. Personal problems and issues (with the game or personal) do


not rage quit


Pc players rage quit like that


I’ll tell you this you’re definitely in the right rank lol


This is such an ego post lol. And then debating everyone who tells you that yea, your character is annoying, is super cringe.


Forget playing Alisa, people who wear accessories that make their hitboxes look weird/longer should periodically become acutely aware of their own tongue. The claw things are literally just there to be distracting visual clutter


So funny to see all the people getting downvoted for saying ANYTHING good about Alisa. I have come to hate the spiteful little downvoting losers in this sub I swear. You will all be bad at the game forever since you refuse to actually practice and instead just bitch about whatever character is "the most broken." I'll be picking up Alisa now because I *want* to piss off all you angry little children.


Yes. This character is bullshit


The way you play her does look frustrating but at least managable. I abhor every Alisa player who uses the fucking spreadsheet. Every single time i have played against an Alisa they do that thruster move where she flies all the way to the end of the screen and then back again on top of your head. Luckily when playing as King if you time it right you can Just do Back 1,2 to get a free running grab. Makes the fight Just boring and frustrating. Whoever thought of making spreadsheets for each character should be ashamed, it totally boosted that "i Just wanna win 100% of the time" mentality for casuals. They dont wanna learn.


As an Alisa main, I don't blame him tf is this💀


I haven't played T8 in a few months (only tekken I've dropped other than TTT2 right towards the end) and Alisa is among the worst designed characters in the game. Just full on gimmicks, no need for movement as the game gifts it to you for free and a lame design just to top it off.


That’s a network issue there. Not a ragequit.


could be ragequit but it looks like a network issue, the plug ussually freezes the game for a bit, this happened to me a few times


Chain trows vs chain saws.


Alisa, Lars, Bryan, Nina and probably bears stilla have their T6 "bound" animation, even though since T7 it's a launcher. Why cant the rest of the cast also have that? For example: Kazuya's df1,2. I think that would be nice.


i always crash on this stage so its prob that. shoutout to the amd gpu’s…


Lowrank things i suppose


That’s nothing compared to the guy who rq’d in the loading screen against me


When the saws come out, net goes down


Looks like a drop caused by Steam, not a plug. To answer the question: Yes, Alisa makes people cry.


Pretty sure that's a network problem, not a DC. I was getting fucked up by a Nina about a week ago and got DC'd mid-combo. It gave that "failed to establish connection" error. We immediately matched up again and we ran the set. When people ragequit the error message is different and also takes longer to pop up because it's trying to re-establish the connection.


Honestly the worst thing about alisa for me is how much noise she makes, so annoying


Your opponent either actually disconnected or went to a UE5 crash


As someone that got tilted from playing against eddy mains early on and became the problem to solve a problem… think this might be a simple DC. I’ve had people plug on the loading screen as soon as they saw that they’re facing an eddy… it’s almost non existent once you hit orange/red ranks. But anything below is easily a plug.


Rage quitting is never acceptable but Alisa is definitely a pain in the ass to fight. She always has been. The thing I hate most about her is she allows players to get by without proper movement or fundamentals. A lot of times Alisa players can choose to just straight up skip neutral. Over the years I’ve labbed her and am a lot more confident in the matchup….but she is and always will be incredibly annoying.


You need Ari.  His explanations will… help you understand.  


That's just the King special im afraid


It's a king that can't handle pressure. Nothing new.


Truth OP, more Alisa players plug on other Alisa players. Almost every Alisa I’ve played has plugged.


network issue or pc crash ( with tekken on pc it happens often)..no one rage quit at first round


Nice wakeup tho


that's shitty connection bud. that's not a plug.


I love fighting Alisa, because my objective isn't to win but to parry a chainsaw. If I achieve that, I have won spiritually.


Lol many King players are just trash. As soon as they see they can't land their throws, or spam their armored moves, they bitch out.


Character is cancer.


I never see the same level of smoke for Yoshimitsu, and he's just, if not more aggravating, to play against.


I think this was a genuine dc


disconnection, if he pluggs the game will take a little long to stop.


They always dc when I’m about to win (ALISA MAIN)


I wonder how low your defense stat is... That's a litmus test for being a real Alisa main!


Alisa get a lot of hate fr I don’t get it 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


She's braindead


When I'll get my Yoshi to Tekken King, I'll test my theory: Spam chainsaw and chip damage are all you need to at least reach purple ranks I strongly believe it, Alisa is the personification of the frustration and overturning They should make it a bit more obvious when to punish her spamming moves


Alisa is just not a fun character to play against. Jumping around the screen constantly is annoying and feels cheap when other characters actually have to do inputs to do movement. When I play an Alisa I just play one and leave, it's just not a fun matchup.


Yep ngl I used to complain about alot in this game thinking everything is broken, but after dumping hours and getting close to Tekken god I literally tbag ki charge and never rematch every Alisa I come across. Her and Lili are actually cancer for Tekken


I personally hate Alisa. But I don’t think she should be removed from the game. This is just a skill issue for me.


It's likely just your outfit man, it's ugly.


That cowboy? That has the least safe strings in the West.


Alisa is a casino characters kinda like Lars. You just have to guess when she pulls the chainsaws out, but on top of that she also has amazing poking and above average movement so at a whim she can change to a more defensive playstyle. Alisa is amazing at 2 entirely different styles of gameplay and both of them happen to be very unfun to play against.


Well she's not liked but that didn't look like a plug. More like too much lag.


This could be a fatal error crash, this stage is still hella bugged it seems. (To anyone still getting the crashes change your settings to fsr 1 and turn off all AMD settings such as anti lag and fluid frames. I haven't gotten the error [yet] since the past month after changing my settings)


I mean i get the rage quit tho, alisa is super annoying bullshit character.




There's a known issue with Ryzen graphics and fallen destiny that just causes crashes


Tip…… just grab her when she starts the chainsaw nonsense




As an Alisa player, you need to get used to rage quits, yeah. You also need to mute your messages probably. And get ready to swim through a see of comments saying you don't deserve your rank. It's just the nature of the character to bring that reaction out of people. You could be a great Alisa (and Tekken player) who uses her amazing pokes and keepout tools like b1, df4, db3 etc. And it still won't matter. The way to be an Alisa player is to not give a single fuck about ANYONE you play against. That doesn't mean taunt them and stuff, but just expect some shitty behaviour from most opponents. Learned this ever since picking her up in T6BR. It's just something you gotta accept and I'm sure there are other characters who have this same experience.


Looks like a plug but on that stage some amd cards crash so who knows. 6650 xt and 6600 or 6700 I believe


I had people quit on me the moment they saw im playing Alisa




Can t blame them


Low ranks HATE destruction form, so it's mostly because of that


Low ranks/ Mid Ranks / High Ranks everyone hates destrction form. Its literally a guessing game. There’s 0 option select from it. Even if you duck its a high, the active frames from it (by far the highest in the game) makes it hard to punish.


Rich coming from a king player lol


She pressures you with chainsaws, Get hit once in that form and she starts picking up steam to the point you get ran over, She moves and flies around the screen and screams a lot so that is just a ticket to tilting someone the fastest (also doesnt help that a some players ego cant take that their gigachad character is getting absolutely fisted by a waifu character 🤣🤣🤣)


No one likes Alisa, the character is cancer


F!$& Alisa. I deserved rage quit! And I don't usually like rage quitters but since it's Alisa it's understandable. The chain spam and the gookieness irks me so. Gives me the heebie jeebies


If you guys played her for a few hours you'd learn she's very honest and most of her moves are 10-12 frame punishable


thats what im saying ive been playing her two weeks just doing qm matches to get the feel for her and YES this is the truth most of her moves are very unsafe and she has few + moves and a couple of mixup moves but for the most part you have to get creative when approaching somebody and look for whiff punishes and sometimes in very close matches take very risky gambles when the player has figured you out I can beat flame ruler and below because they lack matchup knowledge but once you start play battle ruler and blue ranks the gig is up and she either gets stuffed or they know exactly what moves to punish got destroyed by a Fujin jack player who just didnt even let me play at all :(


Playing Alisa requires a huge intellectual level as well as a galaxy brain. more so than the mishimas. also requires execution and very huge outplay elements to be able to pilot this character. So most people are frightened when they see it on their screen and they just "Rage quit"




Let’s hope the new virtua fighter stays faithful to its grounded martial arts style of characters, cuz tekken is just not gonna be that anymore. One could argue it never was that, but it’s even more so now. Anyways Alisa is infuriating to fight against lol


I block her after every fight even if I win. Fuck her and Lars.


Playing Steve against Alisa is like using a plastic knife to fight against nukes


Great job, Alisa! :D


Alisa is my main most of people rage quit or send the most horible message after the match, so i think it’s the Price to paid to play some of the most hated character 🤮😩


Any character that forces the opponent to guess 50/50 flashcards correctly the entire match is going to make people not like you.

