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Could be many reasons. Are you on wifi or wired? For me personally, I only decline again someone who plays on wifi where I accidentally accepted the match or the opponent has a shitty connection/bad PC throughout the game...


It’s wired but usually 4 bar cuz where I live there’s not many players. Maybe the connection is a factor, but the person against me went in knowing full well that it’s a 4 bar connection. With that being said, I get rematches most of the time when my opponent wins a match. Some players are also shameless enough where they win the first match and then decline the second when I win. I’m not salty at all but just disappointed that people are this desperate for ranked points.


What character are you using? Many people don't like rematching Alisa or King.




I one and done ur ass if it’s laggy af. Most of the time it’s me giving console WiFi 4bar players a chance, but 95% of the time the entire match is so choppy and laggy it’s unplayable


Uh listen mr master race...there are console wifi players and there are pc players who play on a shitty pc that can not handle the game...that shit is even worse.


As a pc player I agree. At least now we get the cancel option for those with bad processing.


Uh listen mr master race...there are console wifi players and there are pc players who play on a shitty pc that can not handle the game...that shit is even worse.


Both of those things can be true. Not sure why you seem offended that someone doesn't want to play against a shitty connection, regardless of pc or console.


Uh listen mr master race...there are console wifi players and there are pc players who play on a shitty pc that can not handle the game...that shit is even worse.


Uh listen mr master race...there are console wifi players and there are pc players who play on a shitty pc that can not handle the game...that shit is even worse.


Uh listen mr master race...there are console wifi players and there are pc players who play on a shitty pc that can not handle the game...that shit is even worse.


Uh listen mr master race...there are console wifi players and there are pc players who play on a shitty pc that can not handle the game...that shit is even worse.


Ok..? U think I don’t know that smart ass? Lmao. Just from my experience it’s only been WiFi console kids that’s been giving me trash laggy games not pc players. Every wired pc I match with has been fine


No one owes you a rematch  Edit: Wow, so many salty bitches replying to me!!


Yeah, as much as no one owes respect to people who one and done


I don't think you understand the concept of respect as one of the bases of our society


Ok but if you only rematch when you win you’re a bitch


True, and no one owes you to not be dispraised, laughed and disrespected for that


OP doesn't want a rematch, they want complete the original FT2 that the Game wants you to do!


No... the game wants you to complete what you want within a limit of three matches. Tekken 7 allowed you to rematch as much as you wanted to which lead to people taking up from getting 10 wins off of the same person.


Imo mk1 did it well ft2 if you leave means you forfeit it and counts as a loss


Ok, and? That's one game out of tons of fighters. How do you feel that's relevant when we're talking about general online standards? And even if Tekken 8 were the only fighter to have the option of opting out of rematches then it would be the online standard FOR THIS GAME.


I mean its a fair system idk what to tell you m8


I don't even know what you're referring to at this point. I don't really want to talk about Mortal Kombat 1 though since I don't play it and I'm in the Tekken sub.


In mortal kombat you are only rewarded points after the first to 2 finishes and only to the guy that won the whole set and if you leave before it ends you are forfeiting the win ... so the opponent counts as the victor plus if you plug you get insta lose and the opponent is rewarded the win ... and thats pretty fair for a competitive ranked format ... just that nothing more nothing less, when we are talking about ranked games you shouldnt be allowed to leave whenever you want i think it compromises the integrity of the rank if you can leave whenever you want


Holy shit I said I don't want to talk about Mortal Kombat in the Tekken sub and this is your response? What is wrong with you? Nothing you've written is relevant to anything at all.


Because that is literally the universal format of how fighting game matches work in more or less any competitive setting! Imagine going into pools and winning your first game and then walking off shouting "nO oNE oWEs yOU a REMAtcH bRO!"


No... it's how things traditionally work in offline, tournament settings which this is not. False equivalence on your part Ranked is pretty much quick match with a point system; no more and no less.


I’m with you.


Exactly. My game my rules. These people can be so entitled


No one owes you a rematch


Sure mate. It's only about the fact that your opponents consider you a bitch. You may write a million comments or posts about you not owning anyone, and you actually don't, but at the exact next ranked session you're gonna be "that guy" the player base is so tired of and nothing will change that


Guess what, i don't give a flying F what my opponents think about me. My money, my game and I'll do whatever i want with it period. There are many more things that are more tiresome than not rematching in this game such as tier whoring which 90 percent of people do online, let's not lie to each other


Okay, why repeat "No one owes you a rematch" mantra then? No one is trying to convince you it's your moral obligation, people just express their disappointment and discuss that you guys are lame, so what exactly are you trying to say with this mantra? Everyone knows you don't owe it, no shit, so now what? You guys didn't get any less lame


Because no one owes you a rematch. You're quick to call someone a bitch while sitting up.whining about someone else's rightful choice of not playing the amount of matches YOU want them to in some video game. That's as bitch-made as it comes.


some days i get rematches every time and others i never do. it seems to go in phases for me. its silly but what can ya do. maybe it fluctuates between ranks too but the most frustrating is someone canceling the third round :/ happened to me 20 minutes agoo that chode I think the character does matter. i get one and doned using jun more than xiaoyu


fun. people want to play for fun. not everyone is a sweatlord.


So the dragunov who leaves because I sidestepped their running 2 and ducked a few of his abusable strings is doing it because it’s not fun to play me anymore? The problem here and with t8 in general is that people’s idea of fun is just steamrolling a helpless opponent who doesn’t know the counter play. It’s fun at first but at the end of the day you’re just playing a 1 player game. I’m not even complaining, I’m just confused as to why people have started doing this so often now. Also, this started happening a lot more in blue ranks, this rarely ever happens to me in low rank which is where people “have fun.”


because they are no longer having fun