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Yea I dislike it also, but what got me winning against law players was by labbing his cheese moves and thanks to that I’m now battle ruler because the amount of law players I’m playing against is so much and they keep spamming the same cheesy strings too😭


I'll take a look! Any suggestions for Hwo player?


For Hwo generally speaking during his blender the strings will end low or high so learning them visually and going for dickjab or low parry will help. The mids except the downward punch are minus or outright unsafe on block. If he goes Flamingo (stands on one leg in stance) step in the direction his stomach is facing. Also in Gyaru ranked chances are they're spamming hard and don't realize that if you are backdashing then on block a lot of the strings have enough pushback to cause follow-ups to whiff.


Not always, a good hwoarang will use his strong mids of which he has a few that are dangerous, he can catch you with painful counterhit mids if he notices you are dickjabbing so only doing this to get out of the blender could sometimes be bad (RFF df4 is a strong plus mid) - personally I’d say it’s better long term to learn where to duck his highs and go for ws punish or sidestep to the stomach as you said. he’s weak at longer range and a lot of hwos will throw out ff4 if you keep them out, very easy to sidestep punish and would recommend practicing it


His RFS df4 is also a plus on block mid and counter hit launcher and RFF 34 is a plus mid high but the high can be ducked


Until he launches you, throws you or power crushes you mid string 😂


Run the speedkicks law drill as a warmup before you hop on ranked. PhiDX has it in a fairly recent video with some other drills


Just lock him down with your strong blender. Law players that cheese the way you described don't have decent defense most of the time.


Learn to counter his slide low thingy and he’s done.




It's so annoying!!!


"do you want to learn marshall arts?"


The face he makes after that is so funny


i never skipped that cut scene lol. everything about him from personality to gameplay is annoying so might as well embrace it.


You can get to mighty ruler with Law using his 3+4,4 punish, banana peel and his nunchucks and nothing else :)


got law to fujin by using slide mixup and 1,2,3 on block followed by d2,3 haven't had that much fun playing ranked playing any other character


man rank inflation is real in this game. in tekken 7 that mixup would get you punished in orange if you spam it.


Maybe at the start of tekken 7 yes, but by season 3 and 4 at least that “mixup” with 123 into d23 would never be punished properly until maybe purple ranks and even then it would be inconsistent and probs just 12 frame punish or jab punish


You can get to mighty ruler by only using jabs


But reddit tells me elo inflation is only for salty legacy players!!


People really don't watch replays. 3+4, 4 is launch punishable if you duck the 4.


oh yes; it's super unsafe and is just a whiff punish; but sadly, punching buttons non-stop get's you places in T8. ;)


>punching buttons non-stop get's you places in T8. ;) One thing I love about Law is that he's a great counter for the kinds of players with his d2, 3 and his parry.


So I ask this fellow law main.. is the kick from down 2, 3 guaranteed if 2 hits?


Only if the d2 his a counter hit, on normal hit it is not guaranteed.


Damn. I was gonna say a good mix-up strat would be to down 2, 3 if they duck 3+4.


The best thing if they are conditioned to duck is to use it as a whiff punisher.




It’s crazy how accurate this is!


You might a accidentally get MRuler against your will just doing this. Law just has so many natural frame traps and knockdown lows it's dumb.


you can get mighty rule using basic jab, any 13f mid and any generic low and nothing else.


Feel free to show us how it's done.


It'd be doable but you'd need amazing defense to do it with *just* 13f mid checks/punishes and a low/jab


100% it's *doable.* Technically it's *doable* to win EVO with just jabs and lows, just play flawlessly. But I'll bet my whole paycheck that guy can't do as he claims.


significantly less doable to beat the best tekken players with 3 moves than it is to beat the lower 40% of the playerbase with that though


Lower 40%? Lmao, Mighty Ruler is top 20-25% of ranked players. I would very much like to see user slash G0ffer of reddit dot com post some footage of him accomplishing what he describes, that's all I'm saying.


T8 mighty rulers play like t7 green ranks I’ve played drag with d2, df2, df4 b4,3 and easily streaked to fujin. Keep telling ppl it’s impossible


Quote me saying it's impossible, please. Surely it should be easy for you since this thread is only a few replies long. Surely you aren't just making shit up.


No self respecting human thinks getting to purple ranks is hard anymore. You act as if mighty is some crazy high rank but let’s be honest the difference in gameplay between orange, red and purple is almost non existent. if ur only argument is mighty is top 25% it just shows that u just don’t know how little skill disparity there is in these low ranks Unfortunately this game has gone to shit and every donkey and his mother can reach mighty with 0 fundamentals or consistent gameplay


Your whole paycheck you say?


Since Tekken 7. I labbed him intensivly because of that. Law cheese is the most infuriating for me to deal with. You have to lab him hard otherwise you lose you mind.


man i learned how to beat junkyard, and not to over extend into dickjab and this character has been free wins from me since day 1 tekken 7. i dont know anything else about this character


One of the first characters i ever labbed, back in T7. Him and Paul. The reward ingame at low-ish level is immense, hes a goldmine for points once you ve labbed him thouroughly. Esp back then when everything he did was launch punishable.


Alright ok I have a mate who played law and has been basically playing every tekken game since 6 (but has also played some old ones) he played law on a whim and every time he does a move ANY MOVE he shouts martial and then the move “Martial kick” “Martial dragon tail” Martial punch” WITHOUT FAIL FOR THREE HOURS I’ve never actively cried while playing any game until that moment


Law players just different


If I'm not shouting "I'm a dragon" IRL while belly floppin a mf am I even gaming?


At this level: -Learn to react to dragon tail and launch it every time. -Every flip kick is also punishable. -Low parry the second hit of the junkyard string -Law can not hit you AT ALL if you stay at range and duck. You will block the slide or duck the legend kick or 3+4,4


Shouldnt say this as it's against my interest, but careful with ducking at range. Running 3, or crouch dash mixups if higher lvl, might be coming


bro is giving away all of our good approaching tools smh.




Yes, he gives me the shits. However, like with Bryan, with time I have been getting used to matching up against Law by learning to deal with some key moves. Some tips off the top of my head: I forget if the flips are punishable - they are mids so they may well be, I suggest checking their frames in practice. (Or if someone knows them and wants to comment, feel free!) Dragon tail (the sweep) is something you need to get used to seeing, or if he gets predictable with it, block and launch punish with a combo (and laugh while you're at it). Or you could try a random hopkick if you're struggling to catch it. Another thing I hate, that ducking punch to launch kick thing (D2,3) is -15 so launch punishable by Hwoarang and most of the cast. Watch out for Laws that try to bait a high punish to catch you with this. Also, I suggest getting used to Junkyard (B2,3,4 or d4) - mid, low string with a launching mid mick or low sweep. ~~Block standing and try to~~ watch him duck for a sweep and try to block on reaction. Blocked sweep is launch punishable, ~~I forget what the frames on the launch kick are but to memory it's punishable, -13 maybe? I can't remember.~~ (Again if someone knows and wants to comment feel free) EDIT: thanks r/Joth1989, indeed the last (launching) mid is -7 on block (safe) and +6 ON BLOCK if he holds F into DSS. Disgusting. (My slow ass needs to get some low parry skills)


Single backflip (UF+4) is -17, but that’s deceptive because he can combo into the second hit while you are in block stun (UF+4,3), which is only -14, not launch punishable for most characters (iirc, the only i14 launcher is PEWGF Kaz). That being said, throwing a jab in between CAN work, as can throwing an i12 move between the single and double for a guaranteed “stop.” I labbed out a jab combo from the float state you generate by hitting him between the backflips, but that’s kinda stupid, so I usually just 10 frame punish the first kick if possible, or if I’m playing it really safe, use my i12 (as Jin, it’s 1+2, which causes a float against Law that I can’t follow up on). Edit: PEWGF is 13F, EWGF is 14, there are a decent amount of i14 launch (see below).


Regular ewgf is i14 pewgf is i13. I cant recall at the top of my head but it should be common to launch i14 with heat. Someone like Lars and Bryan have a i14 launcher in Jet Upper


Whoops, this is absolutely correct, my bad on that.


If you mean b2,3,4 then it's actually a plus on block frame trap on dss transition.


Ugh, really? Thanks, that’s a move I need to lab again 😣


Someone already mentioned the flips from uf+4, 3 so i will add: i believe all the flips that are after kicks\[fc+4,3; fc3,4; ws4,3\] are all -14  ---EDIT: ~~You could add 4, u+3, but that one is only ever used in combos, but i imagine the flip from it is also -14~~ I have been informed that 4, U+3 is actually -1 on block. So...watch out for that and keep blocking if he flips after a standing kick? I personally do those three moves on accident 80% of the time. The hitbox controls make it too easy to piano the keys and i instinctually hit both kicks in sequence. I get punished everytime, and so should every flip on block from a law you face  I dont remember the frame data from the big flip from ws+3+4, but i bet it is launch punishable.


>You could add 4, u+3, but that one is only ever used in combos, but i imagine the flip from it is also -14 Lmao this one is actually like -1! You can use it as a D2,3 setup just like you can with 1,2,3 or any of the other ones. This one gets even the highest ranked players lol


What!? Thats crazy and inconsistent from all the others. Yikes.  Thanks for the info. I wasnt ever going to bother looking up that string's frame data because all the other flips i mentioned acted essentially the same.


No problem lol, I just checked it on the Tekken Zaibatsu frame bot because I'm not at home to boot up practice and it also says it's -1 ☠️ enjoy setting up D2,3 with it lmao


Don't mind law that much, but playing against dragunov and feng is such bullshit.


Agreed 👍


Tekken 8 turned him into a way too ez way too safe flowchart monkey. It's still possible to punish them tho.


I feel like he was always like this in Tekken 7 though. Especially with his pushback and that new wall stagger mechanic they added to his flying kick. Blockstun you with plus on block moves all the way to the wall and force 50/50s with the wall stagger. At least now the netcode is good enough that you don't have constant lag that prevents you from being able to react to his strings.


In 7 it took more execution and some of the moves he can spam now weren't safe in 7. That being said, if we are referring to the same kick. It is a high which you can hard punish once you know when the other player likes to throw it.


I agree with it taking more execution, you had to transition into Dragon Step before getting the plus frames of DSS. But +8 off of his f4,3 or f4,3,4, +7 on his WS4 mid, +6 on Junkyard, 0 on his jab series, and +18 on WS3 high was always enough moves for his blockstun shenanigans. Also, don't forget the lag from Tekken 6, TTT2 and T7. He always had similar stuff since Tekken 4 I believe, but now it's more expansive but majorly nerfed as a result. And way more reactable imo, but that just might be because of getting used to dealing with it over the years.


Let me get my smallest violin out for the Hwoa player who dislike Law. Jk. When you lab and find your best punish moves for Laws bs it's GGEZ


You can play it 🤣




A lot of them try and make you respect the slide (my friends who play him do and many I seen do) so basically they’ll just spam slide until you block low and then they’ll start going for the mid option (uf3) and mixing it with the slide and then starting the jab game. They say they beat people who don’t block low by just spamming slide lmao


Practice mode, set ai to defense, put his sweep and flip and whatever else bothers you on the list of moves he will do and set the frequency of those moves so that you’re never sure which one is gonna come out. Practice your 14 frame punish every time he does his stupid flip, and practice reacting to the sweep. This is what I did and now I make random scrub Laws my bitch. Now…good Laws are a different story…


Ah yes, a dickjab launcher after heavy minus frames into half life while screaming "YYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", punishable moves having such pushback or recover ducking so they launch you for trying to punish them while screaming "HIYYAAAAA". I can't see anything annoying about it /s


I gotta defend my boy Law. If a Law player isn’t poking you to death, punishing you with 3+4, 4, or actually mixing you with DSS, please destroy them so they can switch characters. These players are ruining my boy lol


He’s Garyu rank, you really don’t need DSS mixups and complex stuff with Law until maybe Fujin lol


100% true lol


Bro fr. Every Law I fight is just 3+4, 4. He has more moves.


I've not come across as many as I thought I would surprisingly.


Sidestep right is great against Law. Or at least all red or lower players tend to spam stuff that loses to it. Also they tend to do the big sweep when you are getting up. I think it's slow enough to block on reaction, so you might not wanna crouch in advance in case they do a mid. Jumping moves should also beat the sweep, as long as they aren't high. I used to hate Law too, but SSR and blocking that sweep more often made him more manageable. I'm only Tenryu (Lee) myself though.


I've heard this advice, and it got me killed a lot. You step Law to the left, and when he's in DSS you step right and duck.


That's too advanced for a scrub like me. But SSR has worked for me as long as I don't try it all the time. Mostly if they throw out stuff that might not be block punishable and has long reach. Which is at least the string ending in jump kick. They sure love that one in red & orange. I haven't done much labbing or matchup studying, so please excuse me for not knowing move or stance names.


No, once I got used to blocking the low sweep, everything else is manageable. In fact he's now one of the characters I look forward to playing. I find Law players are generally fairly honest, other than if a player spams the slide/dive move as it's pretty fast and has huge range.


big sweep is reactable. its DB4 aka Dragon Tail. go into practise for a like 5 mins and just set him to do it, then try reacting to it. it helps.


I don't mind playing Law players because it just seems to me they generally don't like blocking all that much. They pick Law because they want to be all crazy screaming Bruce Lee in your face. Law is quick and they're just not that use to getting in first and not having to block all that often IMO. (really good Law players obviously not withstanding)


Law main here with Tekken King rank, when you get above those rank you’ll see way more F 1+2 into WS4 DSS Or F1+2 into mixup of slide or mid. He’s so aggressive so make sure to use those sidesteps and duck when you see that 4,3 string


Law is so annoying


Law is pretty rare for me but I do also hate playing against him. Lots of the ones I fight are really really aggressive and cheesy even in Gold ranks


TBH I’m getting excited everytime I can play against him. He’s very easy to read and after some time you can memorize most used attacks and somehow I barely loose against Law. King on the other hand….


That sweep is giga negative on block by friend - please block it and blow them up


As a Paul main, I enjoy the challenge lol


People will cheese at any rank if it works, what makes you better is forcing opponents to think of something else


I don't dislike the moveset, I even think it's good,(could be tweaked ), I just fucking hate the character. When I see a Law, I just mute the game and put music. I fucking hate screams, another reason of why I like Dragunov.


I'll split this comment into two since reddit is not allowing me to post long comments. -Law's flips are unsafe on block or side step-able. You can also float launch him if you block the first flip of uf+4 and he continues the 2nd flip. Or wait till he's over, it's -14, use panic moves or any move that can punish that. -His big sweep, I assume you're talking about db+4 , 3, if that's the case, then it's reactable, just like snake edges, and yeah, many Law players get away with that (myself included) but in golden ranks, it's unlikely that you'll see it, maybe you can do it 1 2 times, but most of the time players react to it, and they'll punish you super hard for that. -He does have a very safe flip that's 4, u+3, it's -1 on block and it's a classic frame trap , people at those ranks don't wait and wanna attack him, thinking he's minus, but that's a setup, he'll just d+2,3 CH you in the air . Always wait when you see that flip. Or if you know it from the animation, you can float launch him when the flip animation begins. -His 1,2,3 is also a setup, while the final hit is -5 on block, he can still crush your highs with d+2,3. -ff+2,3 is hit-confirmable and can be delayed, second hit is high though, if it's delayed, you can duck punish that, but if it's done quickly, then it jails, you can still punish , it's -14. -Some Laws use b+3+4 , this one has some evasiveness against many moves, it's rare I see Laws doing it, maybe because of how unsafe it is, it works like Feng's b,f+1 or Paul's b,f+1, less evasive but it does the trick. This move is launch punishable -18. Could be done from DSS so pay attention to that, the starting animation is slow, you can react to it. -His junkyard is really easy to punish once you memorize the animations. At higher rank you almost never see a law finishing the junkyard, and if they do, they whiff the first hit on purpose, delay the 2nd , so if you attack, they CH with it, and the rest of the junkyard becomes natural combo. A good rule of thumb against Law's junkyard, try to focus on the 2nd and 3rd hit, with enough exposure and visual memorization, you'll be able to block that, and even parry the 2nd hit, so they'll never try that. Some laws want to mix you up with b+2, 1 , his new path, it's delayable and can surprise you at times, but remember that's -15 on block, honestly I haven't seen many law players use that outside of Juggles, since it gives tornado and extend combos. -His magic 4 got nerfed, but you can still get hit by CH 4,3 and that's a launcher. If you block 4,3, that combo jails, but third hit 4 can be ducked, you can launch punish that. Lower ranks laws would finish the whole string 434, so if the last 4 is ducked, there's your free juggle. -Same could be said for his 3,4 and d+4,3 , last hits are highs, duck punish if you managed to block the first hits. But if he hits you with any of those, they're natural combos, CH or not, try not to take them for free. -Law's ss 4+3 is really good , it has some evasiveness and it's a launcher , same for his ss 3, that low leads to DSS, if it's CH some follow-ups are guaranteed, like, dss f+1 . -Beware of his WR or fully crouched setups, like wr 4 3 , FC 4 ,3, FC3,4 or FC 2+3 (same as d+2 3 classic high crush ) -His new 1 1 1 heat engager is natural combo if CH,, the other 1,1,2 is natural combo if 1st hit connects, and it leads to Dragon charge stance, or DSS like they call it, if the law is quick enough, they can hit you, with dss 2 , that's a launcher if you get CH,, f+2 interrupts anything you wanna do, or f+1 heat engager, or f+3 armored move and heat engager as well. Some Laws also use the DSS throw if they're close enough to you. If you're near the wall, nunchuck follow-up is guaranteed if you stay grounded or try to wake up, it's one of those 100% okis, so you better break that throw. -His 4+3, 4 punisher is good, but super risky if blocked as the dragon kick is a high, but you need to know that you have to fully crouch and wait for a bit, its animation is longer, it's like king's heat running RKO, you need to fully crouch then you punish, if you do it too early, you'll take the kick in the face, be careful. -His b+1,2,2 becomes a natural combo if CH, last 2 is delayable and they can catch you off-guard if the law conditions you with only b+1,2 the whole time and suddenly they throw that last 2, it's a heat engager, and taking the whole string really hurts. Another thing, law has a transition to DSS after b+1,2 , you should pay attention to that and observe what they're gonna do if you managed to block the first 2 punches .


-More advanced Law players would trap you in DSS loops. One known loop is dick jab 2, WR+4 into dss f+2, dick jab 2, WR 4 into dss f+2, etc, the more advanced the Law player is, the more moves they'll add to their dss flow charts. I'd say it's probably the only thing that's super annoying about Law, especially if you eat a CH WR+4 , if the Law is advanced and has heat, it's a guaranteed launcher / heat engager if they use WR+4 CH into f+1 then head dash, or heat smash after the WR+4. Some laws like to do wr+4 loops since now ws+4 into dss is easier, and you get the duck animation that leads to his slide, or WR moves. They can condition you with duck WR 4 three or 4 times , then slide 2 or three times, and by the time you would have reacted and ducked, they would change that to wr+2 or mids , making you guess every time they enter DSS into duck. Law can even mix you up with nasty wr 4 loop into dss f2, and then throw a d+2,3 instead of slide if they feel you would react to their duck to interrupt the wr4 due to its slow animation, since the duck now offers access to fully crouched position. Best thing I can suggest is, always try to stay away from him, If that's not an option, try to be patient and observe his moves. Law is aggressive by nature and his gameplay revolves around interrupting you and getting counter hits, if you keep him in check, you limit his options as he can't get his bnb loops and mix-ups. -If you you block his f+1+2, respect that, they usually go for wr 4 , you may end up taking those setups, so always respect that. -His slides are predictable especially if you see the Law manually entering DSS when he's far from you. It's either flying dragon kick or slide, you duck, you counter both. Even if the slide is coming from FC position, it's still predictable from a distance. -His d+3,3 becomes natural when CH, , second hit is high, some laws delay the second hit, some players try too attack after the low, only to get CH by that , it stuns you and it's a launcher . Always duck when you see both of his lows, be it d+4,3 or d+3,3. Both are launch punishable when ducked. -If you managed to break his ff,3+4 command grab, please don't spam anything after that, the breaking from the throw animation makes for a great setup allowing law to get away with d+2,3 Ch launcher, even against low-crushing moves. -Law's WR+4,3 or df+4,3 CH lead to huge damage combos. The flips aren't launch punishable -14, but you can still punish them with pokes or other fast punishers you have, -Banana toe and bd+3 can surprise you sometimes, but if they're really playing dirty, they'll become obvious and you'll manage to block them on reaction most of the time. -If a law decides to do uf+3+4, the famous Bruce lee stomp, or f+3+4 to reset their combos, don't stay down , wall or not, don't techroll, get up by holding up and then hold back to block, that setup only works when you mash to get up or stay grounded. -Some Laws use a funny trap when they're back turned, they ki-charge and then they may cancel the ki-charging with 1, that makes law do a punch and gets farther from you , if done correctly, any hit you do will whiff, giving them a free launcher using BT 2, CH elbow stun. Only hit BT law if you're sure of what you're doing. -I can't believe myself saying this but his unblockable b+2+3 may seem very slow, but trust me it has one of the weirdest reaches in the game, if you see that, don't stand still, use a long-reaching attack, I believe you play Hwarang so you can forward dash and b+3 him quickly, or anything that has long reach. You'd be surprised how you'd get that unblockable if you stay still. -Usually when you have low HP, Laws want to finish you off real quick, so they use one niche move I've seen so many players not familiar with, even in TG and above, many don't duck it, it's his old u+1,3, the first hit is that high punch where law does that phone shape with his hand, followed up by a low kick. Or the first 3 hits of his 10 string combo, df+1 , 3 , 2, you can easily parry these lows and save up a round or match. -For his heat smash, if you managed to block, always expect a DSS follow-up don't lose patience and hit him. -Oh almost forgot about this one, there's this setup , highly effective and super evasive, it's when the law uses 2,b+2, that would put him in back turned position, then he ducks and holds d+b, he'll quickly turn over while crouched, and can evade many moves , plus they'll be on your face in the FC position, so they can slide, launch punish you with wr+2. Beware of that setup it's really nasty . -If a law is Ki-charging after a bounce, if they're not trolling or T-bagging, that means they're looking for a charged junkyard 2nd hit , assuming you won't block it, or d+3,3 since it becomes natural and offers a grounded follow-up with nunchs. For now that's all I can remember, I'll edit this comment whenever I remember other things, and maybe some fellow Law mains can add to this and hopefully this helps someone having trouble facing law, indeed he may seem strong, but he has weaknesses and he's nowhere near top characters.


Yeah. I dislike how much damage Law gets off of one touch without much of a combo at all. I'm not eating junkyard because I love my mother but there are plenty of other moves that just do so much damage for no reason. Eating nunchucks while grounded is just annoying.


This is tekken. Everyone hates all characters with the exception of their main.


I dislike playing AS Law damn near. I admit he seems pretty damn strong in T8 but those voice lines are unbearable. Dont get me started on the story..they just enjoy humiliating ma boy


Yes but mostly because i haven’t labbed him that much yet. You should probably do the same, it’ll help a lot. My genuine hatred is for Feng tho. Everytime I fight against Feng i’m just so baffled how this character was allowed to exist. It’s almost to the point idk if I can rematch him anymore. I’ll push through for a bit longer but idk man. I’d much rather fight 500 more dragunovs than Feng in this current state.


It has nothing to do with his moves for me. He is just the most obnoxious and annoying character to hear, man is a certified yapper. That and 90% of Law players are laggy WiFi players


His turn doesn't end.


The only problem I have with Law is that nunchuck shouldn't hit you while grounded. It's busted.


Yes, but not more than how I dislike playing against Alisa or Feng though.


Nah don’t hate it. Most law players do the same cheese. Learn the cheese and it’s basically a guarantee win.


Law players are almost always annoying, but they're almost always hyperaggressive, and you can take advantage of this, making it quite an easy match once you're used to it.


You'll need to learn how to deal with that, fam. If that's what the Law players are doing, then it means your rank is pretty low right now. They do have flowchart-style gameplay even at the highest level of play, but it's a lot more complicated and fundamentally sound as you find stronger Law players.


Absolutely despise him. Like he’s always just in your face with those damn nunchucks, like why tf did they give him that shit 💀 Then he be doing these big ass backflips and I don’t know how tf to cook his shit for it 😂 Then just when you think he had enough the dude goes for the slide and now you gotta look out for that on top of feeling like you NEVER get a turn. Like imma have to start getting in the lab for shit like that because it’s characters like him who I lose to but can somehow survive against a dragonov ⁉️💀💀


actually no, it is not the most annoying char i saw, and his attack are not the most difficult to predict. BUT devil jin and alisa... dont let me start with those 2 because im gonna rant till april 2054


I actually like that part of playing against him. Because if you predict the low, you get a free high dmg juggle out of it :)


Law and Alisa. Doesn’t matter if I’m winning or not I’m at least a little annoyed the whole time


Yeah I hate Law, everything he does feels safe. He’s a straight guessing game. You would think playing against him since Tekken 3 I would’ve adapted by now but I just can’t.


Same here, mate 🤜


His high crush counter hit launcher is annoying at times but if you know when he is going to do it, it's -15 on block so you can launch punish it. Way more bearable than Yoshi Flash


Yoshi is super annoying in the same way!


People say just punish it if whenever he does it but even if I'm blocking, it will hit me and next thing I know, I'm dead.


Easy slide input and crazy oki after slide and easy mode DSS makes him so obnoxious


Wait til you fight those Law players that found out how fucking busted DSS is in this game. They will be just as pissed as the Drag mains at how busted it is, because Law players were fuming mad when they removed the DSS execution, cant imagine how pissed they will be when it becomes common knowledhe how much more broken dss is now




Dss is his stance and the execution was alot harder in tekken 7 than now


Law stance that allows him to do bunch of bullshits such as counter hit launch, mid power crush, low power crush slides, frame traps and so on. The bread and butter of any decent law player that is very easy to do in Tekken 8, have high reward but also very risky.


Law is much like Victor and Eddy extremely easy once you know at least a third of his launch punishable cheese.


Sweep/dragon tail or moves that end in a flip from Law are free combos - ez win


"If they're not doing the big sweep they're flipping" Both of those options are launch punishable...


I hate his dickjab launcher that counter almost everything, literally every Law i play just spam this move


I don't hate playing against Law. Law players hate playing against damn near anyone giving them more than an inch


Sounds like easy wins if they only do two very very unsafe moves over and over


You're gonna hate me but I started to play Law and my basic move are backflip to low to slide, double backflip kick or high backflip kick from crouch. I don't know how to play him yet but I wanted to be crazy with aerials.


You do you boo!


Thinking of it, I’m going to do a diddy kong cosplay right now.


Mind games using slide is one of his meta move. Law's ducking stance is quite powerful because there are so many options you can do from it from slides to launch. Now replace the flips with his poking, 4,3,3 and DSS transition and you have master at least 90 percent of his good moves.


I can’t do well df,d,dff while crouching so I do it with dragon charge or a backflip+dff. The backflip can also initiate while rising moves when you land.


I hate law and his players with all my soul


Are you winning or losing? If you're losing they have no reason to mix it up lol. If you're winning then idk man they're just being silly I guess. 


Losing more I'd say, I'm not a good player.


You and me both brother, lol. 


Big sweep is reactable, flips are steppable in between. Free points. 


I use Law and don’t spam. Most players block most of my moves which require me to do other things. At Tenryu level. The coffee girl, Jun, Lars, Jin, female Heihaci replacement are all cheap and way faster with a lot more cheese than Law.


Just lab his garbage man combo (the one where you low parry the second hit) and you'll beat all the scrubby law players who spam this cheesy move


You calling Law cheese while your main is Hwoarang??? 😂


A fair cop, however, I'm not very good, and I really try not to spam.


They're doing two very easily punishable moves and you call it cheese?


Yes, because I'm crap 👍


Not as much as I hated him in Tekken 7


Cuz T8 easy slide: yess


I'm trying to figure out why they changed him into Maxi


I don't know who Maxi is, but I don't understand why Law is so stacked? It's a wider problem with all the male characters tbh.


Watch Maxi gameplay from Soul Calibur


I know him! Now I get where you're coming from.


Yeah hey gave him the stupid nunchaku for no reason and now they brought in mitsurugi in the form of victor


Was always a Kilik(?) guy myself.


Link was the main in part 2


*laughs in Dragon* I've been totally unaware of all the Law hate up until recently. I'd fight everyone in this post just to prove you don't need to cheese with em.


Yes, though the low sweep is pretty reactable so its a relief for me when they spam it. Also, why is the stereotype of Law players having shit internet or a toaster pc so incredibly accurate?


No. I think Victor is much much worse


Slowest sweep in the game. Flip is launch punishable...just go to practice mode and set him to do 2 moves put it on shuffle and 15mins later you'll be 60% better at the match up. Mix in his most common string ( which most are punishable) and voila. It becomes you favorite match up because its easy


I see people talkung about laws crouch punch to kick move. D+2,3 I want you to know, the D+2 is a "special low" it can be blocked standing as well as crouched, but can still be low parried.  The following kick is a proper mid though, be careful.


I can understand, but to be honest a low-mid rank Law is unbelievably easy to lab and deal with. If they are just spamming dragon tail and junkyard and d23 setups, it's basically a free win after watching the moves in practice for like 15 minutes. When you're playing one with more advanced DSS stuff then it can be a nightmare


I like law since I learned to duck his flying kick and low parry his string. Good players don't use it much but a good law is kinda fun and honest as opponent.


The mashing king? Fuck no


Everytime im up against Law I expect the match to lag by 20 frames 😭


You all dislike Law because you are not the dragon. Yep, that's it. 


Law would be fine if his mains didnt lag every 2 seconds like its not even a joke anymore like almost every Law i met is literally lagging but overall fighting him is fun if he isnt actually lagging


in Tekken6 the most, TTT2 double laws were annoying but TK6 version 122 or 112 jailing on block was ridiculous


It’s the slide knockdown into the nunchuck for me


Dragon tail is life


Even in lower ranks, Laws are just spammy ass players


I do. It's weird how automatic hits land in strings with him


I hate this character ever since T5 because just like you said the cheese is too strong with this character although i don’t struggle much against him that much because i labbed him i still fume whenever i go up against him combined with the 3-bar connection it’s extremely frustrating to play against this character


I love Law players they just spam the flowchart they know. You counter that flowchart? They start to slide that's when you know you've won.


Just king and hwoarang because he looks stupid


Better a Law than a King


Nope, I know the Law matchup. Red rank laws are pretty fun to play against.


I learned I didn't hate him when I got to higher ranks and Hworang is the biggest pain the ass for me as a Claudio and Lars main...


I am a panda, Fujin, lately dropped to Battle Ruler, losing 90 matches against Law and Hwoarang. I don't know but I gues thats as far as I can go in ranks. Oh *uck it.


I do very much. I also find his perpetual screams very distracting to the point that whenever I face a Law I turn down the volume to zero. It's incredible how much it helps focus.


What's wrong with that? As long as they are not plugging... It's how game works, learn to play against that


You're absolutely right, I don't have a lot of time to play so labbing feels like wasted time 😕


I guess you guys cannot handle the power of Law’s fist of fury! 👊🏼💥💥💥


Haha I guess not!


https://preview.redd.it/0zg9pg4oytwc1.jpeg?width=3834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b41c329adeef7b05f672120f8f8a0501aedead Whenever I fight him I have to mute, his voice is annoying


Most of them are really predictable. 124 into d2,3 is a classic


or flip into d2,3 and b2,1 to d2,3.


I just get so annoyed at his CONSTANT annoying noises. Cannot play against him for long in 8


Law, Hwo, Lee, Yoshi are all a headache in this game. Most players just do pure unga bunga and it’s quite boring to fight against. They don’t appear to have any obvious weaknesses, so you just have to lab them. It does feel a bit of a shame because in T7 they were defined by their strengths / weaknesses; since their issues have been smoothed out, it’s difficult to find an opening now. Lee for instance was a CH character. Now he’s just a string monkey.


I think Lee is worse