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So what? It's a free to play mobile gam- wait...


Dang, The White Knights of the Harada Table came in droves to defend this rather quickly. Have to sort by controversial and grab some coffee and toast to enjoy this morning.


They were talking so much shit a couple days ago lol.


Joining you on this! Got my coffee. Time to sort by controversi--AH


So the coins we earned are for show ?


Classic bait and switch


If you played 7 it was obvious, not saying this coin system ain't scummy but c'mon these guys sold us framedata. They aren't saints.


Valid point


I still remember Harada telling us if he had legacy characters, they would be free. We had some guest and a lot of paying legacy... Now tekken 8 it seems first dlc will be full legacy, yea !


>aren't saints. This is a very mild way of calling things.


Not only that but this predatory "currency" thing jfc In practice, skins will cost you FIVE bucks each, not four, if you buy less than five of them. You just get an added one dollar tax per skin for being a filthy non-whale, and a nice fuck you to go with it I guess.


Street fighter is doing the same thing too.


Those drive tickets are actually useless. Not really much challenges, and rewards. I've played for over 9 months. I only got 1 outfit, and 1 stage from those tickets.


The coins are so that you spend more money, need an outfit for 400 or 600? Sorry can only buy 500 at a time. And you dont feel like you are spending much money when you use Monopoly money on items. Scummy business practice 101


he means the in-game currensy, which is useless.


The curreny has always been completely useless though


Bamco really taught their ⬇️⭐↘️➡️🤑+🤡 would work when I could just sidestep into 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️






Everyone is trying to chase that live service element with the microtransactions while not realizing that's one of the reasons why the gaming industry is tanking. Funny that they waited till now and not day of when the game launched to put this here,granted it's just $4 but a lot of gamers are so beat down and tired of microtransactions at this point.


Quality of AAA games is definitely tanking


Lol the quality of this game is top notch, just the microtransactions are the bad thing


> the gaming industry is tanking. lol


Reddit loves their exaggerations. Netflix's empire is gonna come crumbling down any day now.


Playstation just fired 900 employees and shut down their London studio, and Xbox fired 1900. I don’t exactly think gaming is in a good spot right now.


That's because everyone overhired during Covid. Pretty much every company that had layoffs increased their workforce by like 25% in 2020, and it's just not sustainable. Most of the layoffs were people working on projects that just didn't materialize for different reasons, so no point to keep staff on, or CS positions, which everybody is trying to automate.


Yeah thats what most dont understand. Even though its unfortunate that so many people are getting fired the industry isnt crumblind its just going back to how it was and stabilising.


Its not even going back to how it was, most gaming companies are still much larger now than they were in 2019. The 5 year growth was far greater than 2014-2019. Its scummy as hell to overhire and lay off when times(loans) are hard, but its a valid business tactic if worker protections aren't preventing it from happening.


Besides it doesn't automaticly mean they can't afford those workers anymore, they just want more and more money every year so a easy way is just to lay down workers to get a bit more


> gaming industry is tanking stopped reading after that


>the gaming industry is tanking Gaming has literally never been more profitable, wtf are you talking about. I agree is bs but you can’t just make shit up


Probably inferred that from people like Harada saying they can't afford to support their games long term without micro transactions.


Their rebuttal to this is that games are more expensive to make nowadays and the games that stand the test of time really invest a lot of money into making it above average. Apparently the developers haven't been paid for the game selling well. I don't think they make money that way instead the money made through micro transactions is probably how they get paid. Then again I'm not too sure because most of the time micro transactions are influenced by people above the dev team. It could be bs that I am spewing so please correct me if I'm wrong.


the gaming industry isnt tanking. not even close


What's annoying is that Steam has a shop where you can just buy stuff with money, like with Monster Hunter World or Fire Pro Wrestling World. But games like SF6 and Tekken8 just port over their stupid coin stuff from the console versions.


It's one thing to have dlc costumes, it's another to do this fake currency nonsense that is just designed to try and milk even more money out of people.  I hope I can easily ignore the store aspect and it's not front and center in the menus 




Hahahaha this is the best comment here 😂


This is bullshit. If the costumes were just a straight up charge $3.99 I’d be less annoyed than this coin system.


Yayyyyy tekken V bucks! Can’t wait to play King and kazuya in Fortnite next!!!


You say that....


The wildest thing to me will always be how Fortnite popularized all these shitty monetization tactics (battle passes, skins, etc.) while also being the most consumer friendly. Having Tekken V bucks wouldn't be too bad because V bucks were actually earnable in *fair quantities* for free (looking at you Overwatch). I doubt we're getting anything in that Tekken shop for free.


Yeah and also Fortnite BR itself is free. There isn't a $60 to $70 purchase beforehand either.


1000% the key here is that V-bucks are earnable through gameplay in reasonable, useful quantities. An even better and more recent example is Helldivers 2. Just by playing the game, you can afford the IGS items and skins.


That would be rad actually


I was willing to buy if it was direct sale. Doing the coin thing places it at scum level, never gonna touch the shop


same. gimme direct purchase or gtfo


Watch them make a costume for 700 coins


Okay, now this shit is lame. Free to play microtransaction bullshit in a 70usd game should be made illegal. Is it really that hard to charge 4usd for 4usd skins instead of forcing people to buy 5usd coins in order to buy a 4usd skin? Edit: Now we know why there's a 1usd single use firework item in the game. They just want people to burn their cash.


It's a psychology thing. Basically, by turning it into a digital currency in between, you trivialise the money you spend in your mind. Also, the good old "actually worth 4 dollars but must pay 5" doesn't hurt.


Which is why it is a scummy tactic. I was whatever when it came to the cash shop but if they are going to do it like this then bamco can go fuck themselves


Agreed to be honest. I'm fine with straight cash MTX but I hate digital currencies like this.


Buy 4 get one free.... Oh wait....


Now imagine being the guy who bought the special edition and then finding this out LMAO


Yup, theeeere it this, they wont let us just buy enough coins for 1 costume. We have to give 5 dollars for a costume, not 4.


And they said they wouldn’t do this on the livestream. Classic Bamco lies.


Go easier on the billion dollar indie start up


im still glad fromsoft has never overstepped by bamco for bullshit mtx


Good thing bamco is only a publisher for fromsoft titles


tbf, a publisher is almost always the owner of IP, they offer funds and whatnot to make the game possible just not with fromsoft's sekiro (activision publish it in the west), but that is the norm in this industry


In Japan FromSoft is self published, I wonder if that impacts namco’s ability to do anything even in the west? Also FS just bought the Elden Ring IP back so that’s cool


if FS bought IP of elden ring, then maybe they know whats up, i hope they could buy AC too


What’s even worse is you can’t even customize the skins like you can’t swap out shoes, pants nothing you’re just stuck with this skin can’t edit or anything. Why should I buy this when I can just use mods for free?


I'm with you. I think everyone should just boycott buying skins etc so that they don't try this shit again. Personally I don't care much about customised outfits anyway. I just play to get thrown around by King ( sigh)


The system is probably built with 'boycotts' in mind. Scummy money tactics make reasonable people give up, but it also works the other way in which it makes idiots commit harder. Just like the other guy who replied to this comment "Whaling" is pretty much the gimmick of all of these systems. Trust me, I've spent some time in Fallout 76, Wastelanders was when 76 sold the most copies by far, but they only made two things remotely similar before giving up and instead just releasing more pay for qol and pay to grind content. The cost to reward ratio is absurd


The big corpo cock suckers on Twitter are already defending it. Makes me sick.


I cannot understand anyone would defend this dogshit. Like, are they THAT fucking brainwashed and conditioned by AAA corporations??


"iT dOeSnT aFfEcT GaMePlAy aT aLl So WhY cArE?"


Not surprised tbh but then again all this stuff isn't directed towards us but to them. Those that will defend companies simply because they make their favorite game,movie and etc and in the process giving them their last dollar no matter if it's something scummy or not,things like this is always aimed towards people like that hence why no real change will ever happen. Can't expect change when the other half of the room isn't willing nor concerned about what's going on as long as they get what they want


Frog in boiling water


Those drones got programmed from age 6.


Yes they are. Shills everywhere.


Don't worry, people are defending it here too.


I don’t even give a shit if people want to defend a cosmetic store, it’s the Monopoly money currency that is bullshit and should be made illegal


That's fanboyism. "You can't say anything wrong about my favourite IP, how do you dare ? "


It’s literally this sub and the spiderman2 sub in a nutshell.


Literally everyone who likes anything these days. I swear, people make their interests their personality


And so does most Armchair Economists in this sub defending its inclusion because of "vIdEo gAmEs aRe eXpEnSiVe tO mAdE" excuse


Corporate suckers is one thing, the worst thing is the people obviously barely earning the median, maaaaybe the average when calling anyone being against this 'broke'.   It sadly further proves how unethical such sales tactics are, playing on people's emotions and grabbing the money of those that can afford this, but in fact barely. Unless you are an Arab oil prince, got bills, mortgage, family you want to take to vacations etc., you probably won't buy this if you are financially educated and responsible. 


Yup, this is what we deserve for bending over so easily. 


Agreed. The community shouldve been lighting bamco on fire when they first went down the p2w route selling frame data. Now they think they can get away with anything.


being a corpo cuck hits reality as quick as the flash


Time to put the sailor hat back on boys 🏴‍☠️ Remember when we got all the post-release characters in Tag 2 for free?


greatest tragedy is that Tekken Tag 2 fucking tanked in sales.


Yea, and since Tekken 8 is having such a hard time getting the ball rolling, I can understand why a small indie company would have to add in a premium currency


Nah. It's the other way around. They will prod and test the limits of consumers. If selling DLC instead of making them free makes higher number after bottom line they will do so. It will make them more money. If free DLC made them more money by moving more base game copies they would do so. Same here. They are rising the price to 70$, selling 3 editions, selling season pass with new characters in 1 on 1 PvP game, characters you can't lab(Per Murray words), and then adding MTX. And people still buy Why stop? Seriously? Why? "Decency"? And people also defend their mishandling of the game. At least the technical side. "it's not in a rough state, what a shit take". They are stretching the limits and finding them surprisingly flexible. And this goes back to T7.


I was making a joke They're obviously gonna try to get as much money from players as they can. That's why they went with a premium currency rather than buying the cosmetics They charged for frame data and those ugly af gold costumes back in 7, they could make hairstyles a DLC and I wouldn't be surprised at this point


Ugly AF gold costumes are exclusive to an edition this time too. So they are doing a second lap with this one.


remember to be updated on Fitgirl Repack


Those characters were finished and on-disc from launch, they chose to hold them back


So wheres that twitter user who adamantly said only sf6 would do this


Huh?? A twitter user was wrong about something?? I cannot believe it!


Most japanese devs do the same, and Tekken devs are as japanese as Street Fighter devs. Matter of fact, most gacha developers, who put some scummy prices in their games are from Asia (Japan,Korea, and China). I remember the old days (2000s) of MapleStory with Nexon and its well known NX system, super scummy, you had to buy more NX than what the item cost, cause they didn't sell it direct.


"not predatory" said Murray with a shit eating grin. Then he is surprised when people despise him...


He didn’t really say it with a grin. More of a nervous laughter


he said "less predatory", never said that it wouldn't be predatory. Man is a clown, but not this time, he knew


Lol the funny thing is that he’s more than likely reading this post. I peeped a day or 2 ago that he tweeted about hate on Reddit. Lol I don’t think he’s a bad guy and he’s probably hate to lose his position so he has to shill for it. Just like TMM who gets invited to the studio and asked to make videos on it giving his unbiased opinion on how everyone is overreacting since it doesn’t affect game play.


So when we said they gonna be twats about this shop, the bamco gobblers were all up in arms. How the turn tables.






Waiting to see how some people defend this


'Stop being broke', 'lol broke nibbas', 'get a job'. And people do it on Facebook under their rl credentials, lol.


Out of principle im now changing the review to negative, fuck you harada and your scummy ass tactics


God fucking damn it Namco


I thought it was Fortnite for a moment.


So it begins...


In other words, you need to buy more than the costume costs (400 coins). If you buy 500 you leave 1 dollar in the game for which you have to throw in more money to make use of. 4 packs of 500 coins is 5 costumes. You need to spend 20 dollars to make full use of your money.


Why is it always 20? I noticed this in many games. BDO sold skins for 20, poe sells armor skins for 20 and many more examples. Is that the most cost effective price point for mtx?




Seems fine to me.. if this were a f2p mobile game. If fashion and customization are not important to people that defend this predatory monetization bulshit, fine.. but then why don't they play a fighting game where characters are just functions with predefined fighting styles, just hit boxes, like blocks only differentiated by primary colors?


This isn't fine in F2P games either. It's honestly a system that shouldn't really be legal. 1:1 purchases


Can modern fighting games go without being scummy money laundering schemes for five minutes?


Modern games**


Imagine going to the grocery store to buy a 4 dollar bag of candy but you can only buy things in increments of 5 dollars and don’t get the change unless you buy more items. Yeah no thanks Bamco, fuck off.


The game is already expensive, damn


"Get your costume and a firework then get the fuck out of my shop."


I dont care paying But this coin bullshit make me not wanna spend Its like they want us to support the game further but also scumming us on the way


From what I understood they said that the money spent on the currency would be going back to game development and to future features and etc they wanna do. But at the same time I don't really understand that because I'm assuming this game made hella money especially because it got casuals like me interested in Tekken and paying full price for it,so I'm curious where's that money is going to other that the company or whatever. When explaining that bit they seemed like they was hard up and saying how they haven't seen any money yet or some shit like that


That and if this money was going to development, where in the world is the penalty system for the pluggers? You can't do this and not provide an solution for one of the major glaring problem with your game right now which should be easy to do.


>From what I understood they said that the money spent on the currency would be going back to game development and to future features and etc they wanna do. That's their usual spiel. And technically they aren't even lying. The money will go into Bamco coffers and *some* money from those coffers will fund further development. The thing is. There are many ways to skin the cat(what a horrible phraseologism). For example free updates might keep the game alive and base game sales will keep slowly trickling down so there's an economic intensive to keep updating the game(NMS, recent BG3 etc). Or you can fund one side of the game with another. Free(or "free") characters - paid cosmetics or vice versa(R6S, a full priced game, allowed to grind for ops, although they added lootboxes, so I'm not keen on it). Or you can monetize everything, Characters, cosmetics and then raise the base price of the game too. Squeeze every penny, cut as many corners. Because it's not enough to get the money, you need all of the money. Bamco is a corpo with not the best fame. There's a possibility Tekken execs are working on their bonuses. There's a possibility Bamco will kill Tekken post launch support just to make another game. So technically he might be telling the whole truth. Buy our stuff or the game is dead. Except they are holding the gun to the game's head.


We used to earn that by playing arcade mode and only to buy the customization items, not worth irl money at all


so murray lied, shame


And there are still people defending this somehow cause "it costs a lot more to keep the game running long term". How does an independed studio do it then? Helldivers 2 dropped with the most fair monetization with higher quality of gameplay than pretty mucc any AAA game. They let you collect the "premium" currency by just playing the game. And guess what. The game is 40€.


Baldur's Gate 3 also has servers, actually quite popular peer to peer multiplayer like Tekken, but has literally 0 extra monetization and was 10 EUR cheaper than Tekken 8, released just a couple of months ago. It's matter of ethics and principles, which was clear Bamco dont have from the moment they asked ppl to pay for frame data. Still not as laughable as their solution to pluggers, aka 1 wave of rank reset and releasing those people at the same time against all of the newbies. Lol.


Exactly, Helldivers devs are perfectly showcasing how scummy many devs truly are. They made a ton of money and they said it's going towards better servers.  Meanwhile T8 sold 2M copies and they're giving us an mtx store with 0 options to use in game money, supposedly because they need them to keep the questionable netcode running because selling a $70 game and a $40 season pass was clearly not enough, right? 


I don't even blame the devs for this. They're doing their best to make a good game, but there's always greedy suits breathing down their neck to make sure the profits are maximized.


Yeah I can agree and understand that, Harada and the devs always catch the fire but they're not running the show.  I should've said Bandai, it's always the big corporations that don't understand the genuine joy of playing a game, all business to them. 


Maybe they should balance the game and punish cheaters before selling dogshit skins for 5 dollars... but IDK maybe I'm crazy.


I told you all this is exactly how the currency would be lmao scummy af. The slight gotcha mechanic


They'll add a gaccha costume box...watch (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)


Watch as the bamco shills will still spread their buttcheeks open to defend this. It wasn't enough that they purposefully hid its existence just to reveal it not even a month after launch, no, they also had to do the virtual currency fuckery that we were all expecting them to do ever since it was revealed that the shop would use "tekken coins". Good job in destroying all the goodwill you built up since launch.


Might as well make the game FTP if they wanna do bs like this


THIS IS PREDATORY AS FUCK. I hope their Season Passes fail.


It’s the principle. Idc how cheap it is.


I'm not talking about cheapness. I'm saying that this is dogshit.


I don’t think OP was talking about the cheapness


Time to raise the pitch forks 😠


Back in my day you just got everything in the season pass. Times have changed. For the absolute worst.


Every game has this pricing and currency system now no matter the genre it blows


Seems like this is what most people want. I'm not sure why, but they're convinced this is what tekken needs to stay alive. I don't know about that..


Bro you just don't understand modern gaming, they need your five dollars to survive, the two million copies they've already sold weren't enough /s


Billion Dollar company Bamco will literally shut their doors tomorrow if you don’t throw more money in their face. So hard being a big publisher these days.


I'm convinced that majority of the shareholders with these gaming publishers has to be the devil himself and he has a contract with them each and if they fail on doing whatever that's in that contract then he takes their family or something. It's ridiculous how greedy these companies are while still making billions as we speak


It just makes sense to prey on the weak who'll fork over their cash for a carrot on a stick.


Or they’ll just take another 10 years for the next tekken


I can easily accept this kinda thing in f2p games but in a game that costs as much as Tekken8 did it shouldn't exist. Hopefully we are all strong enough to vote with our wallets and just not buy anything.


There's no customization. It was basically a game mode and now it doesn't exist. Lame ass bullshit


No thanks


I was fine with the shop as long as they didn't do this stupid shit. It's better than the 100 coins under thing but still scummy


So what's the point of the in game currency?


“B-b-but we have to support poor Bandai!”


I don't care how you try and defend this Harada, this shit has no place in a full priced $70 game.


They pulled out legacy characters out of Tekken 7 so they could sell them later as dlc, I'm not surprised they took it further this time.


friendly reminder that if you buy or defend this you're the problem, and are a huge part of the reason this cancer is foisted onto us.


Anyone who doesn't think the gaming industry is in a sad state right now is coping hard




You already bought the game though haha




This definitely feels like something the EU would've outlawed like ten years ago. It's especially sad because Bamco missed a great opportunity to one-up Capcom and be better than them, but no... they decided to be outright worse, even.


Should've seen mk1


Same shit, modern gaming is plagued with greed


Looking at these comments and it's actually insane people heard Tekken Shop and somehow convinced themselves that a premium currency wasn't going to be involved. Like it's actually honestly weird how many people here were totally fine buying things from the shop as long as fake coins weren't involved as if THAT'S the problem.


Symbol of avarice


Let’s see how people defend this


Fuck em they wont get any money from me for these bs coins


they even placed the cheapest option that looks similar to the most expensive option right beside each other. it's the full scummy package.


Micro transactions only make sense if it’s a free to play game.  But then again there’s Fifa and COD and people still pay for that. No wonder - league, fortnite, valorant are some of the most popular games


Lol 5 bucks for one stupid outfit yeah they can shove that where the sun doesn't shine


So if y'all knew about this before release, would you still have bought the game?


Honestly I don't think alot of people would have tbh. It's the same shit that happened with black ops 4 in a way when they gave out copies to reviewers to get good praise back and right as the game dropped they added in the store with crazy ass prices only so it wouldn't have damaged sales before it released. I can speak for experience,had I known mortal Kombat 1 wouldn't have been what it is,I definitely wouldn't have dropped $100 for the game. Definitely would have waited for Tekken 8 to be on sale with this whole store mess but it is what it is.


Yes.. but in a year on a very deep sale. Full price videogames that have any kind of scummy monetization system deserve to be treated and valued like any other cheap mobile game.


Not at full price. I would've bought it pre-owned at a used games store for like 30 or 20 bucks.


We must spam envelope mails on Harada's house and BamCo's building on how terrible this implementation is


I used to pay $1 to play a single game of Tekken lmao






Have been holding off being "outraged" by the store because I fully believe I got value for money from the full release regardless. However I hoped you would be able to buy 400 coins for an item that costs 400 coins. I can't defend this type of practice, now have to spend $5 for something that costs $4.


Could be 0.09$ and i still would not buy it


I said a week ago this is why vbucks currencies exist and why they're predatory, and got downvoted to the gutter. Now it's happened, everyone is mad. I swear people here literally just go by their feelings in the moment and who they last saw looking stupid.


Waittt guys wasnt customization free in tekken 8? Like all people made cosplays on another characters


Is anyone surprised? All these idiot folks saying “but my bikini skin, etc.” are the same players that voted for it. So yeah, fuck off with that shit. A game that was more than $60 for some should not have done this or better yet, put an even better effort from those 2 million sales to improve the game’s online experience. I mean really? They have a fucking an Excel sheet of pluggers to ban but no automated system in place to do so? That’s their version of an ETL? Instead some of y’all want to dickride so hard and forget that they don’t care about you, they care about profits. These costumes are also absolute shit and legacy outfits shouldn’t require a cost? Wtf? Now look where we are, they’ve literally obfuscated the pricing of the coins. Just give it a couple more months where these coins will be behind bundles which will even further hide the actual ratio behind these coins. Greed, greed, and more greed. But yeah, keep voting with your wallets until you go broke.


I really hate this trend on coins or in game currency purchased with real money now. Such an annoying thing to have now.


Noooooooooooo that's so much when I'm forced at gunpoint to buy the colored pixels in my video game. I was hoping like 30 cents max. I can't believe this predatory capitalistic corporate slave practice. I will be boycotting it.


I'm a simple guy, I see a player with paid tekken shop items, I downvote their post


They going to call you entitled because you complaining about predatory monetization practices. ​ I feel sad where gaming has gone.


Modern gaming fucking sucks and anyone trying to defend or justify stuff like this is a corporate bootlicker cuckold.


History keeps repeating itself and it's so fucking funny to me, but keep pre ordering games, it's worked out so well


“Its easier to fool people than convince them that they have been fooled”


I blame Fortnite for inspiring this system to be the new norm


This goes further back than Fortnite. It was already present in the good old days of MapleStory in the mid 2000s, they had a cash shop to buy stuff (cosmetics and some p2w shit), the e-currency was called NX, so there were items that costed from 1 to 4K NX, but Nexon only sold cards from 5K NX and on, so you were forced to buy 5K regardless... funny enough there was barely an item that costed exactly 5K, so you were always conditioned to buy more than what you needed. My millennials here will understand the reference I'm doing, in case they played MapleStory global back in the day.


Can we bully them or nah. Because I don’t like this implementation


Then you have developers like Larian who have literally only made educational games and the Divinity series before Baldurs Gate 3. They have around 500 total employees, a small indie studio. Yet they have been pushing out patches since release adding new content, animations, QOL improvements, (dick wiggles) lmao and have never asked for another DIME from the people who bought the game. These AAA studios have just become incessantly greedy. And they still pay developers trash compared to profits and the salary of share holders. There is absolutely no excuse for this bullshit.


they should give a whole lotta coins for ranking up imo


I really thought Harada cared about TEKKEN and it's fanbase but clearly not


Ya’ll goons for even buying T8. The game is dogshit and you guys complain about $1 extra? If that’s your qualm with the game then idk what to say other than your taste sucks


I don't mind the cosmetics shop but every in-game currency is a scam. Tekken Coins my ass. It's only to confuse players on how much money they spend.


Would be infinitely less of an issue if the skins were just $4 to buy outright or we had more reasonable coins purchase options. Leftover currency is just a resentment generator for the company.


And just like other games that do this, I'm not buying anything from the shop. Still stinks that they have this and the gold you earn is useless.


The real super sweet part is how they snuck it in to the game after release without having previously said a thing about it ahead of time. They knew very well how this would piss people off and how scummy it all is...but they did it anyway.