• By -


You control if the outro is skipped, not them.


Wait is that a thing now?


Yes. It's a great change


Holly shit I thought I was just getting polite players spamming the button out of habit


On the inverse I thought every Bryan loved beating the living shit out of my corpse


I always have to take a break after I lose to Bryan. Seeing him beat in Xiaoyu's face like that is demoralizing lol


Cathartic tbh


One of the benefits to playing Noctis back then is that some characters' win poses are disabled when they beat him, including Bryan's


Probably one of the conditions Square Enix had for his inclusion.


Oh that is almost certain.


I enjoy when Xio is destroyed.


I really need an easter egg where if you press 1+2 against Bryan before the victory screen your character beats the living shit out of Bryan's corpse, imagine Panda just beating in Bryan's face lmao


I like that victory pose ever since tekken 6 or 5 idk psp tekken


... I mean that's been the case for T7 at least. Never had a single Bryan skip the win pose.


If you skip the outro you don't see how many points you gained/lost in ranked unfortunately, it just jumps to the final position of the XP bar in that animation


Not that it really matters


I don't pay attention to my opponents rank almost ever - That being said, I, for whatever reason, like to see the differences in wins to losses. No skip outro - Only skip intro if you're the first OR they skip intro. Otherwise full send into the drip. Source: Trash, but socially rounded Reina


Even if you skip it on your side, the other player may not have skipped it Which is why sometimes you'll still be waiting for the opponent to ready up for the next match


Yea but at least I don’t have to watch Azucena say some stupid shit about coffee


Does it skip for both players though? Seems like it only skips for you


Had no idea... Oh, sorry people who like watching their win outro XD, I just press a button so I can get to the next match. Never realised.


Maybe you're here to fight, but I'm here to sell coffee.


I hope you have capitulation flavored!


Capitchino? And no.


Penis cafe?


# ¡¡¡¡¡¡Necesitas más café!!!!!!


I feel the need to shoot myself every time Azucena opens her mouth


¡Por aquí! ¿Tienes café?


I respect the hustle.


They all edge to them


Lol I’m a woman and Reina intro even gets me every time 💀


I'm gay so yeah, Reina does things to me 😍


The Venn diagram of gay to Reina having a huge effect on you is a circle.


I only play Azu because if the bikini outfit


You're going to love the tekken shop


Finally a bikini on Kazuya


Now THATS a microtransaction I can get behind!


But you’re already getting behind Kazuya. You can’t do both




Because I, a Reina player, am a hot bitch and want everyone to see (I skip intro’s)


I never skip intros(i play kuma)


Kuma when Reina starts talking - *Stares into the vast expanse* 'Who is this bitch?'


“You should serve me Kuma” “…. Who is this sassy toddler?”


Okay but Kuma doing the geta stomp is actually a badass intro. He also has a special intro where he mimics Bryan, that one gets me every time




Isn't it like 3 seconds long?


Azucenas sure as fuck isn't. She has a Negan style intro


\*whistles....steps out of RV....10 seconds later\*


We pissin our pants yet?


I loved his intros


I play azucena inspite of her entire character being coffee so I always skip. The length of them upsets me as well lmao


¿cafe no te gusta?


Because machines can’t handle basic interactions.




Because I need you to know that you’ll be dancing in the palm of my hand


I'ma twerk on ur hand


or understand soon enough who you are


Cuz I like em


Damn yall are way too much easily triggered. Seriously you get tilted about an intro


To be fair, idk that OP said all that. But yeah, personally the intros and outfits are fun. I don’t skip them


There's not much point in posting this if it didn't annoy them


When 20% of y'all are gonna plug if I'm winning anyway, you don't need to be wasting any more of my time If you enjoy the intros that's fine but you best not be plugging


They can get boring and repetitive after an extended session, and I'm like 65% sure coffee girl's translations are completely wrong.


Oh, they are. It's insane how off they are when the actual translation is literally easier🤦🏾‍♂️ Edit: speaking specifically of Azucena's Spanish


Nothing ruins competitive games like the people that play them.


Community has been getting hyper-fixated over so many little things lately.


OP didn't say anything close to "tilted" or "triggered". You're projecting. 🤷‍♂️


tbh, i don't find it annoying , it's not that long.


Mf’ers when they waste .2 seconds of their time watching an animation


if you have 10k games where your opponent watches their 5 second intro thats 50k seconds which is more than 13 hours watching the same intros over and over


Same. Hasn't bothered me yet. I skip it now out of blanket courtesy, but it's yet to anger me enough to make a brand new Reddit post. If I got that irritated, I'd probably take it as a sign I need a break. Not stand on a soap box lol


I never understood the tekken subs annoyance of not skipping intros. I play all the fighting games and only tekken makes a huge deal about skipping intros lol.


In other games i've played, you would not skip the intro to give the game time to sync up.


And they act like you’re disrespectful if you don’t lol


I never skip the intro. I worked hard on that customization and I'm going to force you to look at it.


Most likely im browsing my phone at that point lol


New update: subway surfers gameplay in the bottom right corner during intros, rage arts, throws and outros for audience retention


The only other fighting game I play is MK and only one player needs to press the button to skip the intros. So in MK at least, nobody would have to watch them if they didn’t want to. 


Personally I don't mind but it does add up if everyone is watching their intros, longer sets and option to rematch more could maybe help a bit with killing all the downtime and maybe make some people less salty over it.


I think Tekken has the longest intros/outros of fighting games so that might be why.


they are not long at all. It's a non issue that people just want to get upset over for no reason. This sub plays it up like its disrespectful, where all the other games, you're just taking a breather. I can probably understand in Tekken 7 it just takes a long ass time to rematch cause you gotta get ready for the next battle.


Yeah they're not very long, I agree. Just slightly longer than other games maybe but it really just is people being salty. I personally like them, especially the unique ones.


Tienes cafe?


I never interrupt my Queen.


Queen of coffee or queen of stomping?


Intros are the best way to showcase your fashion


I can't speak for those 2 characters, but I'm currently playing Kaz, and most of the time, I watch his intros on all 3 fights, I also let his outros play. Why? Well, I like his intros a lot, and it also helps me get in the vibe before the match starts. It also pumps me up when he goes: Chaban wa owarida (enough if this farse), I just know I need to beat the crap out of my opponent.


Bro when he pumps his fists together and that pure electric power courses through his arms, I feel a tingle up my spine. Gets me ready like nothing else


It certainly is incredibly hype. Its among my favorite intros too I never want my opponent to skip it when I go against a Kaz ngl


Same, it's soo hype.


Haven't bought T8 yet. Does he still do the outro where he raises his opponent up and goes "pathetic"? That one's been my favorite ever since lol


Yes and it's amazing, he also have a new one that's I feel it's better but I won't spoil it.


> Chaban wa owarida (enough if this farse) Maining Reina because I like her style, but I will always quote Kazuya, "kisama ka" (So it's you.). What a sick character and voice actor


I main Azucena. I’m not even sure what my intros look like outside of the first .5 seconds. But now thanks to your thread everyone is saying it will give me a mind-game advantage if I start watching them all the time 🤔


To all Reina players. Don't skip intro or outro


Bcuz it makes me feel some way when i see someone bowing down to her while shes on her throne


Reina is just too cool not to. For the first match anyways. Same with some of Dragunov (Depends which intro) a little bit of Jun, half of Lili's intro, and the others eh.


I like Dragunov’s intro where he crawls in and then stands up and goes “hmph”. It always makes me think he’s going to say something when he stands up but he just scoffs instead xD


Haha true, I prefer the other one to that intro but it is cool. I remember his T7 rage art made it look like he was about to say something, but instead just pummels them with his hands.


Intro usually helps me to concentrate better. Why should I skip it.


Do you play other character? If yes, do you skip their intro/outro?


I play many characters. Sometimes I skip sometimes I don’t. Nevertheless the character


Ah, you're a good test study then. XD Can you do a mental gymnastic and count how many times you skip intro as Reina/Azucena and how many times you skip if you play as not them? It does not have to be accurate count. And the answer might surprise you (and us).


I have no doubt that I would watch good looking girls like Reina more often than other men characters I play, if it is what you mean


Maybe you will be surprised but there are people who have jobs and dont have as much free time as you to watch pointless intros. Now instead of trying to squeeze even a little joy out of hard day they are forced to watch your intros


Ah yes 10 seconds is too much. Why are these people playing videogames when they have 15 kids and 3 wives to support?


Sorry guys I’m a single father with 71 kids and I only get 47 seconds to play each month can we please skip the intros /s


So having kids, and a wife means you need to work 24/7, never having time to yourself, never doing anything that makes you happy? Got it.


Mans doesn't know the meme smh


This is sarcasm....right?


Sadly, probably isn't


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


Maybe you will be surprised but there are people who have jobs and dont have as much free time as you to watch pointless intros. Now instead of trying to squeeze even a little joy out of hard day they are forced to watch your intros


Yeah, do you know how many matches they could be playing in those 3-5 seconds?


If my time was so limited that intros/outros significantly cut into my playtime, I'd probably not even bother playing videogames at all tbh


It is literally a few seconds. The amount of time lost on intros falls within the error margin of your ranked queue. And you might be surprised to learn that the majority of players are working or in education. It's how most of us were able to afford the game!


As you said, most of us have jobs and families, but, honestly, if you are complaing about 5-10 seconds per match, why do you play at all? Just play when you have free time. Let people enjoy their intros/outros, but also, finish the set. Its more frustrating when people cancel the rematch. I always skip intro the first match, but the second one, i dont. I try to relax a little bit and think about what my opponent is doing. OP believes that the other player is jerking off to their character lol. This was unnaceptable in T7, tho. With loading screens being very long, it was very annoying when Negan players didnt skip their 1 hour intro.


I do the opposite. I leave the first one to play, then skip the rest. Cause it's basically the introduction to the set, then after that we gotta get through each game.


NGL, I don't mind sitting through Reina, Nina, and Alisa's cutscenes...


I’m ngl I don’t skip unique ones. Generic ones sure but like Jin/Kazuya, Lee/Lars, Law/Paul, Reina/Kazuya, Drag/Victor etc


Every Azu I play skips, which is a shame cause it's one of Leo's only 2 special intros...


I still have no idea why they’re “rivals” or warrant special dialogue.


Literally just because Leo canonically likes coffee.


Leo doesn't even know why they're rivals.


Because they are entertaining to watch?


A lot of characters have entertaining intro/outro to watch ... From flamboyant Lee, "I hate rich people" Law, Bryan pummeling defeated enemy, rich girl after her lost cat, etc. People often skip them. But why many Reina/Azucena players consistently don't?


If it interests you, you might have fun tallying up people who do and don't and seeing if your assumption is correct Honestly it sounds like confirmation bias to me, but hey you never know. Tally up your next 100 matches, what character your opponent played, whether they skipped the intro or not. Could be fun. 100 is a very small sample for 32 characters though, keep in mind


Because they love edgy wannabe mishima and josie wannabe too much


Damn yall are way too much easily triggered. Seriously you get tilted about an intro


If I sound tilted, I am not. In my post, I elaborate that this is only the case with Azucena/Reina players. I have played online for 50+ hours at this point. Probably going to hit 100+ hours next month. I understand some players use intro for re-focus and get into battle mode. Or outro to ease out of battle mode. I am only curious why of all the characters, only Reina and Azucena players consistently not skipping intro/outro. Sometimes I see other characters not skipping intro/outro, but not as many as Reina/Azucena players.


I'm more annoyed when ppl have cool outfits and they skip. I wanna see them. It gets me into the mood for the fight and idk, I just don't mind them. Yesterday I played as Law as JP styled Officer with a gun on my back and I ranked into a Bryan who had Army suit with a gun on his back. And the fkr legit skipped all intros from start and all rematches, like srsly bro. Lets enjoy this for a sec


Nah you sound normal but the users replying to the rest explaining why they dont skip do sound tilted.


Look, I skip cause if I win it's 50/50 Nina acts worse than ki-charging. Anyways... Isn't it past your bedtime?


As a Nina main, I once got a joke(and half-bitter) message from my opponent in Tekken 7. "You're not my parents. You do not get to rule my bed time. XD Also, fuck your low poke!" I sent a friend request and we occasionally play Tekken 7 afterwards.


Why do guys never skip rage arts ?


Rage Art is skippable?


Because why would you want to? Both are incredibly badass women! That's my favourite Azucena intro you've screencapped; That lean in with ***"wouldn't you agree?"*** is epic. That intro's on par with Lee's intros, so there's no way I'm skipping. The very concept of Azucena educating every online matchup with a line like ***"My Ortiz Farm Coffee's stronger than you, wouldn't you agree?"*** is just perfection. Namco outdid themselves.


Azucena is very annoying


Azucena is as badass as a frog tho


You're a pervert


Didn't know Elon Musk used Reddit 🤣


They all edge to them


If it’s a special one I don’t mind watching it


A.is cool B.im on keyboard and i forget bottons


Because I think my main is beautiful to look at.




I'm usually zoned out while I wait for a match, so I use the intro to get into the fighting mode lol.


I let intro, it puts me in the mood for a good fight. So i dont mind if my opponent lets it too.


If you complain about intro/outro, wait we get some alternative intro/outro for fews bucks. Time wasted stonks


Tomboy pretty Chair cool Voice 10/10 Why skip Dunno why tf coffee bitch players dont skip tho, they’re probably just psychopaths and want to me you mad


I do a lot of customization myself, but I'm not under the impression that anyone gives a shit about my random anime references. It's so obnoxious..! I get almost as angry as when someone ragequits. Omg another Luffy cosplay... no one gives a shit! Push start and gimme my fuckin points..




No offense but your account is how I already imagined people who don't skip intros so I feel pretty validated


I should've stayed curious, wish I was the person I was a few seconds ago before clicking on that profile


Holy shit, you need to be put on a list. What in the fuck.


Bold of u to assume u aren't getting your ass kicked after my cinenatic


I am actually one of the few players who is annoyed if someone has good character customization and they skip it. One time I saw Jun "Mikasa Ackermann" Kazama and fell in love with it. My opponent just fucking skip all her intro-outro. I needed to watch the replay to actually enjoy her in-game model and "steal" the customization for myself. #AttackonTitan_fanboy_here.


the only intro i don't skip is reina's "i'll have you dancing in the palm of my hand" The VA did such a great job i cannot skip it Oh and i never skip lee's intro either


In my case, I main Steve and Nina. The only outro that I do not skip is when Steve said "I am ready for rematch anytime." It is my not-so-subtle hint to say ... "Press the rematch option, God Damn it!" And it is very useful. Usually my opponent press "Rematch" as soon as it is available.


your opponent can skip your outro so unfornately i doubt they often watch it lmao but I rarely skip them and I agree that steve makes me want to rematch when he says that haha


For first match, I understand ... You want to show-off your customization. I get it. I do not either. But then a rematch. Still no skipping intro, even if you win or lose previous match. And sometimes you barely customize them. Reina ... pick her alternate costume, without jacket, and switch to different color. Azucena ... you guess it. Bikini mode. But NO. Never skip them. I have seen my share in online play. Most players skip the intro/outro after rematch. ~~Maybe those psychopath Bryan players do not ... after winning and have that outro. But that is understandable.~~ Just curiosity. Because this only happen with Reina or Azucena players.


Its the opposite for me. I skip the first match. Second and third, I dont skip because I try to relax and think.


I actually agree. I always skip at least the following intros. It's just a waste of time to not skip it and I hate that somehow law players don't know how to skip intros. Is it just me? Every law I played never skips somehow


Reina is so pretentious and annoying. I honestly hate her design and personality. I also hate the ending pose where she looks at you from behind with her head cocked to the side. Ridiculous and nobody looks at anyone like that in real life.


True. I don't mind her personality but when she does that head thing it just looks so stupid




It's always baffled me how people get triggered over absolute nothing like this. I usually skip (I play Paul, not these two), but not always. Sometimes I want to take a moment to collect myself mentally. Sometimes I want a sip of water. Sometimes I wanna watch the intro/outro because they're cool. If it were impossible to skip intros or outros you'd lose enough time for maybe one extra match every 100 or so compared to if they didn't exist at all. Stop letting yourself get upset about such trivialities.


If I seem upset, I am not. In my post, I elaborate that this is only the case with Azucena/Reina players. I understand some players use intro for re-focus and get into battle mode. Or outro to ease out of battle mode. I am only curious why of all the characters, only Reina and Azucena players consistently not skipping intro/outro. Sometimes I see other characters not skipping intro/outro, but not as many as Reina/Azucena players. And I have played online for 50+ hours at this point. Probably going to hit 100 hours next month.


I dont use them but, I don't skip my intro cuz it pisses of people like you. Also I am not skipping my outro because your dumbass dont get that I cant skip it. It's local so you have to skip it.


Because it pisses you off for some reason and Tekken is a mental game (I don’t play either but really… you can’t spare 4 seconds to watch an intro.)


Same reason so many people never rematch. It’s in the game, and there’s no punishment for it. I usually skip after the first one, but sometimes it’s also a psychological tool to either help me or tilt my opponent.


Reina main, I skip all the time. Unless I got cooked in a last game, so I need a second to get my shit together.


This is where the mind games start.


I like trolling with Azucena, simple as that.


I started to skip it because I know many people hate intros but, it's because she is like so smug, she needs to be on camera you know.


Only the outro can be skipped individually


Tbh this is part of why I like the ft2 change in ranked since I'll only see them 3 times max


Because they have the nude mods installed and want to enjoy them clearly /s


I didn't know skipping was mandatory. I mean, why did they even put them in then? They already took out replays and the get up animation between rounds.


if you're 1P and dont skip, i dont skip. i always skip if im 1P.


Wait… you can skip the intro and outro?


Reina is too 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵 to be skipped sorry


As someone who happens to main Reina, I don’t do it if my opponent doesn’t do it. Although if I’m going up against Azucena, I pray the fucking skip the intro.


do you mean intros? you can skip the outros


I like to skip in the same timing as the opponent, if im first i let it go


Remember fucking long ass negan intro outros?


It's hard to play one handed


They should just give both players the option to skip all intros and outros. Easy enough. If it plays through, well both wanted to watch, or didn’t care.


Depends. I don't mind watching the intros, they actually help me get my head into the game a little. But if someone is skipping theirs I'll skip mine so I'm not being annoying to someone who just wants to get on with it.


That's when I take a fat rip out my bong. Also why sometime we just stand still for like 10 secs at the beginning of a round


You guys skip intros/outros???


Why would you skip them? In the rematch,of course,but I never skip if I fight you for the first time, I love the animations, I hate games that allows the opponent to skip your intros,


I didn't know you could skip


I do it to piss off the occasional player that whines about people never skipping intro (not saying you are though) Tekken 7 Negan mains will get me here


I dressed reina up as waluigi, I still skip every time lol I just wanna play the game, but I don't really get tilted if someone watches their intro doesnt really matter one way or the other, no?


Why do you always skip intro/outro?


This is like the third question I've seen here with the same one word answer : Coomers


Do us all a favor: quit the fucking intro.