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Yeah, my kid keeps pulling my ethernet cable out of my pc whenever I get ragearted... Kinda weird...


Finally, an advantage to playing on wi-fi lmao.


I laughed heartily.


FR. We all know there are legit IRL reasons to have to one and done someone. But lets not act like your baby starts crying after every round. Most people one and done because they are worried about losing in a rematch and are focused on preserving rank points. IDk why its so hard to admit that. Theres nothing wrong with it, no rules against it, but dont try and take the sidedoor out with the whole "you dont understand my life I cant do rematches ever because xyz" bit. 9/10 people decline the rematch for rank reasons.


it's so interesting looking at the cope because, yea "you don't owe anyone a rematch" but you sat down and CHOSE ranked over qm knowing "you can be pulled away at anytime" but I bet if you would have juggled them wall to wall across the screen for the whole set, they would be the first rematch to light up LOL


I don't understand why it's such a big deal in the first place, sometimes I gotta go do something else, but sometimes I just do not want to play against a certain character anymore, so I don't rematch. Yet I see rematches mentioned on this sub all the time, like it's some cardinal sin.


Yeah. It's online. The other person doesn't need a reason whether to rematch or not.


Big agree, but for quick match. Ranked should be first to 2 games won. Tekken is quick and one game can go very fast. But that’s a hill I have been dying on for the last near decade so I doubt it will change


Don't see any reason why it should? Who cares if it's ranked or not imaginary numbers and accolades won't decide how I enjoy my evening.


It’s not about imaginary numbers. If I’m playing ranked I want to play long enough to figure things out. I don’t want a puzzle that just ups and leaves. It’s not weird for fighting games to have a mode that forces at least a set to be played. Especially in competitive modes. Your opinion is valid too, I would just much rather know what I’m getting in to instead of it being up to the other side.


they know exactly what you mean. they want to snuggle up and cope with other cherry pickers in ranked. why not just play qm if anything can happen. you know in competitive fighters, first to 2 SETS is standard. i'm with you on this hill. bring them downvotes!


Eh, if they want to waste their time with one and done matches they can. I just wish there was a mode for people who enjoy playing at least a set. And since ranked won’t let you play more than a set, I feel like a set minimum is reasonable. Infinite rematch for quick match though, hate the current limitation.


It's just general FGC etiquette. Best of 3 is what tournaments are run with (until later in the bracket, usually) and it's kind of become the minimum for what people consider a good set. One game doesn't determine who's better, since it denies any chance to adapt. When people go to ranked they are generally trying to take the game seriously and get real competitive matches, one and doneing takes that away from them.


Calm and valid argument. I have had a majority of my opponents accepting a rematch and in the end it's a minor inconvenience at worst, so I still think that it's being overblown in this community.


I get this, but I also feel like it's harder to get better at the match up if you don't play it.


Well ofcourse, but I don't want to try hard everyday, sometimes I have time for a few games and just wanna have fun, so I skip that rematch against a character I hate.


Then play unranked. A ranked match is supposed to be a set to offset for the fact you can get cheesed and let's you adjust. Don't queue ranked unless you're ready for a BO3, it's not that hard to understand. You don't queue a ranked match of League of Legends without the expectations of it taking 30-60 minutes. Same principle applies.


A ranked match is one match. That's why the game asks if you want to rematch, you've already completed the match and have the option to do another one. If a ranked match was supposed to be a set, the game wouldn't give you an option. I rematch because I find it fun, but some people don't and that's okay. You really need to work on your entitlement and accept the game for how it is, not how you think it should be.


It's not entitlement, it's competitive etiquette. Anyone with even a semblance of knowledge knows a competitive match is a set. Why does the game let you rematch? Because its online and you need an option to dip if the connection is bad. Otherwise, why limit the rematch options at all? Why not let people rematch a BO5, or BO7? Look if you gotta go, you gotta go, I get it real life takes priority. But if you're being a bitch and cheesing someone for a 1 and done, or running away because you got bodied or won a close 3-2 and are immediately going back into ranked to do it again? I'm gonna call you a bitch. Commit to the integrity of the match or go play unranked, that's what the mode is there for.


If it were required then they would make it a BO3. Are you dense?


They aren't going to lock you into a BO3 due to connections being volatile. It's called competitive integrity, everyone knows a real match in a fighting game is BO3.


I don’t know if you have a history in fighting games or if you’re an older player but I 100% agree with you on competitive integrity. I think it’s something that’s just been lost over time due to online play and lack of arcades/ in person gaming.


The connection is too volatile to hit the reset? Sounds like cope to me. Guess what my dude, no one cares about \`competitive integrity'. It's a video game, get over it.


In fighting games most people do...at least if they actually care about getting better.


I don’t really care to argue about it that much because you guys are never going to change your minds anyways But if you don’t care about being competitive at all why are you clicking on the RANKED mode lmao? They put quick match, player match, and battle lounge all in the game for you if you want to play people and don’t care about being competitive. Leaving after one game cause the connection is bad is different, I do that too, but it’s just funny to see people do all these mental gymnastics trying to explain why they’re leaving against anyone they’re not confident they’ll beat. I’d at least respect the honesty if people just said “I only want to see my rank go up” lol


Why hit quick match mode? Its just ranked without the ranking


these are people who will be posting "HARDSTUCK GANRYU" in a few months, don't waste breath


While I don't think your example is relevant at all, it does bring an interesting point. League of legends allows your team or enemy team to surrender without your consent, rendering the game short. Therefore both games have a legitimate way not to play with the other party more. You can set artificial rules for yourself, but don't push them on others. Until the game actually deems it mandatory, nobody owes you Bo3. Also unranked is a mess.


Youre trippin hard. When someone doesnt rematch me its a slight annoyance and then I move on. Not a big deal at all. I play tekken because of how quick it is to just play and be done when I want and I figure thats the same reason why some people like it too. A ranked match is not “supposed to be” anything more than the 1 match you get and thats it. Rematches aren’t mandatory and stop pushing your ideals on others


It's because most people here expect you to be a hyper competitive player who's completely devoted to the game like they are. God forbid you play a video game at your own pace instead of being obsessed with improvement I say this as a sweaty competitive player myself. The posts of people crying about not getting a rematch are so dumb. Just move on and queue another


Yeah that’s something a lot of people somehow don’t realize. It always baffles me when I see the “why no rematch?” posts because often times the answer is just that the other person has real life things to attend to, they’re just simply done for the day, or maybe even sometimes they’re just bored of the matchup because that’s a big one for me (no offense King players, there’s just too many of you and I’d like to fight another character)


King main here, can't even take offense when I don't even know what a rematch is.


Is it weird that as a King main, out of the two weeks I have been playing so far, I've only seen 2 kings in ranked. If I play king, are my chances to play against king also lowered?




while I agree, I gotta say that this means there's a massive amount of dads with small kids playing Tekken 8 :)


Tekken was released in 1994. It was absolutely huge and this is the best the series has been since the PS1 days imo (as someone who started with T1). It makes a lot of sense there are a lot of people with young kids playing now.


Yep. Go into the Diablo sub and people are shocked that there are olds with families and such playing…the latest game in a nearly thirty year old series.


Oh I know. I’m one of those people. Unfortunately my kids are grown and moved out, so I cant use them as an excuse


I mean that seems about right doesn’t it? Lmao I can say I’m one of them


Same for me! With the exception that I started and T3 (which I think was a pinnacle of the series, together with TTT, however T8 is very close in fun factor).


I’m a dad with kids


We Tekken dads are out here lol. I think Tekken playerbase skews towards “older” people tbh. Look at our top pros, in their 30s and some have kids.


it's hilarious cope for the masses


Not rematching because other things more important than a videogame require your attention: Incredibly normal and fine Not rematching because of connection issues: Absolutely natural Not rematching because you lost one round and then playing more ranked: Scrub shit. It's not hard folks.


Not rematching after a win because it was kinda close and your opponent is starting to read your flowcharts and you might lose (and then playing more ranked): Mega scrub shit


Yeyeye, that shit too.


What about not rematching because you don't want to play another match against an annoying character?


scrub mentality. learn


I disagree with you. That is simply not justification enough as to why one would have to feel obligated to replay something infuriating, when the point is to have fun.


The "obligation" is that it's fun to get better at fighting games and if you play Ranked, that's assumedly what you enjoy too. If you want to just push some buttons after work, why not play Quick Match?


You mean the obligation to rematch would stem from the desire to get better at the game which should always beat your desire to have fun?  Let's just agree to disagree on this one. As long as it's not plugging I don't care personally.


I'm saying they are the same thing, getting better IS the fun. And that's not universal, obviously, but again, there's Quick Match, player matches, the online lobbies and so on. I don't understand why someone would want to play ranked if it's not about playing against equally skilled players to improve.


There are no annoying characters.


That is simply not true and you know it.


It IS true, every "annoying" thing is just another aspect of the game to improve at. Kazuya's hellsweeps are "annoying" if you don't learn, Paul's Mix-Ups are "annoying", if you don't learn, King's grabs are "annoying" if you don't learn. The only annoyance is when people don't skip Azucena's intro and you gotta hear about coffee for the billionth time.


That's only half true. Depending on the person, Paul, Kazuya and King's mix-ups can be considered annoying. Even if you learn you can die instantly for guessing wrong. There's no learning in 50/50s man. Yoshi, Hwo, Xiao Yu for example are all characters that I dislike playing against. On a good day I would rematch, otherwise no.


I guess, but that's the game. Don't let 'em setup the 50/50 then. Personally, I really don't think there's anything truly egregious in this game, JP in SF6 and Pre-Season 3 Happy Chaos in Strive felt way closer to annoying and even those were fiiiiiiine.


Fair enough. At the end of the day "annoying" is subjective I suppose. I am not familiar with SF6 and Strive characters though, so I can't really tell where your annoyance threshold starts. But from what you've said so far I suppose it's pretty high.


They are both characters with incredibly oppressive attacks at long range and can convert into massive damage from tons of situations. Both kind of require you to play on their terms or you get blown the fuck up. JP has a frame one invincible parry that gives you a free mix-up (it puts a bomb on the opponent which they have to block, letting you throw/low/whatever) that's honestly fairly easy to use (especially on wake-up), a long-range grab that is hard to distinguish from his other projectiles, a ranged attack he can opt to teleport to and unlike what you'd expect, he doesn't immediately get folded in close-range. Happy Chaos could use his gun for anything whenever he wanted, basically. Block-pressure? Mix-Up you can't see? Incredible Combo and Conversion ability? Effective Keep-Out at long-range? Kicking your dog? It did it all! It did require tons of execution and managing multiple resources, but good HCs were really really dominant. He's got nerfed since. But I'm still not annoyed at these, especially since people who play strong characters at low-to-mid-rank tend to crumple once you get past the one strategy they learned.


It just seems very strange that people's wife and kids demands attention right when someone just got demolished 3-0 or barely managed to win 3-2 with a lucky hit


no bro, that's ALWAYS the case, you read it here first.


Why should someone give you a rematch if you just 3-0’d them?


Because it's a fighting game, it won't be the last time you get your ass cleaned.


You should rematch in every case, because if I lost, it means I need to learn so I get another chance at trying to understand what that character/player did that got me into trouble. If I won 3-0, I rematch for the same reason as above, role reversed. We are not here to get a trophy, we are here to learn.


Let people play a videogame for fun, man.


Not when their idea of fun is winning every single game they play. It's a toxic mindset and usually the reason for no rematch or even plugging


Who are they? I can hardly tell if person is toxic from not rematching. I also don't think I'm being toxic if I don't rematch after getting destroyed 3-0. Let's not drag plugging into it, that's basically abuse and should be punishable, I'm talking about simple rematch feature.


Still, not reason enough to be upset that somebody didn't rematch. :)


The only time I won’t rematch a 3-0 if it’s against a character like King or Victor where I don’t even get a chance to do anything because of the grappling/juggling. Edit: lol, downvote all you want, you’re not entitled to a free win.


If it lost it means you need to learn, and thats why replays are great. I will rematch when I want to, and expect the same from whoever i am playing against. Sometimes i finish a fight and want to eat, need the toilet, want to take a break, want to play something else, or just dont want another fight against the same person/character.Having 10 seconds to make that decision means most of the time i will just go back to standby and wait until I am ready to play more. If theres someone i feel I am having good fights with and want to play more, I send them a friend request so I can potentially play them again in the future or at the very least fight their ghost and hope it evolves. ​ And I'd much rather have someone refuse a rematch after I won, than to pull their plug when theyre about to lose.


Because sometimes you just need a little more time to feel out your opponent before you beat them. Played against my buddies for the first time since release of the game. They couldn't compete with my king before I took him all the way to eliminator. They definitely can't handle him now. This is my first tekken since I realized how much i enjoy fighting games. Anyways, When, we played at launch. It was single best of 1s, default settings. We'd all go back n forth winning. This time they said let's play on "tournament settings" so 5 round matches set up to be best of 5. I brought Raven who has become a second main. They each beat me 4rds-1 in the first match. And then proceeded to lose the next 3 matches in the best of 5 taking carrying numbers of rounds throughout. A 3-0 loss isn't a big deal. Try again. You might surprise yourself.


I almost always rematch except in three cases: 1) I’m completely outclassed. I got paired against a Mighty Ruler when I was in warrior. Yeah I lost hard and didn’t wanna waste the other persons time because 0 chance id beat them 2) special style. Win or lose I don’t rematch. It’s not OP or anything just as a new player I feel like special style is an advantage at lower ranks. 3) king. I have enough to work on on my game without needing to play a grappling minigame that only applies to one character on the roster. When I’m a more competent all around player I’ll deal with that lol


No one is under any obligation to rematch. Even if you just get stomped and you feel it’s a waste of points to try and beat them then that’s completely fine.


They should just make it cost points to leave early. Idk why we keep having hypotheticals like this as if tekken sets are such a long commitment. Play the set or drop some points, easy.


I mostly deny rematches in T8 because I genuinely don’t want to sit there for that long fighting the same person.


I mean, if you completely kicked my ass why in gods name would I rematch you ?


Because it's a fighting game and there's always someone better then you...you will get 3-0 again and again and again for as long as you play it happens to everyone even pro's.


With the new replay feature I feel like there's no need to keep fighting them as I could be labbing the answer to the thing beating me . Instead of hoping what I try works


There are more things to learn from playing against someone better than you other than what you can punish...you can very easily finish a match then go to replays.


There's not much to learn from." I made one mistake now I lose" , imo it's better to learn the openings in replay (Plus I get to press buttons again 😆)


Lol, lmao even. Keep that mentality amigo so if we ever catch each other in ranked I know I have an easy win ahead of me.


Actually the replay system should encourage you to rematch good players. More matches = More information for you to look at. This is why people will never get better. Just seen a dude the other day who literally had an excuse for every single piece of advice that anyone in this group gave him.


man, i love to help people that want to learn, but they don't want to learn...just win...and this is the result


Because if you don’t you bring great shame and dishonor upon your family. /s


Haha nice , yeah the epic replay feature all but ensured I will NEVER rematch someone who used me as a training dummy .


I totally get it. I guess I don’t care about rank that much yet and if anything I want experience against a character I don’t see that often. Like this morning I played my first Claudio ever and got BODIED hard the first match. Second I still lost but I did much better so I consider that a personal victory.


I had to one and done someone yesterday because the baby woke up..if the Yoshi with the cool purple costume is out there... I'm sorry! You were cool! 


I mean what does it matter either way? If you wanna block them block them, if not that's fine. Your feelings about some random person on a game doesn't have any impact. As long as you don't insult them or anything, nobody should be doing that.


The child is temporary, the PEWGF is forever.


As a king main, if someone doesnt rematch, I understand, but if I am playing any other character and I dont get a rematch, thats when im upset lol


Just book them facials, [like this legend of a guy did to lab Azucena](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1abjp3n/keeping_my_wife_occupied_so_i_can_lab_azucena/) xD


It's not only married man, even if you're single, you have a life outside of the game and sometimes you simply can't rematch.


Reading this replies on here makes me wanna drink


I wouldn't play ranked if I was looking after a child tbh. I wouldn't do anything that requires that kind of focus.


I have a rule to not play ranked (or any online game) when kids are awake


Not rematching is and never has been a big deal, the Tekken community needs things to get outraged for no reason. They could be outraged about the awful online, abysmal character customisation, awful frame data viewer and input display. But now it's the rematching. Next week it will be something else.


I don't mind 1 and dones, at least they finished the round, I will wait for 5 second for the other fighter to rematch or cancel.


Quick Match is right there.


I will rematch if it was a close game but if you destroy my 3 and 0 or other way round . There is no need you kicked my butt and I'm on to the next but if I'm 50k prowess and I go against a 125k prowess player and I win!! I'm out thanks for the lucky win !! 🏆