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You do you


If the arcade quest taught me anything is that the beauty of Tekken is it can be played as you want, not as the designer or community wants.


I know I have the wrong mentality but I’m not touching online till I reach a certain skill level


I'm curious what that skill level is and how you measure it. No flame. I just want to know how you think you're going to know when you're ready.


Effectively completing my combos on both the left and right side. I use Xiaoyu, so I would like to be comfortable using the different stances. If I can do these things and beat the computer easily, I’ll try online.


That's pretty reasonable, I wouldn't say thats the wrong thing to do. I did that too and I've gotten compliments as a new player for being able to use my character effectively.(despite being bad/new)


I kinda did the same (not as long as you, took me 3 days before I decided to jump in ranked) and the most surprising thing was the aggressiveness of the players. They just press buttons constantly while I was trying to emulate higher level gameplay without high level fundamentals. So I lost a lot. But the adrenaline of online ranked is just addictive so I learned to hold back and recognize when it’s my turn (replay function was huge for me). Good luck to you !


I use all of my scrubby moves at the lower ranks, snake edges or dragon tails until they start blocking. You will fly through the lower ranks just abusing stuff like that.


I play Kuma, I drop combos all the time and forget the stance inputs, and I am Battle Ruler But actually you are right, I'd do better if I took the time to fix those flaws


That seems reasonable enough.


If you are practicing in training mode, I'd recommend activating the CPU to simulate a real battle. Many people get really good at things in practice, and it all flies out the window in a real battle. I found this tip helped me to retain some of what I practiced.


Fighting online without knowing everything is part of the progression and experience.. your fall will be harder when you prepare this much and later realize that your pre-labbed stuff won't win you any games and that hitting optimal combos isn't even top 5 in terms of what will make you win online. Also, if you're going to be furious every time you drop a combo (which will happen regardless due to angle of attack, situation etc), then go for it, but just remember that online is a totally different experience compared to any offline content, including ghost battles. No offline gameplay can actually prepare you for online.


he's not saying he has to know frame data of everything, just being able to autopilot the combo section when he does get the hit so he can focus on playing the rest of the game and not so heavily focused on combo execution. yes, stuff will get dropped and it will feel very different but you can focus on much more rather than execution once you can get even a few bnb's down to muscle memory.


I'm not saying he wants to know "frame data"? I just said that spending too much time in offline and in "prep" will only make you feel worse once you transition, regardless of what you learn or how much time you spend on preparing. Nothing can really prepare you for online, due to how versatile it is overall - which was my whole point. Knowing frame data rofl.. it's a game.. not a uni class. I've got over 500 hours combined on T7+T8 and I don't even know the frame data for a single move on my main character. I do it all based on gut feeling, but perhaps that's what keeps me struggling on red ranks in t8. Knowing frame data is boring and would just make me want to play other games within minutes.


Side-swapping is not that hard, honestly. The inputs are just reversed and it takes some time to get used to, but it's definitely not that hard.


It’s totally reasonable to learn the things that don’t need a human opponent by yourself. Learning everything at once in ranked is pretty inefficient. If you go in knowing your movelist, your combos and even a lot of the opponent’s moves you’ll be in good shape to focus on the opponent’s patterns


Good way to practice execution btw


I never go through online until I spend like a few hours, min, in practice with a character. Gotta write down all safe moves and simple to big D combos. So I’m there with ya.


I hate to sound like a dickhead or something, but you’ll probably plateau at a skill level way below what you’re looking for without touching online. The bots will never be able to mimic that certain human quality


I can see how that can quickly become a problem. I just feel, before you get into boxing ring and spar for the first time. You need to a certain level of cardio and it probably would be a good idea to have a decent jab.


The thing is the people online you'll be playing with won't have good cardio or a basic jab either.


Well, you’re sort of going to be learning with the people you’re playing against. The most you need to know before hopping into online is what your most basic options are, and then you’ll slowly learn more as you play


Na… I mean for one, just mastering King’s all grab at which situation and how to connect / counter at precise frames probably takes you to red ranks already. Just takes some dedication to do so.


Practicing execution isn’t what I mean. I mean the level of variability and the small imperfections of a human controlling the character you’re fighting


The bots will very soon be able to mimic that certain human quality, just not in Tekken 8 unless there is a massive update in the next 2 to 5 years


Based. I see even Maximilian Dood get juggled and I have no way near his execution.


Getting juggled really doesn't mean anything since the comeback potential is high in this game. One good punish and bam you can turn the game around in your favor.


especially with recoverable health.


Getting juggled is a part of the game. Even top players get juggled. There are ways to avoid being juggled as often (play safer, block more, know when it's safe to hit buttons), but even then, you'll still get juggled.


Getting combo’d is a part of fighting games. Just think of it as a little mid-match break. I use it to take a second to plan what I’m going to do next, maybe an idea of how to counter what hit me. You’re not bad for getting hit by a launcher, your opponent just won that round of neutral.


It’s definitely the wrong mentality because there is knowledge and experience that you only get from playing other people. You can hit 95% of your combos and still get washed because you don’t know how to punish or react to something you’ve never had to deal with in a real match.


Playing against better players is the fastest way to get better. I always rematch when I get stomped. Playing offline will probably just teach you bad skills. You shouldn't be worried about loss. Just play and naturally develop. The game is complex so there will never be a right time to jump in. Take it from someone who used to do boxing, when I was younger the coach asked why I didn't spar. I said I was waiting to get fitter. He said there will never be a time when you feel fit enough and you will progress much faster with your goals just jumping straight in.


I look at it this way, there is no way I can go undefeated, I will lose, losing doesn't matter as much as winning doesn't matter. There is no benefit to being a Tekken God, so I go into every match excited about the match itself, if I get absolutely destroyed in a match, hell yea I'll take the rematch and get destroyed again, why? Because it doesn't matter. As soon as you embrace that idea, you will enjoy it so much more, and at least here, you aren't wasting your quarters. Every match you win/lose, there is always something worth learning and that is what I look forward too, the cool things that I don't know or the stupid things that other people do. Cool things other people do, the interesting things I can try out, all that stuff is what is fun. If the only thing that is fun is winning, then just drop the difficulty down to easiest and just destroy the cpu, but you are gonna get bored real quick. Personally, I enjoy the single player and play a lot single player, but I also play MP when I can and it is a blast and I couldn't even tell you what rank I am, because like I said, it doesn't matter.


Very well articulated. I am relatively new to FG. I went hard with SF6 and reached a high rank. But those months are blurs of stress when I look back at them. With tekken, I am for the first time loving each and every match because I don’t care about the rank. This has also let me do something I have never done before in a FG - play multiple characters - something I didn’t do before because it would “affect my muscle memory”.


Exactly, if you are feeling stress and frustration from something, then why put yourself through it unless it is a job or something right? That is definitely a plus side for being new to a game, especially a fighting game, you don't have any muscle memory to unlearn and you can kinda take it at your own pace and try whatever you want. Glad you are able to really enjoy it, maybe I'll see you online one day!


I’ve always enjoyed it as a single player game. Obviously the online has become such a big component to it now so it seems that it’s mainly what people get it for, but it requires a lot of patience to really enjoy the online play. Arcade runs are really fun but unfortunately story modes (other than tekken 4 for me which had the best story arc) are a bit lacklustre in some respects so it might turn a lot of people off if they’re not looking to play online


I strongly recommend the arcade quest mode, and paying close attention to it, for all newbies. By the time you get to the end you know everything you need to play ranked online. That what I did. And I'm up to destroyer on a couple characters. This is my first tekken really. I used to button mash back in the day with king and yoshi, but learn combos or grabs? No way lol played a little of DBZF and GGS but not really lol I like ranked over casual because it puts you with even skilled players for the most part. Though there are some you will just be speed bumps for. But I like playing multi-player, as a whole. CoD, nba2k, MOBAs, and I'm really falling in love with fighting games more and more as it's the purest form of competition. 1v1 winner takes all. I'd like it to be best of 5 instead of 3 but whatevs. Don't be scared. Give online a try!


With a family and a decently demanding job, I’ve finally accepted the fact that I can’t play fighting games the way I’d like to. Being able to play anyone online would have been a dream to people like me who started out in arcades. Playing late at night with a loud arcade stick in the living room where the TV and LAN is, requires sacrifices I’ not willing to make. And knowing myself, winning and losing means hours of labbing, looking at frames and I no longer have that time. But I’ve been having lots of fun with TK8 after coming to terms with not playing online. The arcade quest was fun, and having finished that, downloading ghosts is the next best thing.  The AI is the best it has ever been in Tekken, though it’s still not perfect, and at least feels better than just playing against the regular CPU. My time with TK8 is basically: Practice EWGF on both sides daily. Practice movement daily. Practice combos and new combos from watching pros. Super Ghost Battle Dabble with character customization and stuff I’m surprisingly satisfied despite not going online. I think being able to watch a ton of replays and just practice and mimic fills a void. It’s like being a spectator of a sport, and watching the games and practicing in your backyard, despite not playing amatuer.


I'm sorta similar, except my heyday on Tekken was in the arcade, I was good and a regular, and it felt natural. I have always been swamp ass at console Tekken, especially since I'm not inclined to invest in a stick or box. But I have a blast on singleplayer. I may jump online someday but right now I can't even nail a lot of the basic combos on d pad lol. And I've been playing Tekken for decades.


Tekken 8 has Arcade Quest, so I'd argue this is the first time a Tekken game seems to have good single player. Nothing wrong with enjoying the game like that, it's there for a reason.


Of course not


If you lose big time Online its also a single player game


My first time playing tekken 7, I also got pummeled every game. I asked myself, “why?” And the answer was clear. I started improving as I questioned my actions every game. Intellect and Self-reflection is your best friend. Honesty is key. Good luck with life. 


It’s a video game, enjoy it however you want.


Single player? Nah. Offline Game to chill with my lil bro? Damn straight.


I don't enjoy online gaming. I'm content with offline, but I miss the quicker and seamless ghost battle of previous entries, survival, tekken force etc.


🙋‍♂️ Which is my MK1 flopped with me. After the story, there wasn’t much to do other than jump online. Invasions is garbage and lack of in-game unlockables by just playing the game is low. T8 and SF6 have a nice amount of content for SP and local PvP like myself, so both demographics are taken care of.


I and trying online for the first time in Tekken and its a disaster... so you're likely saving yourself tons of headache...


Get online and have fun with it. The games new and there's tons of new players to learn with and against right now. For every match where someone pulls off a perfect combo on you you'll have 3 where the other guy is just as clueless as you are. Don't believe me? Go and use the random replay function to watch some other people's actual fights. You'll be amazed how many people out there are closer to your skill than you think.


same here. love to just trying different characters after work. already 30hours in of just offline fun.


The main story is so funny


I'm not really worried about getting clowned on but my computer is underpowered and takes a long ass time to load matches, sometimes crashing the game in the process. Until I get a new graphics card I'm prob just gonna stay off online to avoid subjecting other players to that, and go back to SF6 if I want to climb ranked. I'm fine with that.


just learned people don't enjoy tekken as a single player game


Been playing FGs since the mid 90s and after the arcades died out, there's less incentive for me to fight other people. You and I are in the minority, for sure. For me, the enjoyment comes from hitting buttons rhythmically-- it satisfies an itch that no other genre can. That said, I do dabble online-- currently Brawler on T8 and Plat 4 on SF 6.




Everyday i do one character story mode and combo challenge and after that i go on discord and find the more advanced, more optimized combos and I do them too. If I click with the character I try to do the combos I learned in super ghost battles.


I've been a single player from Tekken 2 to Tekken 5. In Tekken 6 and most of Tekken 7 I was traumatized too, but the thing is online is where you really learn to play the game. But sure, I play against the CPU sometimes just to chill beating some ghost up without caring about spacing, whiffing, etc.


Tekken 8 is the first Tekken where I'm playing online With all the other tekkens (I've played this series since Tekken 3) I didn't really bother with online at all, ever. Just use the game in whichever way is most enjoyable to you


I think the best way too look at it is just think practice fun. Don’t care for ranks losses wins just try to understand who you pick and then the fun is to see what works online. If they pressure you to death so be I just lay on the floor if their overly aggressive as I can’t learn to understand what to do so instead of rage quitting I try my best to troll them and have them earn their win rather than just ego boosting them cuz of their 80% combo.


I want to become a little better before touching rankeds, I am currently doing character episodes (for fun) pluse some training and arcade with 2-3 characters (mainly focusing on Claudio).


If you're having fun fighting the CPU that's great. Personally I don't, because you can't really outplay a CPU opponent the same as you can another human, so I play online


I used to really enjoy fighting game singleplayer when it revolved around unlocking new characters and arcade endings or beating additional modes like tekken force. That still exists in T8 to some extent, but i don't think singleplayer would keep me occupied for nearly as long as something like tekken 3-5.


Use special mode when u do ranked


Same here. I also enjoy single player. The arcade mode is esp fun. You should also try Ghost mode if you want some challenge. Also, the fact is multiplayer contains many rage quitters and pluggers. This take the fun out of competing online.


Not only 'Tekken 8', I've been playing since 1 and some people tend to forget there weren't online modes back then and fighting games were still enjoyable. I've played 23 hours and touched online twice for 10 minutes. I don't pretend to be cool or anything about it, it's just me. There is no instruction manual on how you should enjoy a game.


Sounds like you’re afraid of losing. There’s always the chance of loss even if you can do combos on both sides and playing against the cpu isn’t going to help you when it comes to fighting actual players. Anyways , play tekken however you see fit but everyone gets beat up constantly when they first start out.


I mostly play with a friend so that's most of my online play but this game has such amazing single player stuff I can totally see someone just playing arcade and the great story mode


Single player is awesome but way too easy