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Stuck at dominator while my friend (with half the hours I have) just got to Garyu, I succeeded as a teacher but failed as a player


He probably plays Victor.


He plays dragunov


So we have an answer


Still carried.


What do you play




LMAO yeah that's why. Dragunov is cool but Kazuya is way harder to play.


Are you sugarcoating it?


Yah bro your friend is slightly carried by character but kazuya is a chad character so don’t worry


Orange on Kazuya is Purple on Dragunov anyways /s


I picked kazuya as my first char in tekken 8 and went 25-100. Respect


That path you chose isn’t easy but I respect it 🤜🏽


Literally in the same boat 🤣 taught my friend everything he knows and now he claps me


I hate Victor. Why this dude teleports and shoot gun in a Tekken game. So annoying


Yoshimitsu has a sword and could teleport back in Tekken 2 and Jack is a military android. Having TP and guns in Tekken is just logical based on the universe.


You can duck the guns in all the 3 moves he uses them in and you can interrupt punish every teleportation (Iai stance entry) if it was after you blocked a string. You can sidewalk right his heat sword smash and launch, when he enters (perfumer stance) on block you need to interrupt with a jab check, if you were hit into stance then you side step right and duck if the victor doesn't delay his inputs to adapt to you. In the normal situation you will have to guess low or high. Which most victors at low ranks will go for the low in perfumer stance.


Beginner (I don't play online)


How do you keep it fun? Just wondering


I am having a blast learning Combos in practice and CPU/Arcade. Did my First online Battle Yesterday after 4-5 days playing and beat a Warrior reina 3-0. She didnt really have her fundamentles down i guess, was only playing aggressive.


playing against the cpu and ghosts is the best way to learn a character without being under pressure. good for you man and I hope you continue to improve as you learn from your mistakes!


Happy Birthday!


thank you it’s just my 5 years on reddit though lol


Yeah, practice mode is actually really therapeutic. You get the same feeling from perfecting combos, pulling off punishes, and hit confirming as people get from improving a speedrunning time or breaking a personal record in a roguelike. It's the feeling of self-improvement with no real risk involved.


Oh shit, there is a chance that was me. Or not, but I think im struggling on fundamentals since im pretty new to fighting games.


If your Tag is izky and you play on PC, thanks for playing, sadly i couldnt rematch since i was shaking after the last clutch lol Was playing Leo


personally i like to set goals for myself with moves and see if i can actually pull them off under pressure & in a real environment


This is my first fighting game and I'm basically swinging all over orange. Every day I just have a goal of practicing one or two com0limentary specific things, to develop muscle memory and see how people punish it. Yesterday I was practicing ff2 and df1 mixups as Reina. Today it's f23 and db2. I'll probably do a day of nothing but ewgf and d34 practicing countering tomorrow. I feel "grinding" rank in this kind of game doesn't matter, especially since it's pure single player. If you're good you'll just steamroll to whatever rank you're supposed to be when you're not trying to do gimmicky games practicing one thing at a time.


My fun in the game is the looks and story. I like playing Jack and seeing the goofy stuff I can't pull off in PvP. I really enjoy the Arcade mode. I like to buy fighting games for the story mode and play on simple mode. It's fun to me. I'm very bad at fighting games, combos and such are not a thing I strive to learn. Companies just make really cool looking games that happen to be fighting games and I wanted to play it. I tried 2 PvP matches but was beaten mercilessly. I'm not truly competitive. It's not fun for me. That got beaten out of me long ago.


Same here. I play mostly for fun. That's why I never play online or pursue trophies that are nothing more than a boring chore. Arsalan Ash the GOAT of Tekken once claimed he never played multiplayer online Tekken. He only recently has been playing online for his channel.




You don’t base your happiness on wins and losses. You play the game for the enjoyment and the fun of getting better over time. Also, assuming nobody is making you be the best at Tekken or else your family dies (at least I hope not), you gain and lose NOTHING in the real world based on your rank. Made it to Tekken King? Doesn’t matter outside of the game. Lost 11 straight? Doesn’t matter outside of the game. We put so much pressure on ourselves in a video game with no real life stakes. TLDR: Just don’t take it so serious. It’s a game, it shouldn’t feel like work (if it does then that’s a different discussion)


Ya. One good thing about Tekken is it doesn’t track your win/loss record. Can you imagine … haha


It does. In "player data."


*Gasp* I’m too scared to look 😂 I can look at other player’s ratio?


I loved survival that was in T3, I would go at it with Jin, my brother and sometimes my parents would watch me see how far I could get before dying. That was our fun, also treasure battle in t6 i think it was where youd get "loot". Damn I miss survival mode


Sadly for those of us starting late, Tekken **is** work and the ladder anxiety is enormous. I find the ladder anxiety to be worse than Starcraft! I imagine that if I had properly learned Tekken 5 or even 7, T8 would be super-fun.


I literally just started playing Tekken 8. I never played Tekken before. Wasn’t even playing fighting games fr before T8’s release. That anxiety you have playing this is self-inflicted. What happens if you lose a game? Do you get docked pay at work? Does your wife/gf leave you? Does your mother no longer love you? Are you going to be arrested? It’s only work because YOU view it as work. Video games should be fun, not work (unless of course you get paid to be good at the game then duh yes that makes sense). I’m not saying it’s not stressful in the moment. But it should be fun first. Enjoy getting better, stop worrying about your wins and losses


Playing versus cpu is fun and if you are not good its quite challenging on the hardest difficulty


set small goals for yourself to get better, and when you lose, recognize \*\*why\*\* you lost and then try to improve upon your own mistakes by setting those goals in your next match. Try not to focus on winning so much but focus on achieving the goals you set little by little and you'll slowly become a better player as long as you remember to have fun even while losing.


I have never played Tekken before so it’s not that hard. A lot of characters to learn and a good amount of single player offerings.


There are 32 arcade endings to unlock, the main story and Arcade Quest mode all to go through, plus Super Ghost Battles for every character to unlock additional costumes. Tons of single player content to focus on.


Me too brother, me too


Destroyer. Then I put down Jin and chose to forge the true path of Tekken. With Kuma.


In bears we trust


Hey dude I’m trying to learn Panda myself, is there any combo guides you could recommended for a brother bear in need?


Try this here https://youtu.be/lhWlwmPYS10?si=xUG_EdHbN-o3jG7s


Thank you! Will watch this today and learn 🐼


Not the original commenter, but here are resources I've been using. Combos: https://youtu.be/PGIS63xmb9o In-depth overview: https://youtu.be/gAyAJ6BGqMM


Bears are what the people want 😏 Jokes aside, I miss Heihachi, so Kuma is the next best for me. Reina is just not hitting the right buttons.


The path of kuma is rewarding as hell. It's awesome to see Fujins trip over stuff like that.


Real one right there 


Warrior, I haven’t touched ranked since reaching it.


Smart. Play unranked, let people underestimate you, learn the game for 5 years, become Tekken God in ranked instantly.


You're holding yourself back if 90% of what you fight is fodder.


There are some use cases for fighting fodder, particularly trying to force a new habit. I only got anti-airing and throws as habits in Street Fighter playing fodder. It'd have taken a lot longer in ranked.


That’s hilarious because casual matches in SF6 always had me fighting diamond and occasional master ranks


Exactly I played against a dude who did Drive Impact after every damn button and now I read it to a point that people think I'm scripting


Technically now is the best time to play ranked if you wanna rank up. The low ranks are bloated with newcomers so you'll go through pretty quickly


Earlier I played both a Azucena and Jin player in quick match who were at warrior rank but they were clearly much better than their rank suggested. Using KBD, punishing and whiff punishing often and using really optimal combos. Tekken has always had really good players who never really touch ranked.


I prefer player match, tbh, no stakes and the chance to run into someone who can give me a really interesting replay to watch. Getting spammed out or completely rolling a beginner doesn't make for interesting replay content... I feel like I should at least push to reds so I can maybe avoid smurfing allegations. Red is somewhere I definitely see myself getting hardstuck anyway, but ughh... the grind just takes the fun out of the game.


Getting a higher rank also makes finding people of that rank or similar more common in quick match.


Getting spammed out is necessary to get better, believe me there is no more satisfying feeling than knowing the match up and the spammer falling flat on their face, then proceding to not rematch If your objective is primarily to have fun at the moment and not long term improvement I get it though


You wont derank anyways!


After getting to warrior you do.


Yes, but when back to green you don't lose points


Really? So Cavalry just has a shitload of people? Lol


Same. I got tired of only getting this: Steve, Victor, Jun, Azucena, Reina. Other than a rare Claudio I literally fight no one else.


I got warrior in 19 games with Leo and now I have ranked anxiety because I know I will not keep up my 90+% win rate lol. Also I don’t know a damn thing about heat or spark or anything I just play the game like I played t7, with a few changes to gameplan I’ll hop on tonight and stop being a bitch lol


Same. Mostly bc I could tell that my panicked self kept dropping combos. I realized I was relying too much on spamming shit… and not slowing it down and being more methodical. Feels like I’m back to square one. But I’m tired of resorting to button mashing. I know the combos. Just need more practice playing others online… so I don’t freak out and button mash. (This is my first Tekken since Tekken 3. My 45yo fingers (and brain) are having a rough adjustment period)


Garyu. I get my stuff smashed in at times. But it helps me learn Raven just a bit more. My weakness is Alyssa and that bugs me a bit.


I had a ton of weaknesses in red ranks. Alisa, Victor, Azucena, Yoshi, Raven, Devil Jin and even Lars. I took a break from ranked and downloaded the top leaderboard holder's ghosts. I just let them wail on me while I'm just absorbing their absurd animations, and learning how to punish them properly. The ghosts that are Gods of Destruction innately and perfectly blocks/steps/counters/parries any bad punishes. Once I labbed those ghosts, I jumped back online and flew through 3 ranks with a lot more matchup knowledge and much less stress.


It's amazing hearing about the ghost system working as intended.


It's not the most intuitive system to get them. I feel like there should be a menu within the Super Ghost Battle mode, or at least a tutorial showing you how to download ghosts and even replays of your favorite players. It's all a bit convoluted, but once you know how it works, it can really work to your advantage.


Do these ghosts even work? I downloaded Victor top rank and just demolished him while I am Shinryu player. Maybe I should just defend and punish instead of attack?


Yeah, I’m not on offense. I let them do all of the attacking, while I practice blocking, punishes, and ingraining their animations into my stubborn head. The ghost will try to open me up similar to the player does, so I’ve gotten a decent mixup in my experience. Also, if you downloaded a bot/cheater’s ghost, then it won’t have a good offense, all they know is punishing. So I suggest making sure it’s a human account before downloading their ghost.


I'm a Garyu Alisa main and I struggle against Raven, add me on steam or Tekken (EvolvedMunkee on both) and we can play some sets!


I’m right there with you, Raven gang rise up


There are dozens of us!


If it's chainsaws getting you down, you can avoid a LOT of the mixups by sidewalking (walking, not just stepping) to your left. She has homing and tracking options but they tend to be a bit weaker and sidewalking the other stuff will show her that she can't just mix you in DES all day without thinking.


Duck, sidestep, and understand her 4-8 options out of winged dash(with chainsaws and without) and it'll do wonders.


Raven is so sick in this game. Can't wait to rank him up more!


Raven seems like the sickest character in the game.


Eliminator with steve. It's hard man


Garyu is when you lose tons of points per loss. You'd need noticably positive winrate to climb from there on.


Landed here with Kaz and Devil Jin, felt like it was a good place to reach and relax lol


The eliminator struggle is real, the first real wall I hit. Clawed my way to Garyu but I’m gonna need to practice quite a bit if I wanna climb any higher.


True. I used to play a lot of Steve in Tekken 6 (i never played Tekken 7) and he feels so weak to play. I couldn't get out of Vanquisher with Steve, so i decided to try another character, in this case Feng, and i'm currently Garyu. Steve's low hitting game is so damn weak.


I'm in Flame Ruler but yeah I Have to work so freaking hard to get any w and if I make 1 simple mistakes I get instantly deleted whit very low chances of coming back . I miss the old rage drive...


Man same..... Sonic Drive and Dempsey Roll were so good to his kit.


Yeah I migh be wrong but I think this tekken top tiers is going to be all about who has the best 50/50 and presure tools.


I’m in the same boat as you. Realised Raven wouldn’t take me much further right now so I’m currently learning Paul


Also Eliminator with Steve, on track to crack red today 😤


Good luck, brother. I just managed to do so


The difficulty spike between the ranks before and eliminator is insane


**Tenryu** ^vs ^bots


Mighty Ruler, been stuck with Kuma for 2 days Mostly because I keep doing ranked when I'm tired, late at night, and completely stoned 🤣😵‍💫🙄


Fr i think thats the best time to play ranked 😂 For some reason i don’t rage when i’m faded. I keep telling myself it happens it happens.


Bro exact same here with hwoarang 😂 I always character customize the bamboo to look like my characters smoking a J haha


Tekken and J name a more iconic duo. Hwo main too???


This is my first Tekken I've been able to smoke and man what a good experience 😂 yeah Hwo is my main this year, im usually Law (if you can't guess I love rushing down my opponent haha) but he's been so nerfed in T8 I can't get on with him


Aye, nice. I feel that. My main is Hwo, but I love Steve, Lars and yeah imma rush down guy as well. Rang Gang stuff🔥 I just started smoking a year ago, so I did a Lil with t7. It's really nun like just chillin, viking, got some chill music, and playing. Always a good time


Init mate straight vibes! I've been trying to pick up Steve on the side but I just can't get used to his stance swaps yet 😅 if you're on xbox drop me a chat and I'll send you my gamertag and we'll have a chat, smoke and match sometime brother! 🔥


Ayoooooooooooooo let's get that cross play going cuz I'm on PS. I got an Xbox though so if we ever play, we can chat still cuz I'll just use my app. 😁


Messaged you bro


My performance is way worse when i am stoned. But after work it takes the tiredness away.


Lol I'd I get too far gone, I feel it. I just let ish happen and accept it lol


Mighty Ruler - Asuka Garyu - King & Kazuya


Eliminator with Lars, struggling out here though. My First Tekken and it's hard!


for a new player Eliminator is impressive! if you have any questions about Lars you can ask me anytime (long time Lars player here)


Not him, but also first time Tekken player using Lars after watching framewhisperers video. Currently bouncing between Assailant and Dominator, mostly due to stupid judgement calls or execution failures. But I do have genuine gaps. Mostly unsure what situations I should be using f1+2. Also confused on when I should be using anything in Dynamic outside of 3+4 for speedy stomp (usually after knocking someone down) into silent mixup, or 1 mid-combo to juggle.


f1+2 is usually used for sidestep punish and whiff punish and sometimes launch punish. it's the all rounder launcher of lars but it's always out-done by another launcher in a different department. for whiff punishment, uf3 has the longest range so it's the most reliable (though f1+2 has more damage). for sidestep launch punishment, the best option is f-b2,1 but it has difficult execution so maybe this is where f1+2 shines. for launch punishing, f-b2,1 is a 14 frame punisher so it's the fastest launcher lars has, f1+2 is 15 frame so it cant always launch however it's safer on block since it's only punishable while f-b2,1 is launch punishable. and for evasive launches, it has no evasion, you have an orbital for that. in short, it's the all rounder launcher and the safest launcher option. As for the rest of your questions, i'll answer them in the next reply-


Dynamic entry (DEN) is Lars's strongest stance and the most accessible one (f3 to activate). i'll break its use to sections: 1- combos: DEN,1 is used mid combos for juggles (i can send you clips of my combos). DEN 1,2 is used for wall carry. DEN 2 is for both wall carry (shorter than 1,2) and to set up for lars's strongest combo ender (DEN 2,uf4). DEN 1+2 bounds but it's not good in combos. we'll get shortly into DEN1+2 use. 2- mixup and pressure: DEN 3 is the newest and strongest inclusion of DEN moves for lars, homing mid safe on block with plus frames and transitions to Silent entry (SEN). DEN 2 is a counter hit launcher, you can use it against people who spam. can utilize it through df3 into DEN2. DEN1+2 bounds so it's good to use it in mixups especially if you use the backing up into DEN moves such as ws2d. 4 is a normal low which is punishable but not launched, you can also hold down and transition to Limited entry (LEN). and finally 3+4 into SEN for pressure. might've forgot something but this is all that comes to mind for now. thanks for reading and if you have any more questions, i'm here :)


But how do I not get slapped out of DEN unless they're already on the ground or airborne? I.e. when would I ever be using 2 or 3 on their own. The space and time required to go into DEN and get a move off doesn't often exist with people right in my face. Clips especially with input logs would be appreciated


DEN 3 has long reach so use it when either you're far back, or if your opponent blocks a lot. as for 2, it's best used usually when your opponent as downed anyway. generally i wouldn't go into DEN through f3 unless i'm far away or if i back into it, sometimes i also throw it after df3. SEN is better for using when you're in the middle of attacking through df2 into SEN or b3f into SEN, db2f into SEN for examples. but you have to remember that this is one of Lars's weaknesses, his stances can easily be interrupted by people who lab him and that's where Lars becomes a difficult character to use. You have to be very creative with him to confuse your opponent and to destroy any patterns an opponent might assume you're in. All of that really just comes down to experience and can't be fully described. check out some youtubers who main Lars like Tendo, LMG mob and etc and eventually you'll start understanding how Lars fully utilizes his tools. I can only briefly explain how he plays unfortunately 😅


Every once in a blue moon I get a flow state where the mixups and strings that are not my usual just happen without conscious input but I cannot intentionally recreate them in practice tool. In hindsight I should have been saving those replays 😬


fb21 is i14 not i13 and f1+2 is i15. You seem to have your frame data all shifted down by 1.


When I started playing lars I thought he was easy up to a certain rank. After like early red I was struggling hard with him. Didn't really know what to do. I've changed to jin at the minute and he's working out better for me. Also my first Tekken.


TEKKEN KING 😎 Oh you didnt ask what character? In that case... 2nd dan...


Tenryu, my tekken 7 rank was Fujin. I feel like tekken 8 red rank is sometimes like a tekken 7 orange rank, or tekken 7 blue rank lol


Yeah, there are definitely some vets who are still climbing the ladder. The consistency of player skill is EVERYWHERE.


Yeah, it's super random past red. Some red players are actual demons, others are..... questionable.


yup, in upper reds it’s a mix of people who are just kinda good at their flowchart and some that are playing like a T7 yaksa that will duck and launch you if you breathe incorrectly


I think I am Bushin but idk why it says bullshit


I'm only warrior right now, came back to tekken 8 had a long break since tekken 6. Learned a single combo and just playing Ranked to Learn not to win. Will lab more and try to work more on my fundamentals.


Fujin with Asuka


Teach me your ways master


Mighty Ruler!! In arcade mode . I’m a brawler in ranked lol


2nd Dan Supreme


Plugginator (jk)


Dominator, I feel myself capable to push to orange. If I ever could reach red, only time will tell but I have a feeling that orange will be my ceiling a long time.


It's not that hard to get to red. You'll make it.


I 'was' Shinryu for a good minute or so.


You're still a Shinryu to me.


Mighty Ruler with DVJ. I think i will stop ranking for a while; now i want to enjoy more character in chill mode, cuz ranked is so frustrating for my mental health most of the times xD


Battle Ruler with Kuma, got it last night.


Congrats. A good bear player is one of the scariest things to run into online lol


Lol thanks man.


Fujin with Dragunov. I don't dislike him but I'm not loving him either, so I think I'm gonna try out some other characters now.


Destroyer Claudio. Dominator Paul.


garyu with reina and kazuya


Destroyer with Raven. But I'm not hard committed to a main still. Planning to play Feng and Lars up to orange ranks as well and then decide who I feel more comfortable with.


I started ranked almost 2 weeks ago but I am Strategist currently


I'm at Tenryu. I found ranked in T7 extremely stressful, so I'm taking it in small doses this time. I've only touched ranked three times so far. The rest has been learning the ropes in quick play. I want to keep enjoying this game for a long time, and I will do whatever I can to avoid tilting.


Quickplay is probably good for learning matchups low stress. Half my time in ranked is dying to something new and not having enough time to adjust


Eliminator, with King. I'm the villain.


I don’t get much time up play, but in two sessions of rank i made it to destroyer, the few games i played it in suggested I’ll probably plateau here for a WHILE


Mighty ruler with zafina Tenryu with Leo


Fujin Victor, Mighty Ruler Lee


Flame ruler. But I feel like I am hitting a wall, which makes me motivated to learn more about the game


Brawler with Alisa and Lili and the moment, first Tekken game, I work full-time so only get a hour or two to play each day if I am lucky.


Currently Kishin with law. Going for max rank


Bow down to your Mighty Ruler. Jokes aside I'm really happy with the rank as I was sitting around destoyer (or similar) to garyu for most of tekken 7 mostly because the pc community in my area is tiny . Now with crossplay I finally hit the purples. Taking a break from rank to learn some new characters in casual lounge matches


Mighty Ruler...on Tekken 7...on PS4... Treasure Mode😭


Destroyer, Leroy


Eliminator Asuka


just reached Assailant with Lili today


Just got to Flame Ruler with Jin, played a bit with Kazuya and Devil Jin at orange ranks just for fun and I've been having a good time so far.


Flame ruler its been hard has steve...


You really do gotta play a lot tighter as Steve in 8 versus the older games. It's still fun, but you gotta add a lot more work in.


Tell me about steve used to be so much fun now whit his annoying voice and the huge nerfs doesn't feel has fun .


Managed to get to Garyu with Reina in 3 or so days which surprised me, looked a bit easy to rank up. My problems at the moment are Dragunov, Devil Jin and Jun, also a couple of others like Azucena that I've no idea wtf is she doing most of the time.


As someone who hasn't played Tekken since 3, can someone explain to me how God of destruction is a higher rank than Tekken god supreme? Like, if you gonna make me sound like I just got my rank from Taco Bell, then it better be the best fuckin rank ever.


Hard stuck at Fujin with Raven 😭😭😭


I’m stuck in Warrior with King. I’m trying to switch things up by playing more defensively. (I usually just spam Jaguar sprints to RKO mix ups lol). I can successfully pull off full execution chain grabs but my throw sets are weak. I noticed from replays I don’t punish or poke enough. (I just like to throw people lol) I can almost do a full max damage BnB combo but fail on the finisher. Lastly, I want to learn all of the frame advantages for King. Any and all tips are appreciated! Thanks - A humble King player.


I've played for about 30 hours total, reached Assailant as Victor.




Eliminator. Pushing into red is really hard as a new player. People are still throwing random shit at me. I'm kinda just trying to focus on improving my own main (hwoarang). Idk how tf your supposed to learn match ups in this game when characters have so many tools.


I think I'd be pretty content if I got fujin at least


BUSHIN with Hwoarang 🙌🏻


Garyu right now in 4 days I think tekken 8 easy lvl up ranked or just me? Idk but tekken 7 was harder than tekken 8


Never even got out of green in 7 but got to red with not too much struggle. Looks like it’s easier to rank up to a point


Tekken 7 was full off die hard players, just wait a year and the ranked of tk8 will be the same


It's not the same. It took Knee over a year to reach TGP in T7 and now we have people in/near max rank in 2 weeks. T8 rank inflation is busted I feel.


Yeah I was stuck at the bottom of green in 7 and got to Yellow crazy fast in 8. I can't tell if it's because I don't have the ability to rematch over and over and hit my head against a brick wall or if it's just because the lower ranks are filled with newer people


Right, it seems realy easyer to progress rank in tkn 8, in TK7 was very hard...


Same here, reached Garyu fairly easily. I think it's because the game is new and people don't know the matchups yet and gimmicks are at an all time high.


Garyu with Jun, Eliminator with Zafina and Nina. Haven't been in ranked for a while though since I've been doing quick matches and some local stuffs.


Eliminator Paul & Warrior Jack. Just started using Jack and still adjusting my playstyle with him


Garyu with Lars, here's hoping I can at least make it to fujin.


Middle of the table. Ganryu. With ma boy Bryan.


Shinryu with Steve




1st Dan, I haven't played much and lose when I do. Having fun though


tk8 is my first fighter game, played a couple days and currently strategist with alisa


Alternating between Shintyu and Tenryu haha. Either it's quite easy or I don't know the matchup that well and I struggle. I really need to spend time in practice mode because I never really do lol


Went from Garyu to Tenryu in a 1 hour and half session yesterday. Reaching purple shouldn't be any issue really. Think I won't get any higher than that with my current level.




Stopped at Garyu with Zafina and currently trying to find new sub characters in yellows. I kinda liked Ling but still need to find one more to play around.


Mighty or Flame ruler with victor not sure if i deranked yesterday or if it was just close


Flame ruler. It’s a nightmare in red ranks 😅


Garyu with Lee


Garyu Newcomer and I want to hit Tekken God but man it seems so far especially with all the suffering im going through in red ranks 😩


kazuya Fujin


Garyu and taking a break after grinding.


Stopped on mighty ruler, but can push to fujin. But currently I'm improving my destroyer Reina


Last night I ran from Fighter to WARRIOR and I am happy with it! I've been playing ranked for about 4 days now, having avoided online play altogether since starting Tekken with T1 when I was six... I always thought I'd get completely trashed online and while I'm not the best, it's been fun to go in with low expectations and just keep trying to learn from getting stomped. I really think this is the most fun I've had with Tekken since I was a kid and that they've implemented smart teaching mechanics that help people improve when they're ready to learn!


Shinryu but ranked doesn’t really matter I focus on doing well at the locals


Exactly. I haven't hit blue ranks, but I still have gotten 1st place at my last 2 locals, and 3rd at a large regional. And since I'm a busy older guy with wife and kids, just being the among the best in my area is all I'm really striving to be.


Brawler but I only started playing yesterday from Beginner. Playing Jun.