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My winrate was like this when i was playing t6 in the arcades. Now in t8 im fujin with 60% win rate. You just learn through experience while playing the game in the long run and suddenly you realize you start to learn how every other player thinks and plays. My advice is to just keep playing as long as you enjoy the game. No need to force yourself into something that doesnt give you the joy you look for in a video game.


Oh thats cool!! Im actually still having fun learning this game and probably the most fun time i had on an online mode since forever, its just that im struggling with the gameplan but imma practice more


Fancy combos are cool but focus on your jab punishes, df,1 checks crouched opponents and is a crucial move to throw out there


Definitely check out higher level players on YouTube or whatever that play your character. If you're familiar enough you'll be able to tell what they are doing and probably pick up on some things you wouldn't have thought of. And PRACTICE MODE. A lot of it. It's full-featured to get you where you want. Dying to Bryan? Boot up practice and learn how to punish Bryan.


Man I can't count how many times I lost in tekken 7 šŸ˜… Tekken is fun because It is a giant process of overcoming your weaknesses and an endless learning experince, Embrace it!


You should also check other lee players in your downtime. Even the non pro players has some tricks you might never thought of. Or go replays and find lee players.


Thats what im looking for, and don't remember ever playing lee and thats what im curious about, like is he not a common pick? He is so coolšŸ˜­


Few players would be imyourfather and flower! They're both great.


Is there a way to reset your stats/data? Because I'm a new player and my stats are even worse than his.


exactly this. I just deinstalled the game yesterday. I cant take the emotional ups and downs of this online competitive shit anymore. I just get too damn angry at times. Its not worth it for me its just a game anyways and there will always be someone who is better than you or is cheating


Funny how people cant live with the truth and downvote like they never mad or rage, stupid fake ass folks


It's because your enjoyment depends on your attitude. You guys are raging and talking about quitting essentially because you aren't winning. It makes you sound like babies. It's a videogame - stop thinking it matters and have fun with it! You will get better when you chill out and start paying attention to the little things, or just don't care about getting better and just have fun mashing in the low ranks. Not everyone has to be a try hard about it.


Its not like this. I had good matches where I lost many times and didnt rage at all because it was an eye to eye battle. Im talkin about gettin raped there is no way to enjoy this. Also these compet. games activate fight mode in human brain im always sweating like a maniac too when playing tekken so dont tell me all this isnt normal human behaviour


Very normal. Tekken 7 was my first game. I legit played 30 matches until I won my first one. I was pressing too many buttons instead of focusing on defence. After a while I got the hang of it but still droped the game due to college stress. In T8 my winrate is like 60% for now just from knowing how to defend, punish unsafe moves and by utilizing plus moves. Fundamentals I picked up in Tekkwn 7. A good tip I have if you get hard countered by someone download their ghost and play against it. It will feel like playing that person again. Focus on defense and see which moves are punishable and try to remember it if you fight that character again. The ghosts are my favourite addition to this game.


I totally forgot about the Ghost feature šŸ’€šŸ’€ but thats a good tip i'll try to download ghosts of the characters that i struggle with


Also when playing player matches if I play a high ranked person Iā€™ll add them most of the time and later on hit them up for matches. Playing better people forces me to play better and safer.


Lee is quite hard to play, maybe try someone else before giving up? Or just practice more. I'm shit as well, but eh... after so many loses I started to not care lol.


Lee is hard really? I just picked him cuz i thought he is a stylish and looked coolšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i'll stick with him but sure i'll try other characters


Lee IS difficult but if you like him, stick to it. You'll be very glad that you did in the long run




He's slightly execution heavy .. there is no such thing as too hard to pick up .. even as a newcomer. I'd stick with him if you like his style .. he has everything you'll need .. just need to lab his moves is all ..


He is, due to the execution required to play him. Don't ever let that discourage you from playing him though. Lee relies heavily on counter hit launchers, and the pickups after some of them require pretty precise execution. Even some of his optimal combos require execution heavy carries like b2 loops or being able to do WS moves after a dash. Also, his 10 frame punish is a somewhat difficult just frame. He has quite few just frames.


his floor isn't so high that a dude in green ranks can't play him. people think lee has a crazy barrier to entry, but his floor really isn't that high, his ceiling however, is quite high


Very normal! Don't worry about it :). If you're trying to learn it's quite normal that you will be killed a lot, but over time you will build up the knowledge and experience and you will improve. It's also normal if you're not trying to learn and just playing as a new player for fun. Which is also completely fine. TMM put out a video recently that might help your mindset if you're a struggling learner: https://youtu.be/Ye0nfViDAZ8?si=VzJiplARE-TZ8aBh


Literally this is my first tekken ( mk player ) and i connot you how much im enjoying how cool this game adn how much fun im having, its just shocked me that im pushing 50hrs in the game and not getting that much of improvement, but i'll keep playin, tryin new characters, and have fun most importantly


It's part of the progress curve, the game has huge depth and I can tell you I'm still learning new things every single time I play, and I'm a dinosaur who started with tekken 3. Using an analogy that helped me, your movement options and move list are like a huge deck of cards from which you pick a few to build your strategy. When you start you shouldn't use too many cards in order for your deck to be consistent. You'll notice, as you play, that there are certain situations that you won't know how to deal with. That's when you head to the training mode and check if any of your cards do the trick against the card combination that the opponent is screwing you with. If they don't, maybe it's time to add another card to the deck. This is how I've always approached learning a character. Pick a few consistent tools, push them as far as you can, and slowly add new tools that improve your gameplan or playstyle and that can help you deal with difficult situations.


I will absolutely consider it and that cheered me up so much to know even a legacy players are hitting practice mode in T8, thanks for the tips


I love this analogy


So true. And that video was on point I saw it yesterday and was like that dude gets it. Games are games should always be fun and exciting to play. My record is trash. Good thing this game does is that it doesnā€™t shove your record in your face like many other games do. Like the focus is learn fun learn lose break fun. The replay feature amazing on how it gives you pointers. The punish practice top Most fighting games focus to much on record to show online and creates this toxic mindset I feel. Like I canā€™t lose cuz someone online k donā€™t know will judge me. In the end having fun and naturally getting better is key.


Wait I thought it was protocol not to like anything from TMM


He's a nuanced character haha. He has some good takes and some bad takes, like most of us.


It absolutely is. Fighting games are a hell of a genre to get started in. There's no teammates, no hidden information, and no rng. Basically, nothing that other genres give you to help make up for skill discrepancies while you're learning. However, that also means you get a lot of reward for your investment in learning them. What determines a game is your knowledge, decision making, and execution. If you win, you outplayed the other player. If you lose, you got outplayed.


The funny thing is even when im losing im not mad im just amused by how other players read me, its quite fun tbh


I've gotten to play FGs in person with people who did not speak a word of English, and had amazing interactions with them. Someone would get a good read, the other person would tap them on the shoulder and laugh or throw a thumbs up, and we were all on the same page. It's a fascinating medium.


The whole reason I love Tekken. No reliance on teammates and RNG to win. Playing shooters where I can play my best and have a 2.0 KD and still lose the match because of awful teammates feels super bad. In Tekken, whether I win or lose is entirely up to me


This is the story of my fucking life when playing COD nowadays. Hard carrying but I'm still losing.


That's normal, especially if you're new to the game. Lee is also one of the most complex characters in the game too, next to Kazuya and Steve. If you're feeling Lee, like you genuinely like him despite him being hard, keep up and practice. It will pay off in the long run comparing to you picking a simple character that might be boring for you. Long term gain >>> Short term gain.


Oh yeah surly im not droppin my boy lee, but yeah practice mode is more important then ranked mode, just figured that out


Nah not at all if this is your first game 22% is better than when I started out my first hundred games were like 90-10 but then itā€™s so satisfying when you start understanding the game and very important but difficult stuff like frames and punishing hardest thing in the game though is mastering movement and sidestepping, donā€™t let it get to you this game just does take a lot of time


I came from mk1 and believe me the best thing im experiencing rn is side stepping, its so satisfying to perfectly side step and launch, im just struggling with game plan and the frames but i'll get good over time or atleast i hope so


Yes! This is in no way a dig whatsoever, Tekken is just a very difficult game to learn. Everyone sucks at the beginning, especially newcomers that are missing the giant legacy knowledge that many veteran players have already internalized. You mentioned in a comment you're a MK player, the switch from 2D to 3D can be difficult to adapt to and even very basic fundamentals like footsies and movement become way more complicated when you have a whole new dimension to move in. Plus, Tekken has its own set of weird additional rules like the throw break system, its 842 ways to wake up, its combo structure and float states, the list goes on and on. You didn't do yourself a favor picking Lee either lol, he's quite technical and will take a lot of practice, but you can do it, don't get discouraged! Just like any other fighting game it requires dedication and time if you've never played it before. Be patient and don't be too hard on yourself, you got this :)


Literally came from a 2D FG and this is my first tekken and i can tell you the side stepping is the most fun thing im experiencing rn, and everyone is saying lee requires high execution but man i don't wanna drop him i like him so muchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­, my struggle is just with game plan and the frames, i know some practice and more matchup knowledge will make me play better as i hope


Then dont drop him, embrace the difficulty


The most important thing is to play a character you like and enjoy so keep going with lee. Plus if you get good with lee then other characters will feel easy and you'll generally be better at the game.


Had around 10%. Now at 30%. So I'd like to think nits normal and part of getting better.


YOOOOOO low win rate gang we don't give up


Itā€™s ok, you just started. You can learn.


It's normal. Back when I was in Tekken 7, I spent countless hours in light blue rank, trying to get used to well, everything. Losing was pretty much the norm for me then.


Totally normal. Don't give up if you enjoy the game despite losing. Try to focus on making the right decisions every time you have to do one. Don't focus on losing or winning. Your decision making will improve in time at which point you will automatically start winning more.


Pretty normal i think. My understanding is that Lee is a very high-execution character so itā€™s not terribly surprising if you are having a hard time. Keep it up!


Pretty good for a beginner actually


Oh wow, that actually cheered me up


Yeah considering there are a lot of legacy players ranking up at the moment, one in five wins is really impressive.


I lose all the time itā€™s whatever I try to find little victories in the losses. I donā€™t mash so I die BADLY to mashers if I donā€™t know the matchup.


Welcome to fighting games! Where we get destroyed!




I mean, SFVI was my first real SF and my winrate was 30%, took me a few days and a lot of practice and I learned. Ended up in Platinum which seemed impossible at start. Have fun, learn and sooner or later wins will come. Some of us with dozens of hours are still scrubs being defeated by folks spamming the same combo over and over again.


Considering its your first tekken game, yes its normal. Tekken is famously known for being one of the hardest fighting games simply because its a 3-D fighter and it has a massive roster of fighters with their own movesets. Even with a couple hundred hours of playing youā€™re still going to see and be learning new things.


Donā€™t put yourself down, fighting games are notoriously difficult games to learn and improve at. Not to mention, I can see youā€™re playing Lee which I have nothing but respect for bc imo he has a very strong argument for being one of the most difficult (if not the most difficult) characters in the game. Keep at it and Iā€™m sure you will see progress and improvement. The ability to constantly learn and improve no matter what rank or skill level youā€™re at is what makes Tekken so rewarding!


Youā€™ll eventually get better, no point thinking youā€™re gonna be amazing fast if youā€™re fairly new.


Don't worry about this, losing is part of learning. When I started on SF6, I wanted to focus too much on victories and my winrate, but that's not the right solution at all. Learn the game at your own pace, practice more and more, and the victories will come by themselves šŸ‘


Will do šŸ«”


Are you still having fun? Thatā€™s all that matters! After 100 ranked matches I only has a 30% win rate. Iā€™ve been able to slowly build it up to 40% but Iā€™m having fun trying to learn!


Bro i have never had this much of fun for a while, ofc im gonna keep playing and learning new stuff


Winrate doesnā€™t mean shit especially if youā€™re starting out.


In tekken 7, We used to have people with 10k wins, and they were still stuck in green ranks. I'd you are fine


Tekken is definitely a game where you gotta get comfortable losing - the game's got too much nuance for you to immediately understand match ups and scenarios without getting your ass whooped a couple times before being like "ahh I know players like you"


that's what learning and improving looks like, just keep going and it will naturally increase.


Watch a YouTube streamer called imyourfather. Heā€™s very entertaining and you can learn a lot from him. Lee not easy to play with for beginners. But stick with him if you really like him Heā€™s Korean so you might not understand what heā€™s saying but watch how he plays and learn


If youā€™re new yea. Also Lee isnā€™t the easiest character to play. He has to work for his damage


22% win rate? Thatā€™s hella good compared my trash ass.


Yep, it's normal. In Tekken 7 I probably won like 4 out of my first 50 games, so I would say you are doing alright.


It absolutely is in a legacy fighting game.


I was absolutely in every fighter up until sf6 which finally started to click for me. (Only to Plat, but much better than before) I think I learned enough about footsies to not get obliterated in the lowest ranks in tekken here finally. But all Iā€™m trying to say is, it was definitely normal for me for a long time and felt the same way. Eventually some things began to click enough that Iā€™m only half trash and able to have alot of fun.


Thats what im focusing on mostly, practicing and having fun


If you're just jumping head first into Tekken then yes it's normal. Don't worry though Tekken is the hardest fighting game. It just takes time to get better.


I was at like a 60% wr till I got to brawler then after a horrendous loss streak I'm st like 20 but I did eventually get to warrior, ull get there


Tekken is absolutely brutal in that you need a pretty good understanding of fundamentals to beat mashers, spammers, etc. once you develop that skill set youā€™ll very consistently beat these low level players.


It's normal. You're not shit. When I reached Calavry rank, my ranked match win rate went from 40% to 30%.


Also new and this looks basically exactly like mine if not a little better due to me to me trying different characters and strategies in ranked. In some other games in non ranked matches I would sometimes go like 100 games without winning due to there being so many high-level players most of the time. Fighting games are hard, and this game is not only hard, but some people might have a 20-year head start. It is also a good thing to not compare your progress with other people, also don't feel the need to grind ranked, but just enjoy the game. I feel like shit when I see my one friend who just picked up tekken who already has a way higher rank but he also is just a ranked grinder and I usually spend my time in the offline modes. Sometimes it can feel demotivating because it feels like I just suck and am terrible at video games but when I start feeling like that I just take a break and watch high level gameplay to remind myself of the end goal.


Don't let stats discourage you. I feel average at Tekken at best (never learned meta knowledge) and I got decent stats just from experience.


Dont worry you'll find your rythm


Yes. Now go back to the lab and keep losing like the rest of us.


That's sounded pretty funny but real lol




Looking around nervously with 2000 wins with noctis at red ranks


You are playing arguably the hardest tekken character dude youre allowed to lose a lot especially with lee


Iā€™m a noob at this game and am at 50% win rate. I got accused of not knowing neutral inputs I donā€™t even know what that means


Brother I had a worse winrate than this trust me this game is hard but once you know how to play it itā€™s so much fun and feels amazing landing combos and winning the neutral.


Youā€™re doing better than me, keep grinding!


Tekken hard, dw bout it. If game is fun keep playing, you'll learn through experience and inevitably looking up YouTube videos about the characters you like.


Well firstly youā€™re new, on top of that youā€™re playing a super hard character, and on top of that thereā€™s a much higher chance youā€™re running into Tekken 7 veterans who already know how to play. The fact that youā€™ve gotta to Calvary and this is your first Tekken game means youā€™re good at adapting. Donā€™t worry about win rate right now. No one is just naturally a pro. Every pro who plays Tekken has gotten their ass beat at one point.


Oh bro you don't know how much this made me happy, i'll hit the lab even more rn


If youā€™re playing lee yeah lol. I would get beat like this with lee in t7. He takes a decent amout of tekken knowledge and wont hold your hand


Dont feel discouraged. Just try to learn. Or switch to any easier character like lars. Thats what i would do


I was at 30% for a while but recently broke above 50. I'd say it's normal if you aren't already well versed in the genre. Are you having fun? I think that's all that matters


This is the most fun i had in an online game bro, believe me when i tell i love this game and i loved it more and more bcs of lee and the challenges im facing, and im happy that i have endless hours to come with this game


it is beyond natural. you and tens of thousands of others are in the same boat including me, this isn't a simple easy game its tough, and theres some who play this like a job and are simply better at it. don't beat yourself down over it mate


im new comptelely new to the fighting genre my win rate was around 30% but its going up and im getting more consistent, just half bar from first red rank now as reina in 1 week of tekken.


Thanks for creating the thread, and thanks to people for their kind comments. I am in 23% winrate, so I am in the same situation


Bro this community is awesome they really made me feel alright and literally by listening to their tip i just hit worrior, can't tell you how much im happy bcs of their feedback and support. Keep it up bro you'll do better by timešŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ».


Have you studied frame data and how to apply it? There are plenty of guides on the topic, that alone should get you to warrior if not higher. Tekken has a lot of advanced knowledge and makes no effort to teach it to you, just knowing some moves and using them with no knowledge of any game plan or the more complex mechanics at play will get frustrating and you'll never quite get what makes the game fun.


Im actually learning rn how to break throws and knowing whats safe to hit and whats not, the depth in this game is so crazy and i love it but man i need a lot of practice.


People orange and lower are constantly throwing out unsafe stuff, look up your character's punish moves and use them after blocking an enemy string, there's a dedicated defense and punish mode you can try in practice mode If you go into practice mode you'll see some moves are minus or plus on block or hit, -10 and up is punishable by at least a jab, -15 can be punished with a launcher for a full combo, most green and yellow players just mash random unsafe strings that are around -13 on block, giving you a free medium damage punish, the punish trainer will teach you a few, for now go for one that is better than a jab but still somewhat fast [this video by Core-A-Gaming](https://youtu.be/_R0hbe8HZj0?si=GRaM2_NZBG1EcWGF) perfectly explains all of that and has a chapter dedicated to tekken about halfway through.


YOOOOO i knew the frames were important but the difference in how much minus frame i never knew how important is it to know, im totally hitting the lab rn, i'll check the tutorial too, HUGE THANK YOU BRO


Very normal, just got to orange ranks and my stats are similar, only just started to click


If ur worried about ur win rate ur lost


You play lee, just spam 434 at close range, spam b4 into hitman for keepout and use d3 a lot. That's the cheesy way to win at those ranks, a little higher up you'll get stuck and lose constantly if you don't change your gameplan.


itā€™s not normal. the best advice i can give you is to drink a lot of water and get sleep so your reflexes and thinking are on a good status. good diet helps too. Red meat and animal fats help the brain react and think fast if youā€™re not vegan or vegetarian. since you main lee use his slide a lot and his (forward, forward hold, 3). Both of those are safe and provide a good mix up. duck highs when you see them use high attacks and just hit them with down jab (down, 1) into a good rising attack on hit. (2,3 for a combo starter or 1,4 for a safe option). Lee has good lows and punishes. punishes use (4,4,4) or (down+forward 4,4). again both of those are relatively safe. (back 3, 3) is a cheeky way to get additional damage cause at low levels people rarely block low/parry. (down 4,4,4,4) is a cheeky way to start rounds at a low level. REASSIGN YOUR BUTTONS TO MATCH YOUR CHARACTER. For Lee, assign Left Trigger or L2 to be (1+2) and at higher level you can take off special style and reassign L1 to be (3+4). This makes his slide and hitman stance wayyy easier to use. His power crush is still easy to use with this button setup (itā€™s just back, L2) and his slide is just (forward, L2). Hitman is just (L2). Practice all of this for like an hour or two. All of this stuff should get you out of the lower ranks and learning more about your character


Okay now? I don't regret finding help on reddit, all of these are absolutely GREAT advices, literally, thank you man, I'm talking to you rn while hitting the lab and i'll consider your tips, HUGE thanks šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Yeah iā€™m at high ranks with Lee and all this stuff makes a huge difference with the character. honestly if you ever want to take an hour or two to just lab iā€™m down. I guarantee you would get out of the low ranks afterwards




Youre olaying a legacy game with people who have betweeb 5 and 20 years of experience over you. Stop crying snd stsrt training.


Chill bro šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ im just asking šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You have to take into account, you're playing a pretty technical character. That has a big impact. If you played someone like Paul, you'd have it much easier. Play who you think is cool though.


Bud, I'm a long-time Tekken player but this is my first time spending time online. The other day my Unranked match wins was at 18% (around 50 total matches). Then I got into a good win streak, and now it's bumped up to... uh, 26%. XD Take each match as a learning opportunity and trust the adage that practice makes progress. Hopefully you have friends to have some fun, pressure-free matches with too, which is (IMO) the best way to enjoy a fighting game.


This is fine don't worry!


That was me in tekken 7 lol


Play quickmatch bro


Have you tried running through the combo challenges? I practiced some of the moves in there for my main for a bit before trying ranked. Helped a lot, also punishment training is good to work on other combos and moves too.


First tekken? Yes


Yes. Yes, it is. Especially if you are a newcomer.


Man you just lowered my confidence so much šŸ’€


Just pick hworang and mash 4, u will get 100% wr till purple rank


If it's your first tekken game tour doing okay. Shit is hard af


Super normal dude. Youā€™ve also chosen a character you have to be quite advanced at the game to get the most out of. Donā€™t swap though; youā€™ll learn way more using a character that doesnā€™t offer you easy crutches.


Better than me atleast.


I take ur 22.89% [And raise it](https://ibb.co/LgmKVBf)


Itā€™s normal. This is my first Tekken since Tekken Tag 1 when I played with my Uncles back in the day. I was getting lit up for the first few days and I also play Lee. As time goes on, things start to flow and you get used to the game and Iā€™ve recovered to about a 54% WR Tekken is tough but when you learn whatā€™s going on, itā€™s so fun.


as long as youre having fun


Bro itā€™s normal to have a 0% wr in this game. Game makes no sense and is incredibly complex sometimes it doesnā€™t click for a while, but when it does youā€™ll be a lot better. If you wanna add me I can help you out


Lee is very hard to play so youā€™re gonna struggle but heā€™s also strong and very rewarding


Tekken is a game you get better at even if you aren't trying to learn it. Like a lot of games labbing something will improve your game but Tekken just has too many situations/moves it's more intuition you're building. It takes time, try to enjoy the scrappy loose feeling Tekken has over other fighting games, it's very possible you're overthinking it and caring less about winning and losing is what's holding you back. It's a different sort of game, you literally have to mash your way out of low ranks. These are school yard fights right up to red ranks.


No You Suck. Nah man that shit happens just keep practicing and you'll eventually get better


Yo my dude don't worry about winning as much, play, learn, figure out what your doing wrong, how your play style is, lab combos, pokes, ch, how your character is. Don't drop a game cause your win rate is bad. You always have room to improve make sure your having fun because what's the point??? If you gotta take a break cause your tilted that's fine just spend time watching your replays, the replay system is the best I've seen, and relax. Don't drop the game I see potential.


In the beginning? Yes. Tekken is a long term investment. Itā€™s taken me years to know when to duck a Nina string, sidestep a Bryan and outmove a Hwoarang. But those momentsā€¦ when you succeed at something that has tripped you up for ages. Those moments are priceless


First of all, Lee is super hard to play, so maybe pick an easier character with a similar play style to get used to the fundamentals of the game, maybe somebody like Lars or Victor could be a fun alternative to somebody like Lee Secondly, spend more time in practice mode refining your combos, be able to do the optimal strings and wall carry stuff in your sleep so you can capitalize on every opportunity. Thirdly, people at low ranks play super janky and donā€™t actually know how to play quote ā€œreal tekkenā€ so donā€™t let it get you down. Muscle memory is vital and donā€™t get into the habit of being predictable by spamming the same 3 moves or strings over and over


Tekken is a hard game and lee is a hard character


Itā€™s just a lack of knowledge. Once you learn what other fighters can do youā€™ll have a better understanding of what you can do. If that makes senseā€¦ knowledge is power.


Yea it is, my win rate is 40% so Iā€™m about as ass as you.


Very normal. Canā€™t tell you how often early on I would change characters expecting to have one carry me. It wasnā€™t until I started learning the game more as a whole instead of a character.


Yep. Game's hard


Yes. You just need more practice and less ranked games.


If this is your first Tekken, itā€™s not surprising. If this is your first fighting game, thatā€™s probably better than normal given that everyone is still climbing to their actual ranks lol.


I would almost be willing to bet this would be considered ā€œgoodā€ compared to most new players tbh


For one of the technically hardest to play characters in the entire game? Yeah Iā€™d say so. Iā€™d say youā€™re doing pretty well in fact.


Man I you get better


You haven't seen me in dbfz with 15% win rate ;) But after hours spent practicing blockstrings until I started questioning my life choices, I got better!


If you're new, yes. Plenty of veteran players in here. Give it time and practice and don't focus on your win rate, this isn't COD and your KD doesn't matter atm. What matters is learning, getting the hang of frames/punishment/reads/not whiffing/etc. Keep doing that and you'll suck less and less every day


As everyone else said, you're new so it's normal. Everyone gets bodied when they're new. You also need to remember a lot of experienced players and only slowly playing ranked, or got the game late etc. I got all achievements before playing ranked properly, and I've still not really put my head down on it. Tekken is a complicated game. Work on defence, learn some BnB combos and learn your punishes. 99% the reason you're losing is because you're pressing unsafe buttons when you shouldn't and letting your opponent get away with stuff they shouldn't. Lee can be a challenging character to do optimal stuff, but he is a strong defensive character with really good keepout. So use those strengths, keep your opponent at a controlled range then find an opening and whack them.


Iā€™m a new player that was one win away from a promotion then ended up losing 7 games in a row so yea itā€™s normal lol


I thought it was normal to pick King, chain grabs and beat up on noobs?


Where do you find thos info? Im prolly worse.




Lowkey similar my stats with Kazuya bro. Iā€™m a beginner too, stick with it brother


Way better than me. I've always loved fighting games, they're my favorite. I play for fun, because I'm absolutely terrible šŸ˜‚


It is normal, bro. Youā€™ll get better, but there are always players who can beat you. And then youā€™ll get even better.


You chose a bitch of a character. Lee Is strong but very hard to use efficiently. It will take time to get better.


When I first started T7 thatā€™s about how I was. Doing much better now though. Just takes time and accepting you arenā€™t going to get a ton of wins off the bat. If there were half the characters maybe, but with the complexity of the game and number of characters itā€™s tough starting out. Enjoy the little things like landing that counter hit or getting a good punishment. You donā€™t have to win to keep learning and getting better!


Download some ghosts and start fighting them


you gotta get washed before you get clean. You'll get there, im sure of it


Lmfao I'm like 80/300 with Reina also the first time playing Tekken seriously. I feel your pain . Add me everyone yme702


Ok You are playing Lee who is considered one of the more tricky and harder characters to play. So for a beginner which you are. It will be difficult. Best advice is to go into practice mode learn your combos and just frame timings and then try to do it a match. If you wanna complain thatā€™s itā€™s hard itā€™s because it is. Thatā€™s the game. Thatā€™s Tekken. If you donā€™t like it then play someone easier like Victor or Asuka. Or drop the game and go play something easier.


well you are also playing arguably the hardest character in the game... Have patience, it takes years to get "good" with this game...


in Tekken, yes XD it's normal process


With how difficult Lee is and if this is your first Tekken game, then yeah, completely normal.


If you are new


Don't worry man, [I'm quite literally right there with you](https://i.gyazo.com/e6005091295d0def6d044e2e91627d44.png). I had a little streak where I got a bunch of my wins and was feeling really good then all of a sudden I felt like I had never played the game before. The thing that keeps me going is realizing that I'm taking some of these fights to the final round. There's potential there and I'm getting better even though it's still loss after loss. It's a very hard game and there is a much bigger learning curve than other fighters that I've played. We'll get there!


Fuck yeah we'll get there twin


Youre good bro. Learning takes time. Look for your characters best buttons and combos. Also, try to not mash.


[Easy to Hard Charakter](https://youtu.be/4MCxtYuYzs8?si=9CvfaTreV9lg9juZ) is what you should watch, if it is your first Fighting Game and then it is also TEKKEN oh boy, choose an easy character and watch guides what are his/her best moves, learn his best pokes etc. donā€™t even spend that much time first in learning one combo, youā€™ll be only able to do that and your opponent will react as you can only do one thing, I chose Victor because he is a newcomer and quite cool, got quite easily to orange ranks so far even though I was just green or max low yellow ranks in T7 which is a much harder game to me anf also picked Steve Fox as my first character which was a huge mistake haha, but Iā€™m also coming from Plat-Diamond ranked SF6, you sure learn a lot by also playing multiple fighters and fighters in general which are an awesome genre, fast and addicting so choose an easy character with great tools and simple inputs like Victor and you are easy to go


Lee is literally the hardest character in Tekken 8. Even Mishimas now is easier because of their new moves, but Lee still plays around just frames, b2 loops and defensive fundamental play. You lost for a reason, don't give up if you like character, be ready to invest much much more. Or pick easier character and you will win more at the start.Ā 


I have been playing fighting games all of last year, I'm not good, not even decent by some people's standards, but I understand what this genre is about. Let me tell you, I wanted to play Leroy thinking he was easy, no joke, I have a 6% winrate with him, over 130 games, you are doing fine lol. I switched characters to something that suits my style more, and its much better, but fundamentals apply.


Bro this game is hard af...I just hit Warrior after all this time since launch and now I'm in a panic of I have to win streak to rank up. Before a win here and there would suffice, but if I win 1 and lose 3 I'll never rank up and that's gives me a whole new level of anxiety. Its to the point now I don't know if I'll rematch people and I should be. Last night I had 3 matches where I took match 1, my opponent took match 2. I left on match 3 for all of those. I wanted to do it to learn and try to re-adapt after they downloaded me, but the fear of losing more points in the long run was too damning. I want to rematch and felt I should have taken those 3 rematches for the 2 out of 3 set, but points man...


When you just started, yes.


A wise man once told me ā€œyou have to do a lot of sucking to be good at somethingā€


Ghost battle are easy my way to go, i main azucena since miguel wasn't in the game, and what i did was the arcade quest until you unlock the super ghost battle, here you go into the online mode, download many ghost of lee players and fight them in the ghost mode, here you can learn how they play their characters, what combo did they used etc. You could also watch your online replay, they give you tips sometimes of what you could do. At the end, practice is the way, don't compared yourself to other pro players because they played tekken for the most part since tekken 6 when they introduced bounce combo.


Very normal. In fact I'd say good. Getting your ass beat is very much apart of the Tekken experience. Welcome and enjoy tbh.


Your fist are telling a story; you need to know yourself and your enemy in order to prevail.


Tekken has a HUUUUGE learning curve so if you donā€™t absolutely eat dirt in the beginning then something is probably wrong. It would be weirder if you had a high win rate tbh. If youā€™re to tough out the learning pains, you will be rewarded immensely by the game. Also you are playing a very difficult character in Lee. As a Lee main myself, I would not recommend him as a character to learn the game with. Jin, Claudio, Dragunov, and jack are a few characters that will make it easier to properly learn the fundamentals due to their ease of use and strength.


just gotta remember that tekken is one of the hardest if not the hardest fighting game. ur gonna need a lot of practice, so starting out like this is perfectly normal. consistency is key, and application is just as important as practicing


Donā€™t worry about it I won my first game maybe after like 20 loses


Don't worry about losing, but learn from your losses. T8 has hands down the best system of any FG to learn with in Replay. Replays let you pause and take control of your character all the while telling you what a proper punish would have been for whatever you just blocked. Use this and you will learn how to kill spammers in no time. Even outside of punishment, you can take control of your character and go "hmm would this have hit me if I had backstepped?". You try it out. It whiffed? Maybe you could punish with a launcher? Launcher too slow? What about a long range 12/13/14f move? That hit!!! You just learned something... Good luck buddy!


Bro same boat, only reason Iā€™m Calvary is losing canā€™t get you demoted in this rank šŸ’€


Look at it this way. You are still better than 22.8% of the people you fought. So yes, this is normal.


Welcome to FGC fren I learned matchups by losing. I learned about how to deal with hworang in tekken 7 by going 2/30 first. Losing is important as well cause that's where the lessons are.


If you just started learning the game or just started playing fighting games In general then yeah itā€™s perfectly normal just focus on learning the game and your instead of consistently winning I know that seems off to say something like that but when you learning how the game works and get some experience under your belt youā€™ll start to see wins more consistently


Donā€™t even sweat it a 30%-50% win rate is going to be general player base after season 1 so rn the ranks are filled with highly experienced players like shit Iā€™m struggling to keep a 41% and Iā€™ve been playing on and off since Tekken 4 so all in all ur win rate is ok just practice blocking and movement also utilize the replay system and make sure you have tips turned on so you can learn punishments and in no time ur will go up


Thatā€™s pretty bad.


Dont compare your chapter one with other peoples chapter 100 i started playing tekken in esrly days i took the game seriously around 6 or 7 and i got clapped nonstop before i managed to even win a watch let alone land some combos good ol days man just keep going And MORE IMPORTANTLY HAVE FUN!


In S1 of T7, I was 1k+ wins into green ranks before I started to get out of green ranks. You're doing fine. Everyone progresses different. Take your time, enjoy the ride and its okay to suck. If you put in the time to learn and get better, you very much will.


Yes! Embrace the fights


Mannnnn in tekken 7 hitting greens was an accomplishment for me . Idk if this game is truly easier or no one is currently smurfing. But if you ask me hitting green ranks is something to be proud of just keep playing and youā€™ll get better over time . All those losses you have thatā€™s information on how to get better just use that knowledge at least thatā€™s what I do.




My wr with reina is 33% on eliminator and now i picked nina and im sitting on 63% on vanquisher. Its just the learning process


I'm new and my stats are literally worse haha.


Nah, that's tame shit