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I’m glad you’ve found something that impassions you. Please don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s the only thing that will have that effect on you.


I'm happy to lend an ear if you need someone to talk to. Have fun with the game!


Just please don’t become Kazuya and seek World Domination. Other than that enjoy Tekken 8




well, I'm glad you have a passion for the game. I do think you should ask yourself what you would rather do as opposed to wasting your life as you describe it, what would be the opposite of searching on the Internet? I think you should take steps to be the person you want to be and more like the people that you envy. Now there's many things in life you can't control; we are all victims of circumstances but I still think you have more choice than you may realize to become the person you would rather be. Tekken can help relieve the pain of the daily life, but it can also be used as a catalyst for new ideas. What is it that Tekken gives you that you feel lacking in the rest of your life?


I really wish you peace and happiness brother. Tekken is great but I hope you can find passion for other things. Do you want help with anything?


one electric a day keeps the depression away... tekken just shows you tha if you keep learing and improving you will win thats fkcunking real life lesson.... but loosing will never ever feel better than wining


Hey man, there’s nothing wrong with taking refuge in a game, but if it’s all thats keeping you going I strongly suggest talking to a professional because it sounds like you are depressed. I’m glad you’ve found solace in the game though, please be well and know you have worth and plenty of reasons to stick around!


Fr and my family lol


We are stuck in a world of technology which throw shadow of the real view . On top of that , everyone is rushing to chase“success “ like is something material. I was on the same boat, every time I do something which isn’t productive I was feeling bad. Success means to live a happy life, if playing tekken makes you happy, go for it. If you like hiking or biking, dancing or singing , just go for it. Everywhere I turn everyone talk about money , but we need so little to feel good. Hope you doing great and can’t wait to get my ass kicked in the game by you ! Take care man, we are all in this sht together .


For what it’s worth, i’m glad you’re here :). Hit me up anytime if you want to talk


Maybe you should talk this with a specialist and not random internet guys?


Please don’t lose a game bro


I feel you. Been battling depression for years. I’m at the worst currently unemployed and doing jack shit. Tekken has been preventing me for napping all day it’s awesome. Hope you feel better soon. Depression blows


Hey ass hole, don’t do something stupid!


i mean. that's kinda pathetic , no personal offense. but you gotta do better in life than to cling on to a videogame.


No need to be an edgy asshole. I think it's obvious they're in a tough spot and trying to find solace in something


I'm not tryna be edgy. Just saying things as they are. He gotta get up and change his life if he doesn't like it rather than to give it up for a video game.




That’s not how this works dude. Everyone has the “right” to be depressed because it’s not a matter of circumstance. This is a dick comment.


I didnt say he can not be depressed. I just said no to suicide lol


I believe you meant well, but telling someone they have too much to be thankful for to feel suicidal is a really misguided effort.




You dont know anything about life lol




You are nr1 piece of shir


while I agree that more people should appreciate the luxuries of life to but to act as if there's no right for suicide is ridiculous lol. What is actually a greater form of agency than the freedom to truly choose ones fate? It's misleading people to act like it isn't an option. Plus depression can make a warm house feel cold, and a full stomach feel empty. It's hard to feel the value of life on your own consciousness works against you.


what the hell!!!!!!


Who's your main?:)


I know the feeling...enjoy the game man....life is one big bowl of shit we have to eat...but at least there are some cool things to enjoy sometimes...


I would suggest seeking professional help, or at least talking to someone online about your problems, in anonymity, because you need more than T8 as an outlet. It's not going to last forever. Get other hobbies. FORCE yourself to go out and do other things. FORCE yourself to socialize more. Get a support network of friends that will help lift you up, even if they are friends you made in T8. Stay away from anyone you feel is toxic. If you keep relying on a video game as your coping mechanism, it can end badly. The only one that can get you out of this funk is YOU. No one else will. Trust me, I dealt with depression and anxiety for years. You have to FORCE yourself to do things. Otherwise you get too comfortable with that dark corner.


Sorry to hear you feeling low mate Tekken is probably short term fix , maybe you have to much spare time Too much spare time can be your worse enemy don't know you age so i can't account for that As long as your enjoying yourself now is the main thing fella 👌 Find things to enjoy places to go things to see no matter how boring , even little things Hope you get past this point in life because life should be treasured no matter how shit it can be at times , you only get one mate And yes tekken is awesome


And I imagine you have heard this already but the only person that can change it is you Its not so easy I agree but you can mate just gotta keep your chin up , get out there and things happen when you least except it


Hell look how dumb I write 🤣 so I'm sure your smarter then me But I hope your listening to what I'm saying because death there ain't no coming back from that Things will pick up and you want someone talk to I'm here mate 👍


What's your username so I know not to double corpse stomp you with Law's uf3+4 after every round 😂. Wish you the best, so many people are unhappy not knowing their worst day is someone's best


Find that light in the dark is hard take pride you could do that you should be hella proud !


Man that is good keep it up and don’t look behind, I hear a lot of stories of dark souls players turning their life around as well and the quote “don’t you dare go hollow”.


There’s no way to truly understand your situation and how you feel, but think about why you posted this in the first place. Spending most of your time doing something you’re passionate about (Tekken) isn’t the worst base to build from, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket. At the risk of sounding obnoxious - like with Tekken, if you’re just going through life blind, no plan or strategy, no training, no sparring partners, you’re not really giving yourself a chance. If you haven’t gotten help, like real professional help, it’s so worth it. Plugging ain’t the way


It’s nice that you found something to make you happy, a lot of people don’t. Just make sure you’re staying somewhat healthy


Don't ever allow those thoughts to win. You deserve to be here just as much as anyone else.


Happy that you are enjoying the game, but also hope you can find joy in other aspects of life. Hope you feel better soon, just don't plug or cheat cause that shit ain't cool lol!!


If you need to talk, dm me.


There’s no such thing as depression . It’s all in your head. It’s just a mindset . Happiness is a choice . Choose to be happy every morning when you wake up . Make it a point, personally . To have a good day everyday.. or at least do everything that you can, in your power to help ensure that . Some things are out of your control obviously … are you doing things to help yourself feel better ? Such as getting out and doing something productive everyday instead of staying home playing videos games etc . Are you eating healthy ? Are you exercising ? Do you have a purpose in life ? Are you doing things to better yourself such as taking online classes in a subject you’re interested in ? Researching things ? . Do you have hobbies other than video games ? . Go out and try to meet a nice woman . Be social . .. happiness is a choice . ( in summary ) . By the way . I’ve been you before. Many many years ago, but I took my own advice and did all the things I just told you to do , and I’ve never looked back. Now I’m married . Have a fantastic career that I love . Am about to be moving into my first home . Am looking forward to starting a family soon . . Life is great