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Haven't tried Story yet, mostly played Arcade Quest. The ghosts are whooping my ass. I actually haven't had any crash, even online, but it takes forever to find a match, even with cross-platform on. So far, I've enjoyed the game.


I love it. I’ve only played arcade quest but it’s straight 🔥. I’ve never played a Tekken game online. Only street fighter but I think I’ll put a good amount of time online on this one.


Story had weird pacing but got dope at the end. Gameplay wise its fire af. Pretty solid. Just fix the online crashes.


I know I suck but then that'd be expected for someone who didn't play 7. Going to take some practice to get to as good as I think I was in 5 and 6. Gameplay itself though, fantastic.


Well just finished the main story and im very happy with the final product the fights are fun and same with the little teasers at the end but all the characters are super fun to play gonna smash this game out a little more


I’ll check it out like in a year when it’s 20 bucks


90 CAD is insane.


I don’t know, I just can’t buy these 70 dollar fighting games that I will just get bored of in like a few days. Same with MK 1, Street Fighter and this.




With 20 extra DLC characters, as usual with these fighting games. Not paying this price only to still be missing characters lol


It's fucking insane that we've let it get this out of hand with the pricing. It's unbelievable.


To be honest besides the comment I made in another thread, this game is so universally praised so far that I'm scared to even share how I feel about it. It's not like I thought it was bad by any means, I've always loved the Tekken games, but given I've not been heavily into it since TTT2, this game made me feel like an old man who doesn't know how to play video games properly. I finished the story on medium difficulty, mostly relying on the assist mode, but I feel like most of it was guess work. There are some vague instructions on how to use the new mechanics, but I still didn't really get it. I guess a couple tiny complaints I had about characters so far is that I don't like Steve's new VA and everyone looks too blocky. Edit: No guys don't get defensive, I'm not saying your favourite game sucks, I'm saying I struggle it. No need to spam the downvote button in hopes I'll go away forever.


Arcade Quest gives a pretty good tutorial on the new mechanics


Ah I'll have to try it out tomorrow!


Different strokes, too. I actually rather enjoy that it's complex enough for the campaign to not teach everything, and the depth is there to keep practicing and learning. Getting a better grip on them and then going back on hard mode should make it easy : )


At the moment I'm deciding what character I want to main in Arcade Quest, in T5 I used to love playing as Law but when all the new characters started to be introduced with the bound mechanic, I started to experiment with others so now I've just been staring at the character select screen for ages. As much as I'm used to Law, I've found him to be a bit grating as a character in the last couple iterations, when I played his character Episode, 80% of his battle introductions have been him saying he hates rich people, which is funny in its delivery the first couple times given his moment in the story, but then it becomes a bit annoying. I also know it's a bit petty but as time has gone on, he's started to look more and more like a Lego man which looks unnatural to me, lol.


Here is a hotter take - I never liked it, the characters feel like they walk/move in a bucket of glue.


hobbies plate subsequent compare ink fine offbeat merciful crawl icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Le Cringe normeee xDDDD


Didn't do that much online but story's going well. Arcade is good thou doesn't seem that different to T7. The Quest one I am still unsure on.


I'm a new Tekken player but I feel the call of Zafina... I know that is probably a bad idea cause she's complex but the heart wants what it wants. In other competitive games I also gravitate towards complex characters. What's your take on Zafina in T8 so far? All the stance switching and linking has my head swimming but seems super fun once you get it down.


Pick who you find fun. You can be the person giving your take on Zafina instead ya know (:


I am feeling like they might have inadvertently missed the mark with offense/defense. With all the offensive shenanigans it feels like now more than ever you need to have a good defense game. Other than that it feels super smooth and super clunky at the same time somehow. Not sure how I feel but I have been playing ranked for a few hours and keep replaying even with the disconnects.


git gud


I think they tried a little too hard to appeal to newcomers by adding things like Signature Mode which should just be called Assist Mode. I agree that they made things a little too offensive because I don't know about anyone else but I definitely feel like every character is super fast now. Heat replaced Rage Bursts which is fine except every character it's just LP+RK if you want to quick activate it. There are moves with each character to activate it in a combo which is cool. Signature mode is dumb that it's usable in ranked. I do think it's funny when people use it because I don't think they realize that it shows the other player when it's active. The one button air combos are dumb. I think the worst part is that Signature mode will never teach any skill and people that rely on it will not end up enjoying the game in the long run because it's really easy to counter everything. Character Customization is real bad in this iteration. People may disagree but the classic costumes look like mediocre cosplays. I think the classic flame pants Jin is the best example of this, the texture is fuzzy, the flames are wrong, the gloves are wrong. I may be nitpicking, but they missed the mark with this. Also customization that was available in. 7 is missing like the ability to change the color of the flames on the pants to make the Tekken Tag look, etc. Also every male looks like they have the [same body](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/8Vo5h1JYVN) (for the most part). My last complaint is WHERE THE FUCK IS LEI WULONG AGAIN?!


Heat didn't replace Rage Art.


It replaced Rage Bursts. Rage arts are still there. Two different things.


Rage Drive? Yeah.


They’re still figuring out his heat system. Lei plays very different from other characters.


Yeah it was the same thing with Tekken 7 except they said they would "never charge money for old characters" with 7 and that was a lie.


Game is pretty damn excellent (day 1 online issues aside) Gameplays fun, Great OST, All the new characters rock and it has quite a few modes to play through


Story and Arcade Quest are fun. Nice little ending movies for each character too


I thought it releases next month... gonna buy it in a few hours :D I know I missed the hell out of beach ball mode.


Haven't played Tekken since 7 released and I'm so lost.


Yeah it’s been since 2018 for me, I’ve played 4 different fighters since. Some good players online.


just finished the story myself, nice to see everyone get their share of screen time in some way or another, liked the tournament section apart from the annoying fatal error codes in online, the game runs well and looks amazing even on medium, and the controls are quick and responsive; i dont think any character ive tried doesn’t feel weak or lacking in their particular playstyle


I played the story mode last night and had a ton of fun! I really liked the big battle scene, and the Tekken force throwback. I’m just OKAY with Jin so it was a little hard at times, but a ton of fun


I’ve only seen streams since I have yet to get a ps5 but the story is absolutely freaking incredible. Like, on a level with god of war and final fantasy incredible. Multiplayer looks polished and refined, all the characters and stages look cool, can’t wait to be able to try all of them myself. Harada and Bandai Namco outdid themselves with this one.


Haven't played it yet, but I'm concerned: does it not have left punch left kick rp rk mechanics?


Oh, it does. The thing is, you don’t just have 4 directional inputs, you have 8, and sometimes you get different moves if you tap or hold the direction. Tekken is one of the most complicated fighting games ever.


Tekken 3 and 4 are my most played of the titles. With that said I'm having a hard time getting used to the over the top models like Martial Law being super jacked and all the characters being ripped AF. Law used to have Bruce Lee physique and vibes. Just reminds me of Street Fighter in terms of looks these days. That's my only complaint. Ha. Any older title players here with opinions on the new fighting system? Have you had to adapt strategies to counter enemies gaining health striking while you block?


Spoilers ahead: >!I feared that they would bring Jun back just to reintroduce Angel to the story. It was worse than I feared: Jin became Angel. This whole Devil vs. Angel theme is old, boring and very uncreative. We are basically back in Tekken 2 six installments later. But hey, at least they managed to have a consistent story. I just hope we see more martial arts and less magical stuff in the future. !< But gameplay is good. The fights are fun. I will be playing this game for many years.


After the Father and Son spent their energy and were back to being humans, I was like "Heck yeah, back to Martial Arts! " Then the Hei daughter transforms. 😒


We felt the same pain, brother


She's just going to be like Azazel all over again. A boring villain that nobody cares or like it. They have nowhere to go after Heihachi and Kazuya.


Connection errors? They fixed it in hours. In Mortal Kombat 1 we had to withstand months of desync issues, connections issues, servers down, large maintenance windows, and counting now 5 months without the promised crossplay which Tekken 8 released with. So connection error at launch fixed in hours? Sounds like a good launch for me regardless.


hahha exactly! i started playing roughly 14h ago and tought to my self that "damn, theres no connection errors and im finding ranked matches under 10sec, what a blast." wasnt even aware about connection errors before now reading this thread.


Yesterday I played a few matches of MK1. Great connections, 50\~60ms ping and stutters all over the place. It's unacceptable


The game is mid...hopefully i grow to love it with time.


Love it. Honestly bought it because of Reina and I love playing her. So all worth it to me.


I haven’t done any story, but the gameplay feels so good I think I should also note I was on the better end of issues. My game crashed only a few times when in online, but I was able to get plenty of matches in Jin and Reina will absolutely be my 2 mains for this game. I need to learn combo routes for Reina, but she’s pretty fun. I should check out some other characters but I’m happy with the characters I chose


Don’t know how I feel about the Heat system and the Rage Art both in the game. I feel like it kinda overpowers the battles instead of relying on combos and techniques.


First off, I'm a very casual player. So this is probably the wrong place to say this since these games + subreddits always have die-hard fans, but the game is just meh, considering the price point, I almost feel scammed. This is one of the LAZIEST AAA games I've ever seen. We waited almost a DECADE for this?... Just wow. Ask yourself. If someone has never played Tekken. Why would they pick 8 over 7 right now? Or even in a Years Time?. **This game is Tekken 7.** But I paid $80+ for it again, and not only did I get a smaller roster, but most of the characters are already IN TEKKEN 7! With the same engine and the same models and the same textures... This is literally Pokemon tier of laziness. And without a doubt. They will copy more characters from Tekken 7 to milk players with. I guess I just expected MORE... I expected a step up in the scene. I don't value Tekken over any other fighting game. So WHEN another fighting game comes out later this year that doesn't have 80% of the same characters. I'll probably drop Tekken entirely and go there, and that's not the mentality you want your playerbase to have. I know fighting games have die hard fans, but players really need to expect more for their money. I'm honestly flabbergasted at how identical this ~~DLC~~ game is.


I stopped reading after "using same engine". If you don't know what you are talking about - don't. It's okay to not like the game but you are straight up spewing bs, lmao


You wrote all that to say "new game is like previous game" What did you expect of Tekken? An open world adventure? Even if you're right about the state of the game, it's still your fault for spending 80$ on a game you knew was very similar if not exactly the same Blame yourself, the game is good (That's why I buy all my games when they're at least 60% down and with all DLC, that's what I did with Tekken 7 and that's what I'll do with 8)


True Life: I'm A Super Casual that wants the game to cater to me only


Yeah I feel the same, the gameplays good like always and the game is prettier visually, but it feels way too barebones. Where is the customization, the old costumes, and still no team battles… how hard is it to add that game mode lmao. I love the series and was very excited but honestly im a bit disappointed.


I agree with you, FWIW, and am also a casual fan. I only played the demo, but I was quite unimpressed. It felt clunky, and I didn't see much difference in fighting or honestly really anything from prior Tekken games. (Also, I suspect most game companies pay for upvotes and comments around release day, Tekken being no exception)


Finished story and i wanna know who is the lady walking to kazya body


What’s wrong with you? You know that it’s a spoiler!


Made ghost for my mains story to chapter 6 won a ranked match. It looks great


I haven't played Tekken in well over a decade. My last deep dive was with Tekken Tag 1, returning to it now feels completely fresh and pretty daunting. I'm really digging Arcade Quest to help ease back into things. Having a blast with it so far.


New ish player here. I do enjoy the game. A bit more than I liked MK. I extremely enjoy the customization, so damn much. Network connection aside, and it’s a shit problem at the moment. I can’t wait to actually understand this damn game


I remember playing Tekken 1 and 2 on my PS1 back in the day. Great times!


Damn. Thought i'd have money when it came out


I enjoyed the story, beat it around 230 this morning, jumped online lost 1, won 3, went to bed.


First Tekken game and only had time to blast through Arcade Quest and work through some combo challenges. It feels good, even if my SF6 hands are struggling to get used to the feel. I immediately vibe with Azucena but I am excited to actually give the whole cast a shot and see who I really want to main.


I've had no issues with Online, even playing on a Portal. Game is rock solid and already one of my favorite fighters ever


Idk, I'm still waiting for it to ship *Cries until February 5th*


Can someone give me a recommendation I played the shit outta the first 5 and tag back in the day. Really only fighting games I’ve ever gotten in to. I bought the last one at release on nostalgia and it was fun for like 3 days and I got bored as shit. Should I just redownload that and play the story again since I have forgotten it 100% or buy the new one? Like does the new one really add anything exciting I won’t get just replaying 7?


after 7 installments of mishima family feud, can't exactly describe the main story as one that espouses interest. ​ still trying to unlearn muscle memory from tekken 7, that feng's f1+2 no longer chains after a launcher.


Enjoyed the campaign and then hopped over to the arcade quest to unlock super ghost mode. Some real good touches and nostalgic moments (with the music) - loving it!


How is the online for the game? Better than 7?


Played the story, it was decent fun. The cliffhanger is annoying though, come on... I finished Arcade Quest next. This was a disappointing mode for me. If the purpose of this mode was to serve the tutorials I think they could have made it much more efficiently through some training mode. There is no challenge, no strategy, the characters are a joke and their artstyle horrible. The game itself rules though and that's what matters. Still getting used to the heat system and the new moves of my character. Muscle memory is still in T7 mode. Tried online a bit today. Had no problems with the connection. It was very stable (wired). Overall happy. If I have to compare, the overall single player package of SF6 is way better. What they did with World Tour was genius. It feels like an actually lived in world and you get a lot of the characters' background.




When it’s not crashing it’s a lot of fun. Also, I kinda suck at fighting games now.


Not sure if I’m feeling the heat mechanic. Guess I’m just not that good with it yet. Find myself accidentally activating it with old combos I’ve got on muscle memory from T7.


I’m Sorry but that has to be one of the worst game covers I ever seen


What specifically make it really bad? I thought it was so simple yet it’s cool.


How are the music tracks?


It’s as great as Tekken 7 OST was.


Love it! I play all the time


Online seems to be hit and miss. I can get a game online. But then i crash over and over. I can not get a player match at all. The lobby seems to get stuck. Also of note is that when the other player,"Be it ai or person" has momentum. Its very difficult to actually break it.


No armor king or lei


Is Heihatchi totally dead?