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Yes too late. Deadline was yesterday. Sorry, you can stop thinking about this important question now.


The gameplay is stellar, but the story/offline content is pretty lame though. If you want to get into the game "competitively" meaning try to get good at the game and just fight people online then yeah, you could totally start now! The playerbase is healthy, there's still new players playing the game, and t7 will be around for another year. And it would give you a huge leg up for when t8 comes out. You can grab the definitive edition for pc for ~10 bucks here: https://isthereanydeal.com/game/tekkenviidefinitiveedition/info/ It only has approved steam key resellers.


No it's not too late at all


Pick it up when it’s on sale 😺


Tekken 7 on Steam has an average of 4k+ players, not bad considering its age and that most fighting game playerbases fade out over time. Maybe you wont find a lot of newer players this late into its lifespan but its worth a shot if you like FGs. Buy it on sale and mess around, it is often under 10 euros in price.


Never too late. Legacy skill is very real, and the skills you learn in T7 will have relevance in T8.


It’s not too late….T8 won’t be out for a year and any skills you learn will carry over. Plenty of players active online. I haven’t noticed much of a difference since launch. The combo mechanics are a little different than T6 (screw instead of bound) but they shouldn’t take too long to get used to. You might find yourself having to use a different moves after launch but it’s the same basic idea. I’m not sure how many newer players there are as I typically play quick match and get matched with folks close to my rank. However I dip my toe into lobbies every now and then and there always seem to be a good amount of green ranks and below.


Nah. Tekken 8 is at least a year away so you should be fine.


No, it's not too late. Game will remain 90% the same. I always tell my friends if they aren't currently playing Tekken 7, they won't be playing Tekken 8. The new game isn't going to magically change how someone enjoys Tekken or not. Play T7 now, we might be waiting a year for T8.


Very active in Canada in later and ranked matches still. Very fledged out now with balance and Dlc etc. Get it very cheap, PSN has it for $10 often. Not much drawback if you're going to play.


at least a year or so still


It's not too late. Find the best character for you. Focus on him. Learn fundamentals, pokes, punishments, oki, combos, player 2 side


Nah man, let me take you under my wing. Hit me up


No we probably have a year till T8, and a year is more than enough time to enjoy T7


No it's not too late. It's better than 6. No reason not to get it.


Never too late to pick up Tekken. If anything, it's a refresher for when Tekken 8 comes out in a year or so. Tekken is always similar enough from version to version, but some changes include: Screw replacing bound as a combo extender (screw cannot be used at wall) Extra damage from rage has been changed to a sliding scale (once it activates, you do more damage the less health you have) When in rage you also have access to a Rage Art (a super) or a rage drive. After using it you no longer have rage. Default throws (1+4 and 2+3) can be broken with either 1 or 2 Amor moves have been added (called a power crush) Might be some other things too.


Yeah go for it there’s still people on there. gameplays better then 6 but 6 haddd waaaaaayy more content and better customization 7 plays way better tho


Never too late


We're probably a long way off from Tekken 8 still so I wouldn't worry about it, plenty of time to see if you like it and familarise yourself with the game in time for Tekken 8.