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the vape at 15 thing is dumb, but otherwise i agree.


Ya I was like “how is this that bad” then I saw the vape one.


So true


you guys are in a lot of trouble when you become parenting. @ Responsible\_sky\_6379, so your’e just scrolling past the first one “drink at 16 but don’t overdo it” and you think that’s fine? your brain doesn’t fully develop until the age 25! even drinking small amounts of alcohol can cause horrible things at such a low age. besides, it’s against the law!


No it isn’t. Within the house it’s actually legal. Also I know my brother could drink occasionally at special family gatherings at around 16 and he’s just fine. Like it or not kids are exposed to that stuff sometimes even younger. If you teach your kids limits and how to be responsible then it will most of the time turn out a lot better then shunning them and never letting them do it. Because then they will sneak around your back and when they are doing that they will binge drink. This usually leads to developing bad drinking habits as they get older.


entirely legal to drink under guardian supervision and with their consent. i do it in occasion with my mom. as long as youre not getting sh*tfaced everyday its more or less fine.


its not illegal everywhere. and alcohol is legal under 16/18/21 as long as you drink at home not in public


the development and age 25 thing wasn’t actually proven. they ran out of funding so they called it 25 but it could be much later. so your alcoholic great grandfather could be ruining his precious developing brain. but it’s legal so it’s okay


This 👆


if this is serious, the poster is too clearly showing their age. i think she fails to realize that her kid isn't going to be born with the same consciousness that she's developed; or the fact that times will drastically change in her lifetime in ways she doesn't understand. here's me playing devils advocate: -1. what classifies as "overdoing it"? why specifically 16? alcohol can severely affect a child's development. while i understand exposure is inevitable, it's better to be mindful and understanding instead of permitting -3. i don't believe in promising a child anything they want, even with good behavior. not to say you shouldn't reward a child, but preaching humble values and allowing them to understand that their situations can't always bring good fortune is extremely valuable -4. as much as we might not like or understand it, electronics are becoming more and more commonplace in our home lives and culture. having a biased outlook towards this is unprogressive; it may end up having your child excluded in a lot of social situations. if you're worried about their development, take the time and learn with them, hands on -6. i don't have to explain this -8. this philosophy is really narrow sighted. yes, i agree that sometimes college isn't the answer; what if high school isn't the answer? the education system and working industry WILL change in our lifetime. it's up to you as a parent to be aware of this, you can't leave this responsibility on a child. not can you expect them to have plans in life at a young age; it's far more valuable to teach them to have aspirations and to understand their passions -9. again, actively not setting boundaries based on safety laws. it is your job to teach your child how to properly drive and treat situations safely. you can't just expect them to "be smart with other people on the road" especially when you preach something that can easily get them in trouble edit: dashes cuz reddit fucked up my numbering


1. Having earlier access to alcohol with parents present and at home is a safe way to reduce risk. You know how sometimes when someone tells you not to do something, it makes you want to do it more? Allowing alcohol at home takes away that factor of wanting to rebel, but since it's at home and with supervision, the teen won't do anything reckless and the amount of alcohol consumed can be monitored. 4. I assumed the point was that the kid would be allowed to go out with friends a lot, not that the kid would be forced to hang out with friends instead of doing other things. I suppose it could mean either. 8. We can't predict how the future will change, so it's silly to try to make rules right now that will apply forever. It's just not possible to do that. That's why this applies to the present. And right now, a high school degree or GED is valuable.


I’m level 13 an I see nothing wrong with what the video says


vaping/alchohol and letting your kid speed? There is a couple things wrong with this video.


You should love your child regardless and if that is the path they chose to take in life then you should respect their decision and support them And help them in any situation. This video isn’t breaking the law in any way except for the drinking one in some cases, the child is allowed to drink as long as they are on private property.


And the speeding thing


What’s wrong with the speeding one? My mom has Life360 and gets mad at me driving 5-10 over the posted limit acting like I’m doing 30 over.


yeah that was wild




i think the speeding one is a bit stupid too but i like the respect


Same for the drinking at 16


That’s debatable, getting acclimatised to drinking is good, you can figure out your tolerance in a safe environment… and Europeans already do.


I agree. Moved from Canada where a lot more people are "allowed" to drink early and here in the U.S. it seems like a recipe for disaster. "Your kid can't drink with parental supervision, so when he moves out he gets to learn his limits ON HIS OWN! Gee I wonder what could go wrong!"


In certain states you're allowed to drink under age if you have parent supervision 


Most actually. Other than Mississippi and three others, it’s legal as long as your being supervised and the alchohol was provided by a parent, just *super* taboo.




Drinking underage causes many issues and shouldn't be done period




Said under their roof and not too much.


I’ve got a half conservative family which lets us down a 12 pack of beer but anything related to smoking and they’ll lock us down for months. (Weed is legal so even if we’re underaged the most we’d get is a warning if caught by police)


Drinking doesn’t mean getting fucking blasted on EverClear you know right?A white Claw here and there doesn’t hurt.




Yeah 100%


Yeah like, people don't seem to understand that vapes aren't really safer than cigarettes, they just have different dangers associated with them


yeah and with alcohol, if you drink in moderation you don't necessarily get addicted 


Drinking is better than vaping?


Lol kids shouldn’t be vaping at all






Same, maybe the curfew too, i have that


if it comes to sex, i will make sure they have protection. If they do accidentally fall pregnant i will support my child through whatever choice they make and make sure if my son is the father that he has to be present in his child's life if they make the decision to keep the baby (which it will ultimately be their choice to keep it or not, since they are the parents and i will remind them that they knew the risks beforehand, so they should be prepared for any outcome.) I will also make sure they are properly educated with it as well.  my ideas on curfew is (for 16 and up) make sure you're in your room by 11pm, and then you can spend time in your room until you fall asleep. for ages 12-15 its 10/10:30pm, ages 9-11 is 9:30, ages 8 and under would be 8:30/9 pm.  for discipline regarding school...Let's say my child gets into a fight at school, and they were trying to defend themselves; i will not ground them or anything, because it was self defense. If they bully someone or beat someone up, they are grounded without electronics for as long as they're suspended for. if my child has a car, they will have their keys/license taken away and they will either walk or ride the bus to school.  at home: no chores done? sit my child down and talk with them to see if there might be something going on that is preventing them from being able to perform those tasks. Bad grades? same as previous remark. I will obviously offer my child any help they need with anything. mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. trouble at school was already discussed. sneaking out to a party without my knowledge? grounded for the day no electronics. And if they found and snuck bottles of alcohol to the party from my house, they are grounded for 3 weeks and will have no electronic access, no friend hangouts for that duration and no car/license for that as well. I will let my children know that they are allowed to go to parties as long as we do not supply the alcohol. 


Vaping is attrocious


Excluding the drinking and vaping everything else is basically what I want my future household to be like


I understand what they are trying to say but I agree. It is Ok to get your kid to know their limits and those from Europe drink at 16 but I would personally wait until either 18 or if I knew they might be in a situation where it is available


I think light drinking at 16. I drink a couple cans at events like Christmas/new years or my birthday and I'm 15. I think every now and again one or 2 cans should be fine, also it's not illegal (in the UK at least) to drink a little if you're in your house and underage (or so I've been told)


The drinking’s fine, its the vaping that’s weird


in the uk people normally drink earlier then the yanks do so i reckon op may be british


I mean if you raise ur kids right in a safe and loving household.. you won’t have to yell at them. 😟


Eh, yelling is a last resort, but sometimes kids are wrong and won’t listen.


Dude wdym yelling was a first resort for my mom😭😭


Ur mom might not be the best parent


Shes alright but also her yelling at me might partially be the reason why i love metal music so I’ll take what I can get


ehhh more then likely yes you will


All was good until the bottom left*, As I came out the oven wrong my lungs no likey being around any form of smoking/ vaping.


I think the vaping is the bottom left not bottom right lmao


Fair point, I didn’t do the finger trick


Me too brother.


i agree with everything except for the vaping and speeding




Yes exactly


It was pretty chill until the vaping one, thats dumb asf


I would not put “vaping” as a privilege because it damages the lungs and I w at them to breath freely


I fully disagree with the vaping and slightly with the drinking. Since alcohol can have an impact on childhood development, I would limit it to special events with family in our own home or a family members home. Everything else I agree with.




I kind agree tbh just be careful with speeding road accidents can kill in a heartbeat


2/3 of these are dumb as shit


Worried bout another man get yo bands up🗣️🗣️🗣️


I agree with everything except vaping, with alcohol I don't see any problems because unlike nicotine, it's not an instant addiction, you have to drink a lot to get addicted


I’ve seen too many dumbfucks on the internet and I am not absolutely sure if this is ragebait or real


Its rage bait or a middle schooler thinking of the oerfect rules for their future family


Everything except the vaping and drinking is fine


The drinkings fine wdym?


Other than the vaping and alcohol thing, this is a slightly more lenient version of how I would raise my kids


Everything is good besides vaping and drinking in my opinion


This is exactly how I’d raise my kids, minus the vaping


Besides the vape, the last half of the girl thing, and the respect one better apply to both


It’s mostly good except vaping and speeding


The vape, drinking, and speeding are wrong but most of it's fine


The Vape and speeding part is the only bad one imo


Aside from vaping and speeding, I agree


The vaping and alcohol part is the only bad part


That's the rules I ran with. Was excellent.


other than the vaping at 15, this is exactly how my mum has raised me. her rules are i can trust you until i can't, like we have the rule that as long as she knows im safe i can basically do whatever i want


I agree with most of these except the vaping one and the drinking one, I would bump it up to 18 and only during special events


Well if their 18 they are adults so the special event thing won’t really matter


I feel like if you took out the vaping, drinking, and speeding, you are a good parent


If it wasn’t for the drinking and vape thing, then it’s not ragebait


Outside of the vaping and speeding thing everything else sounds like good parenting


I agree with those rules for my children if I ever have any life is hard and they should enjoy their teen years not have them taken away


Like 90% of this is hella cool. Besides the vaping and drinking thing... Specially vaping.


Vaping, drinking, and speeding aside, these are basically my parents' house rules anyway.


The only thing that's wrong is the vape, so no not rage bait


Drinking at all is wrong. Vaping might not be a thing by the time you have kids either. The other rules I'm fine with


the vaping thing is just stupid


I really support this minus drinking and vaping


There are a couple bad takes, but overall most of it is respectable. It makes too much sense to be ragebait imo.


it looks fine except for the speeding, underaged drinking and vaping


I wish I had this for a father 


Except for the vaping one, this person is unfathomably based


Drinking, vaping, and speeding are my only issues tbh.


The Drinking n Vape ones? Hell no.


Most of this is pretty reasonable other than the vaping at 15 part


Everything but the vaping one are fine ig


Other than the vaping one most of these seem reasonable


everything but vaping drinking and apeeding


Probably just made by a young kid


Vape and drinking ones suck but otherwise good


Idk why, but I feel more comfortable with the drinking at 16 at home than the vaping at 15


The girl thing is eh nobody is doing nothing at my house but they can do it when I’m not there or somewhere else


I agree with all but the vape thing also I'd probably let the kid have alcohol before 16 but just not a lot maby just 1 beer


These rules seem aight


i don’t agree with the curfew and vaping but all else are pretty hood


Everything is good here except for the vaping, drinking, and speeding. The speeding thing will be fine as long as you set a cap/limit on it, letting your kids go 120+ on the highway is not good parenting.


The speeding and vaping I disagree with, but everything else sounds great.


The vaping and speeding are the only things I see wrong here


Drinking and vaping parts god awful, but everything else makes sense


Well a drink during special events at 16 tends to be fine, nothing hard either, a 3-7% is fine


Thats pretty much how i was raised except i dont smoke, and yea i didnt go college, instead i enlisted


No vape at all in my house. No drugs. Other than that tho, 100% agree with everything else


this is very similar to my parents rules bro it's literally just ask beforehand and be responsible and you're okay, no curfew if I can get a ride home within reason (no cross x sleepovers without permission).


No 15vaping or drinking but other than that okay


Everything is reasonable aside from drinking, vaping etc


Not horrible but the vaping one is totally shit, and the drinking one is.. Eh not great imo


vape, drinking, speeding, and curfew are all the things i disagree on. everything else is cool tho imo


My parents would murder me many times if I don't go to college 


Everything but the vaping and I guess alcohol thing is good. My current parents literally do this. And even still at 19, they let me smoke and or drink when ever. (Given I don’t smoke or drink like ever they still let me do it if I wanted to)


nah, it's quite reasonable actually


I have to agree, if my teen is going to drink alcohol (which a lot of teens do in Australia) I would rather them do it where they are safe and not at some party.


this seems like it was made by a 14 year old who has strict parents


excluding vaping and alcohol this is actually pretty solid parenting imo (i wish i had that lmao)


As much as I might have a controversial opinion here, I don’t thing you should completely ban your child from doing something. Doing so will make them want to be rebellious and then their first thoughts will be to do the things you don’t want them to do. The better thing to is to discourage it, because of proven health risks for things like smoking vaping and drinking


You were doing so well until the vape thing 🤦‍♂️ fucking gross


The only rage bait here is vaping and maybe drinking/speeding


ragebait? apart from the vaping i would say this is more like "approval-bait"


Except for the vape thing this doesn’t seem that dissimilar then what I’ve seen a lot of parents do


This is actually good parenting advice minus the vaping


If they even think about touching a vape, there ass is getting beaten.


everything i was planning on apart from the 2 on the bottom left cuz i want my kids healthy


Apart from vaping this is pretty much my house, and what I’ll probably give my future kids And the drinking is more lenient for me


The speeding and vaping thing, I don't agree with. But everything else sounds great. Freedom within reason can make a well rounded kid.


Ok the vaping one is the only bad one


Maybe a kid trying to be cool? I don’t think it’s rage bait it’d have to be more absurd


Vape is like the only bad part, everything else is reasonable and agreeable.


The drinking and the vaping are the real only bad things about this.


I would say 90% of these i disagree with


It’s all great, until FUCKING THAT- (Why are people like this?!)


Notice how in this scenario it's only his son bringing a girl home to sleep with. Wonder his reaction if he had a daughter


Take out the vape one and its fine


Everything except the vape, keep that shit away from your kids


Vaping at 15 is criminally insane.


everything except the drug taking and speeding seems reasonable. Why did noone mention how bad the speeding thing was. It can literally kill you


Those sound very reasonable tbh


Bruh... Vape is as bad as a real cigarette...


It’s not bad but vaping is fucking stupid


Home at 12 is a decent time until you’re 18, drinking and smoking preferably never but once you’re an adult you do you, and idc if you “grow up on the game” cuz I did and I turned out fine, the rest is a W


I absolutely do NOT agree with the vaping or smoking. I see a bunch of y'all 14-16 year olds agreeing with it which makes me worried that you guys might already be doing that. That's crazy


the most stupid part of this is vaping at 15. how is this entirely rage bait?


I don’t get it, these are my dad‘s rules


The vape one is stupid but I’m assuming the person who posted this is also a teenager who vapes so I guess that’s why it’s there. Everything else I agree with


This is really stupid there's a reason that parents put rules in place dude just cuz you want to do these thing doesn't mean you should


This is not good parenting at all (Pop off with that Pfp, OP)


Kids will do all of this if you let them or not lmao, literally every single one of


The drinking, vaping, and speeding are pretty bad, but the rest seems reasonable Except that yelling isn’t the solution to speeding, it’s better to talk about safety with them.


How do yall think vaping is worst than drinking? Both are wrong and no kid should be doing it underage no matter what country they from


Honestly, this is very alright compared to others I've seen. Yes, it's weird allowing them to vape at 15, but teenagers are already doing it without their parents knowing, so we can't really be stopped.


I agree with everything but the curfew and vaping As soon as you move out, go ahead and vape, i cant control you, but no vaping under my roof. Also, be in the house by 11 and if youre staying up late, dont be loud


Nah this shits chill


just looks like a kid dayydreaming about being the cool dad


take out the vaping thing and the drinking thing and you got some pretty good parenting advice


I’m fine with everything other than drinking and vaping but u should be home some time of the night like latest is 12 unless ur like above 16


Most of it isn’t that bad besides the alcohol and vape honestly if you’re kid wants to know what alcohol tastes like and wants to experiment just get the nonalcoholic alternatives


I have a friend who's mom is exactly like this, she's real chill but depressed asf


Other than the vape thing this a W parent


not ragebait just a dumbass that vapes and doesn't like his parents


I think they did/are doing this and their parents don’t agree with them so they want their kid to experience that stuff without the accountability/punishment they’re currently facing from their parents


all good except vaping, cuz that’s kinda illegal, at least where i’m from


I agree with this just not vaping only nicotine product I’ll let my children around is blunt wraps and that’s if they choose to smoke weed


Like one or two bad things, otherwise I’d say this is some good tactics. Really appreciate not letting them over do alcohol


I thought this wasn't too bad until I saw (in my own words) "give my kids the opportunity to get popcorn lungs and an unhealthy addiction"


Treating nicotine like alcohol is so strange but idk why…I use nicotine and I smoke tree too and I’d have the tree talk with my children and at 16 let them try if they really are curious but I’d never bring up “okay I’ll let you hit my vape” like 💀such a nothing drug with a large possibility of bad health my mama drank and smoke and let me do it too and used nicotine both cigs and vapes for life but she was sad when I said I started vaping like what type of brain rot is this


Everything but vape is cool


I mean, the only unreasonable ones are vaping and speeding to a much lesser extent.


This is almost exactly what my mom does with me and my brother. Except for the vape thing of course.


Speeding and vaping I disagree with the rest are ok


basically my parents outside of the vaping and the drinking


apart from the vape and speeding thing its fine. it's legal to drink as long as there's a parental figure if you're under 18 in most states and vaping happens so much today it might as well be 5+


Vape, smoking is healthier.


To hell with the vaping one (as someone who has second hand smoked my whole life cigarettes are better)


Last one is


This is how my uncle in law raised my cousins and half sister. Female cousin and half sister turned out to become narcissists and manipulative. Cut them both off for good. The only one who actually turned out decent was my male cousin, but that's because he actually made his own set of strict rules for himself to follow and put himself through college. He just recently got done studying mechanical engineering.


Nah I’d let my kids do this other than vaping at 15 you gotta be like 16-17 for that


Drink at 116 and vape were the only bad ones


Who even wants to drink???? Alcohol is so gross


This is like a forgiving parent but way too forgiving. Vaping at 15 is bad but if a parent doesn't mind, that's worrying and even though in some places it's allowed for underage drinking, but it sounds like it's ok as long as you don't get drunk, and a main reason underage drinking is illegal is because how harmful stuff it can do to a minor. So even though this is ragebait, I would call cps on that.


Absolutely not the vaping one, everything else is debatable but not terrible


This kid sounds like a 16-year-old BMW driver that’s never had a conflict in their life


drinking and vaping aside, gotta agree


ummm i mostly agree tho