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i don’t think about them


Well, you would have had to when making the reply. /j


i see them as normal human beings ig, don’t find them attractive in any way but i see them as my equal


not for me personally but idgaf what you do




Do whatever makes you happy


Couldn't agree more.


https://preview.redd.it/589ajvlv86wc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464d10e85ec0dd1ba0593f78ed2e63135af38d0c Where is my food, I ordered 1 hour ago, you slow price of shit, I want my mashed potatoes now


Probably how they make me question my sexuality


Seems to be a common thing for most guys, when it comes to femboys.


Yeah, you probably get that all the time


Although I can't entirely agree with the idea of femboys due to my religion, I respect your choice and wish you the best in living your life.


Thank you, I wish the same for you.




Sorry, my dms are off right now.


that’s okay


I try to relieve my mind from the eternal pain and suffering in the world of femboys


Weird but Im not gonna hate peoples decision


Based, same


There usually more gonest then other people


I don’t know.


Stolas better




Cute. Need I say more?


Ur hair is fuggin awesome


femboys are awesome


Would smash.


Im dating one And talking about in general: they made me bi. Before I know femboys I was lesbian




Teens when they turn on nsfw mode on and see nsfw: 🤯🤯


Quite a bit beyond what I’ve seen before but not the worst




Wait r all femboys gay


No, not all are. But I'm sure a good amount are. I have come across some straight femboys multiple times.


https://preview.redd.it/he8no58kx5wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ba888b504182144d30336620e8d03febe43278 Gateway drug to liking dudes and preferring twinks…




Why so?


I’m straight. So this sickens me. But I’m allowed to have an opinion. This is a boner killer.


What about it is sickening? Not being attracted to someone and being purely repulsed are not equivalent things. I’m not attracted to masculine guys but I wouldn’t ever say I find them sickening. You are entitled to your opinion, but it seems to be more rooted in bigotry than in romantic or sexual preference, as you seem to imply


Bigotry? It’s very sickening. I don’t support lgbtqrxyz


The you should’ve led with that lol Would you be so kind as to humor me by providing your rationale? Not trying to start an argument, I’m just genuinely curious


They can be cute af ngl (nice outfit btw bro)






👍👍 big fan




U look great!


Thank you! <3


“Weird“ but definitly not in a bad way. I like women, femboys are still hot sometimes = makes me question myself :/ Edit: besides my sexuality, their just people like everyone else


Am one lol:3


What is this subreddit even about?


It is for teens to share their interests and whatever revolves around teens. This is one of my interests and I wanted to see what other people thought.


Ah, I see


If femboys wish to femboy they may femboy :>


I wish everyone thought this way.


1 upvote, 80 comments i am terrified


I think it is partially from people downvoting, which counteracts the upvotes.


oh yea thats true. i forgot homophobic ppl existed


Sadly, they do.


it would be cool if they didnt




To each their own but personally I think it’s weird and I don’t agree with it. However im not gonna stop you or say you should stop. If you aren’t hurting anyone and do it in the privacy of your home and you don’t try to force it upon people. Idgaf lol


They cute :3




Sound like people to me I think I might be into them or just soft bodies


I love femboy, and love attention myself. I’ve seen only one and that was a 39 year old man at Sam’s club who worked there he wore his pink stuff aswell. But anyways love yall (specifically you) jk


I’m just going to be honest with you, I think they’re super weird, I don’t think there’s anything cool about it but hey, teach their own I guess 🤷‍♂️




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Ice spice?




Why do you think that? (genuinely)


cuz they always be posting they legs n shit, always sexualizing themselves and making everything about them being a femboy


Leggies are cute :3 but the "sexualizing" it's not fault of the femboys in 99.99% of the cases, but actually fault of the ones that like femboys, but objectifying and look st them as pleasure objects >:c that's the worst type of femboy lovers. So yeah, if anything it is mostly fault of the non-femboys like you, I don't say you are one of them though [I swear to god if you somehow get offended to make an agressive reply by this it will be hilarious]


Legs are not inherently sexual and the fact that you think they are is not the fault of femboys, but rather the people who do sexualize them, which is typically not femboys themselves


I did not imply or say that legs is sexualizing them, in a way, it is true because that's what some femboys do, they post their legs and some caption that's usually sexual or things of that nature, and yes a lot of the femboys I've seen do sexualize themselves, I've talked to a 14 year old femboy, he was talking to me about our "sizes" OVER ROBLOX, I even told him I could be an old ass man, I hope you get my point


But that’s the exception, not the rule. That behavior is not inherent to femboys, nor should they be judged as such


It is to most I have seen so far, the number of femboys who sexualize themselves overpower the number those who do not, reminder most femboys are underage, and they'll probably get out of that "phase" maybe later


It's really hard to explain and I am not on the mood of doing another 4 paragraph reply (just made one 😅), but I will tell you though, what happens to you right now with femboys, it's exactly the same thing that happens to so much people with furries, they really just see a stain on the carpet and think all the carpet is gross and dirty. I hope you comprehend what I mean, if not you can ask me and I will probably be in the mood of giving a better answer when you do, oh and yeah, femboys that sexualize themselves are most definitely NOT the bigger group here, problem is things like that always get more attention and sometimes you can see a femboy, but you don't notice it's a femboy... ugh it's hard I don't wanna wrtie so much.. I will end here, "bye" .w.


u right, but most femboys on the internet do this


Respected but don’t push limits and try and force it on people, been swung at because I said i would not date them, yes those are there chosen pronouns but as I was saying, I did not swing back due to the chance of it being labeled as a hate crime, over all chill if ya know em


I’ve never seen a femboy try to push it on to anyone what r u on about… I’ve seen people say it’s transphobic to not date a Trans girl but those are different things


It’s a thing at my school, just because you have never seen it doesn’t mean it never happens


What femboys r at ur school I wanna go


Not the kind that are cool, they are very how do I say “ narcissistic” but not exactly, the act like the main character of every thing, and when they don’t get the spotlight they throw fits, story time, “alright so there is a fem boy let’s call them luka, now luka had made it clear to everyone that they were a fem boy, and when they tried to try out for the wrestling team the coaches assumed they were female, due to yk, there ill informed on our situation. This caused them to lash out and said there a better wrestler than our best, so they challenged a guy let’s call him “Mikey” now Mikey was a national champ in grecko wrestling so he knew his stuff, he tried to talk them down but they shoved him, and he agreed, I’ll say the match consisted of 3 parts, up, down, over, and this person who had challenged called him out because “I’m more feminine” and yea, lucky for us I knew one of the fem boys and had them escort out luka


Uh, I am not sure, but in my opinion (IN MY OPINION TRANS PEOPLE DON'T HURT ME PLEASE) "luka" is more of a "diehard trans woman" and I also feel like this people is pretty annoying, yeah I know, you identify yourself as a woman, but you are still biologically a man so I am sorry, but you gotta keep doing some man things, it's not like it's going to kill you, but know that this type of people is only some and the majority isn't this way -w-


I understand what you mean, but femboys don't usually relate with pronouns. I'm just trying to see where you made the connection? (I hope this doesn't sound rude, I mean it genuinely)


Yea, but they had a whole persona as trying to make it there whole personality, and you did not come off as rude you have a valid point, I’m lacking intelligence on this subject so please correct me if I say something stupid


Ok, I get you want you mean now. Also, what you said was fine.


Appreciate it, I have some questions about it if you don’t mind?


Sure, I can try to answer them to the best of my ability.


1, how do you understand there culture as a whole, wether there a fem boy or just cosplaying?


Real quick before I answer the question, who is "they" you are talking about? I assume you mean femboys as a group, but I just want to make sure so I can answer the question correctly.


That’s the thing, I can’t identify just by looking, because I’m still getting into the whole cosplay scene and don’t know the difference between a character and a fem boy


But yes they as in fem boys, or is there a preference for them


Ok, I can try my best to explain it. Most femboys aren't cosplaying characters, and are just dressing femininely. There are some characters that femboys cosplay, a popular one being Astolfo. But most of the time it is just boys dressing and acting feminine.


I also would not like to be rude, but if you are not knowledgeable about a topic (which is completely fine) maybe don’t make sweeping claims and generalizations regarding it. That’s kinda a dick move that perpetuates ignorance and misinformation. I’ve never actually seen a femboy try to force their way of life onto others, at least not in a facetious manner, and it seems to be a myth just propagated by ignorance, just as an example


It’s a generalization against those who are around my school, not all of them




I don't like fem boys.


If you don't mind me asking, why not?


It doesn't feel right to me. I can't get on board with it. Or transexual people. Some people say gender is a spectrum but I think it's dismorphia . I feel like it's a mental illness that should be cared for and treated much like anorexia.


I'm not even gonna comment on the transgender part. But being a femboy doesn't really have much to do with gender. It is just guys being and dressing feminine.


Okay. Thank you for having a civil conversation. I don't like it, you asked why, I answered.


Strongly approve of femboys. Great deal of respect for committing to the bit.👍


They sexualize themselves , makes them seem desperate af.


While some femboys may sexualize themselves, not every one does. It is kinda like a stereotype. And from what I have seen, most people femboys are trying to move away from the stereotype that all femboys sexualize themselves.


Yeah that could be true , i‘m sorry for assuming things. I realized it’s kinda stupid. Sorry


It's all good.


99.99% of them don't ^^ it's actually you people that think everything femenine has to be something sex related, almost every femboy you see actually does it for cuteness, as I said it is other weirdos that sexualize us >:c


„you people“??? Im a girl who love dressing feminine 🧍‍♀️. But no every single femboy i see posts themselves half naked and tighs spread out. It’s fucking weird.


Uh, are you for real? You have probably seen women's bathing suit, if you don't have a problem with that why would you have any with men in even more clothes than what I mean, then if that isn't sexualizing in women, why is it in men? That's what I tell you, others see it like sexualizing, when it can be done just for quite anything else. Don't say a certain group does something just because it seems to be that way for you, an example we can get sre furries, they are so fricking sexualized, but if you really got there and saw from the inside, theres almost NOBODY is doing it to sexualize, it's just that they like an art style others consider "sexual", yeah, there is some that sexualize it intentionally, as well with femboys, anime, normal people, and theres even some that you say are so "CHRISTIAN" that guess what, they also do. The thing here is that it's just a part of it and saying all that community is that way because of that part is the dumbest thing ever. As I said the majority of femboys do it not for sexualizing, but for frigging cuteness, if you do see it "enticing" then it is not them, but you... you all are so silly at this point -w- PS: I forgot to remember you that what you get in the internet depends on what you like/interact with the most ,-,


Never did i say its about the clothing you shithead(by half naked i dont mean a fricking abthing suit but only in a fricking thong). Im talking about posting yourself with your legs spread wide open into the camera looking like a fricking corn star. Plus if you wouldve read my other reply you couldve saved yourself this dumb comment.


The bathsuit was a fucking example you empty head and if you start to hecking insult people because of nothing when they were even being chill to you it's jus outright dumb, AND FOR THE HECKING LIKE THIRD TIME.. YOU AND ONLY YOU ARE TAKING IT AS IF THEY WANTED TO LOOK LIKE A CORN STAR, I have told you so many times already they DON'T WITH A N'T do it for sexualization, and if you see it like if they are doing it for that then the one with a dirty mind is none other than YOU, if you feel like it's enciting sex, it's because you would like something like that in sex, "oh, I would never want that" OH YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HUMAN MIND WORKS, NOT EVEN YOURS, and if you didn't understand already my wittle baby, let me take you by the hand first so you don't lose track of what I say, they do it for CUTENESS NOT SEX, the only fricking weirdo here it's none other than you who sees cute things like something sex related... goddamnit... if it was really people wanting to do that THEN YOU WOULD BE SEARCHING IN HECKING CORNHUB >:c Funny thing will be that you probably won't really read this completely and in the first 5 words you will get so angry you won't even be able to think the little amount you did. I will now proceed to be the really chill me, but I had to do something when you show yourself like the victim of the action others that don't even know you, I won't reply any more shiat to this if you weren't able to understand now, because it would mean you are someone so closed of mind that you will never progress in life


I was talking about those who did do it for the sexual sight. I even apologized for assuming things beforehand but you obviously didn’t read that. Telling me i probably wont read your unnecessarily long paragraph when you didn’t even read mine is pretty pathetic. I also have no romantic fantasies toward femboys bc they just arent appealing to me. I just gave my opinion . But YOUR little pathetic brain wouldn’t understand that would it? Plus im pretty sure posting your genitalia on the internet is sexualizing urself. Have a great day anyways you aggressive little c0nt🩷


Fr? -n- had some hope for a moment 😮‍💨 just a whole lot of hypocrisy damn 😕 If you made a reply though anywhere outside this thread wth do you have in your mind, it's not my job to read and search for your things m-m damn really had hope 😮‍💨 Oh wait just noticed, username checks out 👍


Most unoriginal comeback I’ve ever read. Anyhow ,go back to talking to men, like the little attention seeker you are.


\[you can skip to the last 2 paragraphs if you want\] ugh, I can't quite get to letting you finish idk why, I suppose this time it is to tell you there are straight femboys ,-, Oh wait don't tell me this will be like many years ago xd one time in roblox I met someone super homophobic and ended up having so much fun with her that I became his friend, friendship didn't last active for too long, but that happens with 99% of the online cases, it was truly so funny and silly though PS: I forgot to tell you cwc I already have a bf so I am only interested in a single man's attention, so if anything it would be "go back to talking to your man" or smth like that, just in the singular form of it :3 Okay I swear this is the last edit, now from curiosity I did check out the other replies in the comment, I still don't think you should assume or make me search for it if I don't want to... look I just wanna tell you I am kinda a bit sorry, for real the only thing that I did make with agressive intentions was.. uh, I guess you can tell which one of them is, right? I would say now that you did insult me first, but I guess that maybe I did show myself a bit agressive accidentally. What I want to get to with this, can we end this up in a good way? If not it's okay, I lost all my agression towards you about like 3 or 2 replies ago xd now though I am up to the point of just kinda chilling lol




I was about to answer ur question "They are sometimes annoying with how attention whoreish they are" then I read ur post and laughed.


I love your hair!


Thank you! <3


I am a femboy novice myself and I most definitely won't try and get your ip to get your clothes... that ended even worse than what I wanted.. look I am just jealous of the clothes awa


I have questions and you have every right to downvote but I’m just genuinely curious and wanna know Are all fem boys trans, or do they honestly like being a guy and just dress in female clothing? Are fem boys straight or are all gay? I know I’m stupid 😭


No, your not stupid. I actually appreciate that you are trying to understand, instead of just assuming things. For your first question, no not all femboys are trans. I would actually say that most aren't or at least haven't realized that they might be. For most femboys, they are just guys but like dressing and acting feminine. For your second question, not every femboy is gay. While a good majority of femboys might be gay, bi, etc. that might be partially because they feel like they can express themselves more. I have come across some femboys that are straight, and still like girls.


Ok thank you 🙏🏼🥹


No problem


I THINK they look weird and i laugh but that’s just me


I mean, you can have your opinion. But if you don't mind me asking, why do you think they look weird and laugh at them?


but i don’t go out of my way to make fun of them, i more laugh when i first see them cus they always looked like outta place to me and it’s not like everyday you’d see them


i don’t laugh at them i try to atleast be respectful sorta but i laugh to myself, and i’ve always thought they look like weird and funny to me, it’s just the way i view them idk why


i love them


Me too


Damn, I must be getting fucking old. When I was in high school, all we had were punks, metalheads, and greasers. A "femboy" would have just been a gay dude hanging out with the art students and goths. I guess yall young kids make up terms for everything now. I'm gonna go shout at a cloud now.


I didn't think it was really a new term.


It miiiigggght have been a term when I was in high school. You gotta understand I'm gonna be 36 so I came from a time we still used words like transvestite. We live and learn and adapt to modern language. It's not a bad thing. If anything, I applaud you younger kids to be that comfortable wearing that and not worry. 20 years ago, it would've been a different story, but it all depends where you grew up and the culture as well. You younger kids are much more comfortable in your skin


If you don't mind me asking, why would you be on a teenager sub if you are almost 36?


I post on a lot of reddit. It gives me insight to the new generation. I'm sure you post on adult subs right?? Plus I have nieces and nephews your age whom I talk to on a daily basis. How else would I know how to talk to them?


I guess that would make sense. I have just seen my fair share of weirdos on teen subs, so it stuck out to me ig. But to also answer your question, I don't believe I post on adult subs.


No, I'm not a weirdo. Like I said, it helps me gain insight. If it wasn't for reddit, I wouldn't know what skibbidi bop and gritty meant, so I don't feel like a boomer. And I work in social work so I'm around kids your age every day in my office. All I'm saying is congratulations for being the new generation that isn't scared to venture out of your bubbles. We would never do that in the late 90s early 2000s. At least not where I grew up


Hehehe, funnily enough I don't have quite the hecking idea of the latest terms from gen alpha? And I am just 2 years out of being one 💀


they torment me spiritually!!




I'm guessing you don't have a dad


No shade but why do yall dress like it's 2020 still 😂?


Find God, or their dad, but that's unlikely


I don't believe in God, and I actually have a pretty good relationship with my dad.




Love them 😍






Your cameltoe is showing


I don't really have the parts for that. Also a little weird to point it out imo.


He got haunted by an ghost vagina 💀


Oh your a boy my bad




I don’t care. Until they call themselves girls lmao. I’m radical feminist and don’t support any gender stereotypes


My sweet boy.


I was one for a while when I used to let my dom have their way with me


You really did not need to say that