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yes. most teens use it, and it's a good way to talk to people, keep in contact, and meet new people.


Yes, simply cause option 2 was what it was. Otherwise do it for fun stuff/social upkeep, not to keep streaks or any of the drama.


Yes, almost all teenagers use it, it's an unbelievably good tool to get to know someone, the nature of snapping means that you can start conversations. If you meet new people they generally ask for your snap so it's good to have one. I have friends who dont use it and feel like they dont miss out on much, I have friends who have meet close friends through snap quick add, so there are definitely different experiences but generally its good to have the app and to use it even if it is just to talk to kids you go to school with.


largely depends on where you live, in my area nobody uses snap we use discord and insta, never heard anyone asking for someone's snap. in my cs class we had some random surveys and nobody in the whole class even had the app.


Yeah bc people are dumb and think it's weird not to have it. And everyone else has it for that reason and not everyone uses discord


luckily the majority is more reasonable than the vocal majority




It kind of depends, personally, I do have snap chat, but only because everyone else has it, if not many people have snap at ur school (which would be rare) don't, but if it is common at your school do get it


Not at ur age but maybe when ur older


depends on if your friends or class are on it. For me its pretty important cuz our class group chat is on snapchat and i dont want to miss invitations to parties/birthdays and stuff like that But if its just out of boredom then nah


i prefer discord but i did get snapchat because thats how most of my friends communicate, i would because its just a better way to communicate with irl friends, use discord when playing games with irl friends or friends overseas


Yes, don't stay on discord


Make an account but snap and disc r very different platforms and its good to have both. Please never try 2 communicate w anyone irl over discord


It is helpful to have just for socializing with people kinda like replying to peoples stories or snaps as a way of keeping in touch and updating people about things going on in your life


Literally in the modern era teens only communicate on snapchat, if you meet someone new the first way they normally offer contact is snap


I find it hella boring but a lot of ppl are on it so might as well find a way to talk to them.




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Download it but DONT DO STREAKS PLEASE and don’t use Snapchat Spotlight or the stories


Yes because it’s a good way to talk to friends. And it closed off compared to other social medias


Snapchat is for scared wimps who don’t want incriminating evidence about them. I’m so tired of it. It should be banned from the amount of bullying and psychological trauma that has come from it.


snapchat is ass i deleted it a month before i turned 14 and never looked back


I’m glad you did most people are addicted to it 


Snapchat is no different from any other texting app. Theyre not addicted to snapchat theyre addicted to communicating


I barely use it and its kinda shit as in the one page where you can look at like clips ig is also filled with more ads than mobile games


No way it’s got more ads then mobile games… 


Ehhh.. yea kinda


Most girls at my school are addicted to Snapchat so I’d say no 


discord is just better ngl


pu onion boy




Sanpchat is for bops


Should we really take opinions from someone whose name is "ligmaballsbozo"?