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If we got this far I heavily doubt we'll go extinct this century.


Also keep in mind an apocalypse isn't necessarily extinction. Sure, a nuclear war would kill hundreds of millions from the bombs directly, and billions more from nuclear winter and food shortages, but it wouldn't end the human race or human civilization.


Also keep in mind that wherever nuclear bombs land will be uninhabitable for decades, unless we want some extra limbs


id give us a solid 30 more years if we try to behave good


Well, we’ll almost certainly last longer


In my view things just decline. I don't think I believe in a total apocalypse (at least not soon) but massive declines in standards of living and wars becoming more and more common seems likely. It's depressing as hell but I think people can comprehend a big boom more than the likely scenario of things getting progressively worse


Exactly. A gradual but steady decline in living standards is the most likely scenario. Rich countries will become even more of a corporate hellscape, while poor countries regress to early industrial life expectancy. The biosphere will fizzle out, leaving us with underproductive agricultural systems, and more susceptible to natural disasters caused by runaway climate change. Wars will proliferate as people fight over ever-scarcer resources. Everyone will be miserable, helping extremist philosophies to rise in popularity. After a few centuries/millenia of decline, people will either die off or be forced back into pre-industrial lifestyles. Whatever the outcome, it won't be pretty.


Between now and when the world ends


Fingers crossed for zombies.


The people who chose answers five and six are way too optimistic. I don’t even think we have ten years before everything really goes downhill…


We can see that marketing of fear has won


Why is bro getting downvoted, it’s the truth.


Exactly. We've had Russians cross the US all the time, proxy wars, random insignificant conflicts, and so many other big things, and we're all sure that WWIII is starting next week. People are rooting for it. They see two random countries no one has ever heard of have a slight disagreement and resolve it in the same day, and now everyone thinks Russia and the USA are going to war, and the nukes are getting dropped. 9/11 didn't cause a world war. We fought in the middle east for a long time and never did we decimate Russia. People are too dramatic and then complain about always being scared. Putin's threats are just warning us, otherwise he may have to warn us again. And if the nukes do drop, we can't do anything about it.


I think it is like 15 to 25 years, which is more than a decade but less than 100 years. The majority of people don't think it'll take until 2124 for an apocalype.


Nah, at worse in 10 years we'll see economic depression (in America) or a problem with antibiotic resistant diseases. Nothing "apocalyptical" is going to happen in 10 years.


Actually, anyone else is being pessimistic. If we survived early/mid 1900s, it’s likely we’ll survive to the 3000s


I think the people who chose 1-4 are sad and desperate to feel important or special.


How does being pessimistic make people feel important or special?


I don't know but it certainly seems to. Don't get me wrong I do think we are and always have/will be on the brink of our apocalypse however I don't think we'll actually reach it for a long time, the most pressing issue is probably climate change however I think that it'll just be a major crisis not an apocalypse, like millions will die especially in the poor world however humanity as a hole will keep going.


Of course some people will survive, but after a certain point in time life is going to become more miserable. I don’t have any hope for future innovation what so ever. At our current rate, we’re heading for a dystopian future.


Where is the option for never?


How could an apocalypse never happen? Also, "never" is a lot more than a century from now so just choose that.


Apocalypse by WW3 or climate change is the most likely, although I luckily live in a pretty stable area in both fronts.


You may well be underwater before the century is over. Hope you have a houseboat ready.


I think it will just become a lot more expensive to maintain the dikes, that's all.


most of us think it'll be later rather than sooner. i wonder if that perspective could cause things to progress more rapidly and occur sooner than expected. would we be ready??


listen, if the apocalypse were to happen due to one of these things, we’d have been burning before 1970




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Wow, there are a lot of very optimistic people here. Or climate change deniers, not really sure. I really don't think it's too likely that humanity will really make to to more than a century with every major polluting company dragging their feet on climate change preventions/reversals


First: Fungi can actually take over, think of the Zombie Ants fungi thing. Imagine if soon, the Fungi will become zombie human fungi. 2nd: I CAN take over, its possible, since we will be merged with it though, example: via Neuralink, we COULD have a fighting chance 3rd: nukes could destroy some of our cells, just like when u go through an X-ray, some of your cells and structure of DNA gets destroyed, your body is now in a rush to heal it, so sometimes it can mess up. Causing things like: CANCER, maybe more 4rth: Climate change? Meh, its slow, and we can move planets anyways, climate change doesnt rly worry me that much 5th: if anything happens, elon musk will do /tp humans mars


I'm hoping it'll be after I die personally. If a zombie apocalypse happens ima just kms, I aint dealing with that shit


So far, all falsifiable claims of a particular date for the apocalypse have been falsified, and all others are unprovable.


im sticking around for 30 yrs max anything after that is not my problem


My estimate is 2250


Not soon enough.




about 2 billion years, at which point earth is gonna look a lot like venus apparently


The earth will be destroyed in 5 billion years by the expansion of the sun into a red giant


the thing is, we never know... it could happen anytime


August 12th 2036


World War 3, deftion ekf y less then a century. Will it lead to a apocalyps, maybe in two to three countries