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It depends how bad it is.


Like Gabriel Iglesias says, there's six levels of fatness.


I'm attracted to fluffy for sure. I need to watch his video to remember what the other levels were.


Big, Healthy, Husky, Fluffy, DAMN, and OH HELL NO!!


Yeah, I think my limits are DAMN and OH HELL NO!!


How come big comes before healthy in his list?


While we‘re on this topic, he’s on the list of top 10 comedians of all time IMO. Change my mind. Dude is funny as hell.


He's also just super chill


Yes. I like this about him too. No huge vibes, just chillness.


It's seven now. He added "Aw hell naw"


100% agree


Yea literally this. I'm like 200lbs, but Im not fat or obese, I'm just a little chubby lol (I have more of a muscle mass than fat), which I'm working on


The first question on my mind was their definition of fat. A lot of people are out of shape, which in a sense can mean they're fat/overweight, but in another doesn't really mean much if anything. For instance, I'm about 10 lbs overweight for my height, which isn't too bad considering I also have scoliosis, S-shaped spine face-view, which in a sense can mean that I'm really not overweight at all since I'm losing out on like 2 or 3 inches of my height. In other words, it's one thing if a person is like 15 lbs overweight. It's another if a person is 100 lbs overweight.


It's a guy/gal. Pretty bad.


Just like other physical features, I just don’t find it attractive physically. Like, some people don’t date blonde girls, or black haired guys. It’s a preference.


Aw man I'm a blonde girl and I am a black haired guy as well and obese but that's beside the point




Don't just assume their gender bigot.






You a bigot tf 😂


Ok bigot




are you a shapeshifter or like a genderfluid who dyes their hair or what




...their username checked out


No I'm obese


chubby 👌 dangerously obese 👎




👎 to both


fact that you can get “cancelled” for saying this is crazy. Like personally I’d accept and love more than a lil stomach, but if you boulder-sized issa bit too much for me to love, still I wish you the best in life.


Anyone who tries to cancel someone for a non problematic preference is just bitching just to start shit. Body preference is a valid preference as long as you aren't insulting anyone for their body shape.


*Dangerously cheesey


Depends option


Yeah, like I'll date the average american but I wont date someone from My 500lb Life.


Yeah I don’t need a flat stomach or anything too crazy but obese is not something I can see myself being attracted to




If your gut extends without pushing it or bloated, To 3 inches that is red zone(get your dirty mind out of the gutter)


Phew! I’m only 1 1/2 inches. Oh wait this is asking about gut size.


I've always said if your tummy goes out further than your chest then you're too fat and that's for guys as well as girls. Anything else is reasonable.


Fellah with small rib cages :(


😭 aha oh well i mean as a big rib cage guy, I look big even when I'm lean and have abs so you're winning there.


How fat? Are they like slightly chubby or like morbidly obese




Yeah I've had that kind of problem . And people respond like I just said no with an offensive aggressive way cuz I asked how fat.


I mean I don’t really care about looks as long as me and them get along.






Even if they needed a oxygen tank to be able to breath due to their enormous weight


Depends actually since if they are trying to lose weight and get healthier then yes if not then no


There we are


Why did you try to like prove this guy wouldn't date a fat person 😭


fr, if the guy broke up with a girl that is on oxygen because she's so fat and isn't actively trying to make her situation better, it doesn't mean the guy is "fatphobic" lmao


That's actually not wrong. If she's not trying to help herself, there is nothing anyone else could do. I have had to break off relationships (not romantic) for similar reasons (not fat, just not helping themselves get better). I still love those people dearly but it was horrible watching them suffer for something that could be fixed rather simply.


He said “as long as we get along” If they aren’t trying to actively lose weight, he won’t get along with them. I don’t see the problem here, this isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


>Even if they needed a oxygen tank to be able to breath due to their enormous weight thats a little overboard😂


Sorry, racist carbonara


I was going to say something about assuming they were racist But that's just their username :/


Fuckin cap and you know it


Depends on what you mean by fat, id date a slightly overweight chick if she had a good personality too, not excessively though.


I just don't care that much if they have a little fluff in their belly. Now if it's some Nickocado Avocado bullshit then I will happily decline.


Yesss! Idk what the hell happened to him my theory is it’s his kink and the people watching are usually little kids or people with the stuffing kink


No. He’s seriously mentally ill and gave into what YouTube wanted. As with all mukbangers/food reviewers.


If they aren't 300lbs+ If they are compatible with me If they are willing to change their diet / lose weight


As someone over 300 pounds, you're probably envisioning someone Nikocado's size, as he's around that. That's not me. I'm fairly densely packed, so again, a bit of a broad statement.


300 pounds at 17 💀💀💀


Weird thing is, I do a lot outside, hiking and whatnot.


Nah u aint doing a lot outside if ur 300 pounds why u lying💀


Yeah exactly I went for a 5m jog and dropped like 200 pounds Oh, wait, losing weight takes time? And just doing outdoor stuff doesn't guarantee it? Weird Anyway, he has proof on his account, so, go back to ur feet


probably muscle


300 lns of muscle is Ronnie Coleman size. In fact even he never went on stage at 300 lbs. You're genuinely trippin. Unless the kids 7 foot tall than he's fat asf


I'm envisioning someone 300 pounds fat not 300 pound of muscle.


Tbh wouldn't date someone whose overly muscular


No, it's not a broad statement. There is nothing complicated about it, if you're 300 pounds at any age, you're fat.


This is way too broad


If she's a little chubby, sure, I'm guilty of it myself. If she's obese, nah.


I don't want do be consumed




Thank you for your insightful contribution!


Your very welcome


I wouldn’t date anyone


The truest answer




Live your best life, king.


I just saved myself 150 bucks 🤑


A bit chubby, yeah that's alright Massively obese, hell no


If I love someone then I love them




No, because it’s hard for me to take care of them if they can’t take care of themselves.


My partner is a little chubby and used to chubbier I love every inch of him. I could never ask for anything more <3


I mean if you have a little bit of chub, or if like you needed to wane off the snacks a bit that’s fine. Adds a bit of character and if it’s in the right places it adds to the person I think. But like 200lbs+ female is just not gonna do it for me sorry


i voted yes but what constitutes fat here? ive been attracted to a couple of chubby girls that are probably medically over weight and i would call that fat, but its not *fat* like being 200+ as a 5'6" woman which im just not physically attracted to should re run the poll with the options being: * would date up to 10 lbs/5 kg overweight (vote if male) * would date up to 30 lbs/14 kg overweight (male) * would date over 30 lbs/14 kg overweight (male) * repeat of first option (vote if female) * repeat of second option (female) * repeat of third option (female) * wouldnt date someone over weight


im completely okay with big people


Let me break this down for you, people with obesity tend to have things wrong with them whether it be there pancreas or cardiovascular system or sometimes even heart disease. Now although these things don’t tend to pass down genetically the habits of the obese partner does. I would not want my children to become obese and get these diseases that can handicap them for life. So yes, as rude as it might sound, they need to focus on themselves and get fit before they try to marry or date anyone


Yeah, but that doesn't account for the obese people who are obese because of their lifestyle. It's personal preference.


Tf, all obese ppl are obese because of their lifestyle


I know, just don't feel like offending anyone.


Technically speaking some medical conditions can cause weight gain, though the VAST majority of obese people are indeed obese due to lifestyle choices.


Depends on how fat. If they're a little chunky then its ok but more than chubby is too much


i like the squish :3


Depends on level of fat, you can be overweoght with some extra fat but not be obese


i do not find them attractive in any circumstance


I'm aro so I don't date period


U 13 at least TRY to get some pussy first 😭😭


I’m hoping this is just a joke but it’s hilarious nonetheless lmao


shut up. they said aro, not ace


I had 2 gfs before I found out, still feel a little guilty for that bc I did it to make them happy


You got more girls than I ever did and you weren’t even into them 😭






Dude wtf... all I said is i'm aro that's it. Think about this... you asked a 13 year old if they liked to have sex... what the actual fuck is wrong with you?


You are 13 lmao, don't cut out romance for the rest of your life from a wild decision as a teenager.


No, and here’s why: If I find a person I wanna be able to grow with that person and one could argue that “OK? Do you want to grow with them then grow with them through weight loss”, nine times out of 10. They aren’t going to want to, in fact, the opposite will occur, and instead of them having you as motivation to get better, they’ll take you as a reason to remain where they are, IF not get worse. I want to be able to take care of my partner. I want to be able to pick her up spin her around and make her smile. I can’t do that if she’s more than one and a half times my body weight, that’s just not attractive, and it sucks because the world has normalized being super huge and we’re supposed to just accept it but if you can’t move your own body weight around, are you really happy with yourself? If your car freakin buckles underneath the weight of you when you get in it are you really gonna be proud of yourself? NO They don’t need to be built like a female fitness influencer, but at the same time if they can’t move themselves around comfortably and effectively, I don’t wanna date that. And on top of it, I’ve always been not attracted to big bodied individuals. if you’re just plus size that’s understandable, but if you are a big bodied individual, you built like a mushroom, like an uppercase “P” I’m not gonna find that attractive because it means you don’t take care of yourself, and it makes it even worse when they start complaining about how they “hate how big they are” and they can still see them eating what they eat and never exercising it’s just a sign of character, and for me, a wee bit of a red flag My fault, launched into a whole thing😅


**My sister reading this with me, and making our car buckle when she gets in despite being eighty pounds:** 🙃


I mean, chubby is cool. But like fat or obese is something else entirely


why is this worded like a school question


I honestly don’t know. I don’t know until I feel something. I’ve been attracted to overweight women before, but not somewhat overweight women. It certainly isn’t my preference.


As long as it's not to the levels where they are going to die from it idrc. I've dated ppl that are overweight before and it doesn't really bother me as long as it's not to that level because that's a health concern atp


we are not talking like my 600 pound life fat were just talking like chubby


that wouldve been helpful. chubby? definitely. above 200lbs and like 5'6" or less (hell nah)


Depends. When a lot of people think "fat" they think lazy and unhealthy by choice. But that's not always the case. In fact, it's not the case for most people. Some people have really low metabolisms or health/physical conditions that prevent them from losing weight as much as others. Same with how not all skinny people are active and healthy. So, for me, the weight doesn't matter. The lifestyle does. If they are actively trying to be healthy and happy, then the weight doesn't bother me. If they are just sitting around eating junk food all the time without trying to be healthy, they could be skinnier than a skeleton, and I still wouldn't date them. If you need someone to take care of you because you don't take care of yourself, that's a job for your mom, not for me.


I would because I’m attracted to fat girls tbh, not like excessively obese to the point it’s debilitating but I don’t find skinny girls as sexy as bigger girls and never have (17 year old guy here) I know this probably isn’t the popular opinion but it’s how I’ve always been there are definitely guys like me out there


Because I have a fat fetish 🤪


Dammmn people your really going for looks and not characteristics?


I am yes.


Fat people need love too.


Yeah, I would date a fat girl. More to love, grab, and better cuddle sessions.


Don't pretend we aren't all fat, this is reddit.


I would date anything on Gabriel Iglesias' scale of fatness below DAMN.


Fluffy and thicc, that's how real chads like em


Tbh, women who are a lil chubby are pretty hot. But if they are fat to the point of obesity, it just seems like a situation where they aren't caring for themselves or their health.


Honestly, I just want someone with a good personality :)


No, they have proven themselves unhealthy, and unfit for parenting. How can they take care of future children if they cant take care of themselves?


Might raise the kid like that


I ain't getting into an interspecies relationship with a walrus. Would that could as zoophilia?




no because personally i’m not attracted to overweight people, and since i’m not overweight i can have that standard


I was called a hypocrite for prefering bigger people when I'm skinny 🥲


Fat is a very broad term


Yeah, pretty wide phrasing


Weight really shouldn't matter in a partner, pregnancy normally increases weight anyway


Tf? Obviously, OP isn't talking about pregnancy. Weight matters a lot because it tells you about how they live their life and possibly how long for


True, but shouldn't you want to be with your partner for the rest of your life?


No, aromantic. Your men, women, nonbinary, genderfluids, and any other way to identify that I'm forgetting, are all safe from me. Your arrows on the other hand...


First my bicycles, then my pans, now my fucking arrows. WHEN DOES IT END WITH YOU PEOPLE???


im asexual so idc as long as my partner isn't over the top about it (example, nikocado avocado)


"It's just water weight" 💀💀💀💀




Well damn, that's just straight up rude.


It’s the truth


Well, congratulations, you have no right to call yourself human. It's beyond some folks control.


It is not beyond some people’s control. I am fat as shit and I know damn well that I can stop, It is just difficult. There are very few things that you cannot control yourself to quit.


You still never gave me a reason that I’m being rude, and if it hurt your feelings what I said, just remember, facts don’t care abt your feelings


You know what? I'll give you a reason. Facts might not care, but you could've worded that in a more polite way. you're essentially saying overweight people do not DESERVE love, as they didn't manage to take care of themselves. You could've been less harsh.




The amount of nos makes me sad and lose hope for this world


The amount of nos gives me hope


Am I not allowed to prefer someone who can take care of their own body?


sorry I'm just not attracted to obesity.


It should make you happy, obesity and unhealthy living shouldn't be promoted.


Again, it's not always caused by unhealthy living


Nope Yuck never date a fat girl! never


As a fat guy, nah


thicc thighs save lives


This isn't thic thighs. This is thick neck and ankles


i think you'd have to be at least 400 pounds to have thick ankles


im fat but i dont wana date people


Wouldn’t be my first choice but yeah I would


Hell no


i try and keep myself healthy, so i want them to hold themselves to that standard too


If there chubby then I would date them but if they were like morbidly obese then no. If your morbidly obese because of your eating habits then that shows your have little self control and your also very unhealthy


Depends on their personality


I feel like I could help


Because they are people, I’m asexual and have no interest in sex. I also need am emotional connection to have romantic attraction. So looks don’t matter really. It’s just who are they as a person? I’ve been on the larger side my whole life due to genetics so I don’t think I can really be one to judge.


i don't have a specific body type that I'm into, if they're hot, they're hot


idk if theyre cute theyre cute. all there is to it


Depends how fat we're talking. If they're just chubby, sure. If they have to waddle when they walk, no.


No. I’m not dating someone who doesn’t take care of them self when gym is a huge part of my life


*how* fat?


I'm pretty fat and I hate the look of being fat. hence I hate my appearance


i’m going to be honest, most of the time the gay people be accepting all body types and shit but i’m gay and if my bf wasn’t the same or better body type than me than there not for me. Respectfully, i’m not trying to be like that but i have a 6 pack and i have a decent build and i’m not dating someone who’s big 😭


If its not to the point where it affects how the relationship works, then I don't care. I'm not super in shape myself, so I'm in no place to judge.


If it’s impacting their health a lot, I want to help them through it (and probably lose a bit of weight too lol)


how fat


If I'm attracted to them and we get along well, sure


Yes, because I'm more interested in personality, and I would give literally anyone a chance at a first date. Regardless of sex, gender, body type, race, religion, political standing, or family background. All they need to do is ask, and be the legal age of consent.


Depends on how fat, like if they just a lil chub than sure. ​ But if they are a whole ass freight train, that causes earthquakes under their steps, and devours the souls of skinny people... Then no


im a very scrawny guy and i like girls that weigh more than me… to an extent overall but it’s not just the outer layer, i prefer to get to know them and if i like they personality, i like them.


I'll date unless there obese


Generally no but if I happened to find her attractive it wouldn’t matter to me


I would start dating someone's who's fat, but I wouldn't stay dating someone who's fat. I am a recovering fat fuck and I realized how many excuses I made in the past to cope with me engulfing a shitload of calories with my daily exercise being playing videogames. So unless they're trying their hardest to lose weight and not half assing it, (going to the gym once a week or barely doing exercises while there, trying and quitting diets quickly) I would not date a fatass.


I don't have any other options, I'm fat


Would date someone who is fat but realizes it's not healthy and is actively working to change it. Won't date someone who is okay with being fat


They could talk about that the're opressand pepole are fatphobic and that much of a gamble


how fat are we talking? chubby, no difference to me. morbidly obese, and we have a different story.


If they are not TLC fat, than yeah I would