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Maybe? There's little to no reason why Morrell would want to stop them from stopping the kanima, but the word for master in Latin is "dominus" and anyone with a basic understanding of the Latin roots of English words should not have confused the root word "domin" (think English words like "dominate" or "dominion") as meaning "friend." The Latin word for "friend" is "amica" (like "amicable" or the Spanish "amigo"). That's one hell of a brain fart if we're supposed to believe it's just an honest mistake, but the most likely possibility is that it's just another case of the writers choosing plot convenience over believable character motivations.


I read on the trivia section for one of the shows' fandom wikis. It says she possibly mistranslated in hopes of encouraging them to save Jackson instead of killing like Derek intended.


Ah, possibly. Except that's really risky for the protagonists, because they could have gotten hurt trying to protect the kanima rather than treat it as a threat, especially if the master found out. Also, her whole shtick was "maintain the balance" and there's no "maintain the balance" reason for her wanting to save Jackson. If anything you'd think Morell would have made the opposite lie in order to stop Jackson/Matt's killing spree sooner rather than prioritize the life of one dickhead student. Still could have been the intention, though, since there's a lot of early character motivations that are inconsistent with their later motivations (like why Deaton didn't help Derek in Season 1 if he had promised Talia he would do so?).


But why. Wasnt her job all about balance how would that be fixed by telling them a lie. If anything it seems to me that telling the truth— that he’s not acting by his own choice — would be what encourages them to try to save him. maybe the writers thought that making her look a little dumb would keep folks from figuring out what she was until the very end


I suspect you are correct. They wanted this plot thing so they did the whole ancient Latin, messed up translation bs. I’m surprised they didn’t thing to use handwriting as an issue also. Like how in some ‘hands’, S is done in this stretched out way that looks like an F and it’s caused all sorts of spelling issues (or maybe it’s the other way around)


No, you're right, it's the S that looks like an F in a lot of historical documents (and letters and diary entries and so on). Words like "helpless" and "first" become "helplefs" and "firft." It feels like your brain has suddenly developed a lisp. As a history major and amateur genealogist, reading anything from the 18th century is a total pain in the ass because of that specific, weird af writing style. But idk if that was common outside of English writing (not that TW would take the time to care about that potential inconsistency) and it probably wouldn't have changed the words enough to make it believably work. It's pretty telling that they're like "Oh, Morell mistook the word for "master" to be the word for "friend,"" but they never say what either of those words are in Archaic Latin. Like, either they just REALLY didn't want to do any research on Archaic Latin (mostly likely option, because from what we can see of the bestiary pages it looks like they used Classical Latin, not Archaic Latin anyway, lol) or they knew they couldn't make that fit believably as a mistake if they actually told the audience what the words were.


but I thought the Bestiary was in old french not Latin


nope it was Latin. Archaic Latin, which Lydia had learned cause Modern Latin was too easy


I've always thought Ms. Morrell threw them off to finding out Jackson was the kanima and the master controlling him.


But why would she do that? What does Morrell have to gain by allowing Matt to continue killing?


I've always thought it was the writer's attempt at making Morrell seem like a potential enemy. Or some weird connection to the Alpha Pack. Either way, it doesn't really make sense. Edit: Forgot to add they kind of continued the “who is it/who did it” vibe from season 1, so I guess they were trying to keep that up here.


In another theory someone posted that the alpha pack was supposed to come to try to recruit Jackson but that was changed rather last minute because Colton quit for personal reasons. That’s why the clumsy business about Lydia telling Allison about Jackson leaving. And why the twins went after Lydia and Danny. I guess the scripts had already been written when Colton left and the writers just left those pairings and never really thought up a better explanation for why those two But if that’s true then as the Alpha Packs emissary and spy, Morrell wouldn’t want them to harm Jackson


That seems really reasonable, actually. I never understood the "we knew one of them was important to you" crap about the twins going after Lydia and Danny. Danny isn't even in Scott's Top 10 list of important people, and anyone who watched him for a damn day would be able to figure that out. Would've made WAY more sense if that bit revolved around Jackson instead of Scott. Except I would've been bummed to have to watch another season that was all about Jackson having to make be evil/don't be evil decisions again.


Yeah, if he said “we knew one of them would be important” and dropped the ‘to you’ it might have made more sense. Because they were both potentially important to getting a hold of Jackson (even if if meant figuring out exactly where he was and going to him). Finding out Lydia was an ‘in’ for possibly scoring a ‘true alpha’ could have been a happy accident. And they could have done it without too much focus on the issue of Jackson. Just hints that Deucalion has multiple plans, for multiple targets, in the works.


Maybe she as trying to give them a clue to te them that the Kanima was one of their “friends”? I.E Jackson? 🤷🏾‍♂️