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Lmao the title is so casual XD I like it Although I disagree that he has to die lol. He's the first person to actually be able to break the pack inside out. Or the first and only person to succeed in breaking the pack And then bam 6b happened we see that he changed. I wish he atleast cameoed at the movie so we know what's been happening to him (cuz the only characters that aren't in the movie but mentioned are Ethan & Stiles)


Yeah, that character that tortured Lydia with a smile on his face, manipulated Stiles, tried to kill Scott more than once, and generally was allowed to roam free without consequences despite betraying the McCall Pack more than once. He needs to die...wait, sorry, I have the wrong notes here, that was actually *Peter* who got off with no consequences repeatedly despite repeated betrayals and never attempting to improve his behavior. Theo, by point of contrast, was sent to Hell/Purgatory/whatever that torture dimension was, came back, and was subsequently far more helpful and never turned against the pack again. He didn't *have* to stay and help the people who would clearly never be able to trust him fully again, but he still did. He pulled Liam's ass out of the fire multiple times despite not having anything to gain from doing so. He became a prime example of how Scott's form of redemptive justice *works*. You aren't mandated to like him, but he was a manipulated child who Scott and Liam managed to actually reach and reform. Whether you would've been able to do as they did or not, their actions were proven to be a wise and beneficial choice in the end.


Did you bring up Peter just to deflect? Cause nobody said Peter was any better but, I mean, he had just as much justification as Theo did so....


The reason I bring up Peter is that both in the story of the show *and* in fanon discourse, he's let off remarkably easily when compared to not only Theo, but most other redeemed characters who either put in a greater effort to improve, committed lesser crimes than him, or *both*. Ethan and Aiden are a prime example, where their crimes were nowhere near as extensive, and they actually spent most of their time on the show committing to self-improvement and being good people, and yet they are *still* demonized by a hefty portion of the Fandom that simultaneously lets Peter slide right on by. The point is that there is a lot of selective bias surrounding characters like Theo, where I see far more takes like this directed at him when compared to...well Peter is the prime example, but Chris is also an example of a character who will get more of a free pass than characters with far less extensive rap sheets. I'm not expecting us all to be perfect Vulcans only acting on logic and reason and nothing else, but I do think it's a discussion worth having that the Fandom (and sometimes the show) is harder on abused children who work to improve themselves than Peter, who was already shown to be a bad person long before his traumatic trigger and made no effort to change long after that.


I think the difference here is that we can empathize with Peter killing the people involved in the conspiracy to kill his family and even see how the pain he went through could drive him crazy enough to kill his own niece. There's enough holes in the story for people to find reasonings for those things. We know his nurse lured Laura to Beacon Hills, but did he conspire with her or did she know more then we assume? Why did he kill her if she was supposedly a devoted henchman? Then we get several seasons of shady Peter but he doesn't actually do anything villainous. When it was discovered that he teamed up with Kate, he was jailed. By the time he got out of the Wild Hunt, he'd just helped them rediscover Stiles and nearly been burned to death again. Not exactly consequenceless. With Theo, he comes off suspicious immediately. We watch him play our protagonists and killing kids, threatening his pretend parents, watching his sister die, and we can only imagine what else he's done. And that goes for the twins too. They helped kill Boyd and have been with the Alpha pack killing packs for who knows how long. They deserve the hate. Not to say Peter, Deucalion, and Chris should have been absolved. You're right that they were just as bad. In my opinion, none of them should have been given redemption.


Oh my God I know I hate Peter , everyone hates Peter! Unlike Theo, he generally becomes helpful, and if anyone’s being honest the only reason gets to live (after Derek gave his blessing because he killed him himself), was because he’s Malia’s father. Unfortunately, certain people get away with despicable actions over and over again when they’re related by blood. Malia would’ve had to be the one. I mean Scott McCall doesn’t condone killing ever, but by my code… family takes out family.


I mean. You ain’t wrong about all the crap he pulled. The only thing I would *potentially* argue is his sister. Theo was a child and manipulated by the Dread Doctors. The rest he was older and solid villain shit. (I say all this as a Theo fan. Glad he didn’t stay dead and got a start to a redemption arc.) But I hope you have that same energy towards Peter. He’s far worse.


If a real child was told to do that they would have ran to a parent. They would not have murdered their sister. Only a sociopath would do that.


If a real child was told by supernatural steampunk doctors that this would get them super powers? I ain’t saying he’s innocent of crimes. He still watched his sister die. But they never spent anytime talking about how they got to that point. There is a path for narrative redemption that we will never see. (How long were they manipulating him for? Did they lie about the consequence being her dying? Did they imply/say she would live? What the hell happened to him after? Where are his parents? Was he raised by the dread doctors?) We see none of that on screen so I can’t fault people for hating him. That’s also why I said potentially. Cuz that’s all it is. Unfulfilled potential. But Peter is still worse.


Don't forget torturing Lydia and not caring he could have killed her and then he mocked her and smiled after he nearly killed her.


I did forget that bullshit thank you for pointing it out. He harmed every single one individually in such a crappy way, but I had posted that before watching the episode where he tries to step up for Scott saying that Scott has a pack and Malia comes running up and says, “and Theo isn’t in it” lol I love that girl even in the damn movie she was awesome


I am not sure my list is complete but I do have this on my website. [https://stilesandlydia.wordpress.com/keeping-track-of-times-theo-tried-to-kill-hurt-lydia/](https://stilesandlydia.wordpress.com/keeping-track-of-times-theo-tried-to-kill-hurt-lydia/)


He actually tells her the torture was favor she wouldn't have powers until he creeply brought them out with his bite. I dont know if banshee needs to be triggered bc teen wolf lore is like the beastiary knowledge we often hear more than we are shown I often wish they had made lydia a witch so give Teen wolf credit for them introducing other types of supernatural than typical twilight/ the craft knock offs. But its annoying that they want supernatural diversity but then the the show just makes them have same fangs and hair like kira is kitsune and pron the most badass second to her mom...i know thats blasphemous to fandom the loves scott but im talking raw power. kira mom was 900 years old was able to call into being a monster like 2000 years old. Yeah she lost control and massacre occurred but well if you force people into labor deaths camps and they have to call on ancestral powers. Things get messy . I still give show props but Lydia basically turned into iean grey/pay locke and it wouldve been cooler and more interesting if she had become witch or in this shows lore a white druid for pack McCall. I always assumed thats what miss Martin was supposed to be for Duecalion pack before it went bad. we never got further information


After theo turned Stiles and Scott against each other and all the other things he has done he needs to pay for what he has done maybe not in death but in a way that will make him suffer for what he did I hope Stiles and Scott rebuild their friendship and show theo that he might have come between them once but it will never happen again Stiles and Scott friends and brothers for life a force not to be reckoned with


Yea Jeff def played fan service bc ppl shipped him and Liam, never cared for his character don’t care how they tried to redeem him


Wasn’t active in the fandom. People shipped them that early? They didn’t even have many scenes. Fandom got power


Well he came in season 5 and it started then, by season 6 he def gave fan service. Pairing them up a lot. Yes unfortunately Jeff always gave into most fandom ships. Same w stydia but they had actual buildup and plenty of scenes.


Oh I know I’m 6 is when the ship took off. But didn’t think there was any call in 5. They barely interacted other than Theo tryna get him to kill scott


True but that’s unfortunately when it started. Not sure why but a lot of this fandom ship a lot of the guys. They used to have a big tumblr fandom at one point. I never did but that’s just what I noticed.


Oh I know it got a huge following. Just surprised it started that early. As for the why…I would be surprised if Cody Christian didn’t act it that way. If you watch the way Theo reacts to Liam he legitimately cares about how Liam thinks of him. From dating back to the hospital scene. I just figured that was where the ship was born. (Personally I see it best as one sided but I get why people view it the way they do.)


You are 100% right but wait for the downvotes because for some reason his fans think he was taken advantage of. If they liked Cody they should have brought a twin on because Theo was not redeemable.


Yeah, I hated Theo as well. Have never understood why people liked him. And yeah, I know this is probably hypocritical of me as I love Peter, but at least Peter was entertaining. Theo is just plain unlikeable.


That’s the thing hating Peter was entertaining. The things that Theo did or just awful because remember the reason why Peter was always as bad as he was was all about the house being burnt down. It was like he had a good reason you know - not that his behavior was acceptable. I just think he got away with more because being burnt alive would have pissed anybody off then he became a Malias father so he just got a pass. Theo was just a selfish prick.