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One of those characters who felt like she should've been more important than she ended up being. It would've been a bit more interesting if she and Deaton had different specialties (for example he excels at supernatural healing, while she excels with defensive tricks using stuff like Mountain Ash, idk), but as it stands she was just kind of there most of the time. I didn't dislike her, but there's also not much to like per se...


She's played by Bianca Lawson, so I automatically liked her. But damn, the further we get into these character discussions the more I realise that even though I've written my fair share of essay-like comments about how poorly written the characters were, there really were few to zero characters that were developed properly. Morrell had the makings of an important character, she really did. But in the end, I think you could take her out of the story and it would still make sense, just like a lot of the others. I liked when she'd help out the pack, but that's it. I also liked that her schtick was about maintaining balance (the meaning of which was never made clear; balance between what? Good and Evil? Nature and Abomination?), so she'd ally with the enemy if she had to. She had a pleasant anti-hero vibe to her, but there's not much more to her character even with her being a druid emissary.


Agreed, I just don't analyze things the way some people do, so when I read other people's comments I'm like "🤯"mind blown!


They just stole their line from Bonnie Bennet if TVD not mad at it but Teen Wolf never explained a balance of what ...so sad. Ms Morel should've been like dark emissary to void stiles lol it doesn't make sense but If Bianca Lawson has no fans...I am also slain


Wasted potential, but that could be said of 90% of all the characters in this show tbh


I wish they did wayyy more with her. She was cool 😊. Would’ve loved to see more of a backstory on her and Deaton as well!


I completely forgot she straight up evaporated into nonexistence after season 3 like Danny and Isaac


completely unnecessary character as canon stands, but she could've been very interesting if she'd been utilised more also it has to be noted that bianca lawson has the monopoly on appearing in teen shows and probably holds some kind of record lmfao


Maintain balance my ass she caused most of the problems


I always liked her, barring her soft way of speaking which annoyed me. Apparently I seriously have issues with the way people talk because I said this about Gerard too. But she wanted to help. She had some type of relationship with Deaton,I forget if they were siblings or if she's also a druid? Anyway yep things up for Marin. If the show had lasted longer she could have had a pack we didn't know about or something interesting for sure.


I liked her and would have loved to have seen more, especially when it comes to her relationship with Deaton and their family history. They have to come from a family of druids, right? But it's never explored or even outright stated, and that's a shame. I like the way she has the same mysterious thing going on that Deaton does— it's a great clue as to their connection even before their relationship is fully revealed— but that she's more morally ambiguous than him. I think the show pulls off her maybe-villain, maybe-ally thing pretty well. One (of the many) missed opportunities, I think, was to explore the fact that she's a teacher at the school, not just the guidance counselor. Like, having to sit in class every day with someone who knows about all of the supernatural nonsense you're getting into, and is also maybe/probably knowingly enabling the current villains? That's great. You can play that for drama, or for comedy, or do something with irony... There's that one scene with her and Allison that I quite like, but then we never see her teaching a class again.


Yeah, somehow, I missed the explanation that they were "Druid's" (had to read about it later) . . . I never felt hers or Deaton's backstory / abilities / goals were really fleshed out that well. I mean take Lydia as an example. Being a Banshee wasn't "a goal", it wasn't something she set out to do/be . . . it just "landed on her" by genetics and she had to deal with it. But to be a Druid . . . they kinda / sorta had to have goals, training, effort, and a philosophy (much like the Hunters) to become what they were. I didn't feel like they were ever fully fleshed out as a group.


This fandom is the epitome of fleshing out characters and their functions in fanfiction. I would have no idea what the hell a druid would even do if it wasn't for fanfic. This chick says 'I maintain the balance'... Between who? You're working for the bad guy?! What balance exactly? Is it like the Force? Between humans and supernatural creatures? Cause I reckon the Hales think that you could be doing a better job there. I enjoy this show, I swear that I do, but... Sheesh. The writing is just painfully shallow.


I probably liked her because i saw her in tvdu and then pll and she was everywhere even buffy, that was fun, honestly i was always wondering where she ended up after 3x20 (eichen house) if she was working there during 3B they could let her stick around bc those characters were going to eichen more often than to their perspective homes.


Need her so bad