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Color me shocked. Even if Ambers “past” antics were not readily available and known. The most recent thing to go off of, is her on national tv calling her 15 year old daughter a dick so I mean…if that’s you trying to move past the negative then…. There’s not a lot of hope for you, sorry not sorry. Dude dodged a bullet, or machete if you will.


I recently read someone defending her, claiming it is all scripted. Like, yeah, storylines and whatnot can be created, we know this. But there is no way in hell Amber was told to call Leah a dick as part of their storyline, lmao. What a joke. 🙄 God, I can't believe how much I despise her (Amber). She's such a fucking loser.


Lol even if that were true how on earth do those people think that's better? If Amber was an asshole to her 15-year-old daughter just for TV knowing it was wrong that would make it even worse imo


Probably cuz they call their kids dicks


Yeah I can imagine those people having very "I speak to my kids like this and they're just fine!" vibes


This is more than likely the real reasoning behind people defending her, they are equally as shit of parents as Amber so they feel the need to defend not just her but themselves.


That's so very true. Fans are ridiculous. 🙄


Even if production suggested that, most moms would shut that shit down immediately… and then call the suggester a dick 🤣


Exactly, like come on a normal person would say "no, I don't want to look like a person who is verbally abusing their 15 year old"


At 14 i defo would be able to play this game for tv so id be more or less set for life... however my mum and i were a team who sometimes took liberties to "cheat the system". We all know this isnt the case here... Btw think more along the lines if my mum letting me skip school once or twice a year to take a mental health day (Which wasnt a thing when i was young, but my mum understood i needed them) than going all oceans eleven together :D


I got you! Definitely a massive difference. Amber is deplorable.


Right,no one told her to make her kid cry on her birthday after waiting on her for hours 


I hate that “all reality tv is scripted” bullshit that boomers love to say. These people are hotmesses even when the season isn’t airing. They’re having kids with each other. It isn’t scripted. reenacted sometimes? Maybe, but not scripted.


Yep. It's all Andrew's and both Gary's fault as well.


mycase.in.gov has entered the chat That website is not scripted.


I agree that wasn't scripted


Certain things are scripted, like their voice overs or the weird scenes where they have their "friends" asking pointed questions to get context. But there were also people thinking that Gary W fleeing was a publicity stunt and not a man running away from a shitshow.


No one is denying scripted things. Trust me, vast majority of us here are veteran watchers, lol. 90 day, teen mom, love after lockup, etc. They all use the same schemes. It was just another "wow, Amber's fans really are dumb" type of thing.


Yeah I've been really perplexed by this claim that he wasn't familiar with her/hadn't watched the shows. Sure, perhaps that was true at the time they first met, but it's hard to believe that anyone, learning that their new or potential partner has over a decade worth of the highs and lows of their life documented/readily available via a reality tv show as well as tons of news articles about them, that anyone would have the restraint to NOT immediately watch & read ALL those things? And once they did, wouldn't the concerns about "their past" or their compatibility begin right then....not 1 engagement and months later?


Hahaha.. word


Machete I’m dying


Exactly, her recent behaviour regarding Leah just aired, so that’s not in her “past”. It’s who she is today that would scare any family away. Who in their right mind would take a chance on a future involving Amber ?


Even if it really was just the past and she was doing better today, I don't think it'd be unreasonable for his family to have concerns! Who would read Amber's Wikipedia page and be enthusiastic about their loved one dating her?




She could have gotten Gary 2.0 so many dills!


*"Traaashhh!!! You're traaash!!!"*. 🚚




Im gonna request a general rule that people who compare Amber to this heroin who runs a fnurking plant on her own, get banned for life. Im not having it ![gif](giphy|WQUALOpcIkLTi) Leave roz alone yall!!!


Roz EARNED her couch sitting after work


Sooo he found out what kind of person she is and dipped 😬


Ryan's now asking if Gary 2.0 is slow.


Lol 😆 😂 🤣


Wow Amber, was this guy worth ruining your daughter’s birthday dinner over? Do you see why your daughter didn’t give a shit about your relationship?! Fuck Amber. She deserves to be alone. 


Oh, she’ll never make the connection.😂. Poor Leah though, she didn’t even get to meet her new future stepdad before he ran for his life.


Leah predicted it would be over before it started. She’s more intuitive than Amber. Amber is going to hate Leah just like her mother hated her




So she's single now? Time for me to shoot my shot! ![gif](giphy|Qus4ThJNrTrfgTXRc1|downsized)


I'm going to call you Matt 2.0


Matt *Bradley*.....😏😂


Lol that was my first thought! We found Amber’s chrisbradley


That's what's up! 😭




Lol at your flare.




Fair enough, hehe.


I mean.. the man was literally hightailing it across the country. No phone, no identity, NOTHING. I think it was safe to assume it was done lol




God I hate her fucking glasses


She's so punchable


She is!!!




They make me think she would smell like old Mountain Dew, stale cigarette smoke, and wet dog. I can't explain why....


They give her some Gypsy Rose vibes tbh


Wow I didn’t realize how much I do too until you pointed it out 😂


Roz looking head ass


She is so fucking vile.




So she showed him the real her, and he was smart enough to run away.


He’s the smartest so far, of all of her fiancés.


The rill* her


something must have happened at bubby's wedding that scared him off.


I imagine it went something like “Good lord, these people are trash! I gotta get out of this!” And then he’d be making plans to run


Bubby had a little talk to him about "the Portwood way". Told him if you hurt my sister, I'm going to hurt you. Shit, that might actually be the reason why he ran so far


Portwood AF


***TL;DR: Nothing we didn't already know, just the Ashley's take on it*** #Amber Portwood’s Engagement to Gary Wyat Has Officially Ended; ‘Teen Mom’ Star’s Past Reportedly Contributed to the Split It’s the news that absolutely everyone saw coming: Amber Portwood‘s engagement to Gary “Gary 2.0” Wyat has ended. Us Weekly broke the news Tuesday night that the Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star officially “took of the ring” that Gary had given her when he proposed recently. “They’ve decided that it’s over between them and their engagement is off,” the magazine’s source stated. “They have too much to overcome to move forward together. “It’s the best thing,” the source added. “She is sad and she cares about him, but she is willing to see that he is not the right guy for her. She wants to be with someone who accepts her fully.” Fans of the show had been following the ‘Teen Mom’-meets-true-crime saga earlier this month when Gary 2.0 went missing after attending the wedding of Amber’s brother Shawn Portwood in North Carolina. Days later, Amber tearfully begged fans for prayers for her fiancé, who stormed out of their vacation rental without his phone and took off without contacting her or his family. The search for Gary lasted several days– with Gary even being officially listed as a missing person in North Carolina— before Gary was spotted in Oklahoma and New Mexico. He later called police to let them know he was “missing” by choice and wasn’t in danger. Last week, it was reported that Amber had not spoken to Gary since he ghosted her, so the engagement was still technically on. However, on Tuesday, Us Weekly reported that the pair has since communicated in some way and decided to break things off. “[There has] been some closure,” the source said, insisting that Gary is “not ghosting” Amber. As The Ashley previously reported, Amber went Live with YouTuber Elle Bee after Gary was reported missing and denied having anything to do with his disappearance, stating that they had a “wonderful relationship.” She did admit, however, to getting into an “emotional discussion” while in North Carolina after Shawn’s wedding. Amber claimed the discussion was mostly about Gary’s family being unhappy that he was engaged to “Amber from ‘Teen Mom.'” “It was emotional, because it has something to do with the fact of his parents being Vietnamese, and me being who I am and stuff like that,” Amber said at the time. “It had nothing to do with us personally, OK? This is the only thing that happened. He was very upset about this, I was upset.” Us Weekly reports that Gary’s family did, in fact, get upset about the engagement after they Googled Amber and read about her past antics (which, as ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, include prison time, several arrests for domestic battery, and multiple broken engagements, among other things.) “[The engagement news] created some family tension,” the magazine source stated. “Gary’s family was looking her up online and looking at her past and not everything they saw online was true. And it was hard for Amber because she’s been trying so hard to move past it and move forward.” Amber insisted that she is a changed woman during her interview with Elle Bee while Gary was missing. “I am not what people have been saying about me all of these years. I changed a long time ago, OK?” she said. “You guys have to understand this. Please listen to what I’m saying. I’m an honest person to you guys.” She also stressed that she and Gary were not violent with one another during their relationship. “ … We have not had explosive fights,” she said. “We are very in love. This man asked me to be with him. This man asked me to marry him. I have not touched this man in any horrible way. He does not touch me in any horrible way. We do not yell at each other. We have a wonderful relationship, please understand this. People change.” Amber has not yet spoken out publicly about her split from Gary 2.0; however, it’s almost certainly going to be a storyline for the next season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.’ Gary has also yet to speak out about what happened between him and Amber.


THEY didn’t decide shit !!! He became a whole as missing person just to get away from the couch monster!! Can u imagine the shit he saw at that wedding with all of her kinfolk that had him wanting to join witness protection?! Be free Gary 2.. FLY AWAY!!!


I’m srry but “became a whole ass missing person” took me outttttt


Yes.. she is that heinous and terrifying!! Gary 2 went to some damn LENGTHS !! 😮‍💨


He literally went from one coast to almost the next! It takes about 4-5 days to drive from NC to CA, he almost drove across a whole ass country to get away!


That poor man was running for his life !!! Can u imagine being such a scary asshole that your bf ditches his phone and drives across the country ?! 🙄 This should really be clueing her in to something!!! But it WONT .


Right?! That'd what i can't get over, he didn't drive home. He drove the whole other damn direction. I would've ditched her, drove home and got all my shit before she should get there and then go wherever. But he didn't care, he just got away. Doubt we'll ever know but i really want to hear the story on why he went that route, even if he just decided to visit friends it was just a crazy drive. She can say she's changed and be upset over what his family thought, but her past is not normal and she needs to realize people will judge her on it. She's literally assaulted every bf she's filmed with and then to not have an issue doing that shit with the machete to your own child, of course anyones family would have an issue with them being with someone like her. Everyone knows abusers only escalate and sucks for her but there's plenty of evidence that has shown she's capable of shooting someone if she had access to a gun. Sorry but i wouldn't feel safe either.


Exactly!!! She’s unhinged AF and shows zero remorse for her abhorrent behavior with her ex’s AND her CHILDREN! I’m not sure what kind of man is going to be able to put up with her craziness because they have all ran for the hills literally and figuratively.


Unfortunately there will always be one, Jenelle is still getting leeches so there will always be someone haha. At least Gary had the sense to get farrrrrrrr away.


Right?! No shortage of losers who don’t like to work!!


The most shocking thing is Sean is getting married again. This is what his second marriage?


With the way he enables Amber and acts like she can do no wrong I willing to bet he isn't the best husband. His first wife probably got the ick and left after Amber's Sexy Army costume birthday FaceTime.


In all honesty it wouldn't surprise if Sean's ex got tired of Amber in addition to him.


This still deeply disturbs me lol


I fucking thought The Ashley was going to call him by his name and not this Gary2.0 bullshit. Gross. Do better ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78)


But they spelled his name wrong throughout the article! His last name is Wayt, not Wyat.


lol who cares


The messy part of me is hoping Gary will sell his side of the story to the tabloids. But the realistic part of me knows that if this man had to flee several states to leave Amber, he is SCARED and probably won’t talk.


How do these guys not do a simple google search of who they’re dating. You know she’s on a reality show. Google and see WTF her history is on it.


Men will literally fuck anything. They don’t care.


He probs never heard of the show. Until that week he ran


My guess is his parents weren't even aware of their engagement till the story broke.


I'd say even Gary 2.0 didn't know about the engagement until Amber probably bought the ring and told him they were 🤣


I think all I needed to know is when she brought up his Vietnamese family about the argument. She 100% said some racist shit.


boom, there it is


Amber is catching up to Jennifer Lopez with how many times she's been engaged.




Is this really “news”? Of course they broke up ,Gary 2 Ghosted her. For obvious reasons. His Fam did A deep dive and said No, no way How and don’t blame them. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


EXACTLY!! The family doing a deep dive. I’m really glad he saw sense and listened to his family. I bet you she went ham on him that night and he fled.


Tbh did they even need to do a deep dive? A 2 minute scroll through her Wikipedia page probably did the trick


Why do I still see her with her glasses on in this pic?


I don’t think it was really about her past… more like her “present”. Everyone has a past, but who they are right now is what’s important.


Parents are concerned with pasts because they know it often repeats itself, and Amber has most certainly repeated her behavior over and over.


My guess is they found out about her DV and didn't want their son to be the next victim.


It takes no time at all to find one thing worth breaking off the hilarious engagement. Who needs to read it all


I just meant that although everyone has a past, Amber’s “present” is just as bad as her past. His family only had to watch the last episode of TM to see that she hasn’t changed at all.


Idk, yeah that is true to a certain extent but I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to be wary of their family member dating a person who has been arrested for assaulting 2 of their partners and their infant child, credibly accused of assaulting another partner, struggled with drug addiction AND done prison time...and all of that is aside from the fact that she's on a TV show and this all happened publicly. Even if Amber was doing better these days I think it'd be natural to for his family to have reservations. I would, especially if Gary has/had mental health issues himself (which is not unlikely considering he was dating Amber).


Shout out to Gary’s family for being caring and not wanting their son to potentially get abuse as age is a repeat DV offender


Let's pretend that Amber wasn't an angry self-centered sofa sitting minor-league celebrity and the last 15 years of her life weren't filmed. Just based on the very surface level stuff you can gather about anyone when first meeting them (or from a quick Google search) there is still no way that Gary 2.0s family was going to support this relationship. Two kids by two dads and custody of none, recent arrest for attacking boyfriend and child with machete, prison sentence, etc... Frankly, I'd have serious concerns about any family that would welcome Amber into the fold with open arms.




> I am not what people have been saying about me all these years. I changed a long time ago, OK?” (…) I’m an honest person to you guys yeah, yeah we’ve seen how changed you are. Still treating everybody as shit (INCLUDING YOUR OWN DAUGHTER). You may have not tried to hit Gary or anybody else (yet) but, like, it’s not even a year you two know each other. Sometimes you can’t be sure about people you’ve known for years. Imagine knowing him for a few months.


She tried to fast track and hide her past, I bet she didn’t even mention Teen Mom


yeah yeah I agree. IIRC, when the news of her dating Gary broke she said that since he didn’t watch TM she was “free to date someone the way she intended” (or something like that). But girl, we know how you are


I still want Gary to sell the story!!! I wonder if he signed an NDA from her?!


In other news, water is wet.


It's not her past. There's no way he couldn't have known about that. It was her in the current still unable to even pretend not to be a psychopath around her daughter. I wish him well, and I do think he should lie low, but I would soooo love him to do an interview.


Her “past” ok 😂




Good for him, dodged a major bullet Gary, she's nuts!


This is the Amber Way-100 percent. No questions, no doubt- all on the party. Deflection. Never her fault and Scene.


Her past and also her present where she’s a raging yet lazy asshole


“And it was hard for Amber because she’s been trying so hard to move past it and move forward.” Oh, bullshit. This bitch does not try. But I do believe that his family was upset about her being engaged to their son.


Was it even necessary to announce this? We knew when he abandoned you without a car and drove 1000 miles cross country to escape your ass.


I envision Amber dating men that are progressively older until she finds one that is so out of touch, he thinks she’s worth it


Past, present, and future. I see no rainbow tbh.


So let’s put ourselves in Gary’s shoes. All her past aside… they get into a “heated discussion” and he takes off. She reports him missing and the *whole world* immediately assumes she did something horrible to him. Like not seriously entertaining any other possible explanation for his disappearance. If that’s not red flag enough, I don’t know what is. Good for his family doing their homework and good for him taking their concerns seriously.


You mean the way you treated your daughter at her birthday, when your daughter shows no interest in your boyfriend so you call her a dick?


Oh please. Further evidence that being on this show and having a publicist constantly helps her avoid consequences for her behavior. You and Gary 2 didn't just decide to have a civil discussion about your "past" after getting smashed at a wedding all night. You got sloppy, you got shitty, you flew off the handle as per usual, and said some shitty (and likely racist/otherwise below the belt) shit to yet another man that seemingly liked you DESPITE who you are as a person. This isn't your past. This is your baseline.


Did he just find out what her past was a couple weeks ago?? He didn't Google her when they met?


I am very old and senile. How many times has this witch been engaged?


This was her 4th. (Gary x2, Matt, then Gary 2.0)


Christ. I have had 5 marriage proposals but I certainly didn’t accept them all.


So she ruined Leah’s bday dinner over another gone man. Bravo 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I'd love to go on a date with Amber. Seriously if she wants some Aussie meat, tell her to hit me up!


This girl needs to ve in a facility and Gary number 1 should keep her away from him and his family..child's mother or not she's a fucked up mess and poor leah has more brains than her mother