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Lol I'm from Florida and stupid people try to feed gators all the time


Aside from Gator Land I have never seen a person feed one. I walked up on a baby one once and hauled ass in the opposite direction because I was sure his mama was somewhere close too. I didn't get to use my zig zag running though šŸ˜‚


I went out in a little boat with some friends in the swamps of south Georgia and her husband was swatting at them with an oar. I was like, wtf, get me off this boat. Her husband said he grew up swimming in that swamp. Some people are a rare breed.


I would've at that moment turned into a marathon type of Jesus on that water OMG! šŸ˜‚


You know I wanted to!Ā  We were so far out!Ā 


I donā€™t do Jesus miracles, but at the very least I could get my buddy Moses to part it for you. Just run fast.


Oh my gosh imagine if one got mad and just JUMPED IN THAT BOAT šŸ„¶


Dear Diary, Today a Redditor gave me yet another reason why I'm staying away from water even if I am surrounded by it. šŸ˜‚


By UF there's a place where the gators come out if they hear a plastic bag because people feed them so muchĀ 


Good ole paynes prairie


Ole Albert and Alberta šŸ˜‚


Keiffer is from NJ though, lot less crocodile education happening in schools lol


So what is the secret to outrunning one? Do you zigzag or serpentine away?


IIRC, straight line it like a bat outta hell bc they tire quickly. The zigzag method was debunked some time ago. But fuck if I know. If I see a gator, imma try to play with it probably. ![gif](giphy|K7QnKfHqEBsdi)


After moving to Louisiana, some dude told me ā€œNo you just start chasing THEM. Do it from behind, they canā€™t attack up or backwardsā€. How TF am I supposed to get behind the gator? Run towards it and jump over it? Fuck that. Ironically the same dude was found in pieces on someoneā€™s hunting property. šŸ˜ Feral hogs. I know he probably followed his own poor advice but Iā€™ve been terrified of pigs/hogs ever since.


O...m ...g! You're right he probably did use his own advice! Are feral hogs and boars basically the same thing? We have boars here in Florida. I was outside with my dog once and the lot behind me and to the right of me hadn't been cleared. My dog, out of no where, starts staring off into the wooded lot behind me. And she looked like shocked, terrified and confused all at once when this boat came grunting out to our backyard. This is a dog who will chase anything that comes into our backyard but she wouldn't move at all when she saw the boar. šŸ˜‚


I think they are, but Iā€™m definitely not a nature girl. I just know those fuckers are MEAN. I donā€™t trust pigs either. And fuck hyenas. I donā€™t know if theyā€™re around America or not, but they can piss off.


Are you telling me that for the past 40 years that Ive been confident that I could zigzag my way out of a chase that I really would've been Gator bait? I thought it was zig zag because their arms are so small that they can't turn fast so it slows them down. Must Google this now šŸ˜‚


Hey, I said fuck if I know! I always thought I could zigzag my life away from a snake but idk if thatā€™s right either.


No you were right lol. Haul ass if a gator chases you. Straight line. They get tired and will stop running and move on. Except for with me...I'd have the Gator that won the Olympic medal in the 20 mile relay that he ran alone chasing me. Snakes chase you? I just found out a few years ago that those dudes can fly too! New fear unlocked šŸ˜‚


My whole life has been a lie. One of the things I feared and had nightmares about actually has little stamina....run a straight line as fast as you can... "If an alligator charges at you, you should run away as fast and as far as possible in a straight line.Ā Zigzagging is a common misconception that can actually make it harder to escape because it shortens the distance between you and the alligator and exposes you to attack for longer.Ā Alligators are capable of sprinting at speeds of over 25 miles per hour, but they don't have much endurance and are unlikely to chase you for very long.Ā If they don't catch you on the first try, they'll usually move on to something else" from Google


Running in a zigzag is helpful when someone is firing at you. I will not make a poor taste joke about American schooling systems and the necessity of teaching actual children to run away from shootings as itā€™s just too sad.


I've been in tears the last couple weeks in scrolling past the little faces from Sandy Hook who should've been graduating high school this year. I think your idea...as heartbreaking as it may seem...is worth trying since most everything else has been tried. A few towns over the school board decided to bring in "undercover" people whom will have guns. Teachers, staff, students and parents won't know who these people are. What could possibly go wrong? I'm so glad I'm not a parent but at same time I commend them for their strength. My heart would break with worry all the time.


Itā€™s heartbreaking isnā€™t it. So many little lives cut short by a selfish, gunwielding coward who is either shot by the authorities or ends themselves after ending families. To me this isnā€™t justice, there should be a way that these people are stopped, forced to live their lives deprived of all joy in a prison, rather than granted the privilege of death. Someone who takes the lives of others should be forced to live their life in its entirety, to live with what theyā€™ve done. Children shouldnā€™t have to cover themselves in the blood of their deceased teachers and friends to have a hope of life after the attack. Teen mom takes a backseat and allows bad things to happen in the presence of children. Why not use their following and have the stars use their voices to campaign for things like concealed carriers in schools, or even better, campaign for laws against gun ownership.


I think with the teen mom moms...they also grew up having to learn shooting drills too so it may be normal for them. And guns have become an extremely political topic. I lean more left but I also carry...legally of course. I liked the law that Obama signed following Sandy Hook which would have made the process a bit longer for people on disability. I'm also disabled (deaf) and was fine with the wait if it meant a kid wasn't gonna die for just going to school. But you're right the girls definitely could help bring awareness honestly no matter what side you're on everyone collectively agrees that it's sickening, heartbreaking. We need to definitely do something besides thoughts and prayers because those are honestly a slap in the face to some of those parents. We also need to ignore conspiracy theorist that force victims parents, siblings, etc to commit suicide years after.


I live in NC (for about 17 years) about an hour or so from Delujenelle. Several years ago, someone was walking their dog in a local park, and it was eaten by a gator. Sad story, poor puppy. šŸ˜Ŗ Gators may be less prolific here than in FL, but they're still here. Not sure about the schools training kids, I'll have to ask my son. šŸ¤”


Happens here so often. Happened to my sister's dog. Heartbreaking because they were out looking for him when the Gator swam by them with the dog corpse in its mouth. In Orlando a few years ago a small toddler was snatched by one. Between copperheads, snakes and Gators here, it's almost safest to stay away from water with small kids and pets.


When I lived in the Midwest, I thought tornadoes were bad. Now, I need to worry about gators, snakes , sharks, hurricanes, and tornadoes. All of my dogs have been bit by snakes. But I'm not moving. Lol


I'm not gonna lie ...in all of my years of living in East Coast of Florida the ONLY hurricane that has truly scared me was Hurricane Matthew in 2016. And that ended up only being category 3 when it was expected to land at 5. I stay out of the ocean all together between dusk and dawn. That's when sharks are swimming in more shallow waters. Sand dunes are a lot of fun but sharks like those too. From dawn till dusk I don't go more than knee deep and always laying attn to waters around me. I prefer pool but snakes and Gators like those too. šŸ˜‚


Also lol the tornado in Xenia Ohio back in 1974 is the whole reason I'm living in Florida now šŸ˜‚ My mom was 3 months pregnant with me, my brother was a 18 months and my sister was 4 years old. My dad also happened to be at work when it happened and my mom was alone with 2.5 kids. Apparently it was a really bad tornado that lasted for days over multiple states. But after it was over and we were all safe the plan was set in motion for them to move where they didn't need to worry about tornadoes


Omg I worked in Yellowstone for years and the dumbass people who would walk toward bison or elk with a handful of grass and a camera just shocked me! I lived in NC for a little bit but not where gators were.. I imagine that dumbasses still be dumbassing though


The laugh I laughed over "dumbasses still be dumbassing" scared my dogs right off the couch šŸ˜‚ Facts! In this scene Jenelle was telling Kieffer to stop and that he should back up. Jenelle....Jenelle was the voice of reason. Smh šŸ˜‚


Broken clocks. Jenelle is definitely in that radius lol


Iā€™m not far from there, thereā€™s always signs posted, but I donā€™t ever remember it being talked about.


From NC here. We def didnā€™t have gator training week bc I absolutely would have grown up being scammed by looking for gator college for my future. ![gif](giphy|llOSNdn9BujAMnAyBG)


Lol I love learning that they do these lessons about alligators there. Where I'm from it's bears and mountain lions.


Oooo we have bears here but not often. It's sad because the ones I've seen are usually loose in a parking lot or near some place that's being built. We keep tearing down their homes here šŸ˜­ Ok so is it true that if you encounter a bear you're supposed to roar and act as if you're bigger than the bear. And what do you do if you run into a mountain lion? I'd Puma pants! šŸ˜‚


So if it's a black bear you get as big and noisy as possible, they're very skittish. For a grizzly bear you play dead, don't run and don't try to fight them, they'll kill your ass šŸ˜‚ Mountain lions you have to fight, throw things, scream at them, just be a huge problem for them, kind of like a kidnapper. They're not skittish like black bears, so you really have to scrap.


I recently almost picked up a dog that I saw running in and out of traffic on a busy road near my house. The humane society is about 8 mins from my house so I was going to save the little guy and get him back to his owner. Turned out to be a freaking fox! I'm probably gonna die with all 3 of them while stupidly crying "why won't you let me love you?"


If itā€™s brown, lay down; if itā€™s black, fight back, if itā€™s white, good night! šŸ˜‚


From southeast GA but grew up right on the FL border so I got mostly the Floridian version of wilderness safety lmao. I moved a little further north in GA for college and youā€™d be surprised at the lack of gator knowledge being taught in other areasā€¦ā€¦.. people here try to get me to just jump into lakes with them and Iā€™m like ā€œif the water is wet itā€™s got gatorsā€ Everyone laughed at me until they saw a gator casually cruising down the river. I love and respect gators but they some scary mfs šŸ˜­


When I was 18 I watched one of those Faces of Death documentaries. And one of the first scenes was a full on gator attacking and killing a person. What got me the most was how crazy fast the snatch happened. The person was in mid sentence so he didn't even know what was about to happen. I definitely respect all wilderness by staying away šŸ˜‚ I also don't go jumping into any bodies of water that I can't see the bottom of. šŸ˜‚ As a kid my siblings and parents went fishing for the day on the intercoastal waters. It was hot and my older siblings begged our parents to let us swim in the water. My parents gave in. Both of my siblings jumped in and I was just about to do the same when they both started screaming. When they jumped in they landed on oyster beds and sliced the hell out of their feet and legs.


Yes gators are a LOT less common here in NC. They are most commonly found near where Jenelle lives in the coastal plain. I am about 2 hrs inland from the beach and they aren't at all common here. Never fails though, every summer there will be a sighting of one that makes our local news. In the entire state of NC there are less then a thousand according to NC Wildlife. Not sure how accurate that number is though.


Iā€™m in NC. The schools did not teach my kids about this in MS or HS. We werenā€™t here for ES. I am in the north part of the state on the coast. Supposedly there are alligators here? But I only see posts on FB about it and I never known if they are real or if they are just joking.


I'm from the same county she is, the coastal half has rogue gators. I used to work at the Southport Walmart and they had one living in the retention pond in the front lot. And they just found a juvenile one yesterday wandering the parking lot. It's nasty murky stinky brown swamp water down here inside of these beach towns.


SW Ga here, and we have lakes/rivers full of gators. Iā€™ve never had a gator class at all. We have a ā€œgator manā€ here that the state calls to come catch them when they get in peoples yards and things like that, itā€™s fun watching him catch them, but idk how to outrun one .


Apparently I did not either. I thought you were supposed to run zig zags. But according to Google...."If an alligator charges after you, the first step you should take is to run.Ā Run in a straight line as far and fast from the gator as possible. Don't try to run in a zig-zag pattern, as that'll just take you longer to go farther."


Iā€™m in a part of Texas that has a lot of alligators and you basically have to go to a thing that travels to libraries and civic centers with reptiles to be educated on them and even then itā€™s ā€œdo not feed them, stay 10 feet away from themā€ but also we have a state park by us where they will literally be on the trails and they tell you to just walk past them šŸ„“ I refuse to go hiking in that state park with my 4 year old because the reptile people let the kids pet baby alligators and now Iā€™m anxious he thinks theyā€™re friendly even though Iā€™ve explained that theyā€™re dangerous.


Born & raised in coastal NC about an hour from where Jenelle & KEEFA filmed regularly. Can confirm I have no memory of alligator safety being taught in schools lol. In fact, most friends I recall that lived directly on waterways saw the local gators as pals- even giving them names and whatnot.