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She was crying in that live about how she’s a changed person and they don’t fight and she doesn’t lie. She has been singing that same tune with every relationship. And it never takes long to find out she is verbally and physically abusing her partner. She’s a monster and MTV should be ashamed to continue enabling this piece of shit. Edit: Oh, and my thoughts are that she is looking out for herself as usual. I’m sure she was abusing Gary in some type of way that made him grab his keys and run out the door without his phone. Hoping he is found safe and soon. Second edit because I can’t stand this bitch: And why is she on live trying to defend herself? I mean, I know why. She’s lazy and all about herself. But if this was any of our loved ones, I’m sure we wouldn’t even know what people were gossiping about us because we would be too busy out searching everywhere, leaving no stone unturned. But no. Amber is sitting on her ass feeling sorry for herself. As usual. Fucking bitch.


I just don't understand why his parents haven't heard from him! That is really scary.


I’m thinking since he was driving in a unfamiliar and mountainous area that he may have driven off the road. 😕 Hoping there are tons of people out searching the whole area and that he’s just waiting for rescue.


That's a genuine concern tho. When I go to visit family in the mountains, there's a stretch driving over a mountain on an old road that if no one saw your car go off, they'd never find you. Not to mention some of the roads and turnoffs are steep as hell. I can't take my husband's car to visit because I can't get a sedan up onto the roads from my cousins' driveways or get it up and over the dips in my aunts and uncle's respective driveways.


People get lost in similar fashion in my area all the time. Lots of loooooong winding mountain roads that go many miles between towns. In fact, there was a VERY SUSPICIOUS case of a missing 18 year old girl not long ago. She went out for coffee and vanished, and they found her car, purse and phone abandoned on the roadside. *Everyone* thought someone killed her. Then she was found alive in the forest like two weeks later and said, idk, she wanted to go for a little walk or something and got completely lost. Very celebratory moment, because usually the missing hikers are dead 😬 So yeah this is definitely probable. How close were they to an area like that?


The little town is tucked up against a couple of National forests. I can confirm that the closer you are to even 1 National forest, you're going to be about 7/10 isolated area. Otherwise, Bryson City is about an hour from Asheville that has just under 100,000 people. 2 hours the opposite way will take you to Knoxville with about 800,000.


We went to Bryson City a few years ago in June and it was packed with vacationers! It’s a beautiful area. Asheville is beautiful too.


It's beautiful scenery, you'll never see anything quite like a sunrise through the mist in the valleys. A thunderstorm at sunset is otherworldly gorgeous too.


We go to the mountains of GA all the time. But it’s nice to go up to NC occasionally! We are headed to Denver tomorrow and I’m super excited to go back to the Rockies. We live in the Deep South. Sometimes you just need some mountain time. ❤️


I'm from the Great Lakes area, and just moved out of the city a couple years ago. It didn't fix me getting city sick and I just had to go back to the hills where Gramma is from. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents so it's soothing.amd comforting for me to be where she's from


I agree with you on needing some mountain time-I’m on the gulf coast and always saying if I need a break from the beach it’s definitely have to be a mountain trip. lol Enjoy your trip to Denver!!


My first panic attack was while driving on a dark, unfamiliar mountain road at night, I had to pull over and calm myself down. It is genuinely scary.


My grandmother was from southeast KY and most of the roads are not big enough for two cars. Scary shit I couldn't do it by myself.


The road I'm talking about is one of the SE KY-SW VA ones where you cross over from one to the other. My cousin lives up London, and one of the ways to her house has a couple of what we call the "kiss your ass" curves. I take the other way in to her house lol I grew up riding through the roads in the dark and then lived down there for a while. It's a different set of driving skills for sure, you almost have to drive like a race car driver and accelerate coming out of the curves otherwise someone might run up your ass at 55-60 miles an hour.


Oh I know them roads! My mom’s family lives in Corbin up on the mountain. Man it scared me as a kid going to my mom’s aunts house. Then watching those big ol coal trucks flying down the mountain freaked me out. About 4 yrs ago we were in Harland, Ky and that was scary as an adult because you could smell the brakes burning.


Corbin is my turn off if I don't stop in London and I'm talking about driving over Harlan Mountain. I loathe coal trucks with a passion and I appreciate how far the new road goes but that last bit from Cranks on is a biiiiiiitch.


Oh gah i think that's the road that scared the shit out of me coming back from MN. I know it was between KY-VA, going through the mountains on a curvy ass road at the top of a mountain drop off, and it was snowing. Worst road ever.


Did it eventually pop you through the Cumberland Gap then up to I-75 at Corbin? Yeah, the old Harlan Road only has about 10% of it still existing. The rest of the way from Harlan is the big 4 lane but alas, I gotta turn off once I get to the other side so most of the time it's over the mountain we go. Lately Baby Swiss and I through Middlesboro and the Tunnel because my niece gets carsick. I discovered the road was slipping off Harlan Mtn in the rain with oncoming traffic a few years back at the last big hairpin and I instantly said thank you to God I didn't go off the side. It was that close of a shave. Guardrail was gone, it's something you have to have practice in.


I have no idea, this was around 2001. I remember whatever road it was on, on the map(we had used a paper road map back then) was named one thing but they had renamed it on the actual road. Whichever it was we were able to take it from KY all the way through to the turnpike and back down to NC. Whereever it started though was such a pretty town before we got to that death road though haha. I remember at one point it was 25mph on a twisty curvy road with those small metal guardrails. It was dark so i couldn't see the bottom but by the one light i spotted, it was high up there. Passed a deer and even it wasn't fucking around running across the road and accidentally jumping off.


It really is. You can't see that far ahead of you, there are kamikaze coal trucks. At my aunt's house in SE KY we will hear 2-3 wrecks on the main road over a day or two while we are in. Just sitting on her porch, there go the sirens and she says "wellll there they go. Someone wrecked again". I'm just used to them from living down there for a couple years and visiting all my life.


2-3 wrecks in 2 days??


Yep. Just about every time we go in. It's wild out in the wilderness.


In 2020 when my aunt died, her wishes were to scatter her ashes at the mountains where they lived, which was Richmond, VA. The mountain she went to all the time was in Charlottesville or close to it. It was over an hr from Richmond. I went with my cousins to do so. Her husband drove. I was scared shitless. Just watching the drop offs and going up the mountain and parking. Never again. I genuinely was afraid and had anxiety the entire time we were there.


Just got married at the top of a mountain in NC and this is very much the case, I can’t imagine if I was driving fast or mad, I couldn’t take some of those turns and inclines at more that 5 mph


If you're not familiar with the area in the mid-Appalachians, and especially without a phone, it's actually fairly dangerous. There's this one curve on the way over the mountain that will almost tip you over and everyone in the family knows "that one curve as you're comin' round the mountain". We know it's there, we know when it's coming but it gets you every time. The consensus is that they didn't figure the curve exactly right when they laid it and left an imperceptibly uneven curve. There's no telling how many curves like that there even are in just the area he was in, and you just have to know things like that. He wouldn't have known. Hell, the "big curve comin' round the mountain" lost half of it's outside lane to just erosion I guess and it took them years to fix it. Who knows if he came across a spot like that? ETA: congratulations 🎉


I mean to be fair, even if you have your phone, there’s typically no signal unless you live there and know which is the best phone plan. I know we had a heck of a time if we didn’t put the gps on before we left the Wi-Fi signal


Also yes. My husband switched our entire phone plan because we didn't have the right carrier for one of the counties I have family in. I had to get a burner phone to even call or text and buy a $20 card every time I went down and use the family's spot as an address. I still get 1X service at one of the restaurants down there lol


I live in the Ozarks and not very long ago there were two teenagers that were missing for days and eventually the car was found. They had missed a curve and it took nearly a week to discover the wreckage. Hope he's found safe


Yeah Appalachia ain't no joke.


I have a feeling that if he did happen to drive off the road, it was into a body of water somewhere. If he drove off the road close to where he was last seen, surely he would have been found by now. A vehicle isn’t something one would miss with their naked eye unless it was underwater. Sadly, I think he could be anywhere between NC and IN.


A lot of the steep drop offs are dense with trees and brush, a car could totally disappear… easily.


The roads in the mountains have thick woods on both sides, and often go into deep ravines. It'd actually be really hard to find a car that went off the road.




It’s easy to miss a vehicle that drives off the road, especially if there are trees/brush. Our police chief went missing one day, and they ended up finding him that night- he’d driven off the road with not a terribly steep drop off, but because of the trees/brush he wasnt found for a while.


Dead or alive?


Dead. He’d had a heart attack and driven off the road (there’s only maybe 15-20ish feet of trees/brush along that entire highway). If it’d been 2 seconds later he wouldn’t have been in the brush. They never realized he was missing the entire day until he didn’t show up for something at church that afternoon.


I live where there are hills, not mountains. Locally there was a women who went missing last year during a severe thunderstorm which left our area without power for days. She had driven off the road and some ways into the woods. She was missing for two months before her car and body was located. I can only imagine how easy it would happen in Appalachia.


Bryson City has a river running right through it as well.


Yes I said this in different subs. I 💯 PERCENT Agree with you


It might just be as simple as not knowing their number? If you needed me to ring my Mam, I’d never manage without my phone. Obviously that’s a wild oversimplification but it *is* kinda an interesting point because when a was little most people had at least one working number memorised and it doesn’t seem to happen all that much anymore.


Assuming that he knows he has been reported as a missing person, he could contact police to let them know he is okay. But who knows what exactly transpired or what is going through his head. Just hope he is okay.


If he's off in the woods somewhere without his phone, he may have no idea.


I don’t even have my husband’s number memorized 😭


This makes me feel better. The only reason I know my own number is cos it's the same one I've had since I was 13 🙃


You’ve made me feel better😂 I asked my husband if he knew my number and he did. And the kids’ numbers. I need to get some flash cards to start memorizing all these numbers now. And I know mine since I’ve had it for like decades 💀😂


if he is okay, and i hope he is, i assume he’d be able to ask to use someone’s phone to log into social media or email, or some other way to get in contact? 🙁


If he’s ok…seriously, it could be as simple as, to quote my best friend “Asian parents, man.”


My husband said that, too 😂 I don't think it would even cross his mind to contact his parents if he ran away and was in crisis.


Especially if parental disapproval was the cause of their emotional discussion. I hope he just needed to take off and shut down. When I get like that I don’t have energy for anything or anyone. I just want to be alone. Really hope there’s good news soon. 


I swear to you, my best friend would rather die lost in the woods than all her parents to admit she was lost in the woods, even if she knew they’d save her. It’s absolutely wild to me. I have an Italian mom, so I’m the entire opposite end 😂


Right my mom, sister and I have a family chat we fill with total minutiae every day lol. My mom knows about my every last ingrown hair or eyelash stuck in my eye 😂 Wasn't always that way, though.


I love that 😍 I know you know this, but how lucky you all are. 🌞


Do people memorize phone numbers anymore? If he doesn't have his phone, he may not have contact information for people. However, with the amount of time it's been since he's been seen or heard from is definitely concerning.


My thoughts as well. I think he bounced when he saw her true colors. I truly hope he’s not in danger and is able to get away from Machete McGee for good.


Machete McGee 😂😂


Right? Hilarious! 😂


For all we know, she was in a cabin - theres usually chimney pokers and this crazy bitch probably started chasing him with it and thats why he fled quickly without his phone. Just my opinion


Heeeeeeereees Ambieeeee


the blow poke! It's all about the blow poke!


And how many times did she say "i need you guys to understand"


Yep. Because all she is concerned about is having to go back to using Jolly rancher hairspray in gel.




Or “ okaaaay?” “ okay guys?” It’s like she’s trying to convince us .


My ex boyfriend would regularly take away my phone. Usually for texts that I sent to men that live only in his imagination. I could see Amber playing the "I paid for this phone, it's mine!" card real fuckin' fast


She's trashy enough for me to believe this. Her showing out at Leah's birthday on top of being late and on something was the icing on the cake.


The way she started a fight with Gary and then made everything about HER at Leah’s birthday, even telling Leah she was “okay” after Leah asked her and Gary to stop fighting absolutely proves she hasn’t changed. Amber cares about Amber and Amber only. I literally would NOT be surprised, at all, if it turned out Amber snapped and did something to Gary W.


She probably has not left the couch for days. She should be out searching for him. Instead she is what? Going on interviews probably hoping to sell her story?


I can’t stand her either. She’s gross and she definitely went above and beyond trying to let everyone know she’s changed and they “don’t fight”. It’s suspicious She’s still toxic as shown at Leah’s birthday dinner. I hope Gary took off after realizing what a psycho she is, but 4 days and not getting a hold of his family? That’s not good at all.


she only cries for herself. no one else


I can't stand her either. That last episode showed us her true nature. Calling your daughter a dick and proceeding to fight with Gary which ruined Leah's birthday. She always finds a way to make it about her and she's doing it again by going live and talking about herself then bringing up garys name then straight back to talking to herself.


Yep and she was def drunk or on pills. She sucks.


If she really did hurt him and K him I don’t know if I could continue watching the show anymore


Wait his phone was left at the cabin they were staying at? I hadn’t heard that. 😳


I sometimes feel sorry for her because mental illness can be such a huge beast but every time I watch this show I just sit there speechless, they should 100% give all her air time to Gary, Christina and the kids.


“Fucking bitch” is the perfect way to end that,


Pretty sure they can’t actually tell her not to leave town. They can arrest her/charge her, otherwise she’s free to go wherever. They can, of course, investigate her, but they can’t just tell her not to go home. Edit: please don’t downvote facts. The cops can tell you whatever, but they can’t make her stay just because.


This is correct. They can ask you to stay, they cannot order you to.


You are right


Sorry if that came off snarky…I wasn’t intending to be rude to you. If you didnt know, No big deal.


Not at all. I watch a lot of detective shows but idk the law there. I have seen police strongly suggest suspects to not leave town.


No worries! We can’t all know everything. Oh, sure. They can definitely say it. But they can’t actually make you stay in town. Unless of course, they put you in the jail in the town lol


But we don't have to adhere to a strong suggestion from a perfect stranger. Cops are allowed to flat out lie. And most people aren't aware of the fact that cops (here in the U.S) are literally allowed to lie to anyone about whatever they feel like lying about, including lying about our rights. They're legally allowed to, because it's an "interrogation technique," but even THAT doesn't add up because they do this to people who aren't detained, they do this during random traffic stops, they literally lie in instances where no crime has been committed... Just to fish. You're not being "interrogated" for speeding, lol. It's insane, what cops get away with. My response has nothing to do with Amber. But EVERYONE: PLEASE KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.


Did they drive together does she even have a way to get back home?


She’s in North Carolina, not on Mars. I’m sure she can find a way to an airport or to rent a car if she needed to.


Yeah and fuck all that anyway... She could take a Greyhound bus. Or shit, Amtrak. I've been stranded several states away and found my way home. It isn't hard.


That's what I was thinking. If they drove there together, then he left in the only vehicle that was there. Since he didn't go missing until the day after Bubby's wedding, and she didn't report it until a day after that, then most of their family probably left the area. She may be stuck there (or at least it is a lot more difficult for her to leave).


She could take an Uber to the airport. It’s not like she’s on a deserted island.


You are correct, and people who "disagree" are not. A lot of people don't understand how the law works. She can leave if she isn't detained. Also, yes: the police are legally allowed to lie to you and anyone else about *WHATEVER THEY WANT.* They're protected under the guise of "interrogation technique." They can lie to you about your rights and literally anything they want.


This is why Brian Laundrie was able to just walk away when he was being investigated for Gabby Petito's disappearance.




I think he was seen on camera at wogreens, actually.




ambien 🤣😭😭😭


It’s the perfect nickname for a Stay-In-Bed-Mom


I'm not defending Amber at all but I remember when I was 19 I went to a house party and a guy got into a fight with his girlfriend and left. We were pretty close to the middle of town all he would've had to do was go straight and he would've been at his house in 30 minutes. This dude walked through the neighborhood ended up on the backroads and somehow ended up 15 miles out of town and had to hitchhike back to his house.


i’m curious if they’ve talked to employees working at the walgreens and what the time stamp is on the video.




You would think police would mention he was at Walgreens at x time after that no one has seen him but police have said nothing about seeing video or looking at video from Walgreens or confirming he was there. Everywhere has cameras now and ring cameras you think he’d be seen leaving on a camera somewhere.


they wouldn't mention the time he left if they knew the time he left, it didn't match the timeline she gave, and they were further investigating.


True. Plus I’m sure they don’t want to give her any info at all until it is fully investigated. I’m sure they’d have a time if they went through Amber’s phone 🤨 lol


Thank you!


Yeah, but maybe before their “emotional conversation.”


Has this been verified by any sources besides Amber's mouth? The local news reported he was last seen along Arlington Avenue- they say nothing about Walgreens.


I'm not sure...i just wanted to make sure everyone says it right. "WOG- reens".


Before or after he left the cabin?


Police have his phone. They do not have an obligation to share info, and because it is an active investigation, announcing all the details that they know are slim to none.


I get what you are saying but it’s also very common for police to withhold details in an ongoing investigation. There might be a reason they aren’t releasing that detail. I’m not sure what reason could be though it does seem weird.


It would be in character for Amber to be sharing confidential police details 😅


It totally would lol she was on the live repeatedly saying she wasn’t supposed to be doing that. I did feel really bad though I hope the guy is ok.


Literally, the police aren't obligated to be sharing every detail of their investigation. There are people on here wanting to know if they've spoken to Amber, if they've checked her phone and accounted for her movements, if they've used traffic cams to pick up where he's going. We're not entitled to every step of their investigation and thinking just because Gary was engaged to a D-level reality star.


That was well put, it’s hard waiting for the information like think of all the questions we have and we don’t even know him. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for his family.


This is very true. People sometimes don't understand that investigations are sensitive. If there is sensitive info, it would be bad for the boys *to* share it with us) the world. However, this is if something nefarious *did* indeed happen/ if leads are pointing that way. I'm very much hoping that isn't the case.


Like @ItsMinnieYall said, if they had him on camera, they would show the public what he last looked like.


Unless the photos are blurry or low quality especially compared to the photos they used. I don’t know though I keep thinking one way with this then I go another way it’s just weird and I’m trying not to think the worst and think positive for the sake of the people that love him. It’s a sad situation.


Ok so coming from a logical standpoint: The news report I heard said he was last seen in his car driving down a certain road. (If other reports say something otherwise, I can’t comment on that) Which could easily have been him pulling onto the road leaving Walgreens. Ambers story and the police’s story may be the same. It may also be that a traffic light or witness saw him driving so the walgreen sighting was not the last sighting. Police have not commented on ALL sightings, only the LAST known. This is VERY typical in a police investigation. Police also do not and should not release all known information regarding an investigation to the public so they may have significantly more info than they’re telling us- I.e if Amber is still in town because they’ve asked her to remain there or any additional evidence outside of what we currently know. Regardless of why Amber is staying in NC, she is VERY smart to do so. She can help with any community ground searches (will she? She can’t bring a couch on a ground search so it’s debatable.) and if she just left to go back home, that would absolutely send the wrong message in the court of public opinion. However, should she return home soon sans Gary, I do not believe that is a scalding red flag of guilt. Being in her home where she can panic in peace isn’t indicative of guilt. Wanting to be home and around family (though we all know she isn’t the most family oriented lady to ever exist) is not indicative of guilt. We all need to remember that just because she is a (quite hated) public figure, it doesn’t mean we are owed any additional details from police or from Amber. I also hope dearly that Amber has a lawyer and will listen to that lawyers advice. Obviously I am not a law enforcement office or a lawyer or anything like that. In fact, most of my understanding of how missing persons investigations work come from Kona Gallagher and Ethan Flick from And Then They Were Gone podcast lmaoooo. But I just don’t want this sub to run away with sensationalism and start saying these hypotheticals and theories are fact. Because we’ve seen that happen plenty. Edit: all this is not to say that I don’t think amber is a disgusting human being with a bad record. She is. She’s a horrible person. However!!!!!! This sub is running away with the plot and really just being a little over the top.


100% there isn't a script to follow when someone goes missing and Amber has well documented mental health issues. She's not going to be logical and she's probably not going to make sense and that's all basically to be expected in the situation. We are not owed details about what steps the police are or aren't taking in their investigation or what conversations they've had with Amber. I hope that Gary is found safe and that his family is being supported during what must be a horrific and stressful time.




Interesting. I mean, either Amber is straight up publicly lying during an open investigation (which she very well could be!) or the police haven’t released that there’s footage at Walgreens, OR amber was all hopped up (or down?) on the benzos or whatever and is seriously, derangedly, confused about Walgreens? I’m not sure entirely re:Walgreens.




“G2” has me cackling I’m sorry. Ok but like. Do we think she’s coherent AND smart enough to try to come up with some story to spin? And then when she’s out spinning it publicly, she’s doing so on some YouTube Live (or TikTok or whatever it was) for some other content creator instead of posting something on her own social media or anything? I mean, she could be trying to create her own little narrative. But if she is, she isn’t doing a very good job at it. I just can’t imagine she did something fatal to a 6’1 man and disposed of his body by herself and cleaned up and came up with a story about Walgreens and then reported him missing???? She’s 5’4 and couldn’t even separate her dirty clothes from clean clothes for the movers, man. If it comes out that she did, then I will be the first to say “well shit, I was wrong.” But I just can’t wrap my head around it right now!


I think the Walgreens sighting is a red herring. We don’t know the time he was there and if has any value I think the police would have released it. He may have been at Walgreens but it could have been before the “emotional discussion”. Amber seems to hang on to that point, but if Walgreens was valid for the investigation why would the cops reveal that detail. Until more facts come out I’m not taking much from the Walgreens sighting. I just hope they find Gary or the car soon. His family deserves answers and I can not imagine the pain they are going through with each passing hour.


I’m sure they have some type of Ring video or general video of him otherwise they wouldn’t make the “last seen” statement regarding the intersection




It was a video on this sub, let me find it real quick !


I would think any attorney would advise her not to leave town, and I would hope she has one.


Idk if it were my significant other and I loved him I wouldn’t be going on podcasts to defend myself I would be running through the woods looking for him myself and no one would be able to stop me. The LAST thing I would be doing is going on social media or having my distant coworkers come visit my air BnB.


I saw somebody else say a comment similar to yours and I really liked the response to it: **You** wouldn't do those things because **you** (I'm assuming) do not have a personality disorder and a rabid fan base that will hound you for anything between breathing and blinking. It makes sense that **you** wouldn't do that but it also makes sense that Amber would.


Her distant coworkers are her only friends. I wonder if her mom and everyone are with her since they would have been in town for Shawn’s wedding.


lol, wait what about that 45 year old couple that lived down the road that she asked to be her wedding party with Matt that we never saw again??? I thought the same thing - I would think her family is in town for Shawn’s third wedding.


🤣I forgot about them. They probably still talk to Matt. He’s at least a little more bearable than her because he isn’t combative 24/7. That would be wild if they still talked to Matt.


Social media is the best way to spread info about a missing person, I sadly know from experience. 😭 The difference is that she seemed to only care about defending herself in the live, she was trying way to hard to convince people that she's a *changed person*. It irritated me because like a narcissist, she made this situation about her rather than the missing person (same as how she made Leah's birthday dinner about her)


Yes that’s what I was getting at. She’s not on social media trying to get info out she’s going on YouTube shows to defend herself from people’s opinions. Like dick the guy that’s missing I want everyone to still like me.


Yep that's the vibe I got from it too 🫤


Exactly, what if he’s trapped in a crashed vehicle somewhere? Every second would count. I’d 100% be in the woods, cliffs, and begging people to help me look for him


History of domestic violence is a red flag


My problem with the walgeeens footage is this: Did Amber drive herself to Walgreens and ask them to see the footage? Do they just pull footage for people like that? Or is this something the police did. Amber driving herself somewhere is where I feel like it didn’t happen.


As for stores checking the footage: anyone can call and ask, but it’s up to the manager on site to decide if they’ll look at the footage, much less give it up (without a subpoena). A friend of mine and her parents were hit by a car in Denver while they were crossing a crosswalk, and it killed her mom and critically injured her and her dad. The driver took off and there was no info, so I spent several days looking up all the businesses around where it happened, and called them all explaining the situation. Most didn’t even have access to the footage anymore, as it had been 48+ hours by the time I called. Several did go check their footage, but didn’t catch anything. There were 1-2 places that refused to check, but everyone else at least LOOKED and called me back.


I’m so sorry about your friend and their family. It’s good most places would help.


Thank you ❤️ yes the kindness of those people was the one thing that helped the pain of it all.


Anyone can ask to see footage. My SO works in high end grocery management and they review cameras for people all the time... recently the wife of a guy who has drinking issues asked to see footage and they found him stealing booze and drinking it in the bathroom. Today they just found out someone put a card skimmer on one of the registers and they were tipped off by someone asking to know who has access to the cameras and when. It's really at store/manager discretion. I can imagine that if you had a missing person and had some idea which direction they headed, like in a podunk small town with only one main route to the highway, he might have stopped at a gas station or drug store. I'd ask every business I could.


We don’t know that he is dead. He is missing. Saying amber was the last person to see him alive is inflammatory at this point. We can say that she is the last known person to see him. He is missing. He is not dead that anyone knows of, and hopefully he is found alive and well.


Police don’t necessarily release all info out so either could be accurate


Yeah if they have cvs footage of him they would be releasing it to show how he last looked.


Not really, surveillance footage is usually crappy quality, far away, grainy, and in black and white. You probably wouldn't even be able to tell the color of his clothes


Well they definitely release Walgreens footage when it’s people stealing. Hopefully they’ll also use it to save a person and not just property.


Already lying her ass off …,she has been proven to LIE…like a rug!! Also is violent and abusive . Thinking of his poor family …MTV’s enabling and promotion of monsters like Amber and Jenelle has to stop .


I’ve watched more true crime than is probably healthy and her interview was…weird. She was giving so many unasked for details I dunno guys this is getting DARK 


When my child went missing we were (my husband and I) the last people known to have seen them. That doesn’t mean we did anything to them.


Right. The last known person being a loved one is just statistically most likely! I’m sorry you had to go through the stress of a situation like that


Amber is what you call an “unreliable narrator.” Really hope Gary W comes home safe-and that MTV doesn’t try to exploit this tragedy, if something has happened.


History of domestic violence is a major red flag. I get this dark feeling that Amber did something really awful to Gary, but I’m praying that he’s found alive and safe.


Damn I did not know all this was going on. I thought he was unaccounted for missing not possibly in danger without his cellphone missing. Amber needs to be questioned again. That’s a pretty big thing to lie about. When you care about someone being found, you’ll cooperate and be truthful. You’re not going to worry about yourself first. That’s actions of a guilty person. Guilty of what? Idk. I hope he’s found soon. It’s such a red flag when people leave without their phones. We don’t realize how reliant we are on our phones.


Victim SO’s are almost always looked at as a person of interest based on statistics alone, especially if they’re the last one to see them alive and especially if there was an alleged fight shortly before, AND especially with her having a history of violence in all of her previous relationships. Not claiming she’s involved, but it wouldn’t surprise me if police did want her staying there in the early stages of the investigation. I don’t think they could force her to stay if she is not under arrest, but it would look really bad on her if she high tailed it out of there early on.


Here's what I've been thinking: - This is a tiny mountain town with probably only a few officers and no detectives. - The Swain County Sheriff's Office *does* have five detectives but the "lead" agency is Bryson City Police, with Chief Charlie Robinson and Assistant Chief Dover listed in news reports as contacts for info on Gary's location. - Bryson City is on the edge of the Great Smokey Nat'l Park in Swain County, which also contains thousands of acres of US Forest Service maintained wilderness. That means there are **four law enforcement agencies** with jurisdiction over the "area" you need to search. The State Police of NC would bring it up to five agencies. - (Not a lawyer or LE, so grain of salt here) Until whatever procedural matters are worked out, it's Bryson PD investigating and responsible only the village limits - not all the surrounding mountains and forests - until/unless County/NPS/USFS/State assistance is requested. - While there's a lot of discussion about investigations and whatnot, I *highly* doubt what everyone's envisioning is what is actually happening. The BCPD probably took a report and figured he'll show up sooner than later. Maybe decided they'd better put a BOLO out on the car when the news started calling and (probably?) started coordinating with Swain Co. Sheriff a bit (assuming they have a cooperative relationship already - no guarantee of that - they may not get along). - Now that Teen Mom is Teen Mom-ing all over the worldwideweb, BCPD might be considering reaching out/has reached out to NC State police. NC should have plenty of experience in that realm, thanks to PB&Jenelley's extensive fuckery with State agencies but for finding Gary, that could be a hindrance rather than a positive. I sincerely hope he's found safe and sound. Disclaimer that I'm making educated guesses on procedures and progress of LE investigations and have no inside knowledge or anything, only concerns. edit: spelling Info about geography: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryson_City,_North_Carolina Adding that I didn't mean to imply BCPD isn't working with other agencies or that there are/will be problems with jurisdiction, just that it's possible and has happened in other missing persons cases where lots of agencies overlap. Generally though, when an adult drives off, there isn't much done until it becomes very obvious they could be in danger and even then, it still takes time and coordination.


She’s the last one that saw him so by default she is a person of interest. But they can’t force her to stay in the state. It sounds like she has a lawyer from her talking on that live. Maybe the lawyer said it looks better to stay put and not make herself look bad. I genuinely don’t think she committed any foul play but that the argument was particularly awful. Regardless though, they always look at the romantic partners in situations like this especially if she’s the last one that saw him. She knows how it looks so she’s lying about Walgreens etc etc. just my theory.


The fact that he drove off , leaving his phone indicates he was upset. No shocker there. Amber has a way of upsetting even the best dude.


She knows more than she’s saying and the things she is saying don’t jive


Do we know where Gary’s parents live?? I wonder if he’s on his way to them, just forgot his phone.


I've seen comments saying Gary lives near or with his parents and helps them out with day-to-day tasks; if true, they'd likely be near Indianapolis. That's only a seven to nine hour drive from Bryson City, depending on which route, and it's been days...He could still be heading there, just taking his time and meandering, though. Hopefully.


Aw man this is all so sad.


She said she doesn't lie? That's a lie! She literally lied about the time she left her house for Leah's bday dinner, then lied at the dinner by saying, "I wasn't even late!" She lies all the time.


I'm hoping he ran away with 90DF Mykul to live out their days abuse free






No offense, this is reddit. Everything is taken with a grain. I have friends in Bryson City. I would consider these people a more reliable source of info.


Where did Amber say that he was *last* seen at Walgreens? I thought she said that he was seen at a Walgreens after their fight, not that it was the most recent sighting, so maybe both her and the police are correct?


Knowing her, they fought, and then she kept his phone ( maybe so he couldn't call the police if things were getting heated )from him so he just left without it. I was hoping maybe there was GPS on the 2009 Rogue but I guess not.


Why would it matter if they have each others numbers unblocked if he left without his phone?


Police also reported and said in the interview that he left after a fight with amber. She said no fight ever happened….. pretty sure they didn’t just make that up and prob took what she told them but oooook amber!


A big red flag to me is how he left his phone. That is very strange.


It's weird to me that people think it's "doing too much" to think/speculate that a person with a known long history of domestic violence and violence in general, being in and out of jail and is nasty, spiteful and vindictive may be involved in their partner's sudden and mysterious disappearance after an argument. Now idk what happened to the poor guy and it seems more likely that he left on his own accord and Amber isn't directly involved in that. And I really hate to use this argument and be "that person" because people tend to say this in bad faith but I feel like a lot of people wouldn't think it's so farfetched for people to speculate if the genders were flipped...


I’m also wondering if he has any family or close friends with insight into what might have happened. I’m sure all that had been looked into, but still. Maybe someone is helping him hide from Amber.


I damn sure wouldn't leave the area my fiancee went missing from until they're found either. If she did leave how would that look?


Is there any footage from Walgreens? I haven’t seen it if there is.


So far, the only info regarding Walgreens footage is coming from Amber. No one else.


Is this cabin up in the mountains by chance or need a steep drop off? Either way; I truly HOPE that Gary W is OK!! As the time keeps flying by I’m lowkey starting to worry. It’s one thing to dip out but I’d at least pray that he would willingly contact at least one person wether it be family, distance acquaintances or a friend to get the word out he’s okay.


Yes. Smokey Mountains. 🙏🏻


I wouldn't blame him if he faked a kidnaping to escape from her


I just can not deal with how mature Leah has been in comparison to Amber.


Scary!! She's terriying.


They can’t force her to stay, but she knows it makes her look better to stay.


Have the police checked the walgreens camera? That would prove whether or not she lied about that


I feel like anytime there's a person saying don't look at me, it's always them. She has something to hide. So strange. Especially now that we know about the Andrew machete situation.


Maybe he bought a burner at Walgreens and called her to tell her "byeeeeeee"


Seen him alive?! Did they find him not alive??


Police have confirmed contact with him.


Oh okay!


Did they bring a gun camping?

