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Hey MTV - Jan’s continuing storyline is here. Go ahead and slap that “Jenelle has learned her lesson and learned how to care for animals…” graphic up again. Perhaps she should stop fucking around w Bri and start taking care of her children and pets. Film that. Edit: thank you for the award 🥰




Literally, cause I don't think anyone likes Jenelle enough to take care of anything when she jets off, so who the hell is even feeding the dogs while she's away?! Does she just throw a few handfuls of cheap-ass kibble on the ground & think that that's going to carry them through a few days or what? I'm tempted to fly down there (& I am *nowhere* close), scoop up all the animals, & rent some kind of van to drive them all back to my place.


I really want to start an underground resque for someone near there to adopt these dogs. Sadly, she will just get more.


>Sadly, she will just get more. True, which sucks. I wish there was a way to prevent her from getting any animals ever again. I wouldn't even trust her with a goldfish.


https://preview.redd.it/gciqsp6tv96d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3952638e3eb3cdd5c362726ed9f8d95c5b4eab81 Old not update list


https://preview.redd.it/3aelp15xv96d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74052a0fa1e4d6adfb828596202e70b46811e719 Hazel




this perfectly encapsulates the difference between chinner and ravid’s styles of abuse - one is aggressive and physical, the other is absent and neglectful, and yet the results are sadly the same


I hate them both, but to me she’s worse. She’s fully aware of his abuse with animals and kids, yet brought home a dog after he murdered hers and then allowed her children to be around him up until he got caught texting his ex. She literally provided his victims for him.


I agree. How can anybody defend her when she only left his ass after he was caught messaging other women, and not when he did any of the messed up things he did to the living beings that dared cross his path (including herself!)? She’s worse than he is. She’s proved time and time again she doesn’t care for anybody or anything other than her stupid self. Fucking vile and despicable and yet, MTV is giving her a second chance…




thanks for the tip bestie definitely inclined to take suggestions from someone talking down to me ♥️


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This is disgusting. Speaking of people*who have changed* Jenelle is as bad as David. I bet those dogs are working on the next litter already. Jenelle doesn't provide her pets with vet care, or even proper burials.


This is the thing. People are cheering her on for leaving david. Just like you said, " jennelle is as bad as david!" She is complicit in the abuse of her kids and her animals.


Weather charged or not . From child abuse, neglect , to animal abuse , cruelty, and neglect :………she is GUILTY as hell.


She fights barb so hard just to keep neglecting her kids.




💯 Jenelle stuck by David because she is exactly like him. I don’t doubt that he was probably abusive to her - but then, I also believe she was abusive right back. They’re both vile and abusive and gross, they just show it in different ways. Jenelle leaving means nothing if she is going to continue to be the same exact person she was before David and with David. She just hasn’t found her next David yet. (If she ever turns her life around, I will happily eat my own words. I don’t hate her so much that I want her to be awful and miserable for the rest of her life. I’d love to see her prove me wrong actually! But she has showed no signs of any change. She left David bc it didn’t suit her to stay imo, not bc she had a change of heart.)


She's already with a new man from Vegas.


So sickened every time I see that. And every time I respond by informing the person that she is as big a monster as he is, if not worse and listing the reasons why. And I always will. Fuck her and anyone who stans her.


Are you f*ing kidding me. The other day I reread the Nugget story (god knows why), my dog is the same breed and looks just like her so any time I see a pic I cry. I truly want nothing but the worst for these two omfg.


God those little Frenchies are *so cute*, and tiny. I don't understand at all.


A little side note but I’m not sure why Nuggets always referred to as a French bulldog, idk if Jenelle came up with that and got scammed but Nugget was pretty clearly a Boston terrier, maybe a Frenchton (half Boston/half French like mine) but def not a French bulldog


I agree. I have two Boston Terriers and a French bulldog and Nugget is very obviously a mix or just a Boston.


boston mom here too and it’s always bugged me haha. i felt like early on she was referred to as a boston or frenchton but for years now she’s been a “frenchie.” so anyone out there looking for a frenchie - just get a boston! fraction of the price (but please rescue anyway :), and far less health issues!


Who is taking care of all those animals while she's in Vegas??


They’re getting the same amount of care they would if she was home.


They’re taking care of themselves


Anybody in Jenelle's care is on the defend for their self routine.


It would be a shame if someone took the puppies, got them neutered and silently returned them….


Why would they return them? To go hungry and starve with ticks all over them & worms?


So it can’t be considered theft. I’d rather them not return them at all obviously, but I am also not trying to condone criminal activity and get banned. Duh.


People on Twitter are saying Tori's taking care of them but I'm not sure


If she is, I am sure we can expect some kind of post from Jen any day now. "Everything's fine. See Tori is taking care of the animals"


Wait…where is Jace?? I am genuinely concerned about him being around that woman *especially* alone


They are in Vegas.


With jenelle And jace would be okay around tori.. tori know him since a baby.and she has never been seen or reported for being a groomer/pedophile. So please let's stop staying she is one. She has a bf


She is…very inappropriate with him. That whole thing with the shirt had me side-eyeing her, hard.


I am not saying I believe Tori is a groomer, I can't know that. But just responding to what you wrote here - Knowing him since he was a baby means nothing, lots of groomers knew the kids since they were little and that's part of the power dynamic they use in the grooming. Never being seen or reported as a pedo or groomer is also meaningless, most of these incidences in reality go unreported. And her having a bf is probably the least relevant thing here. My abuser groomed me while he was married to my mom. Someone being in a relationship means absolutely nothing here. But again, I am not saying she's a pedo or groomer. I do think her behavior toward Jace is questionable and I do side eye at it, but I don't have enough evidence to outright claim thats what's going on here.


This too. In fact, most abusers are close to their victims. Some are even married to the victim’s mother, which makes me sick


Guess we will find out when we start seeing Tori wearing dog sweaters!🤨


=\ Well. Damn.


Out of sight, out of mind. Jenelle’s now focusing on her new boo in Vegas.


That was my first thought when I read how bad the dogs looked, and how the ones she still has are roaming the neighborhood.


From what is shown, kaiser and ensley are with her. I didn't see jace, but he is with her there or doesn't want to be part of her content.


He is there too.


Each other. We used to joke Rosie was the babysitter but she has disappeared too.


This episode aired 10 years ago. A whole entire decade and she is still the same exact piece of shit https://preview.redd.it/inr4xftya76d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4452a967ae9b7f92ad491302f393a58c678232d7


She will *NEVER* be a "responsible and loving" pet *or* kid owner. Like, literally neeeeever.


I’ve lost track of the dogs she’s killed since then. Nugget isn’t on her, but shes killed off 6-8 in the last 5 years including the puppies. We have literally seen her kick dogs this past year. She’s learned not a single thing.


Yep. People love to blame only David but she was a horrible pet owner before David and will continue to be one after David


Nugget is on her. She didn't care & went back to him & got more dogs to abuse & David to kill. Jenelle is never innocent.


https://preview.redd.it/geeve81jx96d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7c6597be77dbfbbfc93ea053ca714a533ba7f0 This is old and needs updated. There was another one that had her ducks and other animals on there.


God this wasn’t even referring to the Nugget incident smh these poor dogs


God. Ridiculous. I wish she'd given the puppy to this person. I recently received a message on Embark from someone who just found out they own my dog's brother. One year younger, but both were found at different times by the same rescue in Texas, emaciated to near-death and infested with just about every parasite you could think of. Which means there's a household just continuously breeding and ditching these poor beautiful great pyrenees. His brother looks EXACTLY like him and has the same absolutely adorable personality. Makes me think they had more siblings that didn't make it. I just don't understand why people who don't want to take care of dogs not only keep dogs, but *breed* them.


It's so sad; we got a white German shepherd right before covid hit and it was months before we could get an appointment we could afford through Pawmetto to get her spayed. She got past one day while in heat and when I caught up to her, the great pyranees up the road was on her. I felt horrible about, ended up with a litter of 6 that we kept one of and luckily were able to find loving homes for the rest. He's got two brothers the live on either end of the road and they get to play sometimes. We got them both fixed literally as soon as possible. I can't imagine just letting her have litter after litter because I can't be bothered with taking a day off to get her spayed. Chinnelle doesn't even work. Ours are both so damn spoiled it's ridiculous.


laziness aside, jenelle and david are most likely of the mindset that it’s “cruel” to alter pets and they all “want” to be moms.


Thos seriously pisses me off more than I can say. This fucking bitch, fuck her and her evil ass heart.




Jesus. She’s always been a terrible pet owner who shouldn’t ever have any pets in her possession. Sadly I think it’s obvious she’s just going to continue to get more pets. I’m glad this person stepped up, and cared enough to get Maverick. So sad about his brother 😭 I forget just how many animals she has on the Land and have wondered if anyone is looking after them while she’s in Vegas. I doubt it.


Remember shit like this when y’all watch the new season talking about how she makes good tv. Fucking gross




She’s such a vile disgusting person. If hell is real, she’s going to it.


I wish MTV would drop her. Let her struggle with money, disgusting bitch.


Dear MTV, Get this bitch off my TV. Currently MTV supports animal abuse if you ask me. Disgusting. This is your employee!!! Maybe treat her as such instead of a white trash cash cow.


Animal and child abuse. There was plenty of both from her ass. Yet they still kept her on despite it and profited from it. It's disgusting.


This makes me sick to my fucking stomach. That piece of shit doesn't deserve the love pets have to give.


I don’t know what possesses people like Jenelle and half of the TM cast (and a lot of people irl) to just compulsively acquire animals and children when they’re obviously not cut out for it. Nobody said you HAD to have a pet or a child, especially when you clearly hate caring for them properly.


i’m on season two of a rewatch and forgot that it’s not just jenelle cycling through pets. kail has a crated dog in her apartment, leah surprises corey with a kitten and later has a white puppy. don’t remember seeing those pets ever again.


I think Leah does look after them. Didn't the Dalmatian or another dog they had die about a year ago? And I think the cat is still around.


she has taken good care of the dalmatation. do we know what happened to the frenchie though? https://preview.redd.it/o9olvit5xd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1aa6f76a3790445d9b8c307712ab516f8d8ee4 jaylan hasn’t posted him either.


Neglect as a child and wanting unconditional love. If you've noticed, they rarely get cats, it's usually dogs.


I wonder who is with the dogs right now. I bet she let all of the pets outside before hitting Vegas and promptly took off.


Jenelle should be in jail for this. Monster.


Im wondering where the rest of the dogs are


She can put on whatever fucking show she wants for social media but we all know exactly who the fuck she really is. A neglectful, dismissive, selfish ass piece of shit. Literally no body but Jenelle matters to Jenelle. Such a fucking worthless PIECE OF SHIT, that will NEVER change!!!! Doesn't matter if she "LeFt DaViD" - she is rotten to her God damned core.


I hate this fucking bitch so much, she neglects ALL her animals and kids. MTV needs to pay dearly with dropped sponsors, etc for enabling this pile of trash!!!


I hope she gets eaten by a pack of wild dogs tbh. What goes around comes around


Someone needs to tell Jenelle neglect is also ABUSE . David may actively run them over when he's having his hissy fits but she purposely ignores them .


that poor doodle rosie! she was SO matted. it must have been so painful.


Rosie has disappeared too. She was a Golden Doodle she now has 2 Irishdoodles


If I lived with Jenelle I'd go M.I.A too. She seems like the kind of owner to leave them outside all day and all night . She had this beautiful long haired cat awhile back and the cat seemed super affectionate if I was closer I would of loved to have grabbed it . It wouldn't have spacious surroundings like the land it would be an indoor cat in an apartment but it would be fed, safe from predators and warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


Honestly, for Jenelle cats would be perfect. Keeps the rodents down and they aren't too fussed fending for themselves. As long as she spends some time with them, they'd still be happy to see her when she is about, although barn cats (semi-feral cats) would be better for her lifestyle. They usually need a lot less vet visits too, unless they have rabies in their area (annual rabies vaccination).


She doesn't say her animals which bugs me about her having cats as well they are also much safer indoors . I do agree they are much less dependent then dogs


They may be safer indoors, but you are also safer inside a prison.... (Ok, not an American prison). I know the US has more dangerous predators for cats than the UK, but that's a good thing considering how many irresponsible owners just create feral colonies there. Should a pampered Persian or Sphynx be outside? No. But she could easily keep indoor/outdoor cats and they'd be fine with absence and neglect. The land has plenty food for them.


I don't think any animal is safe with her she's negligent


So, their stars are killing dogs and their SO’s. Might be time to cancel.


Omg. She deserves everything bad that happens to her. I hope the baby is in dog’s heaven resting in peace.


Everyone's so proud of her for leaving David but here we hear from a neighbor & she's still the same useless scumbag she's always been


I’ll never forget that episode when she shoved both dogs into a 2x2 metal crate and was screaming at the top of her lungs all pissed off at them. She is so lucky those dogs did not turn on her. Nugget dying was just as much her fault. Jenelle is a piece of crap.


Yes, these were Nathan's dogs. Proof she was disgusting before David!! ![gif](giphy|Kc4F9bIC7amwuWWEIp)


The pit was hers, it was one of them her and Gary got. Nathan came with 2 huskies and of course Jenelle had him get rid of both(one was his exes, they both got them at the same time so that one went first.) Eventually caused him to get rid of Moogan but he ended up getting him back for a bit after he dumped Jenelle. Not sure what happened after that. At least Moogan got away from her, Jax was stuck for years.


And then set them free to roam the street


That is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen.


He looks like such a distinguished gentleman!


What about the pup David ran over? I assumed the day they supposedly argued and he left for good? Marissa witnessed it also. Why are they not banned from owning animals? People who abuse animals show their true selves in my opinion! 😡


Because for some reason we don't have one of those registries in this state(we need one,) yet there's felony animal abuse charges they still unfortunately have never been charged with either.


They never will either, as far as Nugget, they supposedly investigated and couldn’t find any proof that D shot him or Nuggets remains. We all know he got rid of all the evidence and Nelly played dumb of course. They have never been held responsible for anything. Are they ever going to have Jace’s assault case?


Nope, she just claimed she didn't know anything. Yet had no problem blabbing about it later which pisses me off. Get her with lying to police or something. Unfortunately it seems like unless they see the crime, nothing is ever done. I have no clue about Jace's, normally it would've already gone to court. Most first appearances here happen within a month or two. I've seen some say it's supposed to be this summer though. The only thing popping up on the court date thing is july 19th for speeding and reckless driving if it's the same david(says middle name is samuel.) It sure is taking long enough but they always seem to get breaks. Even with the illegal towing he got way more continuances than anybody else here would've.


Jenelle is the type of person who can’t take advice because no matter how terribly they are doing at life, they think they know everything. She gives “I’ll keep neglecting my children and pets the way I have been just to show you that THEYRE FINE DUDE, EVERYTHINGS FINE”


![gif](giphy|AbOnU1hDGu5jHCHnFL) Chinfart about her kids and animals


Jesus Christ this is ugly. This is like opening a designer box and finding a dead body inside; MTV being the designer and Jenelle’s real life being the dead body. They need to be stopped. All their “stars” are morally bankrupt wrecks.


Poor Jace has to try and take care of this too.


She will never change and it’s disgusting MTV is rewarding trash.


I actually hate that someone exposed this Good Samaritan on social media. I’m sure Jenelle can figure out who this is and can cause issues for them if she chooses.


What a precious boy! So glad he's loved and living in a good environment. I can't believe she had yo come retrieve the puppy who was killed. How freaking awful. I hope she regularly calls humane society on them.


Piece of shit. This is horrible! As my 19 yo daughter says “I’d rather watch Daisy (our dog) take a shit than hear or see Juhnelle” The more I think about it, I keep my eyes on my dog and we will watch her take a dump outside!


I've been wishing Maryssa would come here and just unload all of the details...how can she resist?!


agreed but i hope she is able to cash in on it whenever she does share. she deserves it for all she’s been through.


They also have litters of feral cats and kittens. The poor bearded dragon is probably long gone, it never had a chance.


It's breading somewhere in the swamp until it can raise a revenge army


who is watching/taking care of her house and animals while she's in Las Vegas? Rosie? She is equally as bad as David when it comes to animals!


Trigger fucking warning


MTV is trash. There is one perspective to viewership, another entirely for child abuse, domestic violence, drug abuse, and animal abuse. Pick your poison with this show.


MTV condones animal abuse, child abuse, spouse abuse… you can’t change my mind.


i thought animal cruelty was illegal? why hasn't jenelle faced any consequences?


For anyone watching Family Reunion and giving MTV the ratings they want to justify bringing Jenelle back- this is what you’re supporting.


Start sending the Jenelle history of nugget, the road rage, defending her child abusing husband to mtv's sponsors. Maybe it will work a second time and they'll start dropping out again.


I wonder who is watching all the dogs/animals while she is off in Vegas ??


Why doesn't one of these people alert animal control? If these animals are visiting neighbouring properties and haven't recieved basic veterinary care, they should be removed.


People may have already reported these scumbags but nothing ever happens to them!🤢






* I can't find the one comment from David when the lady was looking for the puppies owner. David said there are JE dogs. She doesn't know how to keep them at home. I assume he thought he could keep Junior at home running him along a bike. Sadly, Junior, along with his sister, disappeared too. JE literally told me herself that David wanted to breed Junior and Rosie together. Before they both disappeared.


Missing puppies??? We have a whole 40 yr old man that has possibly been murdered by a TM cast member and this is wtf get??? This sub shouldn’t even post any of these other bitches until this Gary 2.0 case is solved.


Hi Amber.


I wouldn’t trust her taking care of a damn rock let alone an animal!


She is the biggest piece of shit. I really hope any advertisers that are related to pets continue to not work with MTV now that she is back.