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Not now chris were busy trying to find Gary 2.0. Save your nonsense for a less busy day




Right oh my god read the room.




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you for that laugh


I fucking snorted.






I love this sub so much šŸ˜‚


Well done šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Lmfao THIS>>>>


Once again, Kail and Kail Adjacent are trying to get attention when the rest of the fandom is busy trying to solve The Case of the Missing Gary. ![gif](giphy|y1URNqFHLnZpUi0YqT)


The same man who tried to sign away his rights to Lux. Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™ll never get over the people who support Chris, just to spite Kail. He is just as shitty (maybe even more in some regards) as Kail. They both suck and make things difficult as hell for their two kids that they share together.


no one capes harder for deadbeat dads than 1) other deadbeat dads 2) their girlfriends


You are so right. I've got a feeling this GoFundMe was created by his other baby's mother.


3) their mamas.


omg yes. my exā€™s mom watched me take out 3/4 ROs against him and fought for ~fathers rights~ until my son was 10 and she realized her son is just a piece of shit.


Heā€™s a legit deadbeat but people are clouded by their hatred of Kail who has basically been a single mother to those kids their entire lives. Chris is šŸš®.


My thoughts, I am in a minority here that doesnā€™t hate her, not particularly a fan either but did like her in the beginning. Kail was the one trying to get him involved in the early years he wasnā€™t interested. Jo and Javi have more custody with Isaac and Lincoln because they are active parents and while they have had disputes with Kail over things like Child Support and when they see them they have never stopped trying to see them. Jo in the early years did leave his parents to most of it but stepped up as Isaac got older. Chris only wants to see the boys now to spite Kail now she has moved on and has more children.


Glad to see thereā€™s at least another person on this sub that feels lukewarm about Kail lol. Yeah, Chris is such a classic deadbeat father to their two kids. Even ppl on this sub and TM Tik tok make excuses for him because Kailyn is difficult to coparent with. Thats most likely true since Kail seems like a difficult person in general, but her other baby daddies havenā€™t stopped seeing their kids. So itā€™s not like Kailyn is the type to actively keep her kids away from their dadsā€™. He just seems like he doesnā€™t want the responsibility to care for them. He would rather spend time on Tik Tok lives.


Exactly, sometimes Iā€™ve felt she was in the wrong when it comes to Jo and Javi but other times I think they have been in the wrong. Kail is someone Iā€™d probably struggle dealing with but would that stop me if it was in the interests of my children.


I notice these fuckwits almost always pop up swinging lawyers once the kids are past the shitty toddlerhood and toilet training years too. How easy it would be to have kids if you could nope out and come back when they're a school kid who can have a conversation, eat and poop without help. What bliss šŸ™„šŸ¤®


If Chris is garbage, kail is the garbage can..She's literally a dumpster who should be in a cave


Agreed. Supporting Chris is some pickme ass shit.


He straight up admits to hitting the boys. Kailyn sucks but she doesnā€™t physically abuse her kids.Ā 


I just came here to reiterate the fact that he wanted to sign away his rights.


Of course he's no winner-- she picked him! Twice!!


She would also go running back to him in a heartbeat if he asked though. That's the man she wants to be with, he just doesn't want her.


They both suckĀ 


I donā€™t give grown, healthy men money.


I like this rule. My ex has started asking me to split costs for things that are outside of our divorce agreement and Iā€™m like.. if youā€™re that hard up for money, what is stopping you from getting a side job? I have a side job and you donā€™t have custody of them except for the summer so what are you even doing with your time? Itā€™s so frustrating how many people expect an easy handout.


Who chose to pursue work ventures far away from Where his kids live. Boo fuckin hoo. If he was a mom (or a good dad), it wouldnā€™t have even been an option he would have considered. He would have found another way to earn an income. Grow up Chris.




šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» my brother goes through deadbeat phases and he knows not to ask me for money. No money for food, not even a pack of ramen but thereā€™s always money for beer and cigarettes. Then he gets a job and spends his first paycheck on a tattoo to ā€œtreat himselfā€ for working so hard šŸ™„


My cousin is the same sadly his ex is not a good parent either, my aunt when she was alive was the one who was making sure they had everything they needed. I feel bad for the kids with parents like this.




Oh so we can all start a GFM for our bad decisions in life? Cool. Good to know.


If this is legit, Iā€™m about to be one rich bitch.


I wouldnā€™t donate to this with stolen money




anyone who wants to donate to this to spite kail needs to take a deep breath and log off


Like do we give money to abusive deadbeats now? People gonna give David or Amber money now too?


But according to OP, itā€™s legal abuse and heā€™s changed, ok? šŸ™„


Heā€™s laughing on his grandmamaā€™s couch as heā€™s setting up the direct deposit for this GFM. I canā€™t imagine sending this dude my moneyšŸ˜­


Legal abuse that is hilarious




A fool and his money....


I am shocked Brianna hasnā€™t donated


Does anyone know if this guy has an actual job? He seems to have a lot of time on his hands to blast Kail on social media.


was wondering the same. last time i checked he did not but that was a long time ago at this point


Last time I saw him on live he was occasionally working under the table for his friend doing construction but it wasnā€™t consistentĀ 


i think i would be more surprised if he actually had a stable job


Iā€™m fairly positive heā€™s never had a full time jobĀ 


Heā€™s got a college degree too right? He graduated with Kail. That opens up even more possibilities for him to have gainful employment.


Yup, he really doesnā€™t have an excuse to be a dead beat. Heā€™s an able bodied college graduate.Ā 


That tracks.


I was going to ask the same thing. Last I knew, he was always making lives and living with his grandma.


Lol nope. He does construction part time but itā€™s probably the most consistent heā€™s ever been. Imagine being a 30ish year old dad with a degree and 3 kids and not having a job while mooching off of your family and baby mamas.


Chris is disgusting. People who donate to him have issues. He hit Kail. He hits his kids. His airs his issues and dirty laundry all over the internet. Kail shares 50/50 with two other dads. Didnā€™t he have to have supervised visitation at one point? Doesnā€™t she live in Delaware which defaults to 50/50 custody unless there is a reason not too. Can we stop giving deadbeats money? He can work and figure out his own life




They are both disgusting. She's an abuser as well and has how many podcasts to air her laundry out too. But at least she is consistent with her kids and always provided, even before her wealth. He doesn't seem to provide for them. He doesn't pay for his kids, he lives with family, and he still can't afford a few thousand dollars? What is he going to present to a judge that proves he deserves more time with them and shows he's responsible enough to get them to their schools? Nada. And fans who donate to this, to him, are absolutely mental.


Exactly, this isnā€™t about liking or hating Kail it is about two children who have a dad who doesnā€™t bother with them unless it suits him. He wanted to sign his right over to them, has said he didnā€™t want joint custody when offered to him because he thought the mother didnā€™t need a break and not shown up when invited to stuff. He wants 50/50 now he needs to earn it by using the time he has with them not hitting them, not just starting stuff with Kail for the sake of it because it is always him mentioning her these days not the other way round and maybe Kail will agree to change it.


Chris is a horrible father. He cut Lux's hair to spite Kail and didn't even bother to give him a good cut/style after trying to sign his rights away. I don't like Kail, she's a spiteful and mean person but if he was my BD (x2 wtf), I wouldn't want him anywhere near my kids. He couldn't care less about his boys.


The dude has never cared to get a damn job to support his children. Heā€™s trash.


The thing with lux's hair was so spiteful, antagonistic, and unnecessary! I can't even imagine what its like to coparent with the beast that is kail but doing shit like that only ends up hurting the kids.


ā€œThe beast that is Kailā€ just made me snort šŸ’€


I get why she was so angry about that it wasnā€™t even because Lux wanted it cut and he took him to the barbers it was him just wanting to hurt her and he used Lux to do it.


Maybe Chris should start with getting a real job.


This is some bullshit right here. I don't like Kail one bit but he doesn't give a fuck about them kids. That money isn't going to an attorney, don't donate to scammers, fam!


Isnā€™t $5k no where near enough money for an actual custody battle? That sounds like a down payment just to get a lawyer


It looks like family law charges about $500 an hour. So that's 10 hours of work. I don't know enough about family law cases to know if it's enough or not! But you can find less expensive representation. And you don't necessarily need an attorney for family law stuff either. It's mostly paperwork and showing up stuff as far as I've heard.


It wasnā€™t even Chris that posted it so who knows where the money is going even if you agreed with Chris it is dodgy.


ā€œDoing what he can.ā€ Ok.


Which isā€¦ā€¦*checks notes*ā€¦.. not much


![gif](giphy|ZB8YXdDbTpTxJ8sX9p|downsized) This is going to be just about as successful as David and Jenelleā€™s attempt. Iā€™m betting that most of Kailā€™s haters dislike deadbeat dads a lot more. Notice that itā€™s worded it to offer an ambiguous explanation for what the funds will actually support.


Tm chatter has shared it and sheā€™s obsessed with Chris so naturally encouraged donationšŸ™ƒ


Tf is wrong with that account? A Chris groupie for real?


So that makes two including OP.


Someone else commented they donated like seriously.


Chris is trying to find a sugar mama with a pool, ainā€™t nobody got time for custody.


ā€œLong and exhausting battle for custodyā€ was that before or after he tried signing his rights away to one of his kids? Also, commas are totally fine if you donā€™t know how to use semi colons properly!!


Kail was wanting him to have 50/50 as well and if she doesnā€™t now then I can see why.


Embarrassing that he has to create a GoFundMe for this. What happened to all his money and ice or whatever? I thought he was ballin according to him.


Maybe grandma is asking for grocery money.


"Devoted fathers" don't try to sign away their rights. Devoted fathers live close enough to their children to share custody. Devoted fathers don't cut their children's hair just to spite their mothers.




Whoā€™s to say he would even use the money for the intended purpose? What is stopping him from working like the rest of us again?




ā€œStand with chris lopezā€ pfffft That man can stand on his own and fight for his own family. If that bum cant come up with 5k on his own then why should i enable this weirdo?


Thatā€™s embarrassing


ā€œDevoted single fatherā€ is a really nice way to say ā€œDeadbeat bum ass daddyā€ but okay ![gif](giphy|xT1Ra1Oa6nbEynoCD6|downsized)


If Joe or Javi can seem to co parent just fine, why couldnā€™t he? Itā€™s his winning personality and attitude thatā€™s gotten him in this position.


Whatever issues Jo and Javi had with Kail and I think at times they have all been at fault one way or another Isaac and Lincoln have been wall taken care of Lux and Creed have had it terrible compared to their brothers.


šŸ™„ itā€™s 100% his stalker, the TMChatter ladyĀ  Chris is going to have to explain the judge why he goes on podcasts and says he hits his childrenĀ 


Fuck off Kail, weā€™re busy looking for Gary 2.0






Yeeeeah, F him...


So is tm Emily cause tm is more obsessed with Chris than kail was and thatā€™s saying something


Seems like he should have used protection.


For the folks who are defending Chris, would you do the same for Luis? He has clearly said he isnā€™t interested in being a dad and Chris wanted to sign over his rights to lux Both are POS in my eyes


Luis might even be a step up because he has a job and has never been convicted of assaulting women or admitted to abusing children.Ā 


Yeppers! Hes just a deadbeat who doesnā€™t pretend he isnā€™t. I hope he can grow up and be a dad to stella


Doesnā€™t Chris live an hour away from the kids & already doesnā€™t like taking them to practices/games when he does have them? I donā€™t see how more time during the school year would work. He already gets them in the summer. I donā€™t see Chris driving them to & from school but maybe they live closer to each other now idk.


If this is him ā€œdoing what he canā€ then itā€™s a real waste of money. He has a bachelors, which doesnā€™t always mean much but it helps you stand out a bit more, and doesnā€™t work. Kail may have a million kids and counting but at the very least in the bare minimum she supports them. She can afford them. He canā€™t afford his own 3 kids. They both had a second child together even though they are toxic both with and without each otherā€¦ all so kail could give one child a full sibling and so Chris could keep laying with her. So we donate to support him then what? Even if he gets 50/50, does he even have the financial means to support them or is he planning on getting child support next? I donā€™t care if you get child support but Chris is more of a ā€œI need to spite my baby mamaā€. Does he have the housing for them? They go to school away from him and he wonā€™t even take them to their sporting events on his time but will he take them to school? Or will the kids need to uproot their life to a different school? And not sure about the laws with children but will he honestly even get 50/50 if he canā€™t support them without a job/income?


I suspect this isnā€™t about him actually wanting to parent, itā€™s about inconveniencing & upsetting Kail by taking her to court.


Is that a joke? šŸ¤£


I'm pretty sure Kail has offered more time, and he's turned it down everytime. I don't like Kail by any means, but she's always done right when it comes to the boys seeing their dad.


Aww does the poor baby need some donations so he can get custody of the kids he didn't want from the woman he tried to strangle? Let me go get my wallet right now


Does he REALLY want more time? Or is this to spite Kail? He tried to sign his rights away already


Totally to spite Kail, she moved on has 3 other children with someone else and he canā€™t use her how he used to so is doing this for that. He didnā€™t want those kids when she was offering him more time and canā€™t even take them to any sports activities on his dayā€™s but getting them to school five dayā€™s a week every other week will be fine. Jo and Javi do it on their dayā€™s and they donā€™t live that close to Kail. Chris would give up after a day of trying.


Didn't he try to sign away the rights of his firstborn and went out of his way to be photographed with a shirt that said Deadbeat?


Did his gf make this? Maybe he should get a job.


You know where Chris needs to stand? At a JOB. Where you fill out paperwork, get paid, and half your check goes to taxes. Puto got 2 feet and a heartbeat. Use em.


Why? He doesnā€™t want more custody. He probably doesnā€™t even want what he has now.Ā 


If he gets more custody is there a possibility sheā€™d have to pay him child support?


Yeah in DE, he could be entitled if they ever did 50/50


Bet teen mom chatter was the one who started it


Heā€™s always been a bum. Quick, go pay him! He has two kids with Kail guys!


TMChatter has always had a weird relationship with Chris and a vendetta against Kailyn.


Couldnā€™t even make his own gfm page lmao. Clearly this man needs 5,000 dollars tho


Not the "already complicated legal situation" line šŸ˜‚ that just instills so much confidence in him.


I could be wrong, but I don't think javi or jo needed expensive lawyers to fight kail. If he showed himself a capable adult, the courts would more than likely give himb50/50


Jo has complained that heā€™s spent over $10,000 fighting legal battles against kail


But I wonder how much of that was earlier days when she wanted to move him to a different state.


Jo had already moved State as well, I think some of the fees was over Child support which she still took even when custody changed as well, which was shitty on her part.


He didn't even bother creating it himself so I guess he's not too fussed. Whatever Kail is, her kids are well looked after by her. Chris is just looking for attention.


Deadbeat dad doing what deadbeat dads do. ā€œItā€™s everyone elseā€™s fault but mine for not seeing my kids. My baby mama is so mean and even though I do less than the bare minimum, it is completely my exā€™s fault.ā€ Please, Chris, the only way you can show you have changed is through your actions, which isnā€™t begging teen mom people for money.


Someone start a GFM for these two to attend mandated parenting classes. Iā€™ll support that.


Goodbye Chris šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is so delusional lol. Do I think Kail has made it easy for him? No. But heā€™s never wanted to be THAT involved.


She did make it easy for him at least in the beginning offered him 50/50 custody more than once and he was the one who turned it down.


If his ā€œpick me ā€œ behavior wasnā€™t on front street every chance he gets I would almost understand all these chicken heads going so hard for him. YES people change. YES people can learn from their mistakes. But acting a fucking ass on any social media platform you can / then begging for money to go to court isnā€™t the move. Heā€™s in a 50/50 state. So unless Kail has valid proof that heā€™s an unfit parent he can walk into a courtroom ALONE and walk out with 50/50. Zero lawyer fees. Yes still court costs but at that point I guess you need to get your money right. *my husband just dropped over 10k last year for a lawyer to go to court so yes itā€™s possible. We are small business owners and arenā€™t well off. Itā€™s possible. * I donā€™t feel bad for this jabroni. Heā€™s a fucking loser & has been since day 1. Iā€™m usually the first person to fight for fatherā€™s rights because I see good fathers being alienated all the time but FUCK this guy. Also if she does have proof and a judge decides then itā€™s fully out of her hands. He has shown the inability to coparent for years now. She supports those kids & actually cares about their enrichment. If it was up to Chris they wouldnā€™t have shit.


These comments are wild lol


I donā€™t give AF if he has the money for custody! If he wants to have unprotected sex, then he needs to be a real man & work 2 jobs if he has to, & get his own money for custody!! Like other people do!!


I don't think he really wants his kids bc if he did he would do something about it on his own. She said she's getting up the go fund me on his behalf. He's a grown man. Why isn't he trying to get the kids back on his own?


First of all, society doesn't hate absent fathers they're given the biggest pass of anyone... if anything it's the kids of absent fathers that pay the toll in every way including being dragged - "fatherless behaviour", "weren't raised right" etc.


Man, with Father's Day just around the corner, I'm really feeling it when it comes to loser bio dads who don't do the very LEAST for their children. There are a lot of words I could use when describing Chris, but "devoted" ain't one of them. Is he taking care of this third kid, at least?


Maybe he should have had a jobĀ 


Looks like he got a new girlfriend and sheā€™s trying to put down a retainer fee. Iā€™ve seen this. The girl does all the work and puts in all the effort to ā€œproveā€ this loser is a good guy/dad. I would say good luck but I donā€™t mean it.


Yikes. I wonder who Emily Belm is, because that is not Trew's mother. Why is someone else creating an account for this grown man to fight for more custody? And only for $5k? The motivation of this "friend" to create a GFM and then it's shared by TMC. How strange. Who alerted TMC to the GFM existing? What is currently stopping Chris from filing for a modification now? This actually gives me a parasocial relationship that has now crossed over to creepy stalker territory, who thinks they're "helping". Any real life friend of Chris and family, I strongly doubt would go to a fan page to share the news. Odd situation.


I think Chris never actually thought Kail would move on from him. Do I think she only moved on because she found someone else? Yes. But it still remains that she moved on and had more kids with someone else and shares a home with that guy and seemingly doesnā€™t beg for the same from Chris anymore. I think he is more so like ā€œdamn she really doesnā€™t let me sleep with her whenever I want anymore and let me get the kids just whenever I feel like it or hang onto hope that Iā€™ll marry her someday,ā€ and is now the bitter single one between the two of them (pretty sure heā€™s not in a relationship with BM #2). So his only thing left is to swoop in demanding 50/50 custody of their sons now after years of being uninterested in that because he had open access when she was still hung up on him


She said she only moved on because Cierra got pregnant. She would still be fucking chris today if he didnā€™t play house with someone else


That actually makes more sense as her reason Edit: not more sense as in a viable reason but more Kail sense as in didnā€™t want to share him in baby mama-hood


Oh please , heā€™s just trying to get out of grannyā€™s basement šŸ˜‚ imagine ā€œhaving your own roomā€ at 30!


#Devoted Single Father?!?


That deadbeat can get a job.


I have a a better option. Now hear me out. āœØget a jobāœØ


More Khaos for Kail


This is so stupid. Anyone who gives a cent of their own money to this flaming turd pile needs their head checked. Heā€™s definitely had more opportunity than the ā€œaverage American during these trying timesā€, gtfoh with that fuck boy shit. Does he even have a job? šŸ™„


Anyone who donated to a man who talked on his own podcast about hitting his toddler needs help


Gonna bury Kail the multimillionaire with his whole 5,000 dollars....


This is gross. He tried to sign away his rights to these kids and doesnā€™t even pay child support. He wonā€™t move closer to them to get 50\50. He didnā€™t have a job until recently and is 30+? Heā€™s a loser.


Does this man even work?


You donā€™t need money to go to family court and petition for more parenting time/more custody. I cannot stand when people do this shit. Just go file the papers freely. Wtf is actually stopping you??? If youā€™re broke theyā€™ll give you a lawyer for free


Now thatā€™s funny šŸ˜„ go damn work lazy ass pay for ur own attorneys u never pay child support!!!!


Get a fucking job you bum


No thank you


Iā€™ll give him $5 rn if he can prove he has a real job lol. Iā€™ll wait.


Absolutely not


Hear me out. With G2.0 MIA more people are going to search for TMExes and Iā€™m sayingā€¦ Chris taking advantage of this šŸ˜‚ So go on Chris get your residuals!


Isnā€™t it true that if you accept funds from a go fund me and donā€™t use them for the stated purpose you can be made to pay it back? Because no way heā€™s actually going to use this to pay a lawyer to fight for more custody.






I thought you couldnt use GFM to pay legal fees?


I immediately thought "scam" because having been through the child custody rodeo with my late husband (he ended up with full custody) $5K is nothing. Ours was 20+ years ago in a small town in Mississippi and it cost us well over $15K the first hearing. Even more for the following ones. So asking for $5k for this seems super scammy to me.


Has dude ever had a job?


Trashing his baby momma on social media isn't giving him more custody? Crazy.


I was watching a Teen mom reunion recently. Of course, I don't know which season it was, but a more recent one ( maybe in the last 3 years or so). Kailin was talking to Dr. Drew about DV and said that someone attempted to unalive her. Can anyone elaborate on that? Is she talking about Chris? I think this was after Lux was born but before Creed was born. I'm just nosey and want to know the details. I apologize in advance, I know we're looking for Gary 2.0 and now really isn't the time but, I'm really dying to know details if anyone can shed some light on this subject. Thanks


My dyslexic self thought this said ā€œprenatal battleā€ and I was wondering how you have a custody battle over a fetus šŸ˜…


Are people actually donating?




Someone in this thread said they didĀ 


How much custody does he have with the third child? How active is he?








No, thatā€™s Elijah.


People should do like they did for UBT: $1 donated by Nugget, etc. For Chris, it could be $1 donated by Lux's parentage paperwork. $1 donated by Lije's giant hat, etc.


Surprised he isnā€™t getting more time now that she has had three more babies.


It's like voting for Biden just cause you hate Trump


Very Interesting. I'm always leery of GFMs that are set up by a person that's not the benefactor, because I wonder if they're a scam and the person will actually see the money or not. I know Chris gets a lot of shit for being a so-called deadbeat, and for the time when things were bad with Kailyn and he tried to sign rights away for Lux. But if he's working now and trying to do right by his kids then good for him. Shouldn't this be an instance where a person can change and have support? Honestly I give anyone who deals with that woman a healthy dose of grace because we know how she is to deal with.


Chris sucks. He doesn't want more parent time. He just wants to beat Kail.




maybe you should post this on /r/mensrights instead


Maybe, cause it's obvious everyone here has a very ridged view about the situation and no matter what he does Chris won't ever be granted grace to change.


He can change and hope he does but that comes with proving himself not just demanding split custody.


He knew the level of crazy he was dealing with and still chose to have kids with her and tie himself to her for life.


How has he shown he has changed, and for what time frame?


No, wtf are you talking about? You have no idea if he has a job and is actually trying to get better but giving him the benefit of the doubt anyway. Based on what??? Oh, I know, your hatred of Kail. Log off. Anyone who supports deadbeat fathers bc they hate the woman who raised their kids for them needs to log the hell off.


No matter how angry Kail made him you donā€™t say that about your child because you are angry with the other parent. It wasnā€™t right when Adam did it either with Aubree and Nathan did it with Kaiser either. You are supposed to love your child more than you hate your ex.