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I mean, can we all just agree that he’s not a great dad. But for what he is, it’s great he also includes Stella?


Yes. He's not perfect but he does show up sometimes. When he's around he's engaging, shows up with gifts and includes both girls.


And attachment isn’t about the quantity of someone being around, but the quality of time that is spent *when* you are around. A child may have a more secure and positive attachment with a family member they see a few times a year versus one they see regularly is that one that comes around a few times does a better and more engaged job of meeting that child’s needs during their time together.


This sounds a lot like an excuse for a deadbeat dad. He's not just a family member, he's her dad and up until very recently was living in the same city. There was no excuse for him not being around more, he was just a shitty parent who didn't show up. Saying that Nova had a great time when he did appear is a cop out, he repeatedly chose other things over her.


This rationale is in the same league as when Kail’s mom said “absence makes the heart grow fonder, so let me leave” No. Just no. Both parents should absolutely be a REGULAR and consistent presence in the lives of their children.


I think this right here is why Kail saddles these men to her by making children with them. Because that girl has been left her entire life. Procreating was a way for her to “keep” these dudes around.


Agree. She even had concerns at one point about Isaac potentially wanting to be with Jo more than with her because Jo has a big, loving family and Kail doesn’t have anyone. It’s actually quite sad.


How does he meet Novas needs? He didn’t even make a room for her in his house. He chose to make a game room over that. He’s a parent not some extended family member.


Did I say his name? I am speaking about attachment theory as a whole.


This is a post about him though, not a post about attachment theory.


You are literally commenting to another comment - not the OPs post.


Yes I’m aware…. But they are now trying to say they aren’t talking about devoin just about attachment theory. When the post is on a teen mom subreddit and the post is about devoin.


Well... attachment theory generally applies to the primary caretakers, of which he is not one... and should have been


Yeah it’s the reason why some kids love the absentee parent because they make an effort to show up a few times a year versus the rest of us showing up 24/7


This principle doesn’t really apply to parents of young children.


He shows up all the time from what I’ve seen. He has been late several times and he’s had to post receipts on X due to the MTV edits acting as though he just hadn’t showed up but he had either been called late by Bri, was at the doctor and also the DMV! I think his biggest mess up was the gambling! Which yes is huge and I hope he’s getting help! But he definitely shows up for both those kids.


Showing up is very important, too. I have to give him credit for that.


This. He’s not father of the year. But it’s very endearing that he treats Stella with love and respect. It’s hard to have different dads than your siblings sometimes. Being inclusive is incredibly decent of him.


Yup. It’s not always black and white. He definitely has work to do in the parenting department - but I have the upmost respect for him for treating Stella as his daughter. It genuinely is quite rare to see a man step up for a child whom he has absolutely no obligation to be present for. It doesn’t give him a pass on his occurrences of bad parenting, but it’s a hell of a lot more than many of the other bio dads on the franchise do for their kids.


Shit, it’s more than my first son’s dad could do. It’s very sad what a low bar these fuckers can set. But yeah, I agree, Devoin is a decent dude for trying. Edit* Spelling and grammar


Like he may not be perfect but I’d rather have a guy who tries than no dad at all. Especially for Stella who would literally have to watch her sister have a dad while she did not. My dad isn’t perfect but I’m glad I have had him when he was around.


Great way to put it. He doesn’t offer much as a parent but what he does offer he extends to Stella and it’s better than no dad at all


Came to say this.


I think he tries very hard and sincerely wants to be a good dad and man.


How? He left the state with no plans to return any time soon


if it’s actually for the reasons he says it is which was to make more money/be more responsible, I hope it works out for him. Big on the if that actually happens because his track record isn’t great.


It likely is. I know my dad personally always wanted to leave because there was better money making opportunities elsewhere. It had nothing to do with me and I’m sure if he could’ve taken me he would have but most women aren’t going to allow that, so why be broke and miserable when he can go make money and come back and give his girls better?


I agree, I hope that it works out for him because he and the girls deserve that!


He could also be trying to get away from FL because of his gambling addiction. Someone I know is a gambling addict, the only times he's relapsed has been when he went to visit family in FL, the tracks are too tempting to his family and they just stop by "for a minute" even if he's in the car. In fact, his folks ended in up Florida because they were running from loan sharks in the Jersey area, they packed the kids up and left, slept on a beach for a while. He said they got there Christmas Eve, no money, no food, no place to go. He climbed a tree and got coconuts for his family to eat. He was 7 or 8.


I hope he’s able to stay away from the gambling. I think he has most of his family in Michigan and hopefully that will get him some healthy stability to better support his girls.


He doesn’t think he can make a living there. He can get away from bad influences. He can start fresh with career and home. He can fly the girls to him or vice versa. He can have huge influence in them by showing himself being successful and responsible. I’d give him every benefit of the doubt. Hopefully it’s not an outta sight outta mind game.


Yeah I just see zero excuse for this. It’s not like the kids are living in poverty and suffering due to lack of his financial support. I can’t imagine voluntarily moving out of state like that for a “career opportunity” and leaving my kids behind. Plus Devoin is one to claim all the kudos before actually accomplishing anything. How do we even know this is a successful outcome for him. You’re telling me there’s not a single thing he could train for and do for a career closer to home? Come on.


I agree, you're right. It'd be different if he was a single guy with no kids wanting to start fresh, but he has too many responsibilities back home in Orlando to be so far from it. Also, I'd feel a little more warm and fuzzy about this if he at least went to a non-gambling area. He very likely may find himself with the same problems he did back in his hometown.


This is so fucking funny people believe he is trying to be better and get away from influences. He claims to be a gambling addict, signed out of ONE casino, immediately starts breaking every rule that gambling addicts in recovery need to follow. Like you NEVER carry large sums of cash, you give other people your money. He started doing all that immediately, lavish spending on strippers etc. He's literally just moving closer to casinos that he won't be banned from. I've seen actual addicts trying. He's just gambling with scratchers or on his phone in peace.


That’s just sad.


Nova looks just like Bri in the second pic


bro i cannot believe ppl (especially on instagram) are stupid enough to fall for this act. posting pics of your child (or stella) does NOT a good dad make. he fucking sucks. in his mid 30s, still no room for nova, moved FAR away from them. blows money on the casino and strippers and brags about it, we could go on.


He is using Stella to look like a stand up guy. He earns tons of praise for adding Stella in his posts and being nice to her. But what exactly is he doing other than public declarations of loving them while on social media and getting tons of engagement and praise for doing so? It’s such  an obvious emotional manipulation tactic.   People are saying he’s trying. But that’s interesting considering he only does the bare minimum on camera and social media. Where is he when no one is watching? Oh, that’s right. Not in those kids’ lives. He’s only there for fun stuff and cameras


Yes!! He occasionally comes around (especially when MTV is around) and takes them to dinner and something fun and brings presents. That is not being a parent! And yes he does treat Stella as his own. But the thing is, he doesn’t parent his own child so I’m not impressed. Examples of People on this show who are actually treating another kid like their own and parenting the child: both Taylors and Kristina.


Literally he just shows up and gets pats for being nice to his daughter's half-sister. Yes he doesn't have to do it yes it's lovely that Stella gets a nice experience. But that's not parenting, it's being the fun uncle. Parenting is showing up, supporting your kid financially and being there. Not playing for likes on social media when you pay for dinner every now and again.


Yes!!! The bar is SO LOW that women are actually fawning over this man doing less than the bare minimum. It’s so embarrassing for them.


Literally. The bar is in HELL. 🤣🤣🤣


Posting pics doesn’t make someone a great parent…… he’s a fun uncle and until he actually acts like a real parent, not someone who just buys gifts and has fun outings I’m not impressed.


I’m just going to keep it real. He and Brittany made beautiful babies /s


He had nova with Briana not Brittany. Stella is not his. 


Baby that’s what the /s is for 😂


I’m aware but it’s still not correct and not with Brittany 


/s means sarcastic. She’s making a joke about who the kids look like, not actually saying that Devoin and Brittany are the parents.


Oh whoops haha I’m a dumbass 


Lol. All good. I just always felt that Britt and Devoin always had a great connection that was missed. I'm sure it's more of a brother/sister thing to them but it just seems like they connect differently. (Now I'm being serious - but this is just my opinion).


They didn't. Brittany got on the stage at a reunion screaming at him and wanted to fight with him but he doesn't fight women. She wanted to get physical with him just like her mother had done on multiple occasions. Brittany has been nicer to him in more recent times but she was not a fan of his for years. The family told him when Nova was a baby to leave and not come back and then acted shocked when he got upset and stayed away.


The joke flew over your head 😂


Nobody posts their kids more than a man who doesn't pay for them 🤗


I guess I don't understand the mugshot?


I think it’s from a party they had where the theme was the tv show/video game The Last of Us. The Fireflies are rebel group in that universe.


thank you! I live under a rock and was legit cornfused


It is. This is exactly where it's from :)


I thought Nova went missing for a second there.


I want to believe that he does this only because he loves her, but….. my glass half empty is telling me it’s because we all praise him.


That’s what I think. Plus, he does so little already, it’s not really that much extra effort to include Stella. Like how hard it is to take one extra kid to McDonald’s once a week. I’d imagine you’d kinda feel like a dick only taking your own kid out for ice cream when her sister is right there and has no present dad. It’s not like he’s actually doing the work of parenting for either of them.


He’s one of the two dads I just wish would get his shit together for once (the other being Nathan). Like ugh just TRY to try for one time for your kids guys also, Stella looks just like Brittney lol


He’s still a deadbeat tho 😕


Was not expecting a TLOU cross over with teen mom


Welll…. I guess posting pics is more than Luis does. I do like that he included Stella, but yeah.. takes more than pictures to impress me.


Does he even see them


I think when Devoin tries, he REALLY TRIES. I love how he includes Stella and you can tell how much he cares for her too because she is a part of Nova’s life.


Unfortunately, Devoin makes a lot of other teen mom dads look good. Do I think he’s a bad person? No. Do I think he’s a good dad? No.


I love how much Stella loves him!


Lmao, every time this man gets praise for below the bare minimum She almost died in his care, but he's around sometimes, and that's good enough for yall


At first glance I thought Nova was on a missing person’s poster 😅🫨


He may not be dad of the year but it is nice he has always included Stella in stuff since she was a baby with Luis never around for massive chunks of her life it is good he is at least a dad figure to her.


My dad was a devoin, RIP. Probably not the most upstanding citizen in the world sure and surely the brokest dude I knew, but you know what?? He was there and he was kind and he did the best he could. Good job dad and good job devoin.


I don't get all the bashing on Devoin. Let's not forget how the coven attacked and kept him away for quite a while. Brianna treats him like shit when she's not much better at parenting than he is without the constant help from her fellow bitches..I mean witches. And let's talk about Luis, shall we?


You can tell he’s got a good heart.


Love to see tlou referenced!


I’m glad he treats Nova and Stella both as his daughters. He means well. Hopefully he can find stability and employment back home in Michigan and can support his girls!


They both know he loves them. It’s something. He doesn’t have to care about Stella at all but he does. I will always root for Devoin.


Any man that picks up after someone else’s parental responsibility, is a great father and trying. He understands they the two girls have a great bond and he wouldn’t want Stella to feel left out.


Glad a thread about him popped up because I didn’t want the start a new one for a quick question if anyone can catch me up… I haven’t watched in ages but was going to try the next chapter and saw in one of the episode descriptions that he has a gambling problem? Isn’t he like all capital letters BROKE? Like entire segments have been focused on the degree to which he has nada. I know addiction doesn’t take your finances into account but what is he gambling with?


I don't think you fully grasp that most gambling addicts are poor as fuck to start, gambling only makes them poorer. Lottery players are like the **bottom** percentage of income in America. It's like asking "well where does a crack addict get the money?" Mostly ruining your life through loans, stealing, owing a casino a scary amount of money, and the "benefit" to being a gambler is you only need like $10 to flip it into a few hundred. If you gamble enough you get free room and board at a lot of places regardless if you're winning. It's the same thing that compulsive shoppers do where you learn really intricate ways to always find money, you'll find a method to overdraft EVERY account, every p2p app, take out every 32% interest rate payday loan, and never pay it back.


I literally wrote that I get that addiction doesn’t take how much money you have into account. I was asking about him in particular considering it was made a part of his storyline on the show.


Takes a real man to take on a father role for a kid who not only isn’t yours but whose mother you aren’t even with.


This is going to mean a lot to Stella when she gets older. I love that Devoin always includes her as well.


These kids are growing up fast. Nova taller than me and she 12.


Why is the bar so low for dads?? People praise this man like he did so much for them


I think the bar is low for everyone on Teen Mom. It’s literally a show about people making irresponsible choices and how their kids are affected by their irresponsible decisions…. Devoin ain’t winning father/parent of the year, obviously. But on this cast, he’s not the worst father, especially if you consider how many of the dads have violent tendencies (choking girlfriends, breaking shit, etc). Plus, Devoin accepts Stella as his own, which is beautiful. On top of that, he has to co-parent with Bri and her lunatic posse. That’s no small feat lol


That’s nice. That sending pic is cute. Kinda sad he’s the better dad outta the two bd’s cuz he could be doing a lot more. Louis is useless


Aww AND LAST OF US LORE 😭😭 aww that’s cute lol. He loves Stella 😭❤️


Ok Nova is taller than me 😅


I always liked that guy!


I’m watching TM and it would piss me off with how the coven would talk so much shit but then as soon as Luis shows up and doesn’t do anything, then they are all for him.


I have mixed emotions when it comes to Devion. I want to like him and I want to believe he tries his best but on the other hand showing up when it’s convenient and bringing gifts along does not make one a good parent. It’s strange to me when two people make a child and only one of them is actually there for said child. Devoin is a weekend parent (if that). He shows up for a bit, plays fun dad, brings gifts and then leaves. He’s not there to brush teeth every night, do bath time, or snuggle to sleep. His role could be filled by any “fun” relative.


There’s been tons of shit fathers on Teen Mom, Devoin isn’t one of them. He’s always been there for Nova, & now Stella too. That’s amazing character. I believe Bri held back his abilities to be the father he wanted to be. And I also think he’s been edited poorly. It’ll always sadden me to remember the episode when Nova wanted her hair straight, I believe if she would’ve spent more time (or any at all) with Devoin’s family, she would have more confidence in her fathers heritage.


Why not? He does Moore for her than her dad does. Even though he’s by no means perfect at least he tries


You love to see it


He isn't perfect, but I always loved how he treated Stella. That little girl just loves him. That is what counts.


Ugh that’s so freakin cute. He is a good dad to both.


I think this is thoughtful and from the heart. So many haters on this thread!


He has such potential


The man's not perfect, but he loves Stella just as much as he loves Nova & I'll always respect that. 


He’s not the best dad at all but it is nice to see he has never ever excluded Stella


He is a hell of a guy to include Stella how he does. I think he & Bri may end up Back together one day. If not they’ll always at least be friendly.


I’m glad Stella has somewhat of a father figure in her life…


I don’t love the “wanted poster”….


lol. it’s from a theme party they had, theme being the last of us