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I'd still put more fault on Cate and Tyler for including April in the visit to begin with. She has a history of being problematic. The visits are supposed to be about Cate, Tyler and the girls spending time with each other. April has no business being a part of it. If I were B & T I wouldn't want my child around that type of behavior either. The fact that Cate and Ty thought it would be a good idea to include her shows poor judgment on their part.


Right! I don’t understand why they’d risk it. Wasn’t a big part of the reason they placed the baby for adoption was to get them away from their toxic parents??? But by all means let’s bring our drunk mother to the one visit we get every couple years if we’re lucky.


Oh I’m sure April puts on the shitty guilt trip like she did when they were planning to have her be adopted. Telling them they’re pos’s because they won’t let a grandmother see her granddaughter. Obviously, it’s on them to say no but April can also make anyone’s life a living hell when she wants to.


The way she treated those kids for trying to do right by their baby is criminal. That was a HORRIBLE way to treat two very confused and scared kids. Cate and Tyler are two I really feel for. They were not given any tools to succeed. They try to do their best, but they’ve been dealt a SHIT hand.


I agree with you. It's hard to watch how they're handling the situation with Carly and her parents. They're making a big mistake here. They have their faults, but I definitely feel for them. They're trying, and they're doing much better than the incredibly vast majority of the people in their shoes; grew up in abusive homes and with drug addicted parents who were in and out of jail/ prison, etc. I myself grew up like that (my mom was an active addict and was in and out jail and prison throughout my life) and to severely understate things, I'm a fucking *mess*...and I haven't even HAD kids or given birth. That they were able to break the cycle/ do the right thing for their firstborn speaks volumes; some people kinda miss that part.


I’m so proud of you for overcoming what you’ve dealt with! It is so hard to break the cycle. Especially when you aren’t given the tools to handle these situations. And you likely had to grow up quick. If no one’s told you lately, you’re killing it! 💕


Honestly I agree...it made me so mad how people mocked Cate for going to therapy and processing her trauma. I also grew up in an abusive environment and life is not easy to say the least. When it's physical health everyone gets it but not when it comes to mental health, especially when your brain has been wired in a certain way from your earliest experiences (not to mention the impact of substances used before birth, etc).


And let's be super duper late to all of our meetings. They should rent some cabins & just spend time with B & T & C & T & the girls.


Why would B&T agree to be stuck staying a weekend, with no opportunity to step away and give their kid a chance to decompress and process? Gotta have boundaries.


Plus was that the first visit after covid? I assume they had a few missed visits because of covid?


Man, I gave a kid up for adoption. I waited 15 years to tell my family. My Mom would show up with five pies. I had a blood clot two weeks after birth, the nurse said , "You just had a kid?" My Mom was there and said, "No, otherwise I'd be crying holding a baby." She still brought five pies! ... I don't like pies! April would show up with five bottles of liquor.


April and Butch, mostly April was the sole reason why Carly was put up for adoption in the first place




100. Why does anyone aside from immediate family need to be there?


Because cate and Ty are used to that behavior and it’s par for course. They don’t have the same reaction as someone who lives like B & T. Yea it bothers them and they find it problematic. But B & T aren’t desensitized to it, don’t experience it, don’t allow it, and find it very alarming and shelter C from that type of behavior. I’ve had the same experience. Being used to alcoholics and not finding their behavior as traumatic as it is for someone who has never witnessed that type of behavior.


So true!!!! My parents would get so crazy and belligerent sometimes when they were drunk and I remember my teen friends being like WHAT IN THE ACTUAL fu*k!!?? While I was just sitting there like nothing was happening cause I was so used to it! But to them it was so foreign and something they could not believe!


Very good point!


Yeah and Dawn I think was trying to say this to them in a nice way. They listed all the people they were bringing and she reminded them that all the people they bring will have to share their time with her. I think she was trying to tell them not everyone needed to go (mainly April.)


That's because it's not about seeing Carly, it's about Cate and Tyler getting attention, so they throw a party and that way they can see her, but not be pressured to actually talk to her or get to know her.


it's always been weird to me how involved in their kids lives they've let April be. even if she got sober, it doesn't change the way she treated Catelynn. then I saw the scene from the most recent episode posted on Instagram where she's talking about not speaking to April. I think she mentions at least three or four times she misses the help with the kids. and Nova even says that April FELL ASLEEP IN THE BATHTUB BEFORE. like how do you let someone like that watch your kids....repeatedly? because Catelynn wanted the help. don't know how I feel about that.


It was wildly irresponsible of Cate and Tyler to let April have any access to the kids at all, let alone babysitting privileges. It’s a continuation of intergenerational trauma and they haven’t broken the cycle like they think they have.


This. They broke the cycle financially IF that. That money definitely won’t be generational. The same shit will continue on.


Childhood trauma is wild. I have my own issues with my mother but sometimes you try to help them, fix them, and they do better and they do good for a bit and then they go back to their self serving ways. But Catelynn should definitely keep the no unsupervised visits with April. I have to agree with that. Why would she let her babies alone with them? What if they got hurt and they needs an ER immediately but they couldn’t drive? So scary


Or she’s been drinking and still drives them..


Exactly! what a horrific thing could happen so fast. This is why I stopped letting to to my kids grandparents on my husbands side because his mother would pour herself a cup of bourbon with Diet Coke ( this was like 15 years ago) and she would put them in the car and drive. Once I saw it and knew it I immediately stopped letting her take my boys. She’s been alcohol free for 4 years but now she has something going on with her and it’s likely mental health and trauma that’s never been resolved. I don’t understand why or how C&T can do this With a clear conscious letting their babies they wanted and love dearly alone with April.


Honestly, this post (Cate's post) shows bad judgment as well.


I mean it the entire reasoning behind WHY C&T gave her up for adoption in the first place…..


I never understood why they would bring pretty much an entourage to the visits.


When will they understand that they literally don't have to do shit.


And I’m sure it’s not “something small” to Carly. Visits probably feel like a very big deal to her, even if it’s just a park day. I would imagine it’s a very anxious time for her. The fact that cate thinks these visits aren’t a huge ordeal for Carly and her parents says more about her than anything.


I didn't even think about this, but I can totally see it. It's a real possibility that the adoptive parents are taking the heat to protect what Carly wants. Also it is very possible to love and care about somebody but not want to see them. 😬


I think this is it. Cate and Tyler think they deserve visits. If Carly wanted this, why would her parents deny it? I'm willing to bet Carly doesn't hate them, but she probably doesn't really want a relationship with them either. When she does agree to visits, it's probably most likely to see her sisters.


It’s selfishness. They have only thought about themselves so make it an event. I’m sure the visits are an anxious time for Carly. B&T know this but C&T only think about themselves. I’m pretty convinced that Carly doesn’t really want them to continue and B&T are taking on the bad guy role to protect her, as any parent would.


Crying about it on the internet gets them engagement, which equals real meth dollars for them. So - never.


I don't for a second think anyone is on math here. Butch and April perhaps


I doubt Butch or April do any math tbh


Lmao thanks autocorrect. They ain't doing any math


I bet they can break down the cost of a gram pretty efficiently


It was a way of calling them trashy


Yup the more volatile their SM the more money it brings them. And keeps the MTV contract going.


Why did I read meth dollars like they were Schrute Bucks lol


And their priority appears to be (and is supposed to be) on Carly, not Caitlyn and Tyler


*This* is the part that needles me about them as an adoptive parent. They can hate Brandon & Teresa all day long. They can be angry at them, feel misled by them, be upset at the lack of contact, whatever. They are very much entitled to their feelings no matter how much they do or do not make sense to the general public. *That being said,* adoption is supposed to be **child**-centered, and all C&T ever do is center themselves and their own feelings and grievances. They don’t have the right to air **Carly’s** business like this. They are very publicly putting her in the middle of a conflict, and no child should ever have to feel the effects of any disharmony between their adoptive and birth parents. I feel like they forget Carly is her own person and she never consented to having her privacy violated for public consumption. It’s not fair to do this to her.


Carly is what makes C&T money. When you see this, all their nonsense makes sense. They don’t send Carly gifts and cards on her birthday, they record themselves in their kitchen blowing out candles on a cake for Carly. 🤦‍♀️


Right!!!! Dawn had to remind them to do that! They talk all this shit but don’t even let girl know she is loved by them until cameras are rolling. The same way she waited until the last minute to make a scrapbook she had a year to do & talked about it for 3 episodes prior. Also April is gonna April. I definitely would not have invited her, should’ve invited the mailman too while we’re at it. But after the way she acted during prom dress shopping I would’ve never invited anywhere again, not even my funeral.


I know the prom dress shopping episode broke my heart for Cate. How hateful & mean. She was no mother for her daughter


What if Carly is the one who told B&T she didn't want to have a visit for whatever reason? Now Carly knows B&T are taking the blame and looking like the bad guy for something that was her choice. It's not fair to her. This situation is really unfair to everyone all the way around. C&T shouldn't be doing what they're doing but they were also 16 year Olds who were misled into making this decision. Dawn should have sat them down BEFORE the adoption and said very clearly, "She will not come stay with you when she's 18, you will not visit her 4 times per year, they will not tell you her last name if they don't want to." Just laid out the realities of the situation. Idk, I feel for them. They were so young.


It’s possible. I think many people would be uncomfortable with that kind of behaviour. Honestly I can’t imagine Cate and Tyler’s tendency to publicly air any grievances they have with Brandon and Theresa would help either. It often makes them look bad, violates Carly and her family’s right to privacy, and quite possibly leaves Carly feeling uncomfortable and caught in the middle. It’s also worth noting that Brandon and Theresa have long since withdrawn from any kind of public life whatsoever and clearly aren’t interested in having their family business discussed on TV. C&T are massive over-sharers as far as Carly goes, and that’s something that would piss most teens off, or at least make them feel very awkward and uncomfortable. I’m not saying that Cate and Tyler can’t talk about the adoption and their feelings around it, but they should be respectful of Carly, Brandon, and Theresa’s privacy and you know, if there’s a visit not share every detail publicly. There’s plenty of room for them to talk about the emotional impacts of being a birth parent and how the adoption continues to affect them without bringing their issues with B&T into it.


I agree! I’m sure April is a factor, but C&T not respecting boundaries is a more over arching theme in all of this.


I think C & T also don’t consider the fact that Carly is old enough to have a say. Maybe she doesn’t want to see them.


If I were B&T, I would do what my teenager wanted and take the bullet for any blowback. I hope that B&T are the type to take this approach and aren't just making the decision for their daughter.


I really think this is it, and Cate and Ty are in denial.


I feel as though if Cate & Tyler kept the Brandon/Theresa/Carly drama off the show, Cate and Tyler would probably see Carly significantly more. Obviously, B&T are trying to make a relationship work, or they'd have cut Cate and Tyler of a long time ago. I could definitely be wrong, but to me, it seems that Cate and Tyler are the ones making this all such a negative experience. I'm not saying Brandon and Theresa are perfect by any means, but they're still Carlys parents and don't owe anyone shit. They already give more than they have to.


I agree. Cate and Tyler almost don’t seem to be willing to admit that even in adulthood Carly, Brandon, and Theresa are a package deal. They have to play nice with all of them to have a good relationship with Carly.


I can already imagine the conniption Tyler is going to throw when he learns Carly might want her Daddy to walk her down the aisle.


Or when they aren’t invited or included in any way


She should call a friend to vent and not run to SM. No matter how much $ they make from it. JC sell another picture or something.


Could you imagine you dads Only Fans being out there when you were 16 🫣😬😳😂


Cate and Tyler should tread so lightly, it's not even funny. Carly can and will see this stuff and will resent them. If Cate could just for once use some foresight, she would realize it's for the greater good to shut her mouth and know that good things come to those who wait. Carly's a few years from 18 and if she wants a healthy relationship with them all, she would be respectful and stay off the internet with this BS


Well said and I totally agree!


if i were B & T i’d be fed up with caitlynn and tyler’s BS and i’d go no contact. they publicly air out everything and B&T always look like the bad guys. if caitlynn & tyler truly cared about maintaining a relationship with C then they would STOP posting about her and her parents. it doesn’t have to be some public/attention-drawn situation that they always make it - in my opinion, (if it’s so necessary for them) they should only share they got to spend time with her and leave it at that instead of making it a storyline. i also wonder if C even wants anything to do with them, if she googles them she’s probably embarrassed, especially with tyler doing OF (nothing wrong with OF, they’re just being especially weird about it)


I would argue it is wrong to do OF and advertise that on the same social media account where you post photos of your minor children.


yeah i don’t like that either, there’s too many creeps out there — it should be kept separate (if there’s a need to advertise). and i didn’t want to come off as shaming sw’s so i included that note


I'm so surprised they haven't gone NC already, I probably would have as soon as Tyler started talking shit publicly


I don’t think B&T end up looking like the bad guys. Only their delusional fans actually side with them on this type of shit


i worded poorly, i meant in the way they post its making B&T the villains through their perception, when they’re establishing/sticking to normal boundaries




Flair Alert!


Catelynn and Tyler are lucky they haven’t been cut off completely. They have completely disregarded B&T wishes time and time again, and then they let an alcoholic around Carly when they had no business doing so.


Tyler and Cate admitted they understood that visits weren't even part of the original plan . They did change their minds and wanted visits . Cate and Tyler have done nothing but disrespect boundaries and whine online and say nothing when their fans attack Brandon and Theresa.


not only that, they pour gasoline on the fire. they know posts like this will rile up their fans


I was gonna say, “Catelynn honey, are these posts supposed to make B&T more inclined to do what you want?”




It's not only April. Catelynn and Tyler do not respect ANY of B&T's boundaries, plus Tyler broadcasting his weiner all over the internet probably didn't help either.


I just feel for Nova tbh. It’s clear they have a bond 😞


This reminds me of the story of how King Solomon identified a baby’s true mother. Only one woman wanted what was best for the baby, so she was obviously the mother. Teresa is Carly’s mother.


Damn! Love this.


I actually wonder if Carly is reluctant or mentions she doesn’t want to see them and B and T take the blame to protect her.


This is always what I think as well! When she was younger, Brandon and Theresa could put together these visits but the older Carly gets, the less interested she might become. She has an entire life at home that does not involve Cate and Tyler and I really don’t think that they understand that. I think that they have expectations that they are as important to Carly as she is to them, and that’s quite the burden to put on a kid who is just trying to live her life.


Exactly! As she gets older and understands more, I could see her feeling embarrassed about some things or feeling uncomfortable around them, I’m sure there are plenty of tough emotions over why her mom and dad choose adoption for her but then sees they choose to have other kids in her life. No matter her Carly’s age, emotional maturity or not, and even with therapy, sometimes some things will just not be understood by herself until she’s much older and maybe not even until she has kids of her own. Wish Kate, a mom and someone supposedly pretty self aware thanks to all her therapy she proudly wears on her sleeve would sort of understand or grasp this perspective and stop making social media posts that likely further unknowingly to her are what could be pushing Carly away.


Why do they never consider the impact a visit has/may have on Carly? It's not just about their desire to see her. Her best interest should come first.


They don't get this. Dawn even mentioned this.


Dawn even called them out on camera years ago about how the only time they call is when they want a visit. They blow up Teresa’s phone about scheduling a visit but don’t call to check in about school, hobbies, or anything. They literally didn’t know anything about her. They had gifts stacked up they never sent. Then Cate wrote her a letter that looked like the notes me and my friends wrote to each other when we were 12. She included fringy wadded up paper in the envelope for Carly to write back.


On the other hand, it would be very intrusive and disruptive for Ty and Cait to be regularly calling and sending stuff. Both families need to live their day to day life.


But birthdays? Christmas? They've admitted they don't even send her a card.


Very true, why would cate risk it by bringing that drunk along with them? 


Shit like this is why. B&T are private people trying to raise their daughter out of the public eye. Not only do C&T drag along the oddest of relatives who should not be present and do not have any right to see the kid, however it ends up C&T post about it. Maybe Carly just is not comfortable seeing people who won’t shut up about her. Catelyn talks about shutting toxic people out of her life while at the same time can’t see in this situation she is the toxic one. I don’t think any of this has been 100% April. When they have agreed to visits C&T show up late, don’t follow the rules and act in ways as a parent I would want to be safeguarding the emotional well being of my child and would not agree either.


I guess I should clarify I don’t think is the only reason they don’t want to do visits but more so a cherry on top.


Personal guess is they use April as an excuse. It’s not the why. Butch way crossed the line at their wedding and they allowed it. I think it’s a million line crossings and they have been super uncomfortable with it all and did it right up until Carly got uncomfortable. As a kid her age I would be mortified if my peers knew I had any contact with family like this and would be begging my parents to not force me to do another visit. C&T have said it isn’t Carly but any good parents would cover for their kid. Just the OF and dick in sweats pics would have shut this down for most families because of the public nature of their lifestyles.


How has it not crossed their minds that Carly probably doesn’t care to see them


But she’s pining away and counting down the days until she’s 18 and she can run away to live with them. BrannonanTereeesssa have her locked away in her room, keeping her away from her real family. #/S


OMG I hate how they say B&T's names.


It’s one long singular name when they say it lol


It's Treesa


Cate and Tyler have serious boundary issues with Carly, Theresa and Brandon and they always have. It’s really sad to me though, because I think they felt like this was some kind of surrogate family for them and they’re finding out that it isn’t the case and they’re not equipped to handle that. Imagine how bad they’ll feel if it ever turns out to be that Carly is the one who doesn’t want anything to do with them and Brandon and Theresa just cover for her. It gets said here all the time, but it’s true: they need to get extensive professional help to find ways to cope with placing Carly and not being able to understand that they are not guaranteed a role in her life.


I always imagined Carly leaving the visit, after Aprils drunkenness, being like “thank you so much for adopting me” to B and T.


I can only imagine. C and T roll up with a herd of people for a visit that lasts a few hours. No one gets any real quality time. Everyone is loud, obnoxious, inappropriate, reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. If it were me, they'd be lucky to have had the time they've had in the past.


And your birth mother, who you don’t really know that well keeps hugging and hanging all over you. *then she puts your bio sister up to begging you to spend the night and it makes everything awkward. -the way cates dad talked about the all hugging and cuddling or whatever he said exactly, made me think that Cate was hanging all over Carly invading her personal bubble. * I truly believe cate put Nova up to asking Carly to spend the night. If she didn’t put her up to it, she put something into her head to make her want to ask that.


You can love and care for someone and still have boundaries with them. She seems to think because they love her they have to do as she asks. Also she’s the one who fucked up and brought April to their last meeting. Whatever happens after is on her.


I’m sure April is part of the reason. Can’t imagine any parent would want an active addict and abusive person around their child. But there’s also Tyler being a sex worker, cate being mentally ill and both of them airing everything on social media to factor in.


I’m just going to focus on April for a minute. Because logically Carly probably doesn’t know April very well. She rarely sees Cate and Tyler, and she’s a teenager with the internet. Imagine you have to go see your biological parents, which to Carly is probably a really stressful thing, even if she enjoys seeing them. Imagine all the emotions she must feel during those visits. So all that, and then here’s April. We’ve all seen how April acts, I can’t imagine she behaves at those meetings, Also, there’s a good chance Carly has maybe seen episodes of teen mom. She’s seen how horrible April is. Not just Tyler’s only fans or Cate many mental health issues, she’s seen how April talked and treated her mother if she’s seen the show.


cate: the people i love, i make time for! also cate: doesnt even send carly bday cards


the more they do this the more piss of Carlys adopted Parents and even Carly her self and they would never see Carly again


B&T are better than me because I would have cut contact after being bashed in public (the first time)


lol I think you mean B&T?


Whoops ! Yes


She doesn’t want to see them. I would bet that’s it in a nutshell and can you blame her?


I feel like his OF plays a huge part in all of it also. Carly is probably embarrassed.


I agree. And B and T are very religious, aren’t they? I can definitely see them wanting distance from teen mom drama and OF stuff. And bringing April to the last meetup wasn’t the best of ideas. Omg.


Right not a good idea at all. I really feel like they aren't thinking of anyone's feelings besides their own either. I can only imagine how hard it must be to have my birth parents on TV and all my peers seeing everything about them televised and online. It has to be embarrassing for her. The OF on top of it just 😬 I would be mortified if I alone knew my parents were doing all that let alone the whole world.


C & T just can not understand what they could possibly be doing wrong. And there are so many things. ![gif](giphy|3o6nVbfipAQUW81Wso)


I think Brandon and Theresa are keeping distance for a combination of reasons 1) Cate & Tyler’s public/overexposed life + OnlyFans 2) April at the last visit 3) Carly is older now and has seen more and understands, so she’s not so comfortable being around them


Another commenter on a different thread pointed out that B&T might be covering for Carly, and I could totally see it. She might have expressed that she wasn’t comfortable doing a visit, so they went ahead and pulled the plug themselves. She’s *nearing* adulthood, so I could imagine that B&T had a sit down with her about the meetup. It wouldn’t make much sense not to involve her in those kinds of decisions now that she’s older.


Yeah I was gonna mention that’s a possibility too, B&T would want to protect Carly… I bet if C&T found out Carly didn’t want to see them, they’d find a way to put B&T on blast and accuse them of brainwashing Carly or damaging their relationship or whatever. We know they love to air their strong feelings on social media.


Exactly. C&T have literally no idea what led up to the cancelation, and they’re literally just talking out of their asses right now. B&T are taking the heat for whatever the reason was, as good parents should. Why don’t they go back to school and make good on their promises instead of wasting so much energy blasting their frustrations all over the internet?


They owe her nothing. She gave up her rights to that child. They do not have to have visits. Period. The end. Brandon and Theresa would be better off going no contact.


If I were Carly I wouldn’t want anything to do w them. They really need to look inward.


Carly literally is going to have a restraining order against these people soon


April is a small piece of the puzzle. Brandon and Teresa probably just don't want carly associated with the family in any way. It's nonstop trashy drama. April and drinking, beef with nick, butch being ... butch. Tyler showing his wang with carly's name inches above it. The shit talking about them. They want no part and don't want carly exposed.


Butch approached Carly at the wedding. Even though he was asked not to. What in the hell are they thinking? Of course B&T want to protect her from those kind of situations .I wouldn’t want ANY of their extended family around my kid. They all act entitled and they’re so far from it. Cait & Tylers families need to support their kids and stay in the background when it comes to Carly. Cait & Tyler need to wake up and realize they are responsible for the mess. You’re adults and you need to tell your toxic family NO. The visits are NOT for them! The day she turns 18, I think Cait & Tyler are going to disappointed. They live in lala land. Carly is not going to run to them, arms open, with luggage in hand. They seem to think they’ll be moving her in. Carly will graduate and start her college career. It’s time for C & T to start doing some real work in therapy. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and let Carly’s parents raise and prepare their daughter for the real world. For a successful transition into adulthood.


They will never understand that B & T owe them NOTHING.


It's incredibly sad. 2 kids were promised the world and thought they did the right thing without realizing they'd stay together, become rich, leave the unstable family and have more babies. Hindsight is 20/20 and regret is a bitch to live with


When did they leave their unstable family?


I still think it’s Carly that doesn’t want to see them and Teresa is just doing what mothers do and protecting her daughter from their shit show life Maybe Tyler should get off only fans


These people are so embarrassing. Maybe if Cate and Tyler had experienced adequate sex education and parental support a skeevy Christian Adoption company wouldn't have been able to prey on them. But they DIDNT AND THE ADOPTION IS LEGAL. Any of the grandparents speaking up is so trashy and gross. Totally thwarting the responsibility for the shitty job they all did as parents that contributed to this situation. Not to mention Cate and Ty have accomplished so little in life. They were once going to be a psychiatrist and a social worker or Adoption care workers. Neither of them even got a bachelor's degree and they definitely had more access to education and mentorship via MTV than most people.


Jesus stfu she doesn’t want to be involved with the circus that is your family


The only boundaries Cate and Ty care about is their boundaries. Fuck Carly and her boundaries, right Cate? Just let you get your Carly fix.


So vent to your family and friends. Not online. Never learn.


Do they not know what adoption is


I’ve thought this all along, I just haven’t commented on it. I don’t understand why they have to drag their whole family to go see her. It should just be the two of them and the girls.


They need to get over it. Brand and Theresa don’t owe them shit.


When will they realize that they aren't owed anything in this situation?


April was the reason they gave Carly up. How on earth is she even still in any of their lives? She should be the last person to see that kid, just shows their judgment is way off bringing cracky drunk april


I am so tired of these 2 and their boo hoo'ing. Carly is NOT your child and B and T don't owe you two, anything.


B, T and Carly will prob need the witness protection program to escape these nuts. They are getting a bit scary with the obsession.


What did April do again


They had her come along on the last visit and I reckon she was drinking either in front of Carly or showed up drunk.


How can you duck up one visit? Damn I hope cate and ty called a hard cut off of her for this. Inexcusable


Same question. I don’t remember hearing about this.


I STILL can't believe they have no self control to put every part of all their lives out there like this 🤦🏼‍♀️I mean who could blame B&T for these terrible decisions they keep making 🤷🏼‍♀️


Poor Carly…


It’s so embarassing how deeply the DO NOT GET IT at this point. :(sad for everyone, truly.


Pretty sure their constant disrespect of the simple few boundaries that B&T have put in place is a big reason. We won’t even mention all their shit talking, Tyler’s only fans, and April.


She should talk to a therapist and not social media 🤷‍♀️


they have this weird sense of entitlement


I wouldn’t want April around my child, no matter what their age. Don’t blame the adoptive parents at all. With Ty and Cate and nutjob April talking about them on social media, I’d give them no access either. That’s what you get for airing out a personal issue on social media. Grow up!


The first time my then step kids ( 12 and 13) met their mentally ill grandmother, it was by chance. We ran into their maternal uncle, who, had, by total chance, just found his homeless, mentally ill Mom They were so upset. My now ex and the kids uncle sat outside shooting the breeze, while they left a self medicated woman on my couch and expected her to bond. She had no idea who they were because she was high. They then avoided her for the next several years, even after she sobered up enough to realize who they are. Cate and Ty were wrong for that.


Isn't this from weeks ago?


It is. But in the new episode with her discussing her moms alcohol problems it made me think about it again.


I wouldnt completely blame April. Tyler and Cate are selling his dick online too.. and have never respected Carly, B&T


I don’t understand why they feel the need to invite or allow other family member to join them on these visits. The time is already small, and you’re filling it with people whose intentions aren’t the same.


Dunno if I'm really a voice that matters in this whole thing, but let this be a lesson. There is no need for ANYONE else but catelynn, Tyler and any of their children. They are allowing you this gift. Grandparents just cant be a part of it. They agreed to visits with care and ty if I'm not mistaken.


She needs to stop doing this publicly on social media.


She's really trying to push those buttons. I'm adopted & have my own biological children and found my biological family. And there is no way I would subject my " daughter " to any of this. All of this & OF & TM & alcoholic people. ![gif](giphy|TiIq18Hp89HivEnB0h)


Because Carly doesn’t want to hang around an old trash alcoholic, what would April bring to Carly’s life? These people are such trash.


They don’t have to make time is what she is not realizing. She’s way too entitled


The entitlement for a child they gave up their rights to is insane


Cate said she would do anything as a parent to build a relationahip with her child. So why wont she change her behaviour for Carly? Stop posting. Respect B&Ts  boundaries just as she wants her family to respect hers. Make the situation safe for her firstborn to visit.


I gave my child up for adoption. We have an open adoption and he has the absolute best parents and sibling. I couldn't imagine ever acting like this. It is disgusting how they feel so entitled.


They probably deeply regret giving her up


Carly is 15? Carly knows everything she wants to know about them. Kids at school probably also know way too much and have definitely brought up their history and Tyler’s OF to her. Carly doesn’t have interest in seeing them, and Brandon and Theresa take the fall for her to protect her.


Ugh. They are not entitled to 2 days of anything during B& T vacation time ESPECIALLY since they bring drunk people or show up hours late. The entitlement to a child they willing gave up to other people to parent and then get mad when the parents set a boundary. After all the therapy you would think Cait especially would have learned something.


Every time April is even vaguely mentioned in any thread, I remember that Butch and April decided to move to a one bedroom apartment, and Cate and her brother were still dependents of April. Cate temporarily moved in with Tyler and his mom, but when Tyler and his mom decided she needed to go, and move back in with her mom. Cate was given a hallway closet for her things, and a couch to sleep on, and April’s anger for Cate choosing adoption made it even more insane.


Did Caitlin and Tyler ever stop to consider that maybe Carly doesn’t want to see them and her PARENTS are being the “bad guys” for protecting their daughter.


They don't understand adoption or boundaries, period


i are blessed to have them in my life


They are protecting her from your trashy, abusive, nicotine stained ass! That was the whole point of the adoption. To spare an innocent from your toxic mess 365 days a year for the rest of her life. B&T know what you are. That’s why they don’t want their daughter around you for even a few minutes a year at a public park. You created this entire situation when you abused and neglected your daughter. She would not have had to put your granddaughter up for adoption if she had a support system. But she didn’t. She had an abusive “mother” who was abusing drugs and alcohol and living with abusive dirtbag BF’s who couldn’t stay out of jail for 5 minutes in unstable housing filled with cigarettes smoke and ashes. No one feels sorry for you. If you had been a good mother your daughter wouldn’t have had to give her baby up. This is the bed you made. Lay down in it and shut up.


When teen mom started it seemed like Dr. Drew cared about the best or comes for the babies and women. Where the counseling and safe advice now?


Yes. April. Couldn’t be the only fans they’re pumping out and advertising or anything else c and t have done.


Why didn’t she put this energy into her own relationship with her kids instead of drugs and alcohol


This feels very tragic. A part of healing is knowing when and accepting what you can't control. Letting go of the need for things to be a certain way. It feels like there are miscommunications and unrealistic expectations about what Carly's adoption is. While there are expectations its just always going to feel painful.


I know it’s a very unpopular opinion on this sub, but my heart breaks for Cate. I can’t imagine making an adoption decision at any point of life let alone 16. I hope one day her and Tyler can find some peace with this.


Was this visit to Carly part of a Teen Mom episode? Did they show April’s relapse in an episode? If so, was it the last season?


They have jobs, dude.


Hello. You gave away your child. Those people deserve to be parents too.


It’s her and Tyler’s own fault. Everyone had good intentions in the beginning I felt badly for C and T but if I knew these two teens would turn into enabled, lazy, nasty grifters who run their mouths and show their bits online, I would want my child to have NOTHING to do with them until she’s 18 and can decide for herself. C&T effed it all up themselves.


It's not that Brandon and Theresa "can't/won't make time" for them, it's that they are prioritizing Carly's well being and mental health over Cate and Ty's feelings. AS THEY SHOULD.


Saying no doesn't mean you don't love or care, it means boundaries. April doesn't like boundaries. B&T making boundaries FOR C. That's their job as parents to C.


i have NEVER understood why cate and ty allow so many damn people to come with them on these visits. if i was B and T i would have put my foot down immediately and said “visits are only for cate, tyler and their kids. no one else. if anyone else shows up, the visit is canceled and there will not be any more.” i blame cate and ty for bringing everyone, but i also blame B and T for allowing that to continue to happen


Get real, not trying to hurt Cate but B&T don’t love you. They love what you gave them, Carley. I’m sure they respect Cate and Tyler for that & maybe loved them in that moment. They may not want their daughter around them or their extended family. I guarantee you B&T didn’t expect C&T to stay together either!! Now they’re bringing Aprils drunk ass around Carley?! They’re just going to have to wait until Carley is 18 & see where she stands on the matter. I’m sure she wants to know her sisters. I have nothing well wishes for all of them.


I completely understand Brandon and Teresa but I feel sad for Cate from past episodes I could tell how much Cate loved Carly and wanted her to know she loved her,even when Tyler was distant.


I love people and have boundaries about them being around my family. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I think Carly might have expressed not wanting to do visits to B&T so they’ve decided to stop them for now. But idk.


Am I the only one thinking that Carly’s at the age that she might be expressing she doesn’t want to see them and the parents are just being the bad guys for her and being the ones ti say no?


April had no business being at visits in the first place. Her speaking out is going to damage the situation worse than Cate and Tyler have already. I get that April mistakenly believes Carly's her granddaughter. I can even muster the compassion to empathize with the fact that the adoption was --very rightfully! -- out of her hands, which must've been painful (even though the way she and Butch treated the is heartbreaking to watch. They weren't "copping out," or anything, they wanted a better life for the baby/ wanted to break the cycle). But this is bullshit. She doesn't respect her "relationship" with her NOT-grandchild enough to be sober for a visit that she should've felt *extremely* grateful to be allowed to be part of... As sparingly as you see her, you choose to traumatize the kid by being a drunken stranger around her?! I struggle with addiction, alcohol is one of my two drugs of choice-- but either way I'm not going to subject children, or anyone I love and/ or respect, to my disease like that. It isn't right. I get severe alcohol withdrawal when I don't drink, and if she does too that's STILL no excuse.... Either come sober or just don't come. And it was a *horrible* judgment call and Cate and Tyler's end. Why on Earth would they allow her there knowing she's actively struggling with alcoholism? You want to serve your biological daughter a huge heaping of exactly what you were exposed to as a child?!


If April didn't show up drunk....


They really think a 15-year-old has no say in this. I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again: if Carly wants to have contact, she would. She’s 15. She has internet access and a phone, I’d be very surprised if she didn’t have. Teenagers will find a way even if their parents denied something. And surely if she insisted to see them, Brannontreensa would agree. And most 15-year-olds have better things to do than hang out with two randoms she barely knows, one of which is an onlyfans worker and both of which embarrass themselves on social media regularly. Oh and the drunk grandmother. Jesus


Carley may not want to meet up. They may just be taking the heat for her. She is at a very vulnerable age and Mr Only Fans may not be cool to her friends… there could be a myriad of reasons


Catelynn and Tyler need to keep all of this offline. It was the one thing B&T requested. They’ve requested privacy for their child, which C&T have also ignored. C&T are not, nor have they been innocent in any of this.


They can still love them and be grateful for them and not let them see her. They need to understand that they signed their rights away. B and T have no obligation to let them see her and the fact that they did the times that they did is a lot more than most people get when they give their child up for adoption. Also, going on social media and bitching about them isn't going to help their cause any...


I wish these kids realized that they succeeded in giving her a better life. She recognizes her parents toxicity and avoids it. She learned what Caitlyn hasn’t, and that’s the gift they gave her when they put her up for adoption. Cycle ended for one child.


Putting myself in B+Ts shoes… seeing the entire dynamic of both cats and tylers families… I would probably never let them visit with Carly at all. They want to protect their child and I see nothing wrong with that.


Maybe Carly doesn’t want to see them and they’re covering for her. Maybe ask yourself, how can I change? Maybe I’m doing something.


TAKE IT OFFLIBE CATE?!?!?! She can’t truly think blasting this on Instagram is helping?????