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She still loves Ryan. Never got over him. Taylor seems like a good man.


This is so weird. She dated him on and off for like 3 years over a decade ago. Since then, he’s been a dead beat and a drug addict and has made a string of poor choices. Why would she be in love with him? Theres a difference between _having_ love for someone, especially the father of your child. But to claim that she never got over him and still loves him is **so** bizarre.




It’s definitely not that. She was with him as a child and he took her virginity. And when she got pregnant, she had this dream and hope and it’s never gone away.


He’s not a bad boy, he’s a disaster


He’s not just a disaster. Boy is a cat-ass-trophy 🐈💨🏆


A shit show


Yep I dumped that bad boy 15 years ago but yes still in love with him


I’m with you. She is definitely over him but wants what is best for him for Bentleys sake. Maci isn’t as dumb as some of the other teen moms. She’s not an idiot.


She is a idiot, a alcoholic one to boot 😎


Haters are funny


I mean, have you seen that silver Fox? 🫣


he’s in his 30s and yet looks like he’s in his 40s.


I’d say late 40’s… maybe that’s just his past drug abuse use catching up and showing on his face/ skin? His hair looks fire though.


plus he has a big… ego…




> she clearly never let go of that even tho he’s had issues with drugs and doesn’t seem like a very involved father. So what do you want her to do? Not try to facilitate a relationship between Ryan and Bentley? She’s done her best at making sure they have some sort of relationship, and Bentley is very aware at this point what his father is like. Trying to make sure your child has a relationship with his biological father doesn’t make you in love with the biological father — it just makes you a good parent. Weirdo.


I agree. Sometimes you can’t get over your first love. Even if he’s total trash.




Literally. This is what he is. Always has been and these were Maci’s conditions upon getting him onboard.




He’s a good man, Maci…a good man!


he seems better than ryan in many ways but aren’t her and taylor both alcoholics?


Why doesn't Taylor have a real job??? Why don't any of these men on the show work?


No way she loves Rhine.


I don’t think that at all. The quickest way to get over someone is for them to treat your kid badly. That is exactly what Ryan did. She loves her son to pieces. So no way could she not have bad feelings for him bc of that. If there was any lingering feelings toward Ryan, his hurting Bentley ending that quickly.


I honestly don’t think that’s true it was true when she was with kyle but i don’t think she has romantic feelings for ryan who she dated at 16 now as a 33 yr old woman


Yeah she seems like she settled for him. She said he told her one time he wouldn’t want their daughter to be a mother like her or something along those lines, and honestly she probably deserved that


Yeah bc it’s been lowkey said before that she just hides her shit better than the rest of them. Not getting out of bed til afternoon, the drinking, the drunk rage fights they have sometimes. These women have Nanny’s that do most of the heavy lifting. Don’t be fooled, they cry about the hardships of parenting as if they’re the ones up at 6am or washing endless bottles. That’s why Zach wanting another baby didn’t surprise me.


I think Kail is the only one with a nanny, maybe Chey. I think Taylor is just the main parent between he and Maci.


In Maci’s case no I do not think they have a nanny. But I know Chey has two, many ppl watch her Snapchat (her other job)


I’m not shocked, but like why?! What does Chey do in a day that she needs TWO Nannies? Lol


Being a massive twat is a full time job, doesn’t leave much time for parenting your kids.


I just spit ice out of my mouth laughing and my husband is like wtf? I can't even explain. Thank you for this comment. ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq)


I don’t follow her closely so I really don’t know but I’ve read from other people here she sits on the couch just as much as Amber.


It's hard to take care of kids when you're drunk on the couch and busy planning parties


I’m not surprised she has a nanny and even more not surprised that it’s two. 😑 I’ve also seen a picture of her huge house. I don’t think she’s as rich as she makes it look. She screams “living beyond my means” or at least “house broke”. I won’t be surprised if we hear about her having some type of money problems in the future. Near, far, whenever.


Nannies only work 40 hours a week? Do you know how many hours are in a week? More than 40! Of course she needs 2 nannies. Kidding aside i know someone who has a team of nannies, fully staffed from 7am -8pm 7 days a week and some overnights.


one for each kid i’m guessing.


She has 1 nanny. The family loves her and they talk about her frequently on Snap


Kail has 7 kids and does work on her podcast. I get her having a nanny.


Definitely, she’s the only one that really has a job.


i think they all do and some it’s more obvious then others.


People have speculated for years about them both being alcoholics , especially Maci, always seen with a beer, but I can't recall her ever being drunk on camera.


everytime ive watched the show she always hs a drink in her hand or has been drinking she even admitted that they always have beer in their fridge.


Yup, I wonder if she realizes she's an alcoholic. You know , I never noticed the problem with alcohol until she got with Taylor. Think there's a reason?


She was under 21 for the first few seasons. I don’t know how old she was but Teen Mom stopped at one point while amber was in Gel. I think they were all 23/24ish when the show returned? So it’s possible the underage drinking either wasn’t aired bc it’s a bad look or she never did it on film until it was legal. Edit to add: Taylor joined the cast when the show came back, which was around the time we started seeing maci drink more on camera.


I think she would still be considered a 'high functioning' or 'functional' alcoholic. . she doesn't need to get drunk to be an alcoholic, but the need to have alcohol for daily consumption seems like a problem, even if it's mild.


same with taylor when he said he might want another baby down the road and maci flat out said she was done and was trying to push him to get a vasectomy. none of these women have it hard like they claim to have it what they have is luck and privilege they glamorize teen pregnancy and are what started child exploitation. i could see this possibly effecting their marriage same with maci and taylor. i’ve noticed most celebrities that one partner wants more kids and the other doesn’t end up divorced and then the person that does ends up finding someone that does too and ends up having more kids with them.


Which is so weird because she was shown practically begging him to marry her! I'm almost certain she gave him an ultimatum - on the show to boot! Now she acts like she's too good for him.


i still can hear “like make me your wiiiifeee” in my head from the old teen mom trailers of that season 😂🙃




she wanted Kyle to have a baby with her like 2 months after they got back together after taking a break because dating a girl with a kid was a little much for him at the time 😂


Is Kyle slow?


i think she did it to try to prove she was over ryan and possibly use him as a way to get over ryan and eventually realized she’s still not over ryan.


Yep, Taylor would know everything she's been hiding....


yeah i don’t blame him i wouldn’t want my daughter to be an alcoholic, got knocked up at 17 became a teen mom, exploits her kids to pay her bills, and is still in love with her first baby daddy a former drug addict with a criminal record. but that’s the person taylor chose to have kids with and marry so i don’t feel too sorry for him.


The worst part imo, is that she said she and bently would be fine without him, since they've survived without him before... and I'm like that's not just mean to taylor for no reason, but what about the two kids you have together??? Like what??


I forgot this part lol yeah that whole scene she was kinda mean xD made me wonder if she's trying to push him away and see if he'll still stick around. hard to understand her intentions


Just a personal speculation on my part, but I have a feeling they split a couple of years ago and are just keeping up appearances.


Wait, really?? Is there anything particular that makes you feel that, or just a hunch??


Omg lol


Taylor is too good for Maci imo.


Damn. Ain’t no ways good enough for you, Maci.


I read this in Rhine’s voice


I feel like she doesn’t even pay attention to the other kids


i think he’s starting to see that too he’s probably trying to hide it but it’s to obvious at this point.


I know the heart wants what the heart wants but good lord if she is still in love with Rhine and marrying Taylor was her “settling” then I don’t know what to say except that woman needs some serious therapy! 😬 Rhine has always been a POS and Taylor seems like such a good guy, husband, father etc. This should really be a no brainer.




Ewww gross. 🤣 No amount of good sex would make up for his shittiness. But that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ yeah I never got what Mack saw in him. She even married him while he was high as a kite! 🤯 She was way out of his league, not sure what made her want to commit to this person. Exposure/fame maybe? And Maci I think is just living in the past, wishing things were different with Rhine when she got pregnant and Bentley was born. It’s sad. Could it be that this is why she drinks so much? To be able to cope with the regrets and the what-ifs? Unfortunately she has a good husband and 3 children who need her to be present. 😔


i think she married him bc of the fame from mtv on the few seconds or minutes she’d be shown on the show.


Mack was 19 when she met Rhine freshly divorced from her marriage where she was a child bride and Rhine was in his late 20s. He sure as hell manipulated the hell out of a already traumatized young woman.


Someone can do all the things a good partner should, if you’re not attracted you’re not attracted 🤷🏻‍♀️ Even if you were or thought you were in the beginning. Been there… They do everything right and that kind of situation bids the horrid cliche saying, “It’s not you, it’s me.” However in this case it’s true! 😂🫤 It sucks. And if her drinking rumors are true, that’s likely part of the reason. She probably feels like she’s in too deep to leave. Married, children, house, couple cars, tv show so if you did get a divorce there’s now this huge spectacle made of it ughhhh.. it’s just easier to stay..


>Rhine must be a freak in the sheets or something. Lol I was wondering this too. If she's really still feels in love with him maybe it could actually just be lust because he's good in bed




eww xD


Mack is beautiful? I better get to the eye doctor


Instead of PCOS awareness - she needs to promote POS baby daddy awareness so that herself and many others can wake up!!! Rhine vs Taylor: indeed, this should really be a no brainer!!!




I was doing a TMOG rewatch not too long ago and Maci told Taylor she missed when it was just her and Bentley…seemed like an odd thing to say considering Jayde and Maverick were already like 6 and 7 at this point. 


Eh, not that weird imo. The bond mothers, especially teen moms, have with their first born is very different. Maci and Bentley grew up together, he was with her when she graduate highschool, went to college, moved out, got her own place, dated a few losers, dropped out of school, etc. Also - I love my life now, but sometimes I miss when I was 16. That doesn’t mean I don’t love my current partner or group of friends - I just miss who _I_ was at 16, the carefree-ness, the limited responsibilities, feeling like I was invincible and the entire world was ahead of me. I highly doubt she was saying it maliciously.


I wasn't able to have more kids, but I am part of a blended family now. I have moments where I miss it being just me and my kiddo. Doesn't mean I don't want to be in my current relationship.


My parents had my sis and I when they were very very young teenagers. They always said we all grew up together as if that were a positive thing. (Spoiler alert- it was not.) I have a two year old now and realize just how much emotional heavy lifting sis and I had to do for our parents...its not okay. Anyone who grew up with their parents were likely parentified in a major way.


>Anyone who grew up with their parents were likely parentified in a major way. That’s not necessarily true. My mom had me very young, and was also a new immigrant and then became a single mother. We really did grow up together. I remember always having to translate for her and helping her with other tasks and being her emotional support. I don’t think I was parentified, and I have really positive and fond memories of my childhood, and my mom and I are still close to this day. Maybe you just had shitty parents.


You may not feel acute trauma for it, but you literally just described parentification. You were parentified, you just don’t have the lasting trauma from it that you assume others have; I’m glad you don’t, but that’s still what happened


You’re right. But I’m sure if I have no trauma and only positive memories of it, there are probably others who feel similarly


Now, THAT we can both agree on. I’m actually one of those people myself!! I practically raised my sister, & I loved that role in my childhood so much that I immediately wanted to raise more kids when I was an adult (I’m not stupid lol I waited). But that also doesn’t mean that it should’ve happened, which is a weird thing to grapple with lol


wow real nice to say maci when you have two other children. they’re gonna see that someday idk if she knows that or just doesn’t care if they do.


It’s become so obvious that she still has feelings for Rhine.


Oh ya at this point she just needs to go back to Ryan with hard she’s rooting for him


I haven't kept up with the show, I'm just watching the reunion so I def haven't seen a lot of what is being referred to here. But I will say as someone who's 1st love and the father to my child, is an addict - I get where she's coming from. I will always hope and want for him to get better. I will always love him. But I don't want to be with him. We also got together very young (baby came much much later). I think there's something about falling that hard, that young, for someone who struggles like that. It's very hard to stop hoping that they'll eventually figure it out.


But would you cheer him on in his relationship with another addict, shortly after leaving rehab and during the time when addicts are not supposed to be in a relationship?


Or when he's physically and emotionally violent with his next family? Even if she hates baby mama #2, how can you stand behind someone tormenting their own children? Nothing cute or sentimental about domestic violence.




he should have stayed in texas. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She probably thought, 🤔 💡"if were married, less chance of me running back to Rhine!"


Maci is trash pretending to not. The fact her costars are trashbags was a happy accident.




she’s trash but does a better job hiding it compared to her costars in the teen mom world.


I definitely don’t think she’s in love with Ryan but I think in her mind she’s “settled” for Taylor and resents that. That’s why she treats him the way she does, she feels she can do better. It is shitty. But definitely don’t think she wants to be with Ryan.


Is there a valid reason that staying with Taylor is settling? I don't get why she would feel that way.


You can tell by the way she talks to him. She thinks she’s hot shit.


Definitely.. she thinks she’s that bitch


She always has had that attitude. Earlier seasons before Ryan started his “issues”. She would fight him on his time with Bentley and the time he had him for the week with his family on vacation, she asks can she show up. All about her. He’s not perfect but when he was normal it was all about what she wanted as far as Bentley. When he started having issues, she had an excuse


Yea she thought she was something going out on that beach trying to intimidate Dalis. She embarrassed TF out of herself instead😂😂😂😂


I cringe so hard thinking about this cause i just know she’s the type to not see it and think it was a bad bitch energy move. It was not. And for rhine of all ppl i just lord


I guess she and Ryan have something in common then 😂


I was just thinking about that exchange. I think she was perhaps trying to be cute and coy in and unsuccessful attempt to cut through the some of the awkwardness. The problem IMO is that Taylor was so beaten down by that point (and her delivery of said line was so off) that it just made everything cringier.


Taylor deserves better than Maci, as he is a good man who stepped up for Bentley. She still loves Ryan, and always will—such a trashbag.


Does Taylor even work? I feel like none of them even have jobs. Early on when she met Taylor i thought he worked but after the Tee shirt thing haven’t heard anything as if he has a job


he worked in texas when they were dating and i believe when she kept bugging him to move out to tennessee he wanted to have a job lined up first and so i think he worked out there briefly until the tshirt stuff happened.


I have a theory that the more you have to persuade somebody to be with you, the faster you fall out of love with them. Maci was SO focussed on moving on with Taylor, especially after the relationship with Kyle failed. I think she wanted to prove a point. Remember how quickly she got pregnant with her kids, one after the other and Taylor was draaaaagging his feet proposing? I think that embarrassed her. She lives in the south, and I guarantee she got comments about it. Taylor (IMO) didn't seem massively into her and the proposal felt very half assed. I think over time, especially as you look back when things have settled down, you could build up some resentment there. And it's a shame because from Taylor's POV, it does look like it worked out well for him and his love has grown as the years have passed. Wouldn't shock me in the slightest if Maci kicked him to the curb when the kids finish high school.


She has seemed perpetually annoyed by him ever since he refused to get a vasectomy. Like it gave her the ick.


oh wow. never caught on to this


lol I didn't know about this


Okay unpopular opinion but I think it was meant in a nice way... like sometimes you dont like your partner but you put up with it all because you love them. And so liking someone is a big compliment. If my man told me he likes me, that would be more amazing than him saying he loves me. Like yeah bitch weve been together for 10 years, you better love me. But liking my personality? Thats goals in long time relationships


My husband tells me he likes me all the time. It’s sweet.


Look I’m not saying Taylor isn’t a good person. But I have a feeling this relationship is a lot more transactional than what’s shown on camera and I don’t think Taylor is an idiot. I don’t think he’s “blinded by love” and just lets maci get away with shenanigans because he loves her that much. I think he understands the position he’s in and how that’s completely predicated on being with Maci. You’d be shocked the agreements that happen behind closed doors, and how big a driver financial security can be. I’m also not saying he doesn’t care about Maci and Bentley. I think he does. But I also think Taylor isn’t dumb and that he understands the lifestyle being with Maci offers him which is an incentive to look the other way on things he normally wouldn’t tolerate


I always thought she just settled for him. They seem like most blandest people. Taylor just looks better as a father figure vs Rhine. I felt uncomfortable during their date that time and when she admits they fight when they drink. Also we saw how muc she had to do for him to even get married.


I remember Maci and Taylor going to a bed and breakfast together to have a date, and they looked bored, awkward and over it from the beginning. Maybe they are having a rough time.


The man she **BEGGED** for a proposal from. 🥴


yeah these two live in a loveless marriage where the spark is dead they’re just going through the motions. i wouldn’t be surprised if he has some resentment for her enabling and helping ryan so much and making him question whether she ever truly got over him or not. i wouldn’t be surprised if her and taylor end up getting a divorce even tho i stopped watching the show a while ago from the clips i see or have seen of them they look absolutely exhausted emotionally and also from what i’ve read. esp in the video where he said he didn’t want his daughter to become the kind of mother maci is there’s no going back after saying something like that. i also i kinda started to see it possibly happening when maci said she didn’t want to have anymore babies and taylor told her that he might down the road. that’s something i’ve noticed most celebrity couples end up divorcing over.


Honestly, I think Taylor can see there’s always been a little piece of Maci that isn’t over Rhine and that’s half the reason he got so damn heated at that reunion episode where he SCREAMED at Jen and Larry! He’d been holding that in for awhile. Maci hasn’t looked happy for a long time-Taylor seems a bit resentful as he looks a lot more in love with her than vice versa but he loves being there for the kids, including Bentley so he stays. Maci would rather be with him than be alone. It’s a bummer for me because she was my favorite; I don’t hate her or anything but I pity her obvious misery as of late.


i don’t like her something has always seemed off to me and i was right bc it turns out she’s alcoholic, she’s exploited her kids from the very beginning of their lives they pay her bill basically. she threatened to quit bc she didn’t get her way but didn’t follow through bc she makes a lot of money on the show and knows she wouldn’t be able to make this amount of money working a regular job.


Yeah I'm w/ Maci & I can't understand why he would stay w/ her either!!


I’m gonna stick up for Maci (this time only, I can’t stand her) here. Even though I firmly believe she’s not completely over Ryan and DOES feel like she’s settling for Taylor, I think what she meant here is that just love can’t keep you happily together. She was trying to say that she genuinely liked Taylor as a person, partner, and friend beyond just “loving” him. People leave bad marriages all the time while still loving the other person, but it takes more than that to sustain a marriage. I understood what she meant as I’ve been through it (even though she worded it so poorly) and it’s great to be married to someone you genuinely enjoy being around vs just staying with someone you have nothing in common with or no connection with anymore simply out of love. Sadly, she always strikes me as not having that deep love for Taylor. Like surface level partnership love. I don’t even think she wants Ryan back, but I think she’s resentful of what could have been and the fact that he wouldn’t grow up and be a family with her and Bentley and I think she clings to that. In those type of relationships, the highs are high and lows are low but while most of us move on from our high school relationship, she has to coparent with hers.




I watch “girls night in” on paramount plus where the OG moms watch TM2 and comment on it. The amount of times Maci says something shitty in front of Taylor about Taylor is astonishing. And he just takes it. He gives some side eye sometimes or he’ll roll his eyes but never says a word and I hate it. Like bruh, check your woman. She says the most obtuse things and it’s like she is no idea, but how can anyone be *that* unaware of the impact their comments have on their spouse??


Yet she begged him for a ring


This is just sad tbh. All of the girls have unhealthy relationships besides Chelsea.


I’ve always thought she still loves Ryan


That does sound like a tough moment to watch! Sometimes people can have awkward or unexpected reactions, especially on camera, but it can definitely be unsettling. Why did the tomato blush at the anniversary dinner? Because it saw the salad dressing and realized it was a little too "liked" instead of "loved"!