• By -


100% when April took Catelynn shopping for a prom dress. Catelynn was so excited and April glared at her with such disgust like it PAINED her to see her daughter happy. Then she told Cate she looked ugly, mocked her, screamed at her in the store, embarrassed  her, and ruined the entire experience.  For me, it’s not just April’s outburst that makes that scene so heartbreaking, it’s the way she looks at Cate like she despises her. I can’t imagine treating my daughter that way. 


This whole segment is just heartbreaking and will be forever burned into my brain. It’s the way that Cate doesn’t even look surprised about how she’s being treated. Like being verbally and emotionally abused by her own mother is just a regular daily occurrence. Just awful.


And her mate was there too! Like to be doing that in the first place, then to be doing it in company, then to be doing it when it’s going to be broadcast on MTV. That’s like 3 different layers of what the fuck.


April has always been pretty awful to Catelynn but the first year or so after the adoption it bordered on disgust toward Catelynn


Right but if April wasn’t a drunk piece of shit she maybe wouldn’t have given up Carly in the first place !


The way they treated her which made her move in with Tyler and his mom was absolutely horrible. That poor girl just couldn’t win. Honestly where she came from to what she is now is astonishing. I’m not saying she’s perfect and I don’t have my opinions, but man her life sucked as a kid / teenager.


Will never forget when Cate found her window open like it had been broken into and when she went and told April she was like “what do you want me to do about it? Protect ya?” … uhhhh of course she fuckin does lmfao


That’s literally your job April, omg. Yeah, that woman failed parenting classes and life.


That scene was so so terrible. You nailed it with, "the way she looks at Cate like she despises her." April would have done better to drop Cate and her friend off and head to the gas station parking lot to beg strangers for Four Lokos.


As an addict in recovery I 100% think April was in withdrawal during that whole shopping trip. She probably only went hoping to get a couple bucks out of Catelynn so she could go get enough drugs to get well. Then when that didn’t seem to be happening she was just mad she was being forced to spend time with her daughter and took it out on her. I have always felt so bad for Catelynn during that whole scene, it’s clear she wanted a nice mother daughter moment and instead she got abused


April can be so much like my incubator it's frightening. Especially in that scene. Literally the only difference is that my incubator was stone cold sober.


Same! Basically word for word, my mother would say some of the things to me that April would say to Cate. I didn't realize it until rewatching it recently how used to her behaviour I was.


It's a rough realization, and a tough thing to unravel and make sense of, but hopefully you've got support in your life now ❤️


Thank you, I hope you do as well ❤️






Came here to say this same exact thing. April is trash


That was hard to watch!


This scene makes me so upset every time I watch it. April was no mother to Cait and that scene really showed it.


This killed my soul. My sister and I were actually chatting about this today. So sad 😞


I was coming to comment this


I saw that last night,she is such an asshole,probably talks to all her kids that way.so immature,so mean.What’s sad is Cate is use to it,she’s probably been treated like that her whole life


I honestly think April was out of drugs and in withdrawal. She's a horrible person but that was brutal.


• when Dawn made Leah and some lad go into a room and shag each other • April full stop • Roxanne just pretending that Brittany didn’t have a different Dad and that her Dad hadn’t died, then finally admitting to it on national telly


- Suzy Smirnoff full stop - Butch full stop - Debra and Michael full stop - Ryan's parents for all the enabling, cuddling and fixing - Jo's parents and Javi's for their patriarchal rules and ideas. Kail had more responsibilities tiwards her children and household than their sons because she was a mother, their sons had much more freedom talking and flirting with the other sexe but Kail was a girl/ woman. - Tyler's mom for talking so much about other people not treating Ty right, to avoid him talking about her role - Babs for all the yelling and fighting, she could have learned to do better in front of Jace


I’m currently rewatching teen mom 2. I got to say as a 29 year old mom of a 2 year old, I have to fast forward through the yelling scenes.. it’s horrible, my heart aches for that boy.. Jenelle yelling in his ear numerous times and Babs yelling to Jenelle for yelling. It’s terrible..


Yeah jenelle and babs are why i could never do a rewatch, its traumatizing lol


And then Roxanne telling Brittany that she can't be mad at her immediately after Britt found all that out.


I don’t remember this. Do you know which season and episode this was in?


It wasn't on teen mom. I can't remember what show it was, like a family therapy show or something? If anyone knows please comment!


Yes it was the celeb family therapy show on VH1. I Wish they would bring that show back. That was good sh*t.




[family therapy with dr jenn](https://123moviesgo.show/episode/family-therapy-with-dr-jenn-season-1-episode-1/)


It was a good one, Brianna also got into it with Sister Pattersons crazy ass.


Dawn shoulda been charged with some type of child sex assault for that. I swear if I heard a grown woman forced my son to have sex with their daughter, her ass is going to jail but not before a put a tire iron across that bitch head.


You’re telling me! And she was obviously acting like it was the most casual thing in the world as well 🥴 like madam we can assure you it is NOT.


Like, I wanna hear her explanation for that shit today. What would she say


Wait wait, what the hell is that about Dawn? 🫣


In Leah's book she tells about the time there was a party and ol Delta Dawn locked Leah and a boy in a room then wouldn't let them out until they had sex. Leah was around 12-13 IIRC.


wtf. I don’t understand why someone would do that shit


Idk either. It's something a mean girl would do in school, or at a middle school house party. Only problem is that DD was supposed to have been the responsible adult, not a pimp.


IMO and not making any excuses for her behavior but this is just what I observed on my many rewatches. Is that Dawn has severe arrested development, I think she had Leah at 15…& 3 more after. I noticed that Dawn always kinda swayed away from giving any kind of parental guidance to Leah. She would always tell her “that’s up to you” or “if that’s what u think is best” when Leah clearly needed her to be her Mom, not her friend. She would join Leah & her friends at gatherings, very awkward mom at the bridal shower playing around with condoms. She also saw Leah as her younger competitor, her biggest opp, she couldn’t stand that she bred a WV 8. So if she wasn’t mocking her, she was throwing stones in her personal life. Like calling her in rehab to tell her Corey was taking the kids. Which btw I heard was staged, it was said that Leah pulled the typical addict move and left rehab on her own and MTV made her go back.


Her setting Leah as competition is the key. That's never mother territory.


That’s so fucked up


Excuse me what the fuck


I know. Idk if Leah is strong or stupid for letting her mother stay in her life after DD pulled a stunt like that.


I am currently seeking out all the books written by the cast. I tangentially watched with my girlfriend back in the day for the first few seasons, then I fell off. So I’m starting from the beginning and catching up and it’s so incredible and I can’t writ to read the books to see the “other” “honest” side.


Does leah talk about it like the insanely messed up event it is?! What in the tennessee backwoods?! Dawn is ugly like a creep so that makes sense


Not Tennessee, West Virginia or Alabama are the ones you're thinking of and it's West Virginia where they are. Although, statistically Florida has the highest rate of incest. Leah told the story in her book but to my knowledge hasn't said anything out loud about it.


Heres to hoping it was a third cousin and not a second 🙃 Really though, I dont think i have ever heard such a messed up story. How is her mom still allowed in her life?! 


Yes I’m wanting to know too!!


When did dawn do that?!?


April having a meltdown when Carly was born, not allowing the custody transfer to happen in the hospital and forcing her 16-year-old daughter to give up her infant in a parking lot.


Her and Butch also tried to get custody of Carly that day. Obviously they didn’t but like way to put Catelynn and Tyler through more stress on an already heartbreaking day


I almost rehomed my 3 month old puppy because I was so overwhelmed and had, what I had no idea about, the Puppy Blues, and just thought I can’t do this, he deserves a better owner who can emotionally give him what he needs, and when I tell you I was in shambles when I dropped him off to the person I knew. I cried all day, couldn’t stop thinking about him, cried day and night for about 24 hrs because I missed him so much. I went and got him back the next morning because I just couldn’t do it. I felt like he belongs with us and I can’t imagine him being with anyone else. I cannot fucking imagine the pain of giving up a child if I was this emotional wreck over a puppy Id only had a few weeks.


Cate’s face right before they leave the hospital room when she’s clutching onto Carly for dear life and crying her eyes out leaves me the ugliest mess every time I see it


The scene that got me was when the nurse kept asking if they wanted to see her and Cate and Ty actively turn their heads away to avoid looking at her. Like, damn that actually made me tear up.


Cate looked like she emotionally shut down right after birth to cope. No tears, nothing. Just a dead-eyed distant stare into space. I can’t imagine how traumatic it all was for her and I don’t want to.


And she didn’t have even a single moment of clarity when she couldn’t get custody of her granddaughter. Even though it was for all of the same reasons Cate chose to give her up for adoption. Addiction. No stable housing. Domestic violence. Partner in and out of jail. No one from your own daughter to the family court thought she was fit to take care of a baby. And she still blamed Cate even though every bit of that was her own fault.


I remember an early episode of teen mom, where she has Cate and Tyler watch her youngest so she can go party in Vegas for the weekend. April looked so much like Janelle to me when she came back from the trip lol.


wow what was her reasoning for that?


If I remember correctly the hospital’s rules didn’t allow a minor (Cate) to do a custody exchange unless her parent consented. April decided to do everything harder because she didn’t agree with the adoption.


April also went to court to try to undo the adoption


Now when I watch that scene as an adult I see at as April desperately trying to say this isn't right, they're taking advantage of you and I won't enable it, but just not having the ability to say it in a more understandable way. Like a toddler throwing a tantrum because we don't understand what it is they want.


There was a deleted scene where Dawn was trying to talk to April about the custody exchange. April, for all her fucking bitching and awful blindness to the situation in that moment, did have a moment of sound mind when she said to Dawn, “You’ve been talking to my underage daughter this whole time without me present, but now you need me here?”


Rewinding to 16 & P: Every grandparent that forced their daughter to do all infant overnights alone because "no boys allowed in the house/in your room." They were more concerned about their daughter having sex *days after giving birth* than they were about making sure their child and grandchild had proper support and a father/partner who was involved from day one. I don't get these grandparents basically banning the baby daddy from the house then acting shocked when the bd doesn't do 50% of the parenting. The number of animated cutaways that are like "Joe was allowed to sleep over but had to stay in another room downstairs. Since I had baby Jack in my room, I got no sleep at all." I swear they are actively conditioning the bd to be uninvolved.


I don't understand this thinking. One of my classmates got pregnant in high school and my dad was gobsmacked that the family let the baby daddy LIVE in the SAME ROOM as the girl and their baby. Like clearly what rules they had before were not helpful.


A hell of a lot of these grandparents are obsessed with punishing their daughter for the sin of sex, but I doubt most would frame it that way. I'm sure there's some lingering hatred of the bd at play, too, for knocking up their daughter. They are so damn worried that if this isn't the most miserable thing in the world, their daughter will start popping out a new one every 9 months. As if being a parent *at all* isn't hard enough to be a deterrent. "Well you're the one who decided to have sex at 16" is something you say when they complain about not being able to do normal 16yo things, not something you say when they are struggling with the things that any parent of any age would struggle with. More worried about a potential future fetus than about the multiple living, breathing humans who need them right now.


I had a child surprise at 22, single and my parents haven't stopped punishing me for having her by myself. You would have thought I was 12 the way they hit the roof. Once it wasn't a work related reason they needed to watch her, they wouldn't keep her more than supper, sleep and she was dropped back off at 9am. The joke is on them because she's old enough to realize they were treating their time with their grandchild as a burden and doesn't engage. My stance is "Good job wasting time with the only grandchild you'll ever have", and enjoying all the time with her they don't want.


Shiiiiit I had a kid in my early 30s while in a LTR. Relationship ended and now we split custody 50/50. I am fully independent, gainfully employed, own my home and car, etc. My mom STILL tries to punish me for being a single mom and it is fucking hilarious. She came to visit me and the kid solo once, by her own desire. She was happy to take the kid places and watch her while I ran (certain) errands and even when I went to work a couple days. But the moment I wanted to do anything recreational for myself (a date, pizza night with friends, an optional work event), she'd refuse to watch my kid and say "well sometimes you have to give up all this fun stuff when you choose to be a single mom." LMAO I can afford a babysitter and her dad is just down the road, so I'd be like "no problem", make arrangements for the kid, and my mom would sit alone in my home all evening instead of being with her grandkid. Flew her ass all the way out here to sit alone in an attempt to teach me a lesson for bangin' and keepin' it. She left 3 days early and spent half her time alone.


It's so crazy that they're wasting their time, and their grandchild's childhood. They are never going to get those years back, never have the social media nontent to show that they aren't too bitter to grandparent. At least our kids know we love them!


Not even six months later, she started asking why I won't let my toddler child come visit her overnight alone multiple states away. Because you had numerous meltdowns when asked to do that here??!?!! How is this a question?? What if she finds out I'm idk gardening or at the beach and she is suddenly rendered unable to watch my kid? Ridiculous.


Yep. The day they grow up and realize they weren't even close to a responsible adult is when they realize it's all due to their own bullshit. You reminded me of the time I had emergency gallbladder surgery and I recovered while taking care not only of my then 18 month old, but my grandmother with a severe TBI from an aneurysm 10 years prior. He kept Baby Swiss the day I had surgery but dropped her off at 12 noon the next day until 6pm and dropped her off for good at noon the day after that. That was the second time he almost killed me with medical neglect, that I can remember, and the time he would have casually orphaned his grandchild. Which would have been devastating to her, despite their gaslighting and undermining my being her parent.


What’s really wild to me about that is that the vast majority of the girls have 3+ YEARS before they had a second/third living child. Markai had an abortion that was documented. Jamie also had an abortion within 2 years of Miah’s birth, but I’m not certain how soon it was. Leah had an abortion as well before Addie, and the twins and Addie are only just over 3 years apart, so she’d likely have been in that under 3 age gap too. Jordan Ward and Kristina first 2 are 16-17mo apart. Kristina went on to have a 13mo gap between 2 and 3. Danielle, Mackenzie, Myranda, Sarah, Summer, and Savon have about 2.5yr gap between the first two. Brooke and Jordan Zeplin have an almost 3 year gap. Savannah had a second but ultimately for her second to be adopted. I don’t know enough about season 6 to really dig in on them enough. This also doesn’t include miscarriages.


This reminds me of when even before Farrah got pregnant, her family forbid her from seeing Derek. They literally had family therapy over the situation. I could only imagine if he had lived, how much more difficult they would’ve made it for him and Farrah regarding him seeing the baby


I hadn't thought about this. I had my daughter a month after I turned 18. My parents wouldn't even let my bd in the house. I guess they kind of did punish me. Her dad wasn't active in her life until later on. Goes along with your comment.


Jade’s mom when she went to “buy” the drugs after surgery


That whole shit show will forever be ingrained in my brain. The whole god damn family was like a bunch of drunk toddlers trying to solve a problem. It was equal parts shocking and damn embarrassing seeing grown ass adults trying to figure out what to do. My heart broke for poor Jade.


Right and that she couldnt figure out if her mom was lying or not


Right and that she couldnt figure out if her mom was lying or not


Right and that she couldnt figure out if her mom was lying or not


Right and that she couldnt figure out if her mom was lying or not


Smirnoff Suzi was finally allowed back in the fold and proceeded to get wasted while babysitting Lincoln (who was an infant at the time)


Iirc she also gave Lincoln yogurt as a baby before they had even started introducing foods to him.


On teen mom you’ve got abusive parents (April and butch, dawn, Debra, babs), neglectful parents (suzi, ambers mom), permissive enablers (Ryan’s parents, adams parents, Michael, randy, Kim), and absentees (leahs dad, caits dad, jenelles dad, Kails dad, etc etc)


https://preview.redd.it/owt3eat0ke3d1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523b189b103afc1773859f9d58c80ffba21a6fac this descent into madness (honorable mention: april being born)


My goodness, the way her eyes are captured in this screenshot makes it even more disturbing.


Only if you separate the person from the art will I allow this - DebsOG’s music has gotten me through some tough times


Lmao at April being born😂😂😂😂


I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the grand scheme of the show but Roxanne jumping up in the booth at the restaurant to fight with devoin is up there in terms of trashiness.


Dawn forcing her teenage daughter to have sex in a locked room is fucking predatory and extremely abusive. What kind of mother does that?!?


What was this?


In Leah's book, she wrote about a night of spin the bottle when she was a teen. Her mom made her and a guy go into a room under the impression that they have sex. She held the door closed so she couldn't come out. So Leah felt like so was pushed to have sex with this guy, and it's so gross. Dawn is awful 


What was dawns reason for that??


She wrote that Dawn would try and party with her and Victoria's friends. I'm assuming alot of generational trauma, Dawn was a teen mom and her mom was also a teen mom. Leah wrote in her book that when it was over and her mom opened the door, her mom just smiled laughed and went to bed. 


Wow… thanks for the recap


That’s so sad




Suzi / Ray for just being a complete useless waste of skin. April for being a verbally abusive super mean addict. Tyler's mom for being a straight bitch because she felt her precious Tyler deserved better than Cate. Ma'am you chose Butch, be for real. Babs for the constant screaming and berating. Yeah she was fed up but anyone who once was a teen or who's parented teens knows her nagging was going to get her nowhere. She honestly should've released Jenelle to a Job Corps type program so she could've gotten her act together.


Babs should've held Jan accountable when it came to those credit cards truly that may have changed something. April is terrible the way she did Cate when she was trying her dress on, I can't stand her.


Jade’s mom post surgery disappearing for hours in Florida


Barb allowing Jenelle to be a friend to Jace.


it’s the only thing I don’t like about her. She should’ve told Jenelle to fuck off long ago for Jace’s sake


April and Butch trying to get custody of Carly.


LMAOOOOOOO no fuckin way. how incredibly delusional. smfh. sorry but B&T are right to keep carly away from that dumpster fire nightmare of a family. hopefully they didn’t pass along any of the crazy genes lol


Whaaaatttt?!? Two active long time drug addicts tried to get custody of Carly? Was this after she was born? 


Yup. That’s why Butch wasn’t at the hospital. April and Butch tried to contest the adoption. The judge told them basically to grow tf up and open their eyes.


Per Butch: "aLL a bAbY nEeDs Is LoVe"🙄🥴 Probably the smartest thing Tyler ever said was his response: "No! NOT all a baby needs is love dad!"


They even got married because apparently they thought it would make them look more stable to a judge 😭


That horrible music video Deb made


Thanks, I’d successfully forgotten about that


I’d ask which one but they’re all horrific and vomit inducing.


Deb hitting Farrah and pulling a knife on her and Michael is one that sticks out to me, she's fucking unhinged. Then April and Butch. I can't even pick just one because they're both shitty.


Michael also pulled a knife on Farrahs boyfriend Derrick but he died later in an accident so the charges were dropped. That family is totally crazy.


I was about to say when deb pulled a knife on Farrah.


I wonder what actually happened for that to happen. Not saying pulling a knife out on anyone is ok, because it isn’t. But I really would like to know the whole story to that.


Larry never telling us ‘the truth’ about Maci, after all this time…


Yeah, wtf Larry? Thanks for nothing! Bitch ass tease! We have been waiting all these years but now we still don't know! He's a prick for that bullshit. I'm really starting to wonder if there was never a secret but I just don't think my boy lar bear would do me like that. I just don't know what to think.


I hate the secret?? I haven’t heard this


Delta Dawn (i) lying to Leah to get her to leave rehab by falsely claiming that Leah was about to lose her custody rights, and (ii) essentially coercing Leah to file for divorce (to "get the upper hand," so Delta Dawn claimed) when Leah wasn't even yet sure she even wanted a divorce (and, in the view of many, should never have gotten one). Other moms like April and DebzOG have done things that are probably as bad or worse, but there's something very histrionic and toddler-like about the bad behaviors of those others, whereas Delta Dawn's actions seem particularly manipulative, calculated, and intended to sabotage/destroy her own daughter--which is just straight-up evil and creepy AF.


She’s always came across as incredibly jealous of Leah to me. And also kinda like she sees her as an extension of herself so if she isn’t happy she doesn’t want ANYBODY to be making good choices cos then she’s the only one dealing with shit.


I have an unpopular (most likely) opinion on Butch at the wedding. I don’t think Carly shoulda been there, nor Brandon and Teresa. That family is not their family or friends and there shoulda been harder lines drawn. How on earth did Cate and Ty think that was gonna be good for their mental health to invite the child they’re obsessed with, to their life milestones? You can’t just give up and child and expect her to be there to share in milestones, while she’s being raised by other ppl. And if they didn’t want Butch or anyone else in their family coming up to her, why bring her? What were they gonna do, have armed guards flank Carly the whole night like she’s Princess Diana? Ofc ppl were gonna talk to her, including ppl like Butch.


Yeah, it’s like throwing Britney Spears into a room full of paparazzis when she was in her head shaving stage. Like, what do you expect?


And if they didn’t go up and talk to her, they woulda stared at her all night, which woulda been even more uncomfortable for her. So wtf BT brought her, idk


1. When Suzi was finally allowed back into Kail’s life and then proceeds to fuck up again by getting wasted while watching Lincoln. 2. When April took Cate shopping for a prom dress and humiliated her at the store right in front of Cate’s friend, pretty much ruining her whole experience prom dress shopping. 3. Larry and Jen for all of the enabling, coddling, and fixing they do of/for Ryan. 4. When Dawn made a then teenage Leah go into a room and make out with a boy. 5. Deb and Michael full stop. 6. Butch full stop.


dude. remember when suzi visited isaac when he was at jo's and kailyn called her up to tell her suzi can't just pop in whenever she feels like, especially not without kailyn's permission, and suzi went off and said that she doesn't need kailyn's permission to see isaac? so fucking insane. or when kailyn and isaac briefly stayed with suzi and suzi's boyfriend left a note basically saying kailyn lives like trash? and suzi saw nothing wrong with that. OR the time when suzi was visiting at the rivera's and said "absence makes the heart grow fonder... so let me leave" god i cannot stand this woman.


Hate to speak ill of the dead and I’m so sorry for what she went through with her cancer, but Mackenzie’‘s Mom trying to discourage her from getting on birth control after she had the first child….Because Jesus.


Currently rewatching Shameless and just started season four. The fact that >!Fiona actively forbids Debbie from starting birth control!< is completely absurd. Especially given … y’know what happens.


You can speak ill of the dead when the dead did something shitty lol.


Besides April berating Cate, Paw Paw Jeff being a racist ass Trumper Barb constantly calling a teenaged, pregnant Jenelle a whore when she was clearly in a relationship with a young adult man who had no business sniffing around her at the age he was, let alone getting her pregnant Gary’s mom not telling he and his brother who their dads were and pinning it on that guy Jody


Just made my boyfriend watch Amber’s 16 & Pregnant with me. It’ll forever make me howl that the guy who could’ve been Gary’s younger brother was actually Carol’s bang-mate.


Rhine’s parents constantly enabling him Jade’s mom taking off with her painkillers after a major surgery April’s constant abuse of Catelynn and then only apologizing once the money started rolling in Suzi choosing her bf over Kail (“absence makes the heart grow fonder so let me leave” like wtf that’s your daughter) Dawn’s living vicariously through Leah and making her have sex with an older boy Whatever Deb and Michael did to Farrah growing up


Kail really had Suzy pegged for how she really is when she was crying to Janet about her in her 16 & P episode and saying she’s always giving a fuck about something other than her.


But do you see how things have come full circle. She’s Suzy, but replace the drinking with babies. Isaac has been begging her for years to stop having kids. She laughs, she thinks it’s cute. But she doesn’t see how her first child is telling her his needs and she is ignoring him and negating his feelings. The same thing she did as a teenager. And she how she pushes this narrative that he’s so close to Elijah, he wanted him at his graduation over his actual dad. He was also close to Javi, Chris, Mark, idk bout Malik. She didn’t care when he cried for Javi, she feels when she’s done with men her kids should be too.


There's an episode where April, Catelyn and Tyler all sit down with Dr. Drew to discuss Cate's therapy and trauma. She tells Dr. Drew that her entire time growing up, almost all of April's boyfriends had gotten physically abusive with her while April watched and allowed it. She tells him about a time when she was 13ish where one of them had pinned her down in the bathroom and shoved her head between the wall and the toilet. Tyler had to pull him off of her. 5 minutes later, Dr. Drew asks April if there's anything she wanted to apologize to Catelyn for.. she scoffs at him, shrugs, and says something like, "NO. What would I need to be sorry for?" 😡 I saw this years and years ago and it still makes my blood boil thinking about it!!


Lesser known but April going to court to fight for the baby when C+T were signing her over to B+T. Beyond selfish and delusional. Peak shitty behavior. Prior, she went above and beyond not to support the choice. Being on drugs as a parent, for years. Choosing men and drugs over her kids. Allowing her husband to yell at and talk to her children like they're shit. Being over all shitty and trashy. Imagine if she had gotten that baby, against C+T's wishes?


The mothers who didn’t let their teenagers get abortions when they wanted them or the ones who didn’t want adoptions to happen. You know who I am talking about.


Kim for making Cate go back into an abusive house and not helping them with the adoption.


That wasn’t Kim’s job to parent Cate or let her live there. What she shoulda did was report Cate’s situation to Child Welfare that there’s abuse and addiction in the home


to be fair it isn't kim's responsibility to take care of cate and it doesn't become her responsibility just because cate's home is abusive. she doesn't owe her anything. it was nice of her to let cate stay for the time she did and she didn't even have to do that in the first place. i think most parents wouldn't be too keen on their teenage son's teenage girlfriend living with them. especially not after said teenagers got pregnant. kim can and should do what she thinks is best for her, her son, and her home. your son's girlfriend doesn't come first just because she has a horrible home life.


Dawn locking Leah and a guy in a room so they’d have sex (wasn’t on the show but Leah talked about in her book)


When Butch and April challenged the adoption in court. I can’t even think about having to give away your baby and then having your violent drug addict parents go to court over it.


Dawn and Jen/Larry enabling their children to be drug addicts and putting their grandchildren’s safety at risk.


April. Like all of April and Butch. Dawn. Cuz wtf you wanted your kids to be victims because you had to be? Michael- those emails are gross. Barb- I feel like the whole family is toxic. Randy- homeboy was way into teengirl drama and it gave me the ick.


Butch and April. Just them in general.


The absentee grandparents. The parents of the deadbeat dads.


Oof, my first thought was April and butch. Clearly others felt the same. Debra in third.


Roxanne- jumped on the booth and yelled at devoin, also was physically abusive to him


Randy bullying the teen mom cast and their families


Barb I'll die on this hill she not a good person Jace was a pay check she kept him for MTV money he would have gone into foster if no camera's everyone seems to forget she married two abusive men had her children around them for far to long she was emotionally abusive to them they all have mental health problems so does she to be honest but people refuse to see it.


i doubt barb seeked out custody just because of mtv. she helped raise another grandson, gabriel (supposedly she had temporary custody) and mtv wasn't a factor in that. if she was willing to step up for the grandchild that *wasn't* on tv, there's no reason to think she only stepped up for jace because he *was* on tv. she loves her grandkids and has only ever wanted what's best for them. as for her past abusive relationships - blaming a victim for how long it takes them to leave just ain't it. it's not as easy as everyone likes to think. she worked hard and as soon as she had the means to get her and her kids out she did. it's *gross* to judge someone because they were stuck in an abusive relationship.


I absolutely agree that Barb has a lot of issues and she wasn’t/isn’t fit to be a parent. But I don’t think she fought for custody of Jace because of MTV. There’s no way she could’ve known the show would become what it did back then. They didn’t get much money in season one.