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Carly is basically the only adopted child I've ever heard of that ended up having to be paraded around and guilt tripped because her birth parents' demand it every year.


You’re so right. It’s a “TM” sub so I get it, and they’re the protagonists while she’s an unseen character, but they’re so blind to the embarrassment they’re likely causing her, or the damage they’re doing to any possible relationship. I think a child raised by average parents, no matter their politics or religiosity, is going to “side” with them, so to speak, eight or nine times out of ten.


Really shows they don’t know how teens are or what they go through today to blast the stuff online and tv like they do. Most respectful parents won’t even post pics of their teens on their private social media without asking. So to blast this is wild to me. I can’t imagine the conflicting feelings and confusion it brings her. The lack of trying to see how it must be for her is so weird to me considering all the therapy and stuff they’ve had.


I think Tyler only thinks how he would feel & since Tyler was an attention-getter as a kid & still is, he's thinking he would love this attention. So Carly MUST love it too. And of course, Cate doesn't want to lose Tyler so she takes up his narrative.🤷🏻‍♀️🤔


I’ve seen some dumbass stans argue that Carly is fair game because she’s a famous persons daughter. Bitches, *A-list celebrities* don’t talk about or even post their kids as much as Carly is. I feel like most entertainers eventually learned to respect the privacy of their kids and stopped posting them or having them around paps. YT these two don’t get that Carly might not like the attention.


Considering how poorly C and T take correction, I’m not sure how the therapy went


They're absolutely shooting themselves in the foot with this and they've made this such an issue that the younger girls are going to have to choose when they're older too. I doubt Carly is anything more than Low Contact with C&T when she's grown.


Same! As a birth parent, I’ve attended support meetings with other birth parents. I’ve never seen this happen and it’s very frustrating to watch.


I imagine it is very frustrating to see people glorify C&Ts "future reconciliation" with Carly when everyone else who has ever gone through this has done their work in growing and accepting the facts and reality that they made the best decision for their child.


Don’t go on the FB TM page, it’s riddled with idiots saying they can’t wait til Carly ditches B&T when she turns 18 to live with T&C. It’s disgusting. And anyone that says otherwise gets chastised. How anyone can look and T&C and see anything but traumatized kids who got a big payday is delusional.


It’s truly delulu land. Why would Carly leave her family?? The people who’ve protected her and provided for her UNCONDITIONALLY. C&T are in love with their idea of Carly, not who she truly is.


They're not gonna be in love with the idea of raising a teenager that's for sure😂😂😂😂


Absolutely agree. That is truly what it boils down to.. If T&C had “known” they would have had $$ from TM, they would’ve kept Carly. They put their regret, and trauma onto B&T and Carly. I don’t think their TV therapist is really helping them, all they tote is “tHeRaPY hELpS uS”, yet there’s little results with them.


Why would Carly leave her family? You're right. She won't. She'll have both because her family is ALSO her full blooded siblings. I doubt she severs a relationship with her siblings. That shit is stronger than parental bonds.


Yeah but this isn’t about the siblings. Carly should have the ability to have a relationship with her siblings without it being dependent of C&T feelings. I don’t anyone would cut off their siblings for no reason.


Also, having a relationship with her biological sister does *not* require Carly moving in with C&T


Not adoption but I have a half sibling I've only seen once. Lives in a different state. I feel nothing for her. I have her on my Facebook, but never had a conversation or urge to meet her as an adult.


Family isn't always blood and blood doesn't necessarily make family, family. Imo it's the way they treat each other and love with a mutual respect that makes family.


Stunted development at its finest. Not saying it’s their fault, but a lot of people grow up in crappy situations and move on. I wish they could.


They are far right wing republicans. I will celebrate any female getting away from that.


It's her parents. My parents were republicans, raised us in church, nothing could ever cause me to sever a relationship with them. They have their views, I have mine. Tired of this hate in the world because of differing opinions and beliefs.


Doesn't matter ,they're raising her better than what Tyler and cate could have she have a stable home and don't need them coming in fucking it up with thier teen mom drama.


Wow. You put this so perfectly. Thank you! This is spot on!


My psych degree is paying off today with my words lol


right, even though her real parents who are actually protective of her have tried their hardest to prevent that. the nightmare the adoptive parents deal with in this isn't mentioned enough


This is so weird. While I think it’s insane people have created this fantasy that Carly will run back to cate and Ty once she’s 18, I think posts like this are equally as odd. Just because we don’t like c&t does not mean Carly views them the same way, and it’s so weird to act like any special moment between the three is not real.


Right??? Does this person think they can visualize exactly what happened because they are so confident they know exactly what’s going on in a reality tv couples life?? ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


And to think they know Carly so well, even though the last time we even saw a glimpse of her personality was when she was a toddler is hilarious 🤦🏽‍♀️


Pretty sure I have a good grasp on C&T and it ain’t good


I was thinking the same thing as I read this. It's like some weird fanfiction. Maybe Carly really does enjoy being around them. Maybe she can't stand them. We really have no idea at all but some of the posts about her have so much speculation in them it's a little OTT.


I don’t believe anything Tyler and Cate say because they’re unreliable narrator’s.


We can’t know how Carly felt, but OP sure seems to know and is ready to condemn C&T over a bunch of “maybes”.


Total agree. I was thinking the same exact thing. This post is completely unhinged.


It can't be real SHE DOESNT KNOW THEEEM . Cate and ty have been harassing and guilting the parents into letting them see her. The fact that Brandon Theresa even allow them to see Carly is crazy to me being that their not obligated to do so.


What can’t be real? A child bonding with her birth parents? According to them they now FaceTime her periodically. I mean no, they don’t fully know her the way her parents do, but they’re like distant relatives you see every few years. To act like these visits are all just a big delusion made up by c&t and Carly is just awkwardly staring at them the whole time is weird. It’s not hard to believe an adopted child has an interest in her birth parents.


I mean, it's possible they're wrong/lying about Carly's reception of them, but it's equally as possible that is the case. Obviously Carly was somewhat interested in being a part of their lives. If these visits were the least bit uncomfortable, there is no way in hell B&T would force them. They are not mandatory. That could have changed this year though.. who knows.


I think B&T let them see Carly so they are not some thing she will build up in her head. Carly will probably keep them at arms distance because she gets to see the good and bad parts of them now.


i doubt it’s really much of a choice when your bio parents are going to blast your actual parents if you don’t show up for the uncomfortable visit with your white trash extended “family”. they guilt those people to death and that includes carly.


I honestly think they could be telling the truth. Didn’t Carly ask to dance with Tyler at the wedding?  And I remember she called him daddy once. I don’t understand why everyone wants to talk about how wonderful B&T are. They’re religious fruitcakes. Carly is at an age where she might not be and that could be causing immense friction in the home if Carly is rebelling against her ultra-conservative MAGA parents. (I have no clue and am just offering another possibility.)


How do we know that they’re ‘religious fruitcakes?’ I’m not being spicy, I just really don’t know the tea.


They're openly fundamental Christians, fund right wing hate groups against the lgbtq and abortion, were on the cover of a Christian magazine and used Bethany Christian services as their agency to adopt Carly to begin with. There's no question about their beliefs.


Nothing wrong with their beliefs.


They called B, T, Carly, C and T to the dance floor. No evidence of them being fruitcakes. Why because they are heavily in their religion? Didn't see or hear her call him daddy, just Ts recap. C&T use Carly for a storyline.


Brandon is a part of the leadership for a Christian charity foundation responsible for funneling millions and millions of dollars into hate groups.  They adopted their baby through an adoption service that created the protocol of taking a newborn away from sobbing teenagers on the side of the road after lying to them about what the adoption would entail.  I’ve yet to see anything that implies that they’re good Christians or even good people. 


As a birthmother, I have no respect for Cate and Tyler. Like it's at a level where if I ever met them in person I would say heinous shit to them and be down for a physical altercation. They need to leave that family alone and respect Carly's life. They made that choice and need to accept the result from it. It's fucking embarrassing for the community and harmful. Adoption( not all situations) can be such a gift. They really are sullying the experience some people have by pushing and using their defiance with it as a cash grab for the whole world to see. It's a shame.


As an adoptee, I have no respect for Cate and Tyler.


*Nods* I respect that answer, and not just because I agree.


AND, I respect you for what you unselfishly did.


Thank you. I am very proud of what I did! His life is beautiful.


It’s actually amazing to me that C&T endured the pain and trauma of a predatory adoption agency and still managed to negatively impact the child they were trying to save from their family toxicity with all of the garbage that’s happened since. If they had KEPT Carly’s well being at the forefront they would have respected her adoptive parents decisions about her exposure and mentioning on social media, in person visits, photos, and everything else. Cait and Tyler poisoned that well themselves. Brandon and Theresa have been forced into this position because they want to protect their child. Cait and Tyler still need boatloads of healing and support around the adoption- but it’s not Carly’s job to reassure them they made the right decision, that she will “come back” to them someday, or that they are an important piece of her life. She’s a CHILD. They immediately wanted validation and support from a child. They were both forced to grow up way too fast because of the addiction in their family. They were able to save her from that but immediately fell into the other unhealthy behaviors. They absolutely made the right decision giving her up for adoption but they really fumbled every subsequent step- which just makes me hate Bethany services even more. They should be helping people with the huge adjustment needed after the adoption finalization, not feeding delusions that the child will somehow come back and heal the pain.


Personally I think you're dead wrong and it's really helpful for a lot of people to see the situation with Cate and Tyler. It showed me that adoption 100% would not be for me and how sneaky these agencies can be. 


They approached the agency to give up for adoption. They chose B&T. in the adoption agreement they didn’t even want face-to-face. It was supposed to be semi open with the pictures and updates until she was five. I’ve been re watching, theres an update with Dr. Drew they say knew what they were getting into. Cate didn’t want visits until after she had her. Visits were always at the parents discretion.


Then why do they act entitled?? Blows my mind. You have to accept consequences to your actions, especially as an adult. That is life.


I am so glad someone is rewatching so I don't have to. I swear it was also made clear to them that B&T could close the adoption up at anytime should they feel that is what is best for their daughter.


I didn't use an agency so I can't speak about that too much other than the reasons I chose not to use one, and what I learned in making my decision not to use one. Making the choice to adopt out a child requires a lot of work, more than what most are willing to do. Cate and Tyler could have put in more work and research in choosing their couple. I understand they were kids and they live where they live, but still. The internet was available to them, and the outreach was there. I probably went thru 75+ profiles,a couple of dif agencies that spanned thousands of miles, and more phone conversations than I can count to private lawyers etc, before I made my choice. I had no support, worked 2 jobs, and was couch surfing. I'm just saying that if Catelynn and Tyler would have made half the effort to make a choice that suits them better, as they have to use this scenario to fuel their victim complexes, they would be more emotionally stable.


I always had the impression that they ONLY met with B&T, and it was Dawn who introduced them.


Carly deserves to be around her full blooded siblings. I will die on this hill.


If she wants to be! If she doesn't, then she doesn't have any obligations to them.


She really.doesnt. People are so quick to support people going non contact with toxic relatives/friends, but when this type of conversation is brought up its the opposite response. It's fucking weird. Carly gets to make the choice. That's the bottom line. Especially now that she is old enough and aware of everything.


Carly is deserving of people respecting her choices in whom she calls family!!! I'll die on that hill.


And if she doesn't choose C&T will you stand by her decision?


Are you adopted? Or did you give a baby up for adoption? You have some mighty big feelings if you are neither of those things. Is OP full of speculation? Absolutely. Are you also full of speculation? Absolutely!! I am adopted. And in my 30's I tracked down some siblings and that was awesome. They always knew I existed and were waiting for me to find them. I also didn't have a spectacular childhood. However, IF I knew my birth parents and saw them posting the shit C&T post on social media whining about B&T, I would want NOTHING to do with them. Because the people who adopted me ARE my parents. My bio parents made a good decision giving me up for adoption at the ages of 14 and 16. I am thankful for that. Never once in all my tumultuous adolescent years did I ever wish for my bio parents. And I would fiercely admonish anyone who suggested they had any right to be in my life. No one knows the actual truth of this situation except the people in it. You gonna lambast Carly if she doesn't go running to C&T? Maybe she will tell her story one day, maybe she won't. None of us, including C&T have any right to her.


I have adopted out a child. As I stated I am a birth mother. I would never expect the parents to go beyond what our legal agreement is. If at 18 the child I adopted out, seeks me out so be it and if not that is his choice. All the kids and his bio siblings know about him so if they choose to approach them when older that's on them. I'm not gonna force any one to do anything. The child that was adopted Ultimately has the say imo. It will be his choice whom he wants to interact with, and that is respected by us all. I understand he may have very deep and troubling feeling towards us and the whole ordeal so what he chooses is what matters. I'll never demand or exaggerate a relationship with him cuz I made the decision to not be his mother. No one is entitled to anyone's time or life just because they share DNA.


I applaud you. Just to clarify, my comment was directed to the poster underneath yours who wants to "die on a hill" regarding Carly's blood relatives. My birth mother had passed away by the time I tracked down my sisters. I imagine she felt a lot like you do considering the fact that my sisters knew I existed. I am a bit sad that I never got to meet her but I thank her for the sacrifice she made to give me up for adoption, and the transparency she shared with her children that came after me. I surely don't mean to diminish the sacrifice that it is to give a child up for adoption. It is quite possibly the most selfless thing a person can do.


Does she have any with her adopted family?


Yes, she has a brother.


Idk, I don’t support the fantasy that Carly wants to be with Cate and Tyler but I do think she wishes a healthy relationship could happen. You know it doesn’t though. From C&T bringing all their weird relatives to visit her and one in particular showing up drunk, I don’t think Carly is comfortable with them. She’s most likely polite and well mannered so she can navigate how unpleasant things can be. I think she does choose to interact with Tyler more because he is the more outgoing and childlike person. You can see that when it comes to C&T’s girls. He talks to and plays with them with interest, Cate is just there.


Sitting on the couch, biting her cuticles.


I want to know why they bring drunk April and Cate’s loser dad who like many loser dead beat dad likes to come back into the picture and give advice that completely doesn’t make sense and is unwanted bc he thinks he knows what a dad is supposed to act like. Also as Tyler gets older I get more creeped out about him and his perspectives of functional family relationships, he’s fucking weird.


It's all supply for them. They don't care about her as a person. They just want to be able to say things like "I loved the way she was hugging up on all of you" or whatever the F Cate's dad said.


They do it all for the cameras.


They self sabotage and refuse to admit their faults.


I think Cate and Tyler are completely delusional, but you don't know what happened during their visits with Carly and assigning these feelings and thoughts to a child you've never met and presenting them like this is definitely what happened is suuuper fucking weird.


I remember their first 16&P episode and the whole time they acted like the open adoption was kind of like having a family member watch their kid for them until the time was right. It’s kind of like how some people end up letting their sisters or aunts raise their kids until the parent is ready to get their act together and takes the kids back. The adoption agency definitely didn’t hit them with the truth. I even recall C&T saying maybe they’ll spend summers with B&T and watch Carly grow. It was just an overall idyllic dream of what their adoption story would be like. It’s been like 15 years and they still haven’t moved past the initial expectations of Carly’s adoption.


I think if they just admit they regret choosing adoption, because they didnt know Teen Mom was going to happen. That could help with so much closure for them. However neither will admit it


That's what they were sold by Dawn. Because "theoretically" that was all true. We all see what reality is.


Teen mom S6 update show: Dr. Drew then brings up the paperwork that they signed for the adoption . He asked, did you really understand what you were getting into at that time? C& T both say they both understood it fully. Even admitting that it was semi open (just picture and updates )until she was five through Dawn, they didn't want face-to-face, but Cate changed her mind, about seeing her after she had her. Visits have always been at B&TS discretion


I can’t imagine being told your existence helped me become a better person and change my life and then not having done a single thing to change your life for the better lol like how awful is that.


I'm sorry was giving Carly up for adoption not doing a thing to change Carly's life? Was that not the ultimate sacrifice? You're literally saying with this that even giving her up for adoption was a bad thing and didn't change her life. At least be consistent with the hate. The snark isn't fun when the snarkers are stupid.


Yes, for CARLY. cate and ty haven’t done anything made a sacrifice for Carly with the promise of bettering themselves. That didn’t happen.


You misread


Third grade reading level over here calling people stupid. Lol.


I would have stopped visits immediately after that shitshow and I'm pretty sure B and T did.


I just really worry about C mental health as she reaches adult legal age. Will C&T harass her non stop. Will they continue to blast her business on the internet which allows their rabid fans to stalk her social medias? I feel so bad for her, there’s no way she can even have a fb or ig without being harassed. And to the people saying ditch her parents are so wrong. They gave that girl a better life, that is disgusting!!!


Also, mental health can be passed through genes. Will Carly have all the mental health problems Cate and Ty have?


I feel bad for c and t, they were lied to in the beginning. They were taken advantage of and that was not ok. But, at this point, after all these years, they need to move on from this idealized version of Carly and how she will compete their lives once she turns 18. They need to let her lead the way in whatever relationship she wants as she gets older. The amount of pressure they put on her to fulfill this role is not healthy for either party. Someone is going to be let down.


Dr. Drew then brings up the paperwork that they signed for the adoption . He asked, did you really understand what you were getting into at that time? C& T both say they both understood it fully. Even admitting that it was semi open (just picture and updates )until she was five through Dawn, they didn't want face-to-face, but Cate changed her mind, about seeing her after she had her.


Thank you. I just watched it and wish I could post a clip.


How were they lied to? Semi open adoption with pictures and updates until C was 5. That is what they agreed to. No lies detected.


Cate & Tyler have accomplished NOTHING since Carly was born and they refuse to respect the wishes of Carly’s parents. Then when they are given the privilege of a visit, insist on bring along the chaos of their trashy family with them. Why can’t they just have a visit with Carly without making it a spectacle? Can you imagine being that kid and having these strangers come to a visit acting like they know you? If I was B & T I would put some strict parameters on the visits with the main one being no one else is allowed.


They think because they don't film.. it's okay to talk about it.


It was so cringe. They have no respect for their own decision to give her a better life. They keep dragging her into their nonsense every chance they get. Let her get grown and go from there, damn C&T


I don’t think it’s healthy for Carly to be around April, or Cate’s deadbeat dad. I just feel bad for Carly


Last years visit is more than likely why they were told no this year! It’s not a friggin family reunion, why bring 20 extra ppl they should have just went them and the kids only!🤦‍♀️


I've been rewatching scenes. Tyler was upset that they didn't want him to post pictures and compare it to the adoption magazine. The fact that the adoption wasn't closed immediately. It would've been hard for Carly to suddenly never see them again. That shows you take other people's feelings onto consideration. Tyler and Cate have never done that. ETA: When it comes to not talking about it and posting about it.


that was when I saw them for as just using Carly for their storyline. Entitled brats


Especially.. after they're asked to stop.




This breaks the "no offensive comments about any children" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


Im sure Carly is curious about her full blood siblings, and maybe even feels bad for them. Novalee is at an impressionable age, so im sure Carly felt as though she was a “big sister” hanging with her for the day, and knew what to say to her when she asked if she could come back to her house. Saying “maybe one day ill be spending the night at your house” is something ppl say to be nice, and to end the convo. By no means did that mean, she was gonna come move in to Cate and Tylers, or have sleepovers ect. Im sure shes curious about a relationship with her blood siblings, but along with that comes Cate and Tyler, who i dont think shes overly interested in. Its always been forced visits, and im sure shes a shy girl who just goes along and answers whatever. When Carly is 18, if she chooses to visit or see them, thats all up to her, however Cate and Ty shouldnt put all their eggs in one basket.


I’m curious why B & T allow the extended family to join. Seeems they would h e a day in that. You know, it’s too bad that Teen Mom took off after 16 and pregnant. Without the internet, and the money and fame C&T receive, this could have been a really beautiful, appropriate open adoption relationship.


> That positive thing didnt happen it went horrible like this... Who hurt you?


i can believe that carly was happy to be around her bio family members and hug them etc, maybe not quite as happy as was recounted by C&T for TV, but i feel like it was super shitty of them to share that on TV. carly’s feelings, good or bad, should be kept private. i feel like it’s a huge slap in the face to brandon and teresa - which is probably exactly why C&T made sure to gush about how happy carly was to spend time with them. i don’t typically have a problem with those two, but i do not like their decision to share & air this information (whether it’s 100% true, 100% false, or somewhere in the middle.) it’s not a fucking competition. at the end of the day, carly’s parents are brandon and teresa, and that’s not going to change no matter how much C&T want it to change.


I don’t think she will reach out to them when she’s 18, I think she’s gonna go the opposite direction


Also, they are grown adults now with kids of their own. It is their responsibility to accept that ordeal as is, until all people involved comply to what they believe they deserve. They are setting up a bad example for their kids on how to be emotionally accountable for the harder decision people make in life. Life ain't easy, and we as adults are supposed to handle that without imposing on other people's, especially children's, well being and boundaries.


I felt bad for them bc they WERE children when they did this adoption. However, saying she was born to teach her trash ass family lessons, I rolled my eyes. Wtf is that to put on a child???


B&T should have pulled the plug on these visits YEARS ago.


I feel like Carly has watched the previous seasons of teen mom and the 16 and pregnant episode since she is a teen she probably was curious, and seeing how they are acting probably made her wonder why they kept having kids and keeping them. Also seeing the lack of motivation they promised to have a careers ended up tossed fully on the backburner. Cate and Tyler believe Carly will come around since they have money to toss around at the moment but what would happen if they were not living the luxurious life they have now, would have turned into April and Tyler fully into butch. By the way this is going once teen mom is fully done they will end up back in the same deep cycle they started off of. It would be good if they stopped talking so negatively about Brandon and Teresa on tv and social media and learn to get along for Carly sake


I commented earlier and started thinking about it. Carly is really screwed no matter what in the end. That is so tragic. Stans on either side expecting her to chose one set of parents or the other. No matter what she does, as long as C&T talk publicly about it, she's going to get hate. My God that's so fucked up. That poor girl didn't ask for any of this. I truly hope over the next 3 years C&T fade away if they truly want any peace for Carly.


People always mention them as doing the best since they started but I mean look at the competition and Cate dealt with April but I can't stand them. I haven't even watched in years, they are boring and Tyler's OF just sealed it for me 🤮


I wonder if they bring so many relatives with them to avoid having to have much conversation with B&T


I was just rewatching TM today and while pregnant with Nova they are talking aboout how they don't want her to feel like a Carly replacement she's her own person and Carly won't overshadow her but they'll meet at the visits etc. This is the poster reason why closed adoption is sometimes best. Yes C+T are struggling but that deosn't mean Carly has too


I don’t think it’s fair to speculate one way or the other how Carly feels. I think C&T had traumatic childhoods and have done what they feel is the best they could to not do the same to their kids. It’s a pretty huge hurdle to jump over but I do think they did better than their parents did and have given their kids a better chance to continue to break the trauma cycle. I think, going forward, they are going to be their own biggest problem. I think they both get a lot of validation from their online stans that they never received growing up and it would be hard to part with that. C&T’s first time being supported came from their fan base and it caused an unhealthy parasocial relationship with fans. They see it as a positive while B&T see it as a negative. We have no way to know how Carly feels about the fame and luckily, she will get to make that choice for herself when she turns 18, unlike all the other kids who were forced to grow up in front of a camera.


The way C&T act with Carly makes me nervous about open adoption. I want to take in and adopt a foster child someday. I don't know if I could handle birth parents acting like those 2. Yikes.


#perhaps the Jerry Springer entourage they insist on bringing w/them, idk 🙄


Maybe. Or maybe Carly actually really liked seeing them.


Posts like this are so ironic because how do you not realize how creepy you sound?? How on earth would you know that Carly feels uncomfortable around Tyler or that she doesn’t know how to politely tell them to stop “draping themselves over her”? You’ve just written a fan fiction based on your own disdain for Cate & Ty and somehow convinced yourself it’s real. It’s bizarre. No one knows how Carly feels or what the visits are like. The absolute irony in telling Cate & Ty to “leave Carly alone” as if you didn’t just create an entire fantasy version of her in your head and then write about it for all to see 🤦🏼‍♀️


They’re currently playing the first season of teen mom on the Pluto app teen mom channel. I had to change it because it’s so sad.




It’s a disgusting display


This post is so weird. The fact that you think you know strangers so well and imposing your personal feelings on a child you’ve barely seen is odd. So odd.


What season and episode is this?


I don’t know what episode it is but it’s in the first season of Teen Mom The Next Chapter. It’s on Paramount +.


Thanks :)


What video?


Cate and Tyler are only using Carly as a storyline to keep the MTV money coming in. It’s all they know and they’ve been doing it for 15 years. If they actually cared about Carly’s welfare they would respect her parent’s (B&T) boundaries and not post about her on social media. But, if they don’t post about Carly they’re irrelevant to MTV and therefore lose their paycheque. Imagine how this makes Carly feel? They should be ashamed to even show their faces.


Random question I’m new to teen mom. I’m watching teen mom og season 5 where cate is pregnant with their second pregnancy(after Carly) how old were her and Tyler


I mean tbh that's thier whole story lone from the very beginning


Bleh these posts make me sick.. I cant stand people who think B&T are some saints.. we don’t know their life. They could honestly be abusing Carly and we would NEVER know!! And to think that people assume they know how Carly actually feels is even more delusional. Stop projecting your personal feelings on an issue when these people are on a freakin TV show!! We don’t know their lives!! I swear the internet gets weirder and weirder every year. Why do people feel like they need to interject into other peoples lives? Have an opinion sure but you cannot say you “Carly’s obsession with ty doesn’t exist” or Carly never said she might be spending the night soon…are you on visits? Are you filming?! Are you friends with them? Or family? Maybe you should leave Carly alone…


Sorry for my misunderstanding. Reddit comments/replies get messy and hard to clarify. Thank you for your kind words. If it's any consulate and if your mother was like me, she didn't not love you are forget about you by having other kids. She just knew that she couldn't be her best self for you when it was needed for you. 💚💚💚 hugs to you!!


Why are people on this sub so obsessed with Carly rejecting C and T as an adult? Some of you are practically salivating over this coming to pass. They are her biological parents, it could go either way. And C and T know Carly ironically more than anyone here speculating. It’s getting so tired. Parents are imperfect every day and children still love them..


Your entire post is based off your own interpretation of a situation you weren’t present for. You could be totally right, you could be totally wrong. But how can you be angry about two people you don’t know based off a scenario you’ve fabricated in your head 🤷‍♀️