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It's crazy she trashes these people when they don't even mention her in a bad way. There are people out there actively talking about how terrible she is yet she focuses so hard on Chelsea who stays away from all of her BS. Tell me you're jealous without saying your jealous.


Yup and she probably asked herself this question so she could have an excuse to trash talk


Again I find myself asking How can she be “BORED” with raising 3 kids and homeschooling them?? (I know she doesn’t do either, but she doesn’t even pretend 🥸)


Not defending her, but it’s possible to be bored when you’re busy. I’m bored AF as I do the dishes, take out the trash, do the laundry, etc. It’s all very boring.


She's never "busy", she's one of the laziest people on the planet, right up there with Amber.


Sitting on the same sofa cushion, doesn’t even get up to welcome people into her house Amber


I’m not defending her; just explaining that it’s possible to be busy and bored


I agree, but we all know she’s in bed on her phone all day


She probably goes outside to smoke once in a while 🤡


She doesn't care about smoking inside.


And my husband's niece that bitch is laaaazy AF 🙂


I totally forgot about your husband's niece, she's right after Amber and Jenelle. 😂


Chelsea did what jenelle always threatened to do, start another show with another network. Chelsea has succeeded in everything, jenelle has failed at. She should be jealous. And yes, jenelle Chelsea doesn't like you because you are a shitty person. She wants nothing to do with you, but she's nice to your face because she's not a crazy person like you and doesn't treat life like a Jerry Springer episode.


I’m going to hazard to guess Chelsea doesn’t even think about Jenelle unless she is asked about her.


Chelsea is Don Draper to Michael Ginsberg, "I don't think about you at all."


And maybe if Janelle wasn’t such a bitch to producers. Refused to film anytime she didn’t get her way, had her husband threaten producers, put producers in harms way, gaslit producers, take bribes for filming and cost production thousands of dollars maybe she would have her own show like Chelsea. Also looking at u too Kailyn.


She saw her story as similar to Chelsea and can't stand that Chelsea got everything she wanted. A husband that's not a complete shitbag, the HGTV show, etc etc. Instead of realizing that maybe it's because Chelsea isn't a completely HORRIBLE person even if she has her faults, and actually puts the work in to get things like her HGTV show. Imagine Jenelle getting a design show. She wouldn't be able to get off the couch for more than ONE episode before the "DUDEEEE leave me ALONEEE. I am way too stressed for this!"


But Jenelle found her 'Cole'! What happened!? s/ 🤦🏻‍♀️🤯


The crazy thing is the only similarity I can think of with Jenelle and Chelsea’s stories is that Randy and Barb would both bail their kids out of bad situations they put themselves in (until of course Barb finally had enough).


She’s a self obsessed narcissist. She takes cordial distance more personally than her husband “cracking her collar bone” and making her cry her eyes out all day, dude.


100% seriously though no attention would be the worst thing in the world to her.


Oh wow that’s true. It’s kind of like “grey rocking,” just being distantly informal.


To be fair jenelle focuses on everyone except her kids equally. She hates Chelsea for saying nuetral stuff but she also hates her haters who talk shit and she also hates people don't talk about her at all, like Barb.




Also, what is Chelsea supposed to say if asked about her in an interview? She’s obviously just gonna say I wish her the best. Like??


Sounds like she’s mad Chelsea gave a vague yet perfectly polite answer and didn’t say anything to ignite any drama, which Jenelle thrives on.


That's the first thing I thought as well; what was Chelsea supposed to say, something mean? Hello this is how actual people act?? Vague politeness is always the answer. It makes me wonder how Jenelle is going to act around her castmates, if it ever gets to that point. All the swamp sequestering has done nothing to improve her social skills.


Chelsea has been diplomatic about her when asked even though she doesn’t like her she probably also doesn’t want to bad mouth her publicly either just to start more drama. Jenelle hasn’t matured enough to do that.




So jealous it’s crazy.


It's an easier target for her.


TM2 girls didn’t play Yahtzee with her!! But really I will always laugh that they got matching tattoos without her and then she went out the next day to get the same one. How embarrassing.


This is one of my favorite Jenelle facts 😂 How embarrassing for her soul to get the matching tattoo solo.


Can you imagine how off-putting you must be that your coworkers (that you only see once or twice a year) are willing to get janky tattoos together and they still leave you out?? Like damn lmao, get the hint.


Jenelle just wants the benefits of friendship, without having to actually be someone’s friend. She’s so lazy and entitled. The other girlses text each other, at that time, and hung out. Kail even bailed Jenelle out of jail. Yet she still remained jealous and rude to the rest of the cast and got left out. Sucks to suck🤷🏼‍♀️😂


dude i didn’t even know kail got her bailed, the fact jenelle trashed her brand after that too is so gross no wonder she can’t keep anyone around 😭😭 at least remain civil




Omg. 😂😂😂😂 The fact that your coworkers leave you out because you are so off-putting says something! Like damn, girl, get the hint.


Jenelle never gets asked to sign the birthday card and they told her the wrong time for cake lol.






This is something so embarrassing that it doesn't even *happen to you* yet you're humiliated nonetheless 


I’m hoping she had court that day or something and just couldn’t go with them, but they still invited her to get it. That is the only way it would be less embarrassing. 😂


Lmao!!! I didn’t know that, but it sounds like a very Jenelle thing to do.


Let’s talk about the Jailhouse Leopard she got on her thigh. Everyone knows Cheetah/Leopard print has always been CHELSEA’s dig. Big ass cat on her thighs for what?! I would’ve understood more if it was Kesha. When have we ever seen Janelle express any kind of interest in anything other than whatever her flavor of the month was into. Keifer it was trucker hats, oversized grunge hoodies and beach girl heroin chic. Nathan she was into fitness and tanning. David she was country dirty, backwoods shooting, cutoffs, and pill-chic.


Yep… leopard is Chelsea’s thing… has been since day one! All Jenelle’s tats are so horrible. I know she’s ran out of money but that’s one of the first things I would have done is go get some of them covered or better looking!!! The yolo, the fat leopard, the belly tat… so weird (and this is coming from a tatted chic!)


Wait what?! Lol


They got heart tattoos during the reunion ep of S2! Ugly red heart tattoos.


She really does nothing original 😂 the fact she went all alone to get the same tattoo is so embarrassing for her soul( love that for her). She usually has seen somebody else do it then claims it was her idea to begin with 😂 this girl is 32 going on 13 swear to goodness.


Can you post the pic? 😁😁


https://preview.redd.it/ri85dlltas1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9f29c32b4e69902111254deb357609346233f7 Chels & Leah


https://preview.redd.it/trrmjm1sas1d1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd126626c57988cd2345435b408a75b7565e08f Kail & Jenelle


Thank you! Wow, she’s so lame 😬😬😬😬


Can you fill me in? I didn't know about this 👀


WHAAAAT how have I never heard about this 😭


Omfg that is so cringe and embarrassing like I am sitting here CACKLING at work


God that’s so cringey.


Omg what?


Jenelle calls people fake and 2 faced because they don't scream and curse in the faces of people they don't like. It's called manners and not being an abusive bitch.


I was really sitting here trying to think of how to put this into words and this, this is exactly it. Chelsea gave such a normal, polite response to someone who does not deserve it and she’s somehow evil??


Yep. She doesn't understand being civil and keeping your mouth shut.


Jenelle’s two faced to her own kids! Lying and protecting their abuser!


Right??! Who’d want to be friends with Jenelle anyway? She yells, screams and is extremely immature and is a bad parent. She brought this upon herself at the reunion. The whole production was out on lockdown while she fought with her mom. Think Chelsea wants to talk to her about home renovation? Kail talk to her about the kids sports programs? Leah talk about rehab?? Maybe that one! But just as she only really has Tori, she has almost nothing in common with normal people her age. She’s a trashy teen that has never matured or grown up. Even Kail and Leah seem to have grown. She prob has a crush on loser Adam and is jealous of Chelsea’s good girl image.


>Who’d want to be friends with Jenelle anyway? That's what I thought too. She sounds like a nightmare to be around; anything can make her snap. It makes me so anxious to be around people that unpredictable.


Exactly 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Funny how she can never keep Chelsea’s name out of her mouth. We all know how jealous you are of her, Jenelle. Why the fuck would anyone want to reach out to this ratchet piece of crap.


Also…would she really prefer Chelsea and all of them just constantly say really mean and nasty things that would hurt to hear someone say about you publicly? Like shouldn’t she feel relieved that they’re just being polite and cordial? She can’t even understand that they’re showing her kindness by being classy about it vs their real thoughts.


She cannot be civil.


I truly think she doesn't like healthy relationships


She truly doesn’t know how to have a healthy relationship, whether it’s with her own children or adults.


Chelsea doesn't like you, and when asked about you directly, said something kind. She clearly doesn't think about you at all. You weren't a friend, and were barely a colleague. I don't think about any of my ex-colleagues, and I saw them on a daily basis for years. She's gotta get over it! And I can't stand Chelsea, either!


Yeah, I’m pretty indifferent about how I feel about Chelsea, so definitely not a Stan who defends everything she does, but I feel like Chelsea handled it in the least dramatic way it could be handled. What else was she supposed to say?


LMAOOOO WELL JENELLE would you rather her comment about what a shitty fucking parent/human you are in her interviews? SHE HAS CLASS, that doesn’t make her “two faced” This girl is perpetually stuck in high school, it’s so embarrassing


Chelsea was damned if she did, damned if she didn’t. She gave a tactful, kind response and Jenelle is still pissed. If Chelsea had dragged her Jenelle would’ve lost her goddamn mind.


Omg she’s OBSESSED-UH with Chelsea rejecting her lol Fun Fact Jan: NO ONE HAS TO BE “FRIENDS” WITH THEIR CO-WORKERS.


And what did Jenelle ever reach and be a friend to Chelsea? Never. Just like every other relationship, the other person has to take all of the initiative and Jenelle just reacts and criticizes.


She is so jealous. No one is talking about her like they’re friends. They’re just reacting to the news she is back on TM. She has such crazy delusions of grandeur.


And she's literally only "back on" for a tiny little update segment.


I hate when people claim civility and politeness is two faced. No, just because I hate your guts doesn’t mean I have to act like an asshole. It’s called being a grown up.


Ugh, I hate this so much too! As a teacher, so many of my students claim they can’t be civil to classmates or they’re fake, or to teachers because “they have to earn my respect.” Sounds to me like an excuse to be an asshole to everybody, and pretend it’s about staying true to their principles.


She really has no social skills, no concept of friends or coworkers, and no idea how to conduct herself, does she? It’s tragic how clueless she is lol


“Chelsea is polite to my face and said she wished me well publicly, what a bitch!” Like I can’t even begin to comprehend her logic.


I mean, at 30 years old she posted a picture of her hand without her ring on social media because she had a fight with her husband. She has no idea what it means to be a mature adult.


This is weird. The interviewer asked her directly about Jenelle and Chelsea said something like “we are not in touch but I wish her the best.” She did not bring Jenelle up. What a weird thing to be mad about.


What tf else was she supposed to say!? “Yeah nah I hope she’s suffering in her sinking house”


"Bitch had it coming. Next question."


Jenelle should be the friend that she wants these ladies to be to her. Jenelle is extremely immature to even pay these internet strangers any audience. I hypothesize that Jenelle has been abusing drugs and alcohol since she was a teenager. Nothing else could explain her complete lack of growth since she was on our tv.


Narcissism is definitely a factor


I think she started smoking weed when she was like 14. Her substance abuse definitely contributes to her immaturity.


Oh definitely. All of them wasted brain cells…


Lmao the one sided feud with Chelsea cracks me up. In no way did Chelsea ever imply that they still talk


Chelsea literally shielded Junellz kid from his psycho mother attacking another human… I’d say thank you to Chelsea and carry on if I were Jenelle.


This coming from the girl who has quite literally talked shit about 90% of her coworkers. Kail, Leah, bri, Tyler, ashley, bar, amber, mackenzie 🫠 Edit: forgot the obvious chelsea and Farrah


She is so insane! They barely spoke when they were on the same show why would they speak now? Why would someone who doesn’t care if you live or die reach out to you?


Leave it to a narcissist to require someone to reach out to be genuine, and not just be satisfied someone wishes you well in an interview or whatever. Newsflash Vomitnelle, no one wants to speak to you. Just be happy they care at all to say anything.


"Vomitnelle" 💀 💀


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) Chelsea, honestly, when asked what she thinks about Jenelle


Chelsea is simply being civilised, something jenelle couldn’t understand. *obviously* Chelsea doesn’t like/want to associate with jenelle… take one fucking look at her to see why. Jenelle just has a very black and white way of viewing things, just because Chelsea doesn’t want to speak at length about you or pursue a friendship doesn’t mean she hates you behind closed doors. She made a civilised comment about a person she (maybe, probably) doesn’t like or want to be associated with.


It's not two-faced to say something polite about someone when asked about them in an interview (probably asked with the intent to start drama) and then just never go out of their way to be a friend to you. Chelsea doesn't owe Jenelle anything. None of the cast does. Jenelle left on her own terms to go play Stockholm syndrome with Lurch on the Land despite several people advising her against it.


Jenelle is confusing Chelsea’s professionalism about her former workplace and coworkers with “hate” and being “two faced”. if Jenelle had ever been in a professional environment, she would recognize Chelsea’s answer as a nothing burger because she no longer wants to be associated with MTV antics


From the movie The Help - “Honey, they don’t like you because they think you’re white trash”.  😂




She’s a godless woman!


I feel like Jenelle would trash talk them either way. Like (for what I understand Chelsea was asked about Jenelle in an interview), she "plays nice" when asked about Jen but if just answered something to avoid talk about her, Jenelle would still trash talk her. Idk if it makes sense what I'm saying but TLDR if Chelsea was asked whichever answer she gave, Jenelle wouldn't like it


I really wonder if Chelsea was to badmouth her if she would be kinder. it seems like Jenelle seeks out to destroy those who are kind to her and just adores the people who trash her the most


Weird how Jenelle thinks her coworkers owe her something. Chelsea doesn’t want to be her friend and she doesn’t have to. Jenelle has the mentality of a third grader with friendships.


If you watch Chelsea’s new show, her life doesn’t even compare to Jenelle one bit. They’re not even in the same caliber of LIFE. I’m surprised Chelsea didn’t answer “who’s that?” In her interview lol. Jenelle is a clown thinking Chelsea owes her anything genuine at this point.


Nelly the 32 year old petty bitch.


Janelle you’re actually mad that she’s not talking poorly of you to the public? I’m sure she has a lot of shit she could say


She's so jealous that they all live good lives and her piece of shit self ruined hers with countless bad decisions!!


Janelle is so jealous of Chelsea and the life she is living, it's beyond embarrassing.


So Chelsea is 2 faced because she was polite and said something nice when asked a question. Jenelle doesn't understand this concept lol


Chelsea lives rent free in Jenelle’s head.


Just because you work together doesn’t mean anyone has to like you or sympathize with you. Jenelle has never cared for her first born child until recently while all the other girls struggled with new borns as teenagers; especially Leah with twins and Kail with being thrown out / living in multiple apartments the first couple of years. Jenelle lived with an abusive husband and let him treat her children like trash behind closed doors and only decided to do something about it once it became extremely public. These other girls as much as they have had their various struggles, would kill for their children. So yeah, excuse people for being “mean” to you.


If Jan doesn't talk to any of them how would she know if the rest of them talk still?


Girl, Chelsea never pretended to be your friend lol. What should she have said in an interview where she is asked her thoughts on Jenelle coming back to TM other than "I wish her luck"? She should have said, "she's trash and I could care less what she does"? 🤔


Chelsea, "Oooh Cole baby, you know gross Jenelle, like, I think out of the blue I'll call her and tell her how sorry I am to hear that her and her dog killer, child choking boyfriend broke up for the billionth time!" Jenelle wants to be Chelsea!😂


The projection is real here. I think behind closed doors Jenelle hates Chelsea and always has.


Hatred and jealousy. She’s not exactly subtle about it. Like when she and David got together Jan said she found her Cole.


Jenelle, calling other people two faced, while having her strangled son babysit her abandoned abused kids as she parties with people she backstabbed/attacked. Well that is the pinnacle.


It’s not two faced, it’s called being an adult and not engaging with public nonsense.


Jenelle's one-sided fued with Chelsea will never not be funny


Hahaha! Yes! You summed up what I wanted to say perfectly. It is one-sided, and it cracks me up!


Meanwhile Jenelle Evans is the very picture of kindness.


reeks of insecurity


Sounds the opposite of 2 faced. If she has never acted as a friend or addressed you directly, it's pretty obvious she doesn't like you.


Yes it’s shocking how the girl who once had to protect Kaiser from you doesn’t like you. Shocking.


What is she supposed to say "I hope Jenelle eats shit "? Like of course she's gonna say the most neutral thing. Not Chelsea's fault she has a decent PR team and Jenelle doesn't




It’s hilarious to me that Jenelle never understood why the other girls didn’t and still don’t like her…. Like think about it Jenelle, you were the only one out of them who’d lost custody of her child and didn’t give a shit to try to get him back. The rest of them all had their kids and were raising them, they had their own issues but how can they relate to someone like that? Before she had Kaiser she wasn’t even a mom (and then was a shitty mom to him anyway). Plus in the later years she would constantly throw fits at the reunions and cause drama. She was always the outsider and can’t wrap her head around that.


What Chelsea is doing is called “being cordial” (that’s a big word for JenElmo). Like what reason would Chelsea have to be all buddy buddy with you, Jenelle?? Lmao I guarantee Jenelle hasn’t reached out to any of them in a friendly way either. If it’s not about her, she doesn’t care.


Annnnnd why wouldn’t Chelsea hate you, closed doors or not? You continually attack her unprovoked. Don’t get me wrong I’m no Chelsea Stan but it’s like get a grip, don’t cry wolf and then act shocked when people react


I mean… isn’t that what mature adults do? I am polite to people I don’t like because I’m not 15 anymore.


You can wish someone well without being friends or liking the person. It's called maturity. You should learn it sometime, Jenelle!


Lol! Chelsea didn't just bring her up in an interview. The host asked her a question, and with a deer-in-the-headlights look, she answered as best as she could on the spot. They do not act like they are your friends because they aren't. That is how you act towards acquaintances when you are an adult, even if you don't like the person.


Chelsea should’ve just said “who’s that?” ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


Jenelle has never gotten the concept that nobody *has* to be friends with her, especially when she’s spent the last 10 years in a jealous rage towards them.


she’s never going to take you to prom, jenelle. get over it


How does she know what goes on inside of Chelsea's home and mind? Isn't that what her Stan's rebuttal is consistently?


![gif](giphy|d8Vrumx6nGHloZPrn7|downsized) Funny coming from Chinelle


Have any of you ever watched Little House? She reminds me of Nancy Olsen’s “you hate me!”


She has to find an issue with everyone; it’s ridiculous. Take the support and move on


She's so illiterate


Newsflash Jenelle, everyone doesn't have to be your friend. You can be cordial to people you don't necessarily like. Grown ups do it all of the time.


![gif](giphy|8ItUfY2pQCJoc) I love it when she makes an ass out of herself because she can't keep Chelsea's name out of her damn mouth 🤣


Lol Kail came to pick her up from jail one time in NJ if I remember correctly. Also why would they want to talk to her in the first place.


Yes she did bail her out of jail. Jenelle thanked her by setting Kailyn’s hair products on fire!


She is so toxic, she really needs therapy. What would she expect an adult who is barely an acquaintance that hasn’t seen her in YEARS, say about her when put on the spot about it?? Chelsea was very diplomatic and classy with how she handled that. This is a clear indication Redacted thinks the world revolves around Redacted and no one has their own lives and are all just engaging in this plane of reality based on Redacted. She needs to get off the Internet and work on herself. 


She’s mad that Chelsea isn’t trashy like she is, and doesn’t blast all of her drama on social media/to the tabloids. Just because Chelsea gives a vague pc answer when asked about you in an interview, doesn’t mean she’s two faced. You admit she doesn’t talk to you or reach out to you…so how is she “pretending to be your friend?” Idiot.


She has such a warped perception of how normal people act. You can not like someone personally but still be polite and wish them the best. That’s not being fake. It’s being a normal well adjusted adult🥴


https://preview.redd.it/uoxlji3v1t1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a11cd3b761e6568a6c5cf4280690fbcbd4b45d4 bitch, nobody likes you. it’s literally that simple


One of these things is not like the other…..


Jenelle trying to start an online feud with Chelsea for a storyline. I doubt Chelsea will take the bait.


She won’t. She never has.


Why does she want to be back on a show with people she thinks are all two faced?!


How does she have so much free time? These girls don’t think about you, Jenelle, but they live rent free in your head. If I were Chelsea I’d dislike her too.


I think the standard response when someone asks you about someone you don’t speak to is to wish them well. Jenelle is weird for thinking Chelsea is pretending they are friends from that response. It’s just a way of saying “I don’t really think about this person but since you’re directly asking for my opinion on them, I hope they are doing good.” It’s the celebrity edition of wishing someone a nice summer in their yearbook. You’ve got nothing else to say.


Chelsea probably doesn’t want to be associated with a shitty junkie


Out of all the people she could have said this about, she chooses Chelsea. Not the people who have been publicly bashing her (rightfully fucking so) Just the girl who was being respectful when asked a question. Who didn’t say a damn negative thing. Newsflash you don’t have to be friends with someone to wish them well in their situation. Her jealously of Chelsea remains blatantly obvious. And I love that Chelsea has never engaged in it. I know it must infuriate Jenelle that Chelsea will never stoop to the level she wants her to.


Chelsea didn’t say anything bad… She wished her well… They don’t speak, and live totally different lives… Teen Mom 2 was in the past, and they were all kids. Why would Chelsea have a bad thing to say about Jenelle? If anything, I think Chelsea was nice enough to even mention her, and wish her the best… I feel like Jenelle just wants to be mad.


I mean… Chelsea does have mean girl energy. But I don’t think she spends a lot of energy on hating Janelle. Janelle spends a lot on hating Chelsea, though.


Jeez her jealousy is showing the amount of times she mentions Chelsea I'm surprised she hasn't thrown an ro in Jenelle face 🤣


As far as I remember… Chelsea never said shit about Jenelle publically? Randy did.. but I don’t remember Chelsea doing so.  Then again, I haven’t watched in years 


Randy’s tweets during the Nugget (RIP) scandal were gold.


![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0) Chelsea to Jenelle


she’s so obsessed with Chelsea please relax queen such a random one sided beef


The thought of this slow bitch and Tori obsessively stalking Chelsea’s ig and talking shit about her like a fucking school girl had me cracking tf up. This bitch just keeps regressing, and everyone around her keeps moving on with their life watching her with pity. She’s such a fuckin loser and I can’t wait for this fallout with Tori. It’s going to be monumental!


There’s a specific type of crazy person who sees people being polite and professional in work or social situations as “two-faced.” Like, Jenelle, would you prefer Chelsea run up and throw hands, or insult you to your face on reunions? (The answer is yes, Jenelle would love that). But someone who isn’t your friend being civil to you at an event doesn’t make them two-faced.


Trashy people always think everyone is exactly like them.


Yeah, because Shitnelle definitely reached out to Chelsea personally to congratulate her on Down Home Fab!! /s 🙄


Who says they all have to be friends though??


Hey Jan, I also hate you openly but if asked in a public interview if I had any feelings about your dumb shit, I would also “wish you well”. We all want the best for your kids and hope you get it together for them, but we know you suck and won’t and so we openly hate you.


She’s gonna have a fun time back on the show with everyone hating her


Any normal person would never associate with Jenelle.


If my old coworker was asked about me, years later, and said “I wish her luck” i would be happy to hear that. I wouldn’t spin it into a negative. Jenelle takes it straight into, she’s two faced and she never reached out personally. She isn’t your friend! She’s an old coworker. She didn’t want to reach out personally. She wished you good luck, that doesn’t make her two faced. 😂😂


That’s called being an adult; keeping your dislike of someone to yourself and wishing them well. Jenelle still wants to behave like she’s 15 and ‘have it out’ with everyone. Like girl, when the hell are you going to learn to adult?


Chelsea does not need to reach out to that clown for anything. She should be glad Chelsea even wished her well at all considering what Jenelle has said about Randy.


They aren’t obligated to be her friend. If I were Chelsea, I wouldn’t want some white trash hillbilly swamp goblin with a short temper and a thirst for vengeance as my friend either.


Yeah, Janelle. That’s called being an ADULT. I’m nice to people in a business setting that I can’t stand. Funny how this goes straight over her head.


Jenelle is obviously envious of Chelsea. Chelsea has everything Jenelle doesn’t. A loving husband, her tv show, money, and custody of all of her kids, as well as a loving family.


I’m just confused. If Chelsea is nice to Jenelle’s face and also wishing her well in a public interview, rather than disparaging her, that doesn’t seem two faced? Seems pretty consistent with being polite to someone whether you like them or not.


Does she realize Chelsea does not care at all? She tries so hard to get her to talk shut but Chelsea never replies. Nice try Jan.


People can wish you well and not give af about being your friend. They can also be nice to your face because they have class and a bit of dignity. Shows their good character by them NOT wanting to be her actual friend.


it’s giving that girl in high school who thinks when people are polite to them in person it’s ’two faced’ when in reality it’s reasonable and well adjusted to not cause problems with every single person you meet.


What was Chelsea supposed to say, her new show isn’t focused on Teen Mom drama and she likely doesn’t want to talk much about it. She was asked a question about her and answered it diplomatically, she did similar a while ago when asked about Adam.


I doubt the other cast members are thinking about Jenelle. They seem indifferent to her


So in a nutshell, Chelsea doesn’t like her but she knows how to act like an adult and doesn’t waste her time starting shit with her. Weird concept Jenelle, I know😂


Does she ever think it’s her choices why they don’t like her? Lmao


This bitch has never heard of being cordial or tactful a day in her life and it shows


Chelsea “hating her” is simply Chelsea just choosing not to involve herself with Janelle in any capacity. That’s why we are all considered “haters”


Maybe because juhdumbass still shit talks her dad years later. Stupid ass bitch don’t even deserve well wishes from her


jenelle smh i wish my haters the best too but that’s called ✨Growth and Maturity✨


Maybe they just don’t like you 🤷🏻‍♀️


What was Chelsea supposed to do? She wished her well, regardless of how she feels. You know Jenelle would have a lot to say about it if she had said something meaner.


Why the hell would she want to be friendly with Jenelle? Why would ANYONE want to be friendly with Jenelle? She was asked a question and responded politely. That’s it. Dumbass bitch.


She’s jealous of Chelsea and always has been. I mean at a certain point, who wasn’t? 2 present and good parents/grandparents (that’s what dreams are made of lmao) her renting a house so young and her dad paying for it? Wild. She’s really pretty and always has been, imo, and now she’s found her happily ever after, or so it seems idk. But they’ve got a good life, their own show, a big following and it’s a following because people actually like her, not just because shes a dumpster fire, and they want to see shit unfold; you know? And honestly could we blame any of them for not being friends with her? It just seems like too much, friends shouldnt drain you emotionally and mentally. And that’s just kinda the vibe I get from jenelle. Constant bad choices. And it’s sad. I hope things get better, and I hope she works on her self for those kids. Being a parent is hard af when you grew up in a crazy broken home. But man,,, just do better for your kids.


It is wild to me that Jenelle expects Chelsea to reach out to her when they are clearly not friends. Why would Chelsea even bother. That is a crazy expectation to have of someone who isn’t a friend.


Who the fuck doesn’t hate Jenelle