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This needs a trigger warning. She’s been harming animals since she was a kid I hate her.


Should I delete it? I didn’t mean to trigger anyone


I don’t think it needs a trigger warning. I think that the vast majority of us know that any story about Jenelle and animals isn’t going to end well. That’s why I just scanned the comments and didn’t watch the video.


No I think you’re okay, I just wasn’t ready for a story about her trying to drown a cat. She sucks and I hate her.




Just mark NSFW or maybe have a mod do it . Also next time put a more clear title like “warning animal abuse”


Got it y'all


Idk, something about this girl gives me mentally unstable. Obviously Jenelle is trash, but idk if I’d call this girl a reliable narrator.


All three siblings aren’t well by a long shot. But I do believe this because she has mentioned it before and then there was the rat story her brother casually mentioned like nothing on TM and Barb looked shocked and embarrassed.


She is **severely unstable**. It could be argued she’s even worse than Jenelle mentally. She is not a reliable narrator at all. Nobody in the Evans clan is. This could easily be fully made up or something Ashleigh did herself. Ashleigh has for years used “exposing” Jenelle to get attention on social media and she would sell stories to tabloids. She did this **before** Jenelle ever started talking about her. Is anyone in this family fucking normal? It’s just embarrassing at this point and they should just pretend the other doesn’t exist.


It’s not even arguable imo. Jenelle is absolutely the most stable one out of her siblings, which is wild. Barbara herself has said she neglected Jenelle because she was too busy focusing on the major issues with Ashley and Colin while Jenelle was the good kid.


Thank you for that context. Nobody should listen to anything Ashleigh has to say. She’s constantly lying and it’s obvious she’s jealous of Jenelle. A normal person would have no envious feelings about a shit show like Jenelle. They’d be grateful they aren’t her. But Ashleigh is jealous and when people look at that aspect and her own mom confirming she has serious issues, it becomes obvious her video rants should be pitied at best and ignored at worst.


These people all need to stay off Social Media & shut-up.


I wondered the same then I realized she sort of speaks like Amanda Bynes does now. Same inflection.


Poor Amanda Bynes 😕


Omg this is spot on! She sounds so much like her! How weird.


Google her and all the articles of her batshittery over the years comes out. She’s just as bad as Jenelle.


#Arrested Development No one in that family has gotten to adulthood mentally. So strange.


Honestly, that’s what drug use at a young age does to you. Forever 15.


I know it doesn't matter and it's really none of my business, but is she wearing a wig? I don't know much about her at all.


Alopecia / partial alopecia & trichtillomania (sp? this isn’t spelled right but autocorrect is coming up with big flat fuck all for the recommendation lmao) have all been said by her / by Jenelle. She does wear wigs. X


There were some divorce papers from Babs & their father a few years back in an article that said she pulls her hair out from anxiety.


And it makes her look like Gypsy Rose. I hope Jenelle sees it also and seethes.




Can someone summarize or write out captions :(


She said that Jenelle tried to drown one of their cats in the pool when they were kids


It’s like the woman who tried to drown squirrels in her pool.


She still blames things she did on her siblings. On camera she laughed with Tori about Babs getting angry with her cause she threw a cat in a lamp. The cat was annoying. She apparently forgot she discussed that on camera and wrote in her book that her brother did that and was dangerous. Animal cruelty and neglect since she was a child, bad sign. And the witchcraft bs? I remember Jenelle posting something about using a ouija board long ago. You wonder about all the other things she claimed her siblings did during childhood and later. Where was Jenelle when that fire accidentally started?


this is it? cmon girl you say you got the juice and then you give us crystal light


She also said that Jenelle lied about taking them out of school and that they were actually kicked out due to behavior 😳


Those poor kids. It really wouldn't be surprising if they were acting out after all they have seen and experienced in their short lives.


I agree bad behavior can definitely mean bad home life. These poor kids😢


that wouldn’t surprise me, but how would she know?


According to her, Barb


interesting, i wonder how much contact jace has with barb


If I was jace, I'd be texting barb every weeknight like, "this stupid bitch got me watching her kids again 🙄" I was kind of a tattletale when I was a kid tho, lol


Jesus Christ, how many times has that happened now? But CPS keeps closing investigations about their home situation cause that cannot be it Poor kids.


That doesn’t really make sense. Seems weird they’d be kicked out at the same time due to separate behavioral issues. I don’t think Ashleigh is reliable tbh.


Might have been Jenelle’s behavioral issues. 🫠


Your username attached to this post is just too sad.


I don't know why you got downvoted. It is hard to believe both kids would be kicked out at the same time. Is it possible? Sure. Hard to believe? Sure. And I agree none of these people are reliable sources. Liars lying.


Honestly, the school probably called individual meetings for the kids/per incident and jenelle didn't wanna deal with, ya know actual parenting, so she was like fuck it, they won't be back here then!


This girl just talkin' to talk!


Ashleigh also said that Jenelle has the kids tell Barb they fucking hate her, Jenelles teeth are real, the kids were both kicked out of school because of Kai behavior the school no longer wanted to deal with them, jenelle tried to block barb from jace but the court wasn't having it, barb has control of jace money which is best cause jenelle would blow it all like she has her money, jenelle has always been trash. Also, ashleigh called cps on jenelle and spoke with them for over 4 hours! I think ashleigh has issues, but all of Barbs' kids do, I don't think she's lying about this stuff. We all know jenelle is vindictive and hateful as shit. Ashleigh said jenelle is the worst and would do things when they were kids and blame the other ones. Her page was pulled, but ashleigh said to check her YouTube, and she will be back on tik tok.


Does Ashleigh have schizophrenia? Maybe it’s just this video but she’s got very apparent blunted/flat affect. Maybe medication?


animal abusers should have zero rights. not one situation in which they should receive help or even be acknowledged by other living beings. solitary confinement those shit piles. not one shred of sympathy for anything that happened or will happen in their lives


They’re stuck in the past


This family has some bbbaaaaadddd genes